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09-16 投稿



integrable 发音

英:[['ɪntɪgrəbl]]  美:[['ɪntəgrəbəl]]

英:  美:

integrable 中文意思翻译



integrable 词性/词形变化,integrable变形

名词: integrability |

integrable 短语词组

1、analytically integrable ─── 解析可积

2、integrable function ─── 可积函数

3、integrable representation ─── 可积表示

4、integrable distribution ─── [计]可积分分布

5、uniformly integrable ─── 一致可积的

integrable 相似词语短语

1、disintegrable ─── 可分解的;易碎裂的

2、intenable ─── 有意的

3、integrally ─── adv.完整地,整体地;固有地

4、integrate ─── vt.使…完整;使…成整体;求…的积分;表示…的总和;vi.求积分;取消隔离;成为一体;adj.整合的;完全的;n.一体化;集成体

5、integrals ─── [数]积分;完整(integral的复数)

6、interrogable ─── 可质问的

7、integral ─── adj.积分的;完整的,整体的;构成整体所必须的;n.积分;部分;完整

8、untearable ─── 拔不掉的;扯不破的

9、enterable ─── adj.可参加的;可进入的

integrable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In particular, many integrable equations arise naturally from motions of curves and surfaces. ─── 特别地,许多可积方程都自然地产生于曲线和曲面运动。

2、Integrable function sequence ─── 可积函数列

3、quadratically integrable function ─── 二次判别函数

4、From which, the resulting four expanded integrable models are obtained by making use of Tu scheme and the definition of integrable couplings. ─── 利用屠格式和可积耦合定义得到了相应的四个扩展可积模型。

5、integrable problem ─── 可积系统

6、Liouville integrable ─── Liouville可积

7、Completely Integrable Hamiltonion System Associated with the Dirac Hierarchy ─── Dirac方程族所对应的完全可积的Hamilton系统

8、integrable transfer ─── 可积转换可积联络

9、we have taken pride in be self-reliant,China is now activ integr into the world. ─── 前不久加入世贸就是一个很好的例子。

10、This paper discusses number of equivalent propositions and characteristics for integrable in the sense of Riemann. ─── 本文这种讨论了R(黎曼)可积的若干等价命题及其特征。

11、On this basis, the inverted-path string algorithm for the integrable -ware label tree query is proposed. ─── 在此基础上,提出积件查询的逆路径字符串匹配算法。

12、A Higher Dimensional Loop Algebra and Integrable Couplings System of Evolution Equations Hierarchy ─── 一个高维圈代数和演化方程族的可积耦合系统

13、Henstock-Kurzweil integrable function ─── Henstock-Kurzweil可积函数

14、An integrable theorem of second order linear non-homogeneous differential equation ─── 二阶线性非齐次微分方程的一个可积定理

15、Baxter[2] separately established Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation(For short, QYBE)[3][4][5] in 1960s. Since then the investigations on quantum integrable models [6][7][8][9] have been greatly promoted. ─── Baxter[2]分别于1967年与1972年创建了量子杨-巴克斯特方程[3][4][5]以来,量子可积模型[6][7][8][9]方面的研究取得了很大进展,特别是V.G.

16、integrable equation ─── 可积方程

17、A new hierarchy of Lax integrable lattice equations and its integrable couplings system ─── 一族新的Lax可积格方程和它的积耦合体系

18、However, the study of integration of coupled system is only the integrable coupling of only one equation due to Doctor Ma Wenxiu. ─── 但寻求耦合系统的可积性问题,也仅是由马文秀博士研究的一个孤立子方程的可积耦合,对于一族孤立子方程的可积耦合目前尚未研究。

19、one-dimensional integrable models ─── 一维可积模型

20、integrable distribution ─── 可积分分布

21、integrable connection ─── 可积联络

22、Worthy of mention especially is that the Yangian and quantum algebra was established by V.G. Drinfeld[10][11][12]in 1985 that offered a cogent mathematic method for the studies about the symmetry of quantum integrable models in physics. ─── Drinfeld[10][11][12]所建立的Yangian和量子群理论对物理中的量子完全可积模型的对称性研究提供了强有力的数学工具。

23、Criterion on a Wider Kind of Integrable Abel Differential Equations ─── 一类更广泛的Abel型微分方程的可积判据

24、Integrable Condition to A Class of Special Abel Equation ─── 一类特殊Abel方程的可积条件

25、"Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics" 发"A (2+1)-dimensional integrable system and its integrable hierarchy" ─── "微计算机应用"发表"教学评价与知识发现",

26、A new loop algebra and its corresponding integrable system ─── 一个新的loop代数及相应的一族可积系

27、lebesgue integrable ─── 勒贝格可积的

28、Constructive concept of integrable ware system in medical college ─── 医学院校积件系统的建设构想

29、integrable representation ─── 可积表示

30、Bifurcation of a Quadratic Integrable System under Quadratic Conservative Perturbations ─── 一个二次可积系统在二次保守扰动下的分支

31、Separability and Separation Equations for the Completely Integrable Constrained Flows of Dirac Hierarchy ─── Dirac族的完全可积约束流的可分离性及分离方程

32、Finite-Dimensional Integrable Hamiltonian Systems Obtained from Periodic Fixed Points of Darboux Transformation ─── Darboux变换的周期固定点导出的有限维可积的Hamilton系统(英文)

33、integrable classes ─── 可积类

34、A new subalgebra of Loop algebra (A2) and its relevant new integrable system ─── Loop代数(A2)的一个新子代数及其有关的一族新的可积系

35、Abelian Integral for a Planar Integrable Non-Hamilton System ─── 一类平面可积非Hamilton系统的Abel积分

36、The Existence of Primitive Function of Integrable Function ─── 可积函数的原函数的存在性问题

37、integrable coupling ─── 可积耦合

38、cubic non-Hamiltonian integrable system ─── 三次可积非Hamiltonian系统

39、Hierarchy of Lax Integrable Lattice Equations, Darboux Transformation and Conservation Laws ─── 一族Lax可积的格方程,达布变换与守恒律

40、A type of expanding integrable system for NLS-mKdV hierarchy ─── 一类NLS-mKdV方程族的扩展可积系统

41、A Hierarchy of Integrable Lattice Soliton Equations and Its Integrable Symplectic Map ─── 一族可积晶格孤子方程及其可积辛映射

42、Classical Completely Integrable System Generated through Nonlinearization of an Eigenvalue Problem ─── 一个特征值问题的非线性化及其生成的经典可积系统

43、Nonholonomic constraint is the constraint that contains time derivatives of the generalized coordinates of the system and is not integrable. ─── 非完整约束是指含有系统广义坐标导数且不可积的约束。

44、integrable function ─── 可积函数

45、mu integrable ─── 可积分

46、Several types which can be integrable for second order homogeneous linear differential equation with varied confficient ─── 二阶变系数齐次线性微分方程的几个可积类型

47、The major contents in this paper include: the formulation of integrable hierarchies and the integrable couplings. ─── 本文研究的内容主要包括两个方面:可积方程族的生成和可积耦合。

48、Medical Integrable Ware ─── 医学积件

49、Wang XM,Fu H,Liu GX,et al.Clinical study on treatment of mild cognitive by modified Wuzi Yanzong Granule.Chin J Integr Tradit West Med 2004; ─── 4王学美,富宏,刘庚信,等.加味五子衍宗颗粒治疗轻度认知障碍的临床研究.中国中西医结合杂志2004;

50、In general, if a system of differential equations has a sufficiently rich set of first integrals such that its solutions can be expressed by these integrals, then we call the system is integrable. ─── 一般说来,一个常微分方程动力系统称为是可积的,如果它有足够多的首次积分使得它的所有解都可以由这些首次积分函数表示。

51、uniformly integrable ─── 一致可积的

52、In 1967, he found a consistent condition, it plays an important role in integrable models and has influenced several branches of physics and mathematics. ─── 1967年,他发现一致的条件下,它发挥了重要作用积模型,并影响了几个部门的物理和数学。

53、Application of the transformations of function, some new integrable forms of third-order linear differential equation with variable coefficients are obtained. ─── 借助于因变量代换,得到了三阶变系数线性微分方程的若干新的可积类型。

54、Chen XM,Chen YP,Chen YP,et al.Multicenter prospec tive study on relationship of TCM syndrome and renal pathology in 286 patients with IgA nephropathy.Chin J Integr Tradit West Med 2004; ─── 8陈香美,陈以平,谌贻璞,等.286例IgA肾病中医辨证与肾脏病理关系的多中心前瞻性研究.中国中西医结合杂志2004;

55、In fact the discrete integrable system can be used as the model of some problem in physics, chemistry and biology, for example the Toda lattice equation and the Volterra lattice equation. ─── 众所周知,在物理学、化学及生物学中的许多些现象是以微分-差分方程作为模型建立起来的,如Toda晶格方程和Volterra晶格方程等。

56、The Integrable Criterion of One Kind of New Second-order Variable Coefficient Linear Differential Equation ─── 一类新二阶变系数线性微分方程的可积判据

57、The Constraint Flows and Compietely Integrable System for the Fourth-order Matrix Eigenvalue Problem ─── 与四阶矩阵特征问题相关的约束流与完全可积系统

58、Cheng ML , Ding YS , Luo YF , et al.Clinical study of Handan Bituo on treating chronic active hepatitis and liver fibrosis.Chin J Integr Tradit West Med 1996 ; ─── 31程明亮,丁一生,罗永芳,等.汉丹必妥治疗慢性活动性肝炎肝纤维化的临床研究.中国中西医结合杂志1996;

59、Integrable Condition and Computer Determination to a Class of Special Abel Equation ─── 一类特殊Abel方程的可积条件及其计算机判定

60、Now we investigate whether the functions are integrable and why they are integrable or not. ─── 现在,我们来研究这些函数是否可积及它们可积或不可积的原因

61、On the Integrable Modules over the Affine Lie AlgebraA_1~(())1 ─── 仿射李代数A_1~((1))的可积模

62、non integrable ─── adj. 不可积分的

63、integrable type ─── 可积条件

64、It is often bilinear form for those integrable systems. ─── 对于其中的可积系统,往往是双线性形式。

65、integrable quadratic system ─── 可积二次系统

66、The Integrable Criterion of First Order Linear Delay Differential Equations with Variable coefficient ─── 变系数一阶线性时滞微分方程的一个可积判据

67、A Hierarchy of Lax Integrable Equations and Its Non-linearization ─── 一族Lax可积的方程及其非线性化

68、Job Title:Customization Integration Verification Engineer (CIVE)Essential Job Functions:The Customization Integr...... ... ─── 公司名称:索尼爱立信移动通信产品(中国)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-4-16

69、integrable model ─── 可积模型

70、uniform integrable ─── 一致可积

71、d integrable ─── d可积

72、“We are the only video communication manufacturer to offer integrable products and services, which are created and managed entirely by us through our Service Centre. ─── “我们是唯一的视频通信厂商提供积产品和服务,这是建立和管理完全由我们通过我们的服务中心。

73、Integrable types ─── 可积类型

74、The relationship between two convergences in integrable function space ─── 可积函数空间上两种收敛性的关系

75、integrable criterion ─── 可积判据

76、The Gaudin formula for the case of XXX-1/2 spin chain with integrable open boundary condition ─── 可积开边界条件下XXX-1/2自旋链模型的Gaudin公式

77、Integrable systems, geometry, and topology. ─── 可积系统,几何与拓扑.

78、This paper investigates the integrable inhomogeneous generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet model by using the prolongation structure theory. ─── 利用延拓结构研究了可积的非均匀推广的海森堡铁磁链方程。

79、As the applications, a new integrable coupling of TC hierarchy by using the Tu scheme. ─── 作为应用,利用屠格式得到了TC方程族的一个新的可积耦合。

80、It is studied that the CMC surfaces in the sphere space of dimension 3 by means of integrable system and its spectral transformation is given. ─── 利用可积系统的方法研究3维球空间中的常中曲率CMC曲面,并给出了曲面的谱变换。

81、The q-boson hopping model with integrable open boundary condition ─── 可积开边界条件下的q形变玻色子模型

82、uniformly Henstock integrable ─── 一致Henstock可积

83、Integrable criterions of several types of new second-order linear variable-coefficient differential equations ─── 几类可化为新二阶变系数微分方程的可积判据

84、An Integrable Theorem of Second Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equation ─── 二阶线性齐次微分方程的一个可积定理

85、Integrable Condition and Its Computer Determination for A Kind of Special Abel Equation ─── 一类特殊阿贝尔方程的可积条件及计算机判定

86、improperly integrable function ─── 反常可积函数

87、Transforms for B-Valued Integrable Adapted Sequences and Smoothness as well as Convexity of Banach Spaces ─── B值适应可积序列的变换与Banach空间的光滑性和凸性

88、Stochastic Integral with Two-parameter Local Square Integrable Strong Martingales ─── 两指标局部强鞅的随机积分

89、Trace Formula and Periodic Orbits Quantization for Two-Dimensional Integrable System ─── 二维可积系统的求迹公式和周期轨道的量子化

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