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09-16 投稿



incubated 发音

英:[ˈɪŋkjubeɪtɪd]  美:[ˈɪŋkjubeɪtɪd]

英:  美:

incubated 中文意思翻译




incubated 短语词组

1、incubated eggs ─── 孵化卵

incubated 词性/词形变化,incubated变形

动词过去分词: incubated |动词现在分词: incubating |动词过去式: incubated |形容词: incubative |动词第三人称单数: incubates |

incubated 相似词语短语

1、intubated ─── v.插管于(中空器官),插管法治疗(intubate的过去式和过去分词)

2、incudate ─── 孵化

3、incubate ─── vt.孵化;培养;温育;逐渐发展;vi.孵化;酝酿;n.孵育物

4、incubates ─── vt.孵化;培养;温育;逐渐发展;vi.孵化;酝酿;n.孵育物

5、inchoated ─── 早期的

6、incubator ─── n.(用于体弱婴儿或早产儿护理的)恒温箱,保育箱;孵化器;细菌培养器;微生物培养器;(新兴小企业的)孵化基地(常配有后勤人员及设备,租金低廉)

7、inculpated ─── vt.使连累;使负罪;控告

8、inculcated ─── vt.教育;谆谆教诲;教授;反复灌输

9、incurvated ─── v.向内弯曲;使内弯;adj.向内弯曲的

incubated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Beta-elemenetreated C6 cells ere incubated at 43 degree Celsius for 2h for the enrichment of HSP70 expression. ─── 以不同的免疫条件(包括时间、剂量、次数)进行正交实验,观察它们对瘤苗免疫后鼠脾细胞杀瘤活性的影响;

2、Meantime,the effects of pulse electric field on incubated nucleation of molten are posted by the cooling curves and the velocity of temperature change. ─── 凝固冷却曲线和温变速率曲线揭示了脉冲电场对合金熔体的孕育形核作用。

3、When the fe males left, the males incubated and protected the eggs on their own. ─── 当这些雌性离去后,雄性恐龙就自己孵化并且保卫这些蛋。

4、As a result of these shortcomings, many technologies incubated on the PC are moving off it. ─── 由于这些缺点,很多在PC上孵化的技术正在逐渐脱离这个平台。

5、No Sirian Grand Master human desired to relocate to Earth.Therefore 48 Grand Masters were incubated in a laboratory from DNA derived from present time Sirian spiritual elite. ─── 天狼星上没有大师愿意迁居到地球上,因此,从现有天狼星灵性精英层中获取了DNA而在实验室中培育了48名大师。

6、His research team used whole squeezed grapes and incubated them for up to 18 hours in the presence of alcohol before removing the skins. ─── 他的研究小组积压整个葡萄并且发酵多达18个小时产生酒精后再去掉葡萄皮。

7、Were incubated without access of oxygen for some time. Then part of the spirogyra ─── 全好氧性的细菌,然后在水绵丝状体上

8、Cultured in a dish stem cells can be incubated with chemical cocktails to coax them to mature into different cell types including those found in the liver muscle and brain. ─── 干细胞被置于培养皿中培育,经过各种化学混合物诱导后变成各种不同的成熟细胞,包括肝细胞、肌肉细胞和脑细胞。

9、Incubated enterprises(incubator) ─── 在孵(孵化器)企业

10、MSC at passages 3 were incubated at the addition of adipocyte induction media, and stained in Oil Aed O. ─── 取第3代的贴壁细胞制成单细胞悬液,加入脂肪细胞诱导液,14d后行油红O染色,光镜观察。 4、供体MSC输注受体

11、S. For the next five years, the center incubated increasingly efficient hard-drive technologies, while cultivating the field's top thinkers. ─── 接下来五年,这个机构逐步提升硬碟技术的效率,并且培育出硬碟产业内一流的思想家。

12、Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive. ─── 巴鲁特是孵化到一半的鸭蛋,蛋里的小鸭子刚刚长出羽毛和嘴巴,却被活生生煮熟。

13、Long-incubated plans to reform the Lords would see it converted during the next parliament into a body that is mainly or entirely elected. ─── 长期酝酿的改革上议院的计划将使人们看到,在下次议会开会期间,政府将转变为主要由或全部由选举产生的机构。

14、Determination of the Activity of Aspirin Esterase in Plasma by HPLC Method and Optimization of the Incubated Conditions in Vitro ─── HPLC测定人血浆乙酰水杨酸酯酶活性及其测定培养条件的优化选择

15、In this experiment, a soil sample was incubated with a dilute soup of radioactive organic molecules ─── 在这个实验中,一份土壤样品同一份含放射性有机分子的稀释浓稠液体一起培养。

16、Comparative Study between Incubated Companies and Non-incubated Companies ─── 孵化企业与非孵化企业的比较研究

17、Human bone marrow cells were incubated with IL-2 for 1 or 3 days to generate activated bone marrow(ABM)cells. ─── 应用国产白介素2(IL-2)与骨髓细胞共同孵育1或3天,产生激活骨髓(分别记为ABM1或ABM3)。

18、Study on Soy Yogurt Beverage Made of Calcium-rich Plearotus Erungii Mycelia Incubated in Konjak ─── 富钙杏鲍菇菌丝体酸豆奶的制作

19、A colloidally stable suspension of nanoparticles was incubated on sheep synovial cells in vitro for 3, 24, 72, and 120 hours. ─── 将纳米颗粒胶质的稳定悬浮液与羊滑膜细胞体外培养3、24、72和120小时。

20、Even though life is incubated, there must be a nonphysical force that agrees unto the life. ─── 即使生命被孵化,也必须有非物质的力量来协议进入生命。

21、Fluorescent labeled PTD-kallikrein and Kallikrein were incubated with different types of cells. ─── 将荧光标记的PTD-kallikrein及Kallikrein分别孵育不同细胞,在荧光显微镜下观察两种荧光物质对生物膜的通透能力。

22、Determination of 3-methylhistidine and tyrosine in incubated buffer and checking samples by HPLC with PITC pre-column derivation ─── 异硫氰酸苯酯衍生法测定孵育液中的3-甲基组氨酸与酪氨酸

23、Titanium and its alloy were incubated in the respective bacterial cell suspension,photographed and counted the adhered bacteria which was stained with acridine orange by fluorescence microscopy. ─── 将材料接种于变形链球菌悬液,在荧光显微镜下计数黏附细菌的数量。

24、if not extended, incubation will be revoked, and the incubated business will leave the incubator. ─── 如果不延期,则撤销,在孵企业离开孵化器。

25、The SPF chickens were incubated with oil-adjuvanted inactivated AIV vaccine, then the high titer serum was collected and the Immunoglobulin G was extracted with the saturated (NH_4)_2SO_4.And the content of the IgG is 4.090mg/mL. ─── 将该病毒抗原制成油佐剂灭活疫苗,免疫SPF鸡,收集高免血清,用(NH_4)_2SO_4法提取血清中的免疫球蛋白G(IgG),测定蛋白含量为IgG浓度为4.090mg/mL。

26、6 GLJ restrains the contraction of isolated rabbit jejunum incubated without Ca2+ due to CaCl2, furthermore, 0.1-1 tnol/L CaCb impose no action on isolated rabbit jejunum incubated by GLJ. ─── 2石e 对CaC12所致无钙环境下高钾除极化的离体兔肠收缩有抑制作用,并且 0.1叶 几 COC12不能使经 GLJ预孵育的肠肌标本收缩力增加。

27、The complete set of eggs produced or incubated at one time. ─── 一次产的或孵的蛋。

28、Appenzeller and his colleagues incubated samples of Appenzeller's hair for up to six months in soil from an Australian gold mine. ─── 阿彭策尔和他的同事们对阿彭策尔的头发作了采样,把这些头发放在澳大利亚金矿附近的土壤中培养了6个月。

29、Inoculum of S. mutans incubated with HMME also examined with fluorescence microscopy. ─── 变形链球菌菌株经HMME孵育后应用荧光显微镜观察。

30、incubated egg ─── 孵化蛋

31、3) SMMC-7721 cells were incubated for 12h, 24h and 48 h with 4% concentrations of ethonal or 4% concentrations of ethonal combined with catalase, the growth inhibition rate was detected by trypan blue staining. ─── 度分别为2%、4%、6%的乙醇作用于细胞,分别在作用1h、2h后,用流式细胞仪

32、The highest chitinase and chitosanase activity were 0.41U/mL and 1.5 U/mL when CJ-5 strain was incubated on chitin medium in 3L fermentor. ─── 在3升发酵罐中以几丁质为底物进行发酵,几丁质酶活力可达0.41U/mL,壳聚糖酶活为1.5U/mL。

33、The dynamic relationship between cytotoxic effect and incubated time with TPT was investigated by flow cytometry and immunological analysis. ─── 应用新的流体细胞测量仪(FACS-Vantage)及免疫分析法对细胞培养时间、TPT的浓度与拓扑酶中毒程度的动力学关系进行了研究。

34、As predicted, the birds incubated in the light looked for food mainly with their right eye, while using the other to check out the predator. ─── 正如预测的那样,在光线下孵化的小鸟主要用右眼寻找食物,而用另一只眼睛观察是否有捕食者。

35、Why don't you raise those which were incubated? They hatch faster and the chicks are bigger. ─── 你为什麽不养那种可以用机器孵蛋的?那种比较快生小鸡,小鸡也长得快。

36、Aeromonas hydrophila J-l strain was incubated into LB medium, and cultured at 28 C for 24 hours. The bacteria was collected through centrifugation and inactivated by 90 C 30min in order to get whole bacterina. ─── 将致病性嗜水气单胞菌J-1株接种LB培养基,摇床培养180rpm,28℃,24h,90℃30min灭活制得全菌苗。

37、5. The cell was incubated at 280C with 5.0% seed culture on ashaker operated at l7Orlmin, L-Tyr was added until 0.5 g L at 1 5hand the cell was collected after 21 h, the enzyme specific activity ashigh as 19.0 mU ? mg~? ─── 以5%接种量接种,于170r/min,28℃培养15h后添加L-酪氨酸至终浓度0.5g/L,继续培养至21h收集菌体,获得最大酶比活力达19.0mU/mg。

38、The Hebrews incubated dreams in order to receive divine revelation. ─── 希伯来人孕育梦为了接收神的启示。

39、R6G was incubated in three kinds of silver colloid with different low concentrations, and its surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) was studied with a confocal microscopy system. ─── 以共焦显微系统为平台,研究了不同浓度的R6G银溶胶的表面增强共振拉曼散射(SERRS)光谱,结果表明不同浓度溶液中的R6G分子表现出了不同的光谱特性。

40、The endothelial cells incubated with the supernatant of MBP-stimulated PBMC can promote T cell proliferation ─── MBP刺激的PBMC培养上清对内皮细胞促进T细胞增殖的作用

41、Peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMNC)were incubated with phytohemagglutinin(PHA). Before or after T cell activation,the cells were cultured with or without rhCD25MAb or cyclosporine A(CsA)in vitro. ─── 应用植物血凝素(PHA)刺激外周血单个核细胞,不加或同时加rhCD25MAb或环孢菌素A(CsA)进行体外培养,或先用PHA刺激T细胞活化后再加入rhCD25MAb继续进行培养。

42、The mixture is incubated at 90℃ for a further three hours. ─── 将混合物在90℃进一步保温三个小时。

43、Egg survival and hatchling traits of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle Chinemys reevesii incubated in different hydric environments ─── 不同孵化湿度下的乌龟卵孵化成功率及新生幼体特征

44、incubated nucleation ─── 孕育形核

45、The "eggs" of neuroscience have been incubated for decades, but none of them has hatched. ─── 他们已经领了多少薪水,花了多少钱买仪器做实验你们知道吗?

46、The warmth of home can be incubated on details.Demonstrate rhythmic beautiful line with wave sense and grace.The relaxed elements up the spacial sense. ─── 家的温馨可以再细节之中酝酿,让动感或优雅演绎线条律动的美,让美的轻松元素构成家的空间意义。

47、Difference of HSP70 Expressions in Lymphocytes of Soldiers from South and North China Incubated at Lowand High Temperature ─── 南北方武警战士外周血淋巴细胞热、冷损伤时热应激蛋白70表达的差异

48、When having entered into Fanghezhengyuan incubator, the pioneering business starts coming into incubation cultivation stage, which is a key stage for growth and development of incubated business. ─── 初创企业入驻方和正圆孵化器后,就开始进入孵化培育阶段,这是在孵企业成长和发展的关键阶段。

49、When the aorta rings were incubated with Cic and Bep, a potentialized inhibitory effect was observed on KCh but not NE-induced contractions. ─── Bep主要抑制KCl激动的主动脉环收缩。 Cic与Bep联孵时,Cic可增加Bep抑制NE激动主动脉环收缩的效应;

50、Help incubated businesses reconstruct assets, debts and capital structure. ─── 帮助孵化器内企业进行资产、债务和资本结构的重组。

51、Dongneng technology company is a high-tech incubated enterprise integrating research、production、sales and service of fluid sealing . ─── 东能科技是一家集流体密封的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的高科技孵化企业。

52、from genital ridge and mesenterium of human embryo was incubated on fibroblast feeder layers for subculture. ─── 从人胚胎生殖嵴、肠系膜中消化分离的原始生殖细胞,将其接种在人子宫内膜成纤维细胞饲养层上传代培养。

53、The plateau level of uptake (4291.6 cpm/mg cell protein) was reached at 41.1 min when incubated with 37 kBq 99mTc-CPI. ─── 在与37kBq ~(99m)Tc-CPI孵育41.1min时心肌细胞的浓聚达坪值(4291.6cpm/mg cell protein)。

54、He'll be looking for businesses that are incubated outside of Silicon Valley. ─── 他将寻求在硅谷之外孵化企业。

55、Umbilical cord blood stem cells in the group C were incubated in the endothelial basal medium containing endothelial medium in a 6-well plate coated with fibronectin. ─── C组用添加有内皮细胞培养基的内皮细胞基础培养液在纤维连接蛋白包被的6孔板上培养。

56、A Method for DNA Extraction from Incubated Eggshells of Pheasants ─── 一种从雉类孵化卵壳中提取DNA的方法

57、After the arteries were incubated in Krebs-Henseleit (KH, control group), high potassium solution (potassium, 20 mmol/L or 50 mmol/L, group A or B) or KH plus nicorandil ( 0.1?mmol/L, group C, D or E) at 4? ─── A组 :2 0mmol/L高钾溶液 ; B组 :5 0mmol/L高钾溶液 ;

58、The filtrate was collected and suspended in RPMI 1640 containing 11.1 mmol/L glucose,and then the islet cell clamps were incubated. ─── 应用放射免疫技术对胰岛素进行检测和分析。

59、They are mixed with water and incubated in a process called mashing. The insoluble material is then removed to yield the wort, a clear liquid containing fermentable sugars and other simple molecules. ─── 它们与水混合并且在糖化工艺中经过一段时间的培养,然后将不溶性的物质除去以得到糖化醪,它是澄清液并含有可发酵糖和其它简单分子。

60、HSF and HSC-T6 in logarithmic growth phase were incubated in culture plates in which the cultured cell density were adjusted to 1 x lOVml. OD values of the cells were tested by the method of MTT after 24hr incubation. ─── 取对数生长期培养细胞HSF,HSC一T6,调整细胞密度为lxl05个/m1,接种于%孔板24小时后,分别加入不同浓度pHGF,孵育24小时,进行MTT试验,检测55Onm0D值。

61、At Qinghai Lake through artificial enhancement measures, released and incubated naked carps. ─── 在青海湖通过人工增值的措施,放流孵化青海湖裸鲤。

62、The phytochrome was purified with a modified Grimm method from etiolated rice (Oryza saliva var. HPGMR nongken 58S) seedlings incubated for 6 days in darkness. ─── 以暗室培养6天的湖北光敏感核不育水稻农垦58S黄化芽为材料,采用稍加改进的Grimm等方法,提纯了光敏色素。

63、respiration rates in incubated soil samples ─── 培育土样呼吸作用的比率

64、Cultured human RPE cells were incubated with labeled silicone oil vesicles and with or without serum for 24 hours. ─── 培养的人RPE细胞与硅油小滴,伴或不伴有血清,共同孵育24h。

65、Therefore, when white rot fungus is incubated with spores, the incubation system must first be sterile followed by non-sterile conditions to effectively decolorize dyestuff in the medium. ─── 因此,当采用白腐菌孢子作为种子进行培养时,只有采用灭菌环境培养的方法,才能使白腐菌在非灭菌环境具有较高的降解染料的能力。

66、Umbilical cord blood stem cells in the group A were incubated in the endothelial basal medium. ─── A组用内皮细胞基础培养液培养;

67、Cutting-edge technology incubated in Sany Pavement Machinery ─── 三一路机孵化国内业界前沿技术

68、Its flexible, general-purpose architecture has made it the platform on which new technologies, from voice-over-internet calling to peer-to-peer file-sharing, have been incubated. ─── 它灵活多用的结构设计使其成为互联网对话和点对点文件共享等新技术的开发平台。

69、Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive. ─── 巴鲁特是孵化到一半的鸭蛋,蛋里的小鸭子刚刚长出羽毛和嘴巴,却被活生生煮熟。

70、Expression of MCP-1 mRNA was undetectable in freshly isolated monocytes, but was induced at 12 h and reached a maximal level at 24 h and was almost undetectable at 36 h after the monocytes were incubated with AGEP-BSA 200 mg/L (P < 0.01). ─── 刚分离出来的新鲜单核细胞并不表达MCP-1 mRNA,12h已能检测到MCP-1的mRNA,24h达高峰,36h MCP-1的mRNA几乎检测不到。

71、INCREASE OF CASPASE3 EXPRESSION IN K562 INCUBATED WITH bcr/abl ANTISENSE OLIGOMER ─── 反义bcr/abl寡核苷酸诱导K562细胞凋亡时Caspase3表达及活性的变化

72、incubated diseases ─── 伏邪

73、Introduce risk investment institution and financial organization to help incubated enterprises to finance. ─── 引入风险投资机构和金融机构,协助入驻企业进行融资;

74、On the other side different concentrations of PTD peptide were incubated with cells. ─── PTD-kallikrein可以通过生物膜及跨越血脑屏障;

75、Its flexible, generalpurpose architecture has made it the platform on which new technologies, from voice-over-internet calling to peer-to-peer file-sharing, have been incubated. ─── 在其灵活,通用的体系结构所造就的平台上,网络语音电话,对等文件共享等一系列新技术相继孕育而生。

76、Murine ARS reticulum sarcoma cells, when incubated with 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5% DMSO in vitro, were induced to differentiate into macrophage like cells. ─── 小鼠ARS腹水型网状细胞肉瘤瘤株加1.5、2.0、2.5%DMSO体外培养,被诱导出现了巨噬细胞样分化。

77、Even so, the impromptu trading rooms of Ho Chi Minh City are beginning to resemble the London coffee-houses that incubated the ruinous South Sea Bubble in the early 18th century. ─── 尽管这样,胡志明市交易房间内的即兴演出开始像伦敦的咖啡屋了,其在18世纪早期孕育了摧毁性的南海泡沫。

78、GT1-7 cells were incubated with galanin at a cohort of concentrations for different time points and GnRH released in the supernatant was determined by RIA. ─── (2 )将不同浓度的甘丙肽以不同时间与GT1- 7细胞孵育 ,用RIA法测定细胞上清液中GnRH含量。

79、ABC method combined with 24 h culture (C-ABC) after incubated specimen into monolayer Vero cell for rapid diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) infection was carried out in experimental rabbits with Herpes Simplex Keratitis. ─── 对兔单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎模型眼,用培养24小时联合ABC法染色(C-ABC)快速检测HSV感染,并在HSV-1感染的Vero细胞制成的抗原片上比较了ABC法、PAP法、IIF和IIE检测HSV抗原的敏感性。

80、incubated enterprises (incubator) ─── 在孵(孵化器)企业

81、The test soil was pre incubated with the aromatics for 3d and spiked with BaP stock solution, which eventually formed into slurry system in Erlenmeyer flasks and was incubated on rotary shaker. ─── 先把几种芳香化合物投入到供试无污染土壤中进行 3d的预培养 ,然后向土壤中加入苯并芘并使土壤在三角瓶内形成泥浆系统 ,放在摇床上培养 .

82、Optimum economical amount of mulberry leaves has been studied for raising the fifth instar silkworms incubated from the eggs on each piece of paper,i.e.20,000 silkworms. ─── 为探讨张种五龄用桑最佳经济指标,作者曾先后多次进行了五龄定量给桑试验。

83、The Cu and Cd adsorbed by the red soil incubated with the manures was desorbed more difficult ly than that incubated without manures. ─── 与有机物料共同培养的红壤所吸附的铜、镉的解吸率均不同程度降低。

84、However, in the absence of BBA and incubation for a Ionger time, cellular CE accumulation was observed only in MPM incubated with VLDL_3. Thus, there were many differences between VLDL_1 and VLDL_3 in their metabolism by macrophages. ─── 对胞内甘油三酯(TG)的堆积作用以VLDL_1较强,对胆固醇酶(CE)的堆积则以VLDL_3较强。

85、Specifically, when they incubated the altered neurotoxin with mouse diaphragm, it produced far less muscular paralysis than the natural toxin. ─── 两组都表示他们通过引入突变巧妙的改变突出结合蛋白的结构,从而使这种结合瓦解。

86、Submandibular tissues of rats were incubated in vitro and different concentration of FSH was added.Enzyme link immunoassay was used to measure EGF and NGF in supernatant. ─── 体外孵育大鼠下颌下腺组织并给予不同浓度FSH,应用酶联免疫分析方法检测上清液中NGF和EGF的含量。

87、The state of being incubated. ─── 孵化被孵化的状态

88、Drug serum was incubated with cultured Bel-7402 human hepatocarcinoma cells and normal rat serum was used as control. ─── 以正常鼠血清为阴性对照,将药物血清温育Bel-7402人肝癌细胞。

89、Methods Free-living amoebae were incubated on the agaric solid medium which had been covered with Escherichia coli in control group. ─── 方法对照组自由生活阿米巴用涂有大肠埃希菌的琼脂培养基培养。

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