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09-13 投稿



imprecision 发音

英:[ˌɪmprɪˈsɪʒn]  美:[ˌɪmprɪˈsɪʒn]

英:  美:

imprecision 中文意思翻译



imprecision 网络释义

n. 不精确;不严密

imprecision 同义词

vagueness | woolliness | haziness | indistinctness | impreciseness |fuzziness | sloppiness | roughness | inaccuracy | inexactitude

imprecision 反义词


imprecision 词性/词形变化,imprecision变形

名词: imprecision |副词: imprecisely |

imprecision 相似词语短语

1、impressions ─── n.印象;观感(impression的复数)

2、imprecations ─── n.祈求;诅咒;咒语

3、imprecisely ─── adv.不严密地

4、imprecation ─── n.祈求;诅咒;咒语

5、precision ─── n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的

6、imprecise ─── adj.不精确的;不严密的;不确切的

7、indecision ─── n.优柔寡断;犹豫不决

8、imprison ─── vt.监禁;关押;使…下狱

9、impression ─── n.印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想;曝光(衡量广告被显示的次数。打开一个带有该广告的网页,则该广告的impression次数增加一次)

imprecision 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords hematology analyzer;inaccuracy degree;imprecision degree;MD chart; ─── 血细胞分析仪;不准确度;不精密度;MD图;

2、Imprecision and uncertainty can be considered as two complementary aspects of imperfect information . ─── 不精确和不确定性可以被看作是两个相辅相成的方面不完全信息。

3、Application of aggregation function in aggregation robust design based on the method of imprecision ─── 集成函数在基于不精确法的集成稳健设计中的应用

4、The liquid, ready-to-use reagent features total imprecision of less than 8% of the coefficient of variation (CV) across the assay range. ─── 检测试剂是即配即用型试剂,总变异系数不超过检验范围的8%。

5、Such verbal imprecision is not necessarily to be criticised. ─── 这种用词不够精确的模糊语言,倒不一定要加以批评责备。

6、This paper introduces fuzzy risk into the field of natural disaster risk mapping,and explores the pattern of natural disaster risks under the conditions of imprecision of risk assessments. ─── 将模糊风险研究引向自然灾害风险区划领域,探讨了风险值估计不准条件下自然灾害风险区划的图型模式。

7、Committed to using this language in the context of implementation, the developers will point out imprecision or contradictions, engaging the domain experts in discovering workable alternatives. ─── 通过在实现的上下文中通用这种语言,开发人员能够指出其中的不精确性与存在的矛盾,促使领域专家进一步发现可行的替代物。

8、Genetic heterogeneity, combined with phenotypic imprecision and poor marker coverage, has contributed to the difficulty in defining risk variants. ─── 遗传异质性、表型介定的不精确性和标记覆盖的狭窄范围增加了定义风险变异的难度。

9、The imprecision of the ordinary words led to many misunderstandings. ─── 日常用词意义的含混引起了许多误解。

10、Rough set is a novel mathematical tool for dealing with uncertainties and imprecision of geographic information, which can be used to represent uncertainties in multi-levels spatial knowledge. ─── 摘要粗集是一种处理地理信息不确定性和不精确性的新型数学工具,在揭示和表达多层次(或粒度)的空间知识方面具有较大优势。

11、In my region, we turned to our on-analyzer quality control databases for estimates of imprecision (CV). ─── 在我们这儿,我们借助于质量管控数据库分析器对不精确的数据进行分析。

12、This methodology contains extensions for representing the imprecision of data in fuzzy relational database. ─── 这方法学包含引伸为代表数据不精确在模糊的关系数据库。

13、between-run imprecision ─── 组间不精密性, 组间变异系数B/F在配基分析法中与配基结合的放射性和未与配基结合的放射性之比

14、Based on the method of imprecision (MoI) and the robust design, uncertainty factors which influences the quality of products were considered during preliminary design. ─── 摘要针对产品在设计初期影响产品质量的各种不确定性因素,将不精确法与稳健设计相结合。

15、Wet Brakes Robust Design Baeing Preference Aggregation Method of Imprecision ─── 基于偏好聚合不精确法的湿式制动器稳健设计

16、The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble. ─── 尺子的不精确给他带来了很多麻烦。

17、In engineering applications, the incompleteness, imprecision, and redundancy in rules of fault diagnosis often lead to inconvenience. ─── 摘要故障诊断规则中判断条件的冗余、不完全和不确定性不利于实际应用。

18、imprecision method ─── 不精确法

19、The liquid, ready-to-use reagent features total imprecision of less than 8% of the coefficient of variation (CV) across the assay range. ─── 检测试剂是即配即用型试剂,总变异系数不超过检验范围的8%。

20、Soft computing is a collection of methodologies that aim to exploit the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty to achieve tractability, robustness, and low solution cost. ─── 摘要软计算是一些计算方法的集合,这些计算方法的指导思想均是通过对不精确性和不确定性的容纳,以达到可处理性、鲁棒性和低成本求解的目的;

21、by the imprecision and quickness of industrial production will be improved. ─── 降了 74 % ,从而可精确快速地控制工业生产 .

22、2) The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble. ─── (尺子的不精确给他带来了很多麻烦。)

23、Because of this imprecision, you cannot rely on exact results when you operate on floating-point values. ─── 由于这一不精确性,因此,在处理浮点值时,不能指望会获得精确的结果。

24、The following example demonstrates the potential imprecision of floating-point operands. ─── 下面的示例演示了浮点操作数潜在的不精确性。

25、These two refinements can get a good trade-off between Moving Objects Databases and its user about the acceptable tolerance for the imprecision of the information. ─── 该方案使移动对象数据库和用户对于信息不精确的容忍度之间得到了很好的协调。

26、This served to hide the confusion and imprecision in their thinking. ─── 这被用来掩盖他们思想中的混乱和模糊问题。

27、Mathematics has been described as the ideal use of language, but for many purposes in everyday life the very imprecision of natural languages is the source of their strength and adaptability. ─── 数学被认为是最理想的描述语言,但由于许多目的,日常生活中不精确的自然语言有它的优势和适应性。

28、There is considerable imprecision in the terminology used. ─── 所用的术语相当不准确。

29、Imprecision Inspection of Sheetmetal Parts with Non-metric CCD Camera ─── 基于非量测CCD摄像机的钣金件误差检测

30、Nevertheless, such an imprecision might be detectable by precise distance-measuring equipment, such as future gravitational-wave observatories. ─── 虽然如此,这麽小的不准确度仍有可能被非常精准的测距仪器所侦测到,例如未来的重力波观测站。

31、The official was forced into technical terms by the imprecision of the ordinary words. ─── 由于日常用词意义含混,那官员不得不改用术语。

32、the response may have noticeable minor errors and some imprecision and/or unidiomatic language use and/or imprecise connections among ideas; ─── ” 在读文章的时候发现某个句子的表达方式与自己的方式不一样,就马上进行改写练习(就好像学书法要临摹一样)。

33、Due to the uncertainty or imprecision in user model, we can introduce the theory of rough set to user modeling.The main contributions of this paper are: 1. ─── 由于用户模型本身会具有的一些不确定性和不精确性因素,因此我们完全可以将粗糙集理论引入到用户建模中,利用粗糙集理论对用户建模。

34、Rough set is a novel mathematical tool for dealing with uncertainties and imprecision of geographic information,which can be used to represent uncertainties in multi-levels spatial knowledge. ─── 粗集是一种处理地理信息不确定性和不精确性的新型数学工具,在揭示和表达多层次(或粒度)的空间知识方面具有较大优势。

35、Imprecision of language, particularly in an international community, can and does lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings. ─── 不精确的语言,尤其是在国际社会,可以并会引起曲解和误会。

36、(3) Within run imprecision for cTnI measured with Opus compared with ACCESS and immulite cTnI was larger. ─── (3)对于ACCESS一代试剂、opus和immulite试剂 ,以O pus批内变异相对较大。

37、considerable imprecision in the terminology used. ─── 所用的术语相当不准确。

38、This article points out the imprecision of the eduction of uncertairnty relation from wave packet while the motion of microcosmic particles is determined by quantum statistical theorem. ─── 摘要指出不确定关系从波包导出的不严密性,微观粒子的运动由量子统计规律决定。

39、In view of the imprecision of directive diamond search algorithm, it proposed an improved algorithm. ─── 摘要针对方向性菱形搜索算法搜索不精确的情况,提出一种改进的算法。

40、Due to the imprecision of the mark adding system, the whole test process are not effectively controlled, the policy has become a tool for some people to ask for interests for themselves. ─── 但由于加分制度设计本身不够严密,由于对权力的制约监督形同虚设,由于运作过程的不透明不公开,致使高考加分政策在一些地方严重异化,成了一部分人以权谋私的工具。

41、On account of the imprecision of the mechanical position sensor and the phase-shift problem of an existing sensorless method, a novel sensorless strategy is proposed. ─── 鉴于位置传感器的不精确和一种现存的无位置传感器方案的移相困难,提出了一种新的无位置传感器方案。

42、But a range communicates the imprecision of these numbers, and it's useful for investors to see the highly judgmental nature of the process. ─── 但区间表明了这些数字的不准确,投资者了解这一过程的主观性也是有益的。”

43、It is a deep-seated problem that how to express the imprecision of risk assessments. ─── 如何表达风险值估计不准,是深层次风险区划研究的问题。

44、within-run imprecision ─── 批内分析不精密度, 批内分析误差

45、The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble. ─── 尺子的不精确给他带来了很多麻烦。

46、Study on Imprecision Requirements for Analytical Processes in Clinical Laboratory ─── 临床检验分析方法不精密度要求研究

47、response may have noticeable minor errors and some imprecision and/or unidiomatic language use and/or imprecise connection among ideas; ─── 我的建议是先去下载题库(下载地址见注释1),反复阅读若干遍,谙熟所有话题。

48、However, even modern medical procedures have a certain degree of imprecision and doctors are faced with a real challenge when it comes to diagnosing unspecific cases of appendicitis. ─── 但是即使现代医学程序上有一定不精确和医生正面临着真正的挑战谈到具体个案诊断阑尾炎。

49、Abstract: The imprecision or uncertainty present in many engineering problem can be modeled using probabilistic, fuzzy, or interval methods. ─── 摘要: 工程中的不确定性可以分别用随机方法,模糊方法和区间方法来建模。

50、Thus, the entire SPR angular spectrum can be monitored expediently in real-time, while it can avoid the imprecision and the cumbersomeness brought by the use of moving parts. ─── 这样,各通道共振角的分布可以方便地实时监测,同时避免了非特异性响应和机械调节带来的误差和不便。

51、This constructing pattern does not reasonably reflect the characteristic of high imprecision existing in holistic logic judgments, required in the IMAG constructing by the nolism thought. ─── 这种构造方式并没有合理反映IMAG构造的整体论思想,实质即整体性逻辑判断的高度不确定性特征。

52、But a range communicates the imprecision of these numbers, and it's useful for investors to see the highly judgmental nature of the process. ─── 但区间表明了这些数字的不准确,投资者了解这一过程的主观性也是有益的。

53、The phenomenon that predi ction results do not suit to the practice due to the imprecision of proposed ali gnment in the phase of project feasibility study was analyzed also. ─── 并分析了工程可行性研究阶段因公路线位的不准确性而导致预测结果与实际不符的现象。

54、The average imprecision in measuring the size of the observable universe is about10-15 meter. ─── 测量可见宇宙大小的平均不准确度大约是10-15公尺。

55、Such verbal imprecision is not necessarily to be criticised. ─── 对这种用词不够精确的模糊语言,倒不一定要加以批评责备。

56、The official was forced into technical terms by the imprecision of the ordinary words ─── 由于日常用词意义含混,那官员不得不改用术语。

57、The need for fuzziness in data modelling can be viewed as providing the capability to directly represent imprecision. ─── 对模糊的需要在数据塑造可能被观看作为提供能力直接地代表不精确。

58、In this paper an interactive multiobjective fuzzy optimization design method is proposed for grillage structures. Considering the imprecision in use, design and construction, etc. ─── 本文给出了一个船舶板架结构交互式多目标模糊优化设计方法,主要内容包括:(1)考虑使用、设计、建造过程中的不精确因素,引进相应的隶属函数使模糊目标和约束定量化。

59、Type 450 paper cutter has thoroughly solved the defects exiting among small paper cutters including the poor sensitivity on control, imprecision on cutting and inconvenience on use. ─── 从根本上解决了小型切纸机控制灵敏度差、裁切精度差和使用不方便等缺陷。

60、recommended in the diagnosis of human diabetes because of their imprecision and the variability of results among different glucose meters. ─── 便携式血糖仪由于在测量全血葡萄糖浓度上的不精确性和不同血糖仪之间测量结果的多变性,在人类糖尿病诊断中不被推荐使用。

61、Lu's trading was a great example of the imprecision within the Turtle world that could and did lead to different levels of performance. ─── 卢的交易是一个很好的例子,说明了在海龟中间,如果操作不当,结果相差很大。

62、It can describe the uncertainty or imprecision in user modeling, and it doesn"t need any priori information beyond the data set that to be dealt with. ─── 利用粗糙集理论为用户建模可以描述用户模型中的不精确性和不完全性,并且无需提供问题所需处理数据集合以外的任何先验信息。

63、Paper requires a lot of energy, so the paper is treated as a whole business card printing and membership card production environment imprecision its manufacturing and most environmental impact. ─── 造纸必给好多能度,因此纸张被视为合座制卡和会员卡制作境况洋的构成局部之一,其创作发明与不小大都境况感化有干系。

64、The imprecision and recompose of Debussy" s script resulted in enormous differences in provenance. ─── 由于德彪西手稿的不精确性和他本人后来的修改变动,产生了不同出处的谱面差异。

65、Precision and Imprecision Phenomena in English and Chinese Languages and Cultures, and the Related TEFL ─── 汉英语言文化中的模糊、精确现象与英语教学

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