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09-11 投稿



huntsman 发音

英:[ˈhʌntsmən]  美:[ˈhʌntsmən]

英:  美:

huntsman 中文意思翻译




huntsman 网络释义

n. 猎人;管猎犬者n. (Huntsman)人名;(英)亨茨曼

huntsman 短语词组

1、huntsman's cup n. ─── 瓶子草属植物;猪笼草 [网络] 猎人的帽子

2、huntsman hall ─── 亨斯迈大厅

3、Snow White and the Huntsman ─── [电影]白雪公主与猎人

4、huntsman's horns ─── [网络] 猎人号角

5、Jon Huntsman ─── 乔恩·亨茨曼;前美国驻华大使洪博培;洪专培;洪博培;亨茨曼

6、huntsman's cups ─── [网络] 猎人的杯子

7、the devil and the huntsman ─── 魔鬼与猎人

8、huntsman spider ─── 高脚蜘蛛

9、huntsman knife ─── 亨斯迈刀

10、huntsman's horn ─── [网络] 猎人号角

11、huntsman elite ─── 亨斯迈精英

huntsman 词性/词形变化,huntsman变形


huntsman 相似词语短语

1、huntswoman ─── 女猎人

2、huntsmanship ─── n.猎人;管猎犬者(huntsman的变形)

3、grantsman ─── 筹款专家

4、huntswomen ─── 猎人

5、puntsmen ─── 黄铜

6、huntsmen ─── n.猎人;管猎犬者;n.(Huntsman)人名;(英)亨茨曼

7、puntsman ─── 指针

8、plantsman ─── 育苗人

9、pointsman ─── n.交通警察;转辙员

huntsman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mexico's consul in Salt Lake City, Salvador Jimenez, said he spoke with Huntsman and urged him to continue the rescue effort. ─── 墨西哥在盐湖城的领事,杰姆丽资说,他已和汉特斯曼对过话,敦促他继续营救行动。

2、The uncle's huntsman galloped across the line of the wolf's advance from the other side, and again his hounds stopped the wolf, again he was hemmed in. ─── 大叔的猎人从另一边疾驰而来,截断豺狼的去路,他的几只猎犬又把野兽拦住了。又把它包围起来。

3、The Queen is jealous, and orders a huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. ─── 皇后非常嫉妒白雪公主的美貌,因此她命一名猎人带白雪公主到森林中,并将她杀掉。

4、The study also considers market environment factors, details industry structure, evaluates company market share and profiles 26 industry competitors, including Dow, Huntsman and Taminco. ─── 报告还对市场环境,产业结构,重点企业及其所占市场份额,行业竞争对手等进行了详细的分析和介绍。

5、Randall Burt of Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah. ─── 医学回报肯定也很高。

6、The huntsman showed him the way to pass through the forest. ─── 猎人指引他通过了林区。

7、" At the news, the Queen turns yellow and green with envy and commands the huntsman to kill Snow White and bring her "lung and liver as a token. ─── 一听到这个回答,气得脸色发青的皇后下令要部下杀了白雪公主,并把她的内脏带回来,以示证明。

8、He has governed a state, he knows about foreign policy and he oozes confidence; it would be a pity if Mr Huntsman did not run. ─── 亨茨曼曾执政过一个州,他自信满满而且深谙外交之道。如果他不参选的话真是让人非常遗憾啊。

9、2 Have you ever seen such a lovely sunshiny day, huntsman? ─── 猎人,你可曾见过这么风和日丽的好天气吗?

10、Business:Huntsman Polyurethanes (China) Ltd.Reports to:Marketing ManagerKey Responsibilities1.Work closely with ...... ... ─── 公司名称:亨斯迈聚氨酯(中国)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2008-11-12

11、Huntsman accepted, and in the coming weeks, should he pass muster during Senate confirmation hearings, will resign as governor and head to Beijing. ─── 未来几周,如果能在参议院的听证会上获得通过,他将卸任州长前往北京履新。

12、Some day! Some day! I will be a most powerful Jedi i am! They are useing the bounty huntsman,Jango fett,create a clone army! ─── 第三集,应该就是安纳金对绝地武士的大屠杀吧!这集是最黑暗的一集,星战迷看了应该都感触良多!第四即以"署光乍现"(新希望)这名称的确有承上起下的作用!

13、The huntsman said that the fox has gone to earth and could not be caught. ─── 猎人说狐狸已逃入洞穴,捉不住了。

14、King Philip IV as a Huntsman ─── 国王菲利普

15、The huntsman cannot help but moves back, surprised and useless. ─── 猎人惊愕又无奈的退下.

16、Huntsman served as US ambassador to Singapore during the administration of President George Bush and can speak fluent Mandarin Chinese. ─── 他曾在老布什任美国总统期间担任美国驻新加坡大使,并且能说一口流利的普通话。

17、A person who assists the huntsman in handling a pack of hounds in foxhunting ─── 帮猎人赶猎狗的人在猎狐中帮助猎手管理猎狗的副手

18、Randt did not have the long resume of public service that Huntsman has. ─── 相比亨茨曼,雷德并没有太长的公职履历。

19、Snow White: Please, huntsman, let me go. ─── 白雪公主:求求你,猎人,放了我吧.

20、The huntsman was spearing fish from the river. ─── 猎人正从河中叉鱼。

21、Facing Nikolay on the opposite side was a field of green corn, and there stood his huntsman, alone in a hollow behind a nut bush. ─── 尼古拉对面有一片绿色植物,他的猎人只身站在那一片榛子灌木林后的洼地里。

22、Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated and commodity chemicals. ─── 亨斯迈是精细化学品及通用化学品的全球制造商及营销商。

23、Huntsman is the number one producer of textile dyes and chemicals. ─── 亨斯迈是全球最大的纺织染料和化学品生产商。

24、In a statement, the American ambassador to China Jon Huntsman said the United States is displeased by the court's decision. ─── 在一份声明中,一位访华的美国大使乔恩亨兹曼透露美国对这次的法庭判决很不满意。

25、Zhi-qun LI; Guangdong Institute of Textile Technology; Foshan; Guangdong; Ming-fang WANG; Huntsman Textile Effects (China) Co. Ltd. Fanyu; ─── 广东纺织职业技术学院;亨斯迈纺织染化(中国)有限公司广东佛山;广东番禺;

26、The huntsman whipped off his pack of hounds ─── 猎人用鞭把他那群猎犬驱散。

27、That winter huntsman was went out shooting with his hunt dog. ─── 有一年冬天猎人带着猎狗去打猎。

28、The wolf arrived on time, and the fox took him out to the path which the huntsman used every day.First an old discharged soldier came by. ─── 第二天,狼很早就来拉,狐狸带他来到猎人每天的必经之路.他们碰到的第一个人是退役的老兵."不是,"狐狸回答,"他一以前是."

29、The obvious place to look is China,” said Paul Hulme, global president of Huntsman's textile effects division, which makes advanced dyes and chemicals for clothes manufacturers. ─── 中国是我们显然要看一看的地方,”亨斯迈纺织染化部门全球总裁胡铭(PaulHulme)表示。该部门为服装制造商生产先进染料和化学品。

30、The huntsman washed his face and went into the court that they might know him. ─── 猎人洗了脸,进了院子,好让它们能认出他来。

31、A huntsman or hunting attendant. ─── 猎人或参与打猎的人

32、The huntsman told you she is jealous of your beauty? ─── 皇家猎人说她嫉妒你的美貌是吗?

33、Carol graduated from university with cum laude and obtained double degree of the University of Pennsylvania and Wharton School of Huntsman International Business. ─── 大学时,以优等成绩毕业,并取得美国宾夕法尼亚大学与沃顿商学院的亨斯迈国际商业双学位。

34、Snow White: I shall never forget you, Huntsman! ─── 白雪公主:我永远不会忘记你的,猎人!

35、Huntsman process ─── 亨茨曼坩埚炼钢法

36、Mr. Huntsman is trying to carve out a niche for himself by touting his expertise in international relations. ─── 洪博培正试图通过展现他在国际关系方面的特长而使自己从各位总统候选人中脱颍而出。

37、During the reporting period, Huntsman joint venture company to reduce the investment income deficit, resulting in operating profit, total profit, net profit declined. ─── 报告期内,联营公司亨斯迈亏损减少投资收益,导致公司营业利润、利润总额、净利润下降。

38、Democrats attacked Mr. Huntsman, accusing him of abandoning positions he took as a governor to curry favor with the GOP. ─── 民主党人攻击洪博培,指责他为了讨好共和党,放弃了州长的职位。

39、Huntsman Polyurethanes Shanghai Ltd. is a large world-class facility invested by Huntsman in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park in 2003, as part of the Integrated Isocyanates Project whose total investment is USD1.1 billion. ─── 2003年亨斯迈集团在上海化学工业区投资建造具有世界级规模的化工公司--上海亨斯迈聚氨酯有限公司,它是总投资为十一亿美元的联合异氰酸酯项目的一部分。

40、The huntsman took pity on her, and put his hand in his pocket and gave her what he had. ─── 猎人可怜她,把手伸进口袋,拿了东西给她。

41、Ilagin, to efface the impression of his huntsman's crime, insisted on Rostov coming to his upland a verst away, which he preserved for his own shooting, and described as teeming with hares. ─── 伊拉金为了替他的猎人赎罪,坚决地请求罗斯托夫到一俄里路远的供他自己使用的山坡去打猎,根据他所说的话,那儿有许多野兔。

42、Huntsman said the deal fell short by not moving toward "a real focus on entitlement reform" and a balanced budget amendment. ─── 洪博培表示说各方谈判停滞不前是因为没有推进“真正聚焦在权益改革上的问题”以及一个平衡的预算修正案。

43、Then all three were delighted. The huntsman drew off the wolf's skin and went home with it. ─── 三个人高兴极了。猎人剥下狼皮,回家去了

44、Benjamin Huntsman ─── 亨茨曼(1704-76),英国人,发明家,发明坩埚钢。

45、He replied: "Lord King, your majesty must excuse me, I am a poor huntsman." ─── 他回答说:“国王陛下,请原谅我不能从命,我只是个可怜的猎人。”

46、Mr Huntsman is seen as a moderate voice within the Republican party, correspondents say. ─── “但这里我所知道的:我知道约翰是一个一直把国家利益放在政党利益之前的领袖”他说道。

47、Seen by many as a potential Republican presidential contender, Huntsman is fluent in Chinese from his days as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan. ─── 亨茨曼是共和党党员,许多人认为他是下届总统的潜在候选人。

48、Obama said Huntsman will bring a respect for China's traditions to the job. ─── 奥巴马认为亨茨曼担任这项工作时会对中国传统抱有尊重。

49、The huntsman aimed (his gun) at the lion, fired but missed him. ─── 猎人把枪瞄准狮子,开火,但没有打中。

50、He is a brave huntsman. ─── 他是个勇敢的猎人。

51、the boy grows up to be a young man and was apprenticed to a huntsman. ─── 男孩长大成人了,在一名猎户手下当徒弟。

52、The huntsman is hunting for hares ─── 猎人正在追逐野兔。

53、A huntsman heard it and said, "How loudly the old woman is snoring! ─── 一个猎人听到后想:“这位老妇人打鼾怎么打得这么响啊!

54、Originally known for pioneering innovations in packaging and, later, for rapid and integrated growth in petrochemicals, Huntsman today has 14,000 employees and over 75 operations in 24 countries. ─── 亨斯迈最初因包装方面的创新优势而闻名,随后在石化产品方面实现了快速而全面的发展。

55、The huntsman who had been quarrelling came riding out of the bushes with the fox on the crupper, and rode towards his young master. ─── 殴斗的猎人带着系在马鞍后面的狐狸也从林缘后面驰至少爷跟前来了。

56、The huntsman was whipping in his pack of hounds ─── 猎人正在用鞭把他那群猎犬赶在一起。

57、Huntsman Polyurethanes Ltd. ─── 亨斯迈聚氨酯有限公司

58、Huntsman Spiders ─── 巨蟹蛛(蜘蛛目,巨蟹蛛科)

59、Huntsman: There is no mistake! The Queen is jealous of your beauty. ─── 猎人:我没弄错!皇后嫉妒您的美貌.

60、Mr Huntsman served as a US trade representative under President George W Bush, and as ambassador to Singapore under his father, President George HW Bush. ─── 亨茨曼先生在乔治-布什时期出任美国贸易谈判代表,同时在小布什父亲时期出任驻新加坡大使。

61、Huntsman, Benjamin ─── 亨茨曼

62、The huntsman who rode foremost passed us with great swiftness ─── 第一个打猎人骑着马飞快地从我们身边跑过去了。

63、the air was still and warm, and there was no sound but now and then the whistle of a huntsman, the snort of a horse, the clack of a whip, or the whine of a dog who had dropped out of his place. ─── 天空中一片沉寂,而且和暖,无声无息。有时可以听见猎人的唿哨声,马的响鼻声,或者是离开原地乱走的猎犬刺耳的吠声。

64、Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated chemicals. ─── 亨斯迈是精细化学品的全球制造商及营销商。

65、The huntsman comes near Snow White. He raises his sword behind her. ─── 猎人来到她身边.猎人在她身后举起了剑.

66、Mr Huntsman, who's also served as the governor of Utah, said he would formally enter the race in a week's time. ─── 洪博培曾经担任犹他州州长,他表示将在一周之内正式加入角逐。

67、The huntsman blew his horn ─── 猎人吹响他的号角。

68、Scent, sent The frost had destroyed the scent, so the huntsman sent the pack back to kennels. ─── 严寒毁坏了踪迹,所以猎人只好把猎犬送回犬舍。

69、We are now having the open positions of Huntsman Polyurethanes Shanghai Ltd., which is located in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park. ─── 所述职位的工作地点,均在漕泾化学工业区内(近金山)。

70、Because if for some reason you should fail, then tonight I shall be dining upon head of huntsman. ─── 如果你出于某种理由没能完成任务,今天晚上你就提头来见我。

71、Standing next to the president at a televised news conference, Mr Huntsman said: "I grew up understanding that the most basic responsibility one has is service to country." ─── 在一个电视播送的记者招待会里,亨茨曼先生站在总统的旁边,说道:“我长大后明白的道理是最根本的责任是为国家服务。”

72、At the foot of this tree a fire was burning, over which three hares were roasting a huntsman on a spit, and behind him, on another fire, hung a steaming pot, whence emerged the head of a dog. ─── 树底下画了一堆燃烧着的火,三只野兔抬着一个穿在烤叉上的猎人在火上烘烤,树后面,另一堆火上挂一口热气腾腾的锅,锅里露出一个狗头。

73、That scorn was not offensive to his master.Nikolay knew that this Danilo, disdainful of all, and superior to everything, was still his man and his huntsman. ─── 他这种轻视的神情没有使老爷觉得受侮辱,尼古拉晓得,这个藐视一切的高踞于一切的丹尼洛,毕竟是他的仆役和猎人。

74、The Huntsman And The Fisherman ─── 猎人和渔夫

75、The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden. ─── 猎人和我把动物赶出花园。

76、The huntsman was just passing the house, and thought to himself, how the old woman is snoring. I must just see if she wants anything. ─── 一位猎人碰巧从屋前走过,心想:“这老太太鼾打得好响啊!我要进去看看她是不是出什么事了。”

77、B>Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated chemicals. ─── 亨斯迈是精细化学品的全球制造商及营销商。

78、We ask Jon Huntsman Ambassador to give your hands to help Chinese workers, checking result why the assistance of American consulate staff China, made the falsely reported with the Johnson & Johnson. ─── 我们请大使先生主持公道,调查美国驻华大使馆和驻广州总领事馆商务参赞等人员,帮助强生公司诬告陷害我们的真相?

79、The huntsman fired a single shot at the lion and settled its hash. ─── 猎人朝那只狮子开了一枪,把它打死了。

80、All are not huntsmen who can blow the huntsman's horn ─── 并不是所有的猎人都能吹响号角

81、Ambassador to China, Governor Jon Huntsman, who is here today. (Applause.) Jon has deep experience living and working in Asia, and -- unlike me -- he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese. ─── 乔恩在亚洲有丰富的生活和工作经历,并且,同我不一样的是,他能说一口流利的中国普通话。

82、The frost had destroyed the scent, so the huntsman sent the pack back to kennels. ─── 严寒毁坏了踪迹,所以猎人只好把猎犬送回犬舍。

83、The situation of the chapel in the midst of a park or chase, so richly stocked with game, made the dedication to the Sainted Huntsman peculiarly appropriate. ─── 小教堂设在如此富于猎物的花园或猎场当中,就使得对这位圣徒化了的猎人所作的这一奉献显得特别得体。

84、Huntsman: Run away, my poor child ,to the forest far away. ─── 猎人:逃吧,我可怜的孩子,往森林里跑.

85、I shall never forget you, Huntsman! ─── 猎人,我永远不会忘记你!

86、2 So you understand what it is I want you to do, my loyal huntsman? ─── 现在你明白你的任务了吧?我忠诚的猎人?

87、Have you ever seen such a lovely sunshiny day, huntsman? ─── 猎人,你可曾见过这么风和日丽的好天气吗?

88、The huntsman whipped off his pack of hounds. ─── 猎人用鞭子把他那群猎犬驱散。

89、The next day Snow White ,never suspecting that she was in danger, went off with the huntsman. ─── 第二天,白雪公主跟随猎人出去,丝毫没有想到自己已处于危险之中。

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