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09-13 投稿



intendment 发音

英:[[ɪn'tendmənt]]  美:[[ɪn'tendmənt]]

英:  美:

intendment 中文意思翻译



intendment 短语词组

1、intendment of law ─── [法] 法律含义, 法律意图

intendment 相似词语短语

1、intendant ─── n.监督官;管理者;地方行政长官

2、attendments ─── 出席

3、attendement ─── 等待

4、interment ─── n.葬礼;埋葬

5、internment ─── n.拘留;收容

6、integument ─── n.覆盖物;(动植物的)皮肤,外皮

7、intendments ─── n.真意;正当的解释

8、intrenchment ─── n.堑壕

9、attendment ─── 等待

intendment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the future I intend to look after myself. ─── 今后我想多替自己打算打算。

2、They intend to motor up to London . ─── 他们打算乘车去伦敦。

3、Do you really intend to close with his offer? ─── 你真的打算接受他的开价?

4、Do you intend to make a long stay in London? ─── 你打算在伦敦长住吗?

5、When do you intend to go to London? ─── 你打算什么时候去伦敦?

6、Do you intend to go straight there? ─── 您打算直接去那儿吗?

7、In petty and transient cases we can't find the intendment of Tao. ─── 在小的、暂时的个案事件上,不能看出道的真意;

8、What do you intend by this remark? ─── 你这话是什么意思?

9、Does your brother intend to study German? ─── 你哥哥想学德语吗?

10、Today, I intend to finish reading this book. ─── 今天我打算读完这本书。

11、What do you intend to do when you leave college? ─── 你毕业后打算做什么?

12、They intend to pull him down a bit. ─── 他们想挫挫他的锐气。

13、Do you intend to take a position in our company? ─── 你有意投资本公司吗?

14、In petty and transient cases we can't find the intendment of Tao. ─── 因为在较小的、暂时的个案上,我们一时还不能看出道的真意;

15、What do you intend to do when you get the bonus? ─── 你拿了奖金之后打算干什么?

16、How much do you intend to invest? ─── 您打算投资多少?

17、Do you intend to stay with London transport? ─── 你打算继续为伦敦运输公司工作吗

18、He intimated that he intend to resign . ─── 他表示他打算辞职。

19、How long do you intend to stop with the firm? ─── 你打算还为公司工作多久?

20、Won't it be six-word intendment? ─── 不会是六字真言吧?

21、What do you intend for your words? ─── 你说这些话是什么意思?

22、What do you intend by that remark? ─── 你说这话是什么意思?

23、You intend to return to london, do not you? ─── 您打算回伦敦,是吗?

24、But how large is the order you intend to place with us? ─── 可是,你打算同我们下的订单有多大呢?

25、Perhaps they intend to assassinate me. ─── 也许他们是想行刺我。

26、It's good to put down roots at last; we don't intend to move from here. ─── 好啦,终于安居下来了,我们不打算从这里搬走了。

27、They fully intend to protest the decision. ─── 他们决意反对这项决定。

28、Pay as you go, but not if you intend go for good. ─── 你去时记得付钱,但如打算一去不返,就不必了。

29、Intend ego 1980 level in dust output by 48 percent. ─── 准备对沙尘地区释放 相当于1980年释放量48%的能量

30、How long do you intend to travel? ─── 你打算旅行多长时间?

31、What you intend to do with a child of flesh. ─── 你要一个血肉之躯的孩子做什么?

32、He did intend to,but the pig was not well. ─── 他是这么想的,可后来猪又没病了。

33、Do you intend to open a savings account ? ─── 您打算开个储蓄帐户吗

34、I hear they intend to marry/intend marrying. ─── 听说他们要结婚了。

35、What did he intend by that remark? ─── 他说那话是什麽意思?

36、They intend to make China on the return trip. ─── 他们打算在归途中访问中国。

37、Do you intend to take the TOEFL test this year? ─── 你打算参加今年的托福考试吗?

38、He didn't intend to cause so much unhappiness. ─── 他并不想弄得这么不开心。

39、Mr Rochester, I did not intend to criticize you. ─── “罗切斯特先生,我没有批评您的意思。”

40、How long do you intend to stay with the firm? ─── 你准备在公司干多久?

41、Where do you intend to visit while in the country? ─── 您在该国停留期间打算去哪些地方?

42、She doesn't intend to be repaid to her kindness. ─── 她不图回报她的好心。

43、You must register if you intend to vote. ─── 如果你要投票选举,你就必须登记。

44、How manyTV sets do you intend to order? ─── 您打算订多少台电视机?

45、What do you intend to do today? ─── 你今天打算做什么?

46、You must register if you intend to vote . ─── 如果你要投票选举,你就必须登记。

47、Why do you intend to farm organically? ─── 你为什么打算发展有机农业生产?

48、Do you intend to stay with London Transport ? ─── 你打算继续为伦敦运输公司工作吗?

49、Do you intend to set yourself up in business in UK? ─── 你有没有打算在英国就业呢?

50、To intend to harm, especially because of a grudge. ─── 尤指由于嫉恨而想伤害

51、What do you intend to do tomorrow? ─── 你打算明天做什么?

52、Won't it be six-word intendment? ─── 不会是六字真言吧?

53、Under which category do you intend to apply? ─── 你以哪种类别申请?

54、Roderigo. Ay, and said nothing but what I protest intendment of doing. ─── 罗德利哥喂,我的话都是说过就做的。

55、Do you really intend to put up for that position? ─── 你真的打算自荐担任那个职位吗?

56、They intend the building to be a guest house. ─── 他们打算把这座房子用作客房。

57、Did he intend us to share the cost of the dinner . ─── 他是想让我们同他一起分担这顿饭的费用吗?

58、How long do you intend to be here? ─── 你打算在这里逗留多长时间.

59、Concerted Action of the Dividends and Rationed Shares: Intendment of Large Shareholder Deprivation ─── 分红和配股联动:大股东剥夺的含义

60、We're pleased that she does intend to come. ─── 她的确打算来,我们非常高兴。

61、When do you intend to open the tender? ─── 你们打算什么时候开标?

62、How long you do intend to stay in the U. S. A. ? ─── 你打算在美国呆多久?

63、Don't delude others with promises you do not intend to keep. ─── 不要用自己不打算兑现的诺言来欺骗别人。

64、He did not intend paying the bill. ─── 他不打算付账。

65、Do you intend to make a long stay there? ─── 你打算在那里久待吗?

66、The concrete types of defect expression are the hold intendment , veiled expression, error, fraud, menace five types. ─── 瑕疵意思表示的具体形态主要分为真意保留、虚伪意思表示、错误、欺诈、胁迫等五个类型。

67、So education returning to existential ontology represents as returning to its undistorted intendment. ─── 回归生存本体的教育因而表现为回归教育的本真意蕴的教育。

68、"Stop talking about my money: I don't intend to pop off yet!" shouted Mr. Harkins to his three sons. ─── 哈金斯先生朝着他3个儿子嚷道:"不准再谈论我的钱,我还不打算就死呢!"

69、I understand by your remark that you intend leaving the firm. ─── 听你所言,我明白你是想离开本公司。


71、Roderigo. Ay, and said nothing but what I protest intendment of doing. ─── 罗德利哥最可敬的老先生,您听得出我的声音吗?

72、What exactly did you intend by that remark? ─── 你那句话到底想说什么?

73、Tell them you intend to evacuate the children. ─── 告诉他们你打算疏散儿童。

74、They intend to pull him clown a peg or two. ─── 他们想杀杀他的威风。

75、Where do you intend to go at Christmas? ─── 圣诞节你打算去哪儿?

76、What line of products do you intend to exhibit? ─── 展出商品是哪一类产品?

77、Where do you intend to go this summer? ─── 今年夏天你准备到哪儿去?

78、The matter cannot rest there,I intend to sue. ─── 事情不能就此了结,我想上告。

79、Simmer down. He did not intend to insult your son. ─── "请息怒,他不是有意要侮辱你的儿子。"

80、How much do you intend to open initially? ─── 您预计的开户资金为?

81、What do you intend by your words? ─── 你说这些话是什么意思呢?

82、However far it is, I intend to drive there tonight. ─── 不管有多远,我今晚也要开车到那儿去。

83、Do you intend to open a savings account? ─── 您打算开个储蓄账户吗?

84、The law does not allow of a captious and strained intendment, for. ─── 法律中不允许过度矫情和做作的表述。

85、Do you intend parting with the little ones,madam? ─── 您是不是打算不要这些小的呢,夫人?

86、Do you intend to become a teacher? ─── 您打算做一名老师吗?

87、You intend to go back home, do not you? ─── 您打算回家,不是吗?

88、Do you intend to print your lectures? ─── 你打算把你的讲稿印刷吗?

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