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09-12 投稿



defaced 发音

英:[dɪˈfeɪst]  美:[dɪˈfeɪst]

英:  美:

defaced 中文意思翻译




defaced 短语词组

1、defaced coin ─── [经] 表面磨损的货币

2、defaced licence ─── [法] 已涂毁的执照

defaced 词性/词形变化,defaced变形

动词过去式: defaced |动词现在分词: defacing |名词: defacement |动词第三人称单数: defaces |形容词: defaceable |动词过去分词: defaced |

defaced 相似词语短语

1、defected ─── [晶体][材]缺陷

2、defatted ─── adj.脱脂的;v.使脱脂(defat的过去式和过去分词)

3、deface ─── v.损伤外观,丑化,毁坏

4、refaced ─── vt.重修表面

5、defanged ─── v.拔去……的尖牙;使无害,使无效

6、defacer ─── 损伤外观,丑化,使失面子

7、defaces ─── v.损伤外观,丑化,毁坏

8、defamed ─── v.诽谤;中伤

9、undefaced ─── undefaced

defaced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2.I enclose the defaced Certificate of Allocation of Personalized Registration Mark. ─── 现附上该损毁的自订登记号码分配证明书。

2、yet all morally defaced and decayed as he was, was he not her own, her very own, the idol of her deathless worship? ─── 然而,就算他如此道德败坏、腐朽堕落,难道他就不是她的亲人、她的心上人、她生死不渝崇拜的偶像了吗?

3、Then Deucalion and Pyrrha, entering a temple defaced with slime, approached the enkindled altar and, falling prostrate, prayed for guidance and aid ─── 这时丢卡利翁和皮拉走进了一个溅满了泥浆的神庙里,在香火未燃的祭坛前,他俩俯身在地祈求神祗的指引和帮助。

4、When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced The rich proud cost of outworn buried age; ─── 当我眼见前代的富丽和豪华 被时光的手毫不留情地磨灭;

5、Someone even defaced Tom's headstone. ─── 甚至有人毁坏了墓碑的外表。

6、The picture was defaced during the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy demonstrations in 1989. ─── 肖像曾在1989年民主示威中被弄脏。

7、A certain habit of antagonism defaced his earlier writings, a trick of rhetoric not quite outgrown in his later, of substituting for the obvious word and thought its diametrical opposite. ─── 他有某种否定自己早期作品的习惯,----一种修辞把戏,在他后期作品中还没有泛滥,置换上明显的词汇可又觉得它有相反纵深。

8、The boy defaced Shakespeare's masterpieces with some crayons. ─── 那男孩用蜡笔将莎士比亚的名著给画了。

9、If the Registrar is satisfied that a certificate of registration has been lost, destroyed or defaced, he may issue, free of charge, a duplicate thereof. ─── 局长如信纳任何登记证明书已遭遗失、毁坏或污损,可免费发出该证明书复本一份。

10、Thoughtless boys have defaced the desks by marking on them. ─── 轻率的男孩们乱画毁损了桌子。

11、Scribbled pictures and remarks have defaced the pages of the book. ─── 乱画的图画和注解于那书上的书页无法阅读。

12、I asked him why he defaced the goblins. He told me: “Your fear gives them energy. When you see them as stupid-looking, though, you get energy from them.” ─── 我问他为什么他要涂抹那写小妖怪.他告诉我:"你的恐惧给了它们力量.当你用看傻瓜的眼神看它们,你就可以它们那里获取力量."

13、At Central Plaza, skateboard users are about the only people one sees now, and litter and defaced property have made the plaza unattractive. ─── 众所周知平均而言,新商业比有一定历史的行业更容易失败,因此去年的商业失败不应该被看作是经济状况变坏的迹象。

14、None of the marks mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be defaced or, obliterated, except for avoidance of capture in time of war. ─── 前项标志不得毁坏、涂抹。但为战时避免捕获者,不在此限。

15、Thoughtless boys have defaced the desks by marking on them. ─── 轻率的男孩们乱画毁损了桌子。

16、When I have seen by Time's fell hand defac'd The rich-proud cost of outworn buried age;When sometime lofty towers I see down-raz'd, And brass eternal slave to mortal rage; ─── 免责申明:酷酷英语网转载信息,其目的在于传播更多信息,并不意味着赞同其中的观点、描述和立场。

17、During the recent election campaign, for instance, posters of the female candidate for Prime Minister, Tzipi Livni were defaced near ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem. ─── 在最近的大选中,耶路撒冷极端正统社区附近,总理的女候选人利夫尼的海报被丑化。

18、It was defaced. ─── 车子被刮花了。

19、defaced book ─── 藏书污损

20、God's image within them was defaced, and they no longer had the ability to love and obey God perfectly. ─── 上帝在他们身上的形象在污损,和他们不再有能力完全的爱和服从上帝。

21、The Cypriot central bank, alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation, appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country's currency. ─── 由于正在使用中的钞票有相当数量已被“毁容”,塞普勒斯中央银行近日呼吁那些涂鸦爱好者们立即停止在该国流通货币上胡写乱画的行为。

22、Above, a defaced cross on the door of a former Christian seminary school in the south Dora neighborhood of Baghdad. ─── 上图中,位于巴格达的南部的Dora社区,一所前基督教中学的门上的十字架斑斑伤痕。

23、The facades of banks around the square have been defaced, and flapping in the wind are two large banners. ─── 广场周围的银行的门面已经变得面目全非,空中飘扬着两条大横幅。

24、(of a manuscript) defaced with changes. ─── (关于手稿)被改变而损坏外观的。

25、Using spray paint cans, they defaced public property, insulted the police and complained that youths didn't have a voice in Saudi Arabia. ─── 他们用罐装喷漆在公有财产上又喷又涂,辱骂警察并且抱怨年轻人在沙乌地阿拉伯没有发言权。

26、Any Picture returned without its mount or with its caption or other mount data missing or defaced, may incur a replacement charge. ─── 若归还的图片并没有承载,或没有标题或其他承载数据或遭涂污,须支付补发费用。

27、None of the marks mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be defaced or, obliterated, except for avoidance of capture in time of war. ─── 前项标志不得毁坏、涂抹。但为战时避免捕获者,不在此限。

28、Customs inspection showed that: container packing has been defaced before. ─── 海关检查显示:集装箱装运前已经有污损。

29、defaced coin ─── [经] 表面磨损的货币

30、“A thing there was that mattered; a thing, wreathed about with chatter, defaced, obsured in her own life, let drop every day in corruption, lies, chatter. This he had preserved.” ─── 在那儿,有一件很重要的东西,一件以閒谈被覆的东西;在她自己的生命中,磨损外表,使之模糊,每天在腐朽、谎言与閒谈中渐渐消蚀。他保全了这个。

31、defaced coins ─── 磨损残坏硬币

32、The state of the prohibited articles to restrict the transport goods, dangerous goods, as well as smell or other easily defaced aircraft goods, can not be used as luggage or checked baggage to join. ─── 国家规定的禁运物品、限制运输物品、危险物品,以及具有异味或容易污损飞机的其他物品,不能作为行李或加入行李内托运。

33、The naughty boy defaced the wall with some vulgar words with coloured chalk. ─── 那顽童用彩色粉笔在墙上涂写了一些污言秽语。

34、defaced the book by writing on it. ─── 书上乱涂写而损坏了书本。

35、I enclose the defaced permit. ─── 现附上该损毁的许可证。

36、An Old Mortality,(16) say rather an Immortality, with unwearied patience and faith making plain the image engraven in men's bodies, the God of whom they are but defaced and leaning monuments. ─── 一个古老的凡人,不如说是一个不朽的人吧,怀着不倦的耐心和信念,要把人类身上铭刻着的形象说明白,现在人类的神,还不过是神的损毁了的纪念碑,已经倾斜欲坠了。

37、Brando's statements about his belief that Hollywood is "run by Jews" led to charges of anti-semitism, and his star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame was defaced with a swastika. ─── 白兰度说他认为好莱坞“被犹太人所掌控”,而这一陈述使他被控为反犹太人分子,在好莱坞星光大道上代表他的那颗星也被纳粹党的十字记号给损坏。

38、Any Picture returned without its mount or with its caption or other mount data missing or defaced , may incur a replacement charge . ─── 若归还的图片并没有承载,或没有标题或其他承载数据或遭涂污,须支付补发费用。

39、Application of this system can quickly collect and partition have defaced the image of the barcode, and accurate reading of bar code to carry out and display. ─── 应用此系统能够快速的采集并分割有污损的条码图像,并准确的对条码进行识读与显示。

40、yet all morally defaced and decayed as he was, was he not her own, her very own, the idol of her deathless worship? ─── 然而,就算他如此道德败坏、腐朽堕落,难道他就不是她的亲人、她的心上人、她生死不渝崇拜的偶像了吗?

41、1. The wall has been defaced with slogans. ─── 那堵墙因贴有标语而面目全非。

42、A signpost near the kangaroos, making the sacrilegious claim that the continents shifted 40m years ago, used to be defaced almost daily. ─── 袋鼠附近的一个标牌上面写着4000万年前大陆漂移的“不敬”言论,几乎天天都有污损。

43、He said even though Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew from the runoff, many people said they voted for him anyway. Others, he said, defaced their ballot papers. ─── 库马洛说,尽管争取民主变革运动领导人茨万吉拉伊退出了总统决选,很多选民表示仍然把票投给了他。他说,还有一些选民故意损坏了自己的选票。

44、It said those caught in the act could be fined up to 1,000 Cyprus pounds, considerably more than the face value of a defaced bill. ─── 报道说,塞浦路斯目前处于流通中的钞票包括5镑、10镑和20镑3种。塞浦路斯已经加入欧盟,该国计划于2008年以欧元完全取代现有货币。

45、This warranty is void if the label bearing the serial number has been removed or defaced. ─── 若载明机身编号的标签被撕除或弄污,本保用证便告无效。

46、He suggested that perhaps he had defaced his ballot. ─── 他暗示说,他毁掉了自己的选票。

47、Mugabe, 14 for Tsvangirai and 12 defaced papers. ─── 例如在津巴布韦第二大城市布拉瓦约的一个投票站,有22票投给穆加贝,14票投给茨万吉拉伊,另外有12张污损票。

48、When nationalist thugs beat up a Jewish friend, she defaced her grade card, crossing out the stamp that allowed her to sit on the “Aryan” seats. ─── 非犹太人波兰人通常被人们认为喜欢幸灾乐祸,同纳粹沆瀣一气,或在他们的犹太同胞被大规模消灭时袖手旁观。

49、Pump room intact, at the south gate of Chestwood signs have been defaced. ─── 水泵房完好无损,可位于翠湖南门的指示牌却遭人污损。

50、defaced licence ─── 已涂毁的执照

51、Indonesian websites were defaced by outraged Chinese hackers, and a nationalistic movement took on force. ─── 一些印度尼西亚的网站,被愤怒的中国黑客丑化,一场民族主义运动风起云涌。

52、The applicant must retrun the defaced certificate to HKEx for cancellation. ─── 申请人须将损毁证明书退回香港交易所予以注销。

53、Thoughtless boys have defaced the desk by marking on them. ─── 轻率的男孩子们在桌面上乱画而把桌面弄坏了。

54、b) If returnable BPC containers are re-used, all previous labeling should be removed or defaced. ─── 如果可归还的原料药容器被重新使用,所有先前的标签应移去或磨灭。

55、Excellent work, Captain Zimmerman. Oh, and, er... did you by any chance discover who defaced my photograph of Otto?. ─── 做的好,季摩曼上校。喔,还有...你有机会找到是谁把奥图的照片给破坏了吗?

56、22 If containers are reused, they should be cleaned in accordance with documented procedures, and all previous labels should be removed or defaced. ─── 22容器被重新使用时,应当按照规定程序进行清洁,并出去或涂毁以前的所有标签.

57、State prohibited articles to restrict the transport goods, dangerous substances, as well as smell or easily defaced aircraft other items can not be used as luggage or baggage checked into folder. ─── 国家规定的禁运物品、限制运输物品、危险物品,以及具有异味或容易污损飞机的其他物品,不能作为行李或夹入行李内托运。

58、Any Picture returned with scratches on its surface or is defaced will be considered damaged and a compensation fee may apply. ─── 若归还的图片表面遭刮花或涂污,将会当作损毁处理,并须赔偿费用。

59、With the aid of plastic surgeons who should have known better, he almost literally defaced himself. ─── 在整形外科医师的“帮助下”,他几乎毁容了(这一点整形医生本应该更清楚)。

60、The boy defaced the desk with ball pen ─── 那男孩用原珠笔在桌面上乱涂。

61、Iran's central bank has said defaced banknotes are to be made invalid, after the appearance of opposition slogans on money, local media report. ─── 伊朗地方媒体报道,在发现钱币上出现反对派标语之后,中央银行宣布这些被损毁的钱币无效。

62、She defaced the book by writing on it. ─── 在书上乱涂写而损坏了书本。

63、The central bank in Iran says defaced bank notes are to be made invalid, following an opposition campaign for people to write anti-government slogans on the money. ─── 双方还没有实质性的交涉。去年8月,俄罗斯入侵了其稍小的邻国,所以两国边境重开的消息是向前迈进的一大步,尤其对于因纷争而分离的家庭。

64、Royal epithets on the defaced coffin suggested the body inside might be Akhenaten. ─── 毁坏棺材上的皇室尊号表明,这具遗体可能就是阿赫那吞。

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