invalidated 发音
英:[ɪnˈvælɪdeɪtɪd] 美:[ɪnˈvælɪdeɪtɪd]
英: 美:
invalidated 中文意思翻译
invalidated 同义词
cancel | overturn | overthrow | refute | abrogate | void | vitiate | discredit | quash | revoke | undermine |annul | nullify | countermand | repeal | undo | avoid
invalidated 短语词组
1、invalidated bonds ─── [经] 宣告无效的债券
2、invalidated patent ─── 无效专利
invalidated 反义词
invalidated 词性/词形变化,invalidated变形
名词: invalidation |动词过去分词: invalidated |动词过去式: invalidated |动词现在分词: invalidating |动词第三人称单数: invalidates |
invalidated 相似词语短语
1、invalidate ─── vt.使无效;使无价值
2、invaginated ─── adj.凹入;v.套进内部(invaginate的过去分词)
3、invalided ─── adj.无效的;有病的;残疾的;n.病人;残疾者;vt.使伤残;使退役;vi.变得病弱;因病而奉命退役
4、invalidates ─── 使作废;使无效
5、insalivated ─── vt.使混涎(咀嚼时使食物与唾液混合)
6、revalidated ─── vt.使重新生效;使重新有法律效力
7、validated ─── adj.经过验证的;v.确认(validate的过去式及过去分词形式);使生效
8、invalidator ─── 无效者
9、invalidating ─── vt.使无效;使无价值
invalidated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、An invalid key was passed to the speech engine. ─── 一个无效项被传给了语音引擎。
2、Theme is set to an invalid theme name. ─── Theme被设置为无效的主题名称。
3、Without the mind, it is invalidated to practice by any means. ─── 心不平静,就是再高明的修行术也是于事无补的。
4、Occurs when a property needs to be invalidated because of a change in a dependent property. ─── 在某个属性因依赖项属性中的更改而需要使之失效时发生。
5、That vision has not been invalidated by the information revolution. ─── 信息革命并没有使那个看法作废。
6、Claim which has been declared invalid. ─── 已被宣布无效的要求。
7、The dialog box data block was missing or invalid. ─── 对话框数据块不存在或无效。
8、The security descriptor is invalid. ─── 安全描述符无效。
9、Command-line error: Invalid frequency for timer 0. ─── 命令行错误:计时器0的频率无效。
10、Postconditions: No iterator or reference is invalidated. ─── 后置条件:没有迭代器及引用失效。
11、The current directory is invalid. ─── 当前目录无效。
12、His father is a bed-ridden invalid. ─── 他父亲是个缠绵病榻的人。
13、"You entered an invalid subnet mask. ─── "您输入一个无效的子网掩码。
14、Failure to do so will result in an invalid license! ─── 不这样做将导致一个无效的许可证!
15、The XML input is invalid or malformed. ─── 不明白是不是输入的格式有问题。
16、His invalid father is becoming a burden (to him). ─── 他父亲体弱多病, (对他)渐渐成了累赘.
17、"Server spool directory location is invalid. ─── "指定的服务器后台打印目录位置无效。
18、What actions cause snapshots to be invalidated? ─── 什么操作会导致快照失效?
19、A String naming the invalid class. ─── 命名无效类的字符串。
20、The RPC pipe object is invalid or corrupted. ─── RPC管道对象无效或已损坏。
21、Parameter contains an invalid character. ─── 参数包含无效字符。
22、She gave up her job to look after her invalid mother. ─── 她辞去工作去照顾她有病的母亲。
23、The storage control block address is invalid. ─── 存储控制块地址无效。
24、An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital. ─── 一项官方法令使首都的投票失去了效力。
25、Officials said the results had to be invalidated because a computer error meant the selection wasn't random. ─── 官员表示,由于电脑出错,摇号并不是随机的,因此之前的摇号结果作废。
26、The logon script path you typed is invalid. ─── 您键入的登录脚本路径无效。
27、He helps to look after his grandfather who is an invalid. ─── 他帮助照看他病弱的祖父。
28、He had to look after his invalid brother. ─── 他不得不照看他有病的弟弟。
29、She looks after her invalid mother. ─── 她照看病弱的母亲。
30、Now you can change the data in the database and see that the cache is invalidated and a new page is created. ─── 现在可以更改数据库中的数据,并可看到缓存被验证,并创建了一个新页。
31、DNS name contains an invalid character. ─── dns 名称含有无效字符。
32、She judged a case in which the groom made his bride sign the prenuptial on the way to the marriage ceremony; that invalidated it. ─── 她曾判决一起案件中的婚前协议无效,此案中,新郎在前往婚礼庆典途中强迫新娘在婚前协议书上签字。
33、Hint '%ls' on object '%.*ls' is invalid. ─── 对象 ''%2!'' 上的提示 ''%1!'' 无效。
34、The security ID structure is invalid. ─── 安全ID结构无效。
35、English: Invalid input for hostname. ─── 主机名输入错误.
36、But the plaintiffs in the various suits want the new patent invalidated. ─── 几件诉讼的原告则是希望这项新专利能宣告无效。
37、She thought of the old invalid gentleman. ─── 她想起了生病的老先生。
38、To make ineffective or invalid;nullify. ─── 使无效使不起作用或无效;否决
39、One of the domains listed appears invalid. ─── 域名列表中存在无效的域名。
40、Is Incentives to Management Really Invalid? ─── 对高级管理团队的激励真的无效吗?
41、The security descriptor structure is invalid. ─── 安全描述符结构无效。
42、Invalid format used to set value of. ─── 值的格式无效。
43、If TRUE , the pane is invalidated after the text is set. ─── 如果为TRUE,设置完文本后窗格立即更新。
44、He has been an invalid all his life. ─── 他终身残废。
45、Invalid MSI file. Installation cannot continue. ─── MSI文件无效,安装程序无法继续。
46、The domain name you typed is invalid. ─── 您键入的域名无效。
47、Invalid name of the symlink, skipping. ─── 04无效的符号连接名,跳过。
48、The password you typed is invalid. ─── 您键入的密码无效。
49、His claim to ownership is invalid. ─── 他的所有权是无效的。
50、The base priority was set to an invalid value. ─── 基优先级被设置为无效值。
51、The IP address pool you've entered is invalid. ─── 您输入的IP地址池无效。
52、His invalid father is becoming a burden. ─── 他父亲体弱多病, 对他来说渐渐成了累赘。
53、So, do not be surprised if this assumption is invalidated in future releases, though I think the probability of that is low. ─── 因此,如果这种假设在将来的版本中无效,也不用感到惊奇;不过我认为这种可能性非常小。
54、Christine was an invalid all her life. ─── 含义:她已不在人间。
55、OBEX protocol error: Recieved invalid packet. ─── 31 OBEX协议错误:接收到无效包.
56、Invalid message for single-selection list box . ─── 单一选择列表框的无效消息。
57、Invalid information found in the phone book. ─── 在电话本中存在不可用内容。
58、Your license is invalid because it expired. ─── 你的执照是无效的,因为它到期了。
59、Notes : Iterators and references are not invalidated. ─── 备注:迭代器和引用不会失效。
60、To make ineffectual or invalid;nullify. ─── 使无效果或无用;使无效
61、The password or user name is invalid for %1. ─── 密码或用户名在%1无效。
62、He never fully recovered, and had to spend the rest of his life as an invalid. ─── 他没能完全康复,于是不得不成了一名残疾者度过余生。
63、The RPC protocol sequence is invalid. ─── RPC协议序列无效。
64、A Dim statement contains an invalid keyword. ─── Dim语句包含无效的关键字。
65、The insurance was invalid for the invalid. ─── 保险对于伤残者是无效的。
66、It should also precisely state conditions under which the contract may be invalidated by both parties, the client as well as the vendor. ─── 它还应准确地说明在何种条件下,可由双方(客户和供应商)废除该合同。
67、The noise played on the old invalid's nerves. ─── 噪音刺激着这个老年病人的神经。
68、You have entered an invalid e-mail. ─── 您输入了一个无效的电子邮件地址。
69、To become invalidated or unenforceable by the process of prescription. ─── 因法定期限完结而丧失权利或不可执行
70、Will try to commit the invalid cell value. ─── 会试图提交该无效的单元格值。
71、Invalid option for the mount command. ─── 安装命令的无效选项。
72、His invalid father is becoming a burden . ─── 他父亲体弱多病, 渐渐成了累赘.
73、She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father. ─── 几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。
74、Packages dependent on the procedure are invalidated. ─── 依赖于这个过程的包会失效。
75、Events to alert the user to invalid input. ─── 事件来警告用户输入了无效值。
76、Passing an invalid path to Existsl returns false. ─── 将无效路径传递到Exists将返回false。
77、An invalid file handle was associated with %1. ─── 与%1关联的文件句柄无效。
78、Which, if any, of the following names are invalid? ─── 下面的哪个,有的话,名称是无效的?
79、SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported. ─── sql 查询语法不正确或不被支持。
80、A long illness had emaciated the invalid. ─── 久病使这病人消瘦了。
81、Your Nero serial number is invalid. ─── 您的尼禄顺序编号是无效。
82、Your action has rendered our contract invalid. ─── 你们的这种做法导致双方的合同失效.
83、Invalid datafile name for DNS zone. ─── dns 区域的无效数据文件名称。
84、You have provided an invalid text qualifier. ─── 您提供了一个无效的文本限定符。
85、Rejected, possibly due to an invalid purpose. ─── 已拒绝,可能由于不合法目的。
86、Clearly you do not want all DOAP descriptions to be invalidated if such a thing happens. ─── 显然如果发生这种情况,您不想所有的DOAP描述都变得无效。
87、An invalid character was found in text content. ─── 在文本内容中发现一个无效字符。
88、"Yes, yes, yes," motioned the invalid. ─── “是的,是的,是的
89、A contract is invalidated if only one party signs it. ─── 如果只有一方签字,契约即无效。
“invalid argument”的意思是非法参数。解决办法: 1. 微信里面有个规则如果添加同一个好友,连续发送请求数6-8次而堆放一直没有通过验证的时候,系统将不再接受请求,将提示发送失败。 2. 你的所在的信号可能有问题,再者就是你手机使用的信号可能是2g,建议在wifi的模式下再试试。 3. 你重新启动你的通讯录匹配,如果通讯录你能看到他,说明他注册的手机还没有变,但是绑定已经变了。 4. 退出账号重新登陆。
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