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hurst 发音

英:[hɜːst]  美:[hɝst]

英:  美:

hurst 中文意思翻译



hurst 网络释义

n. 沙洲;林中小丘;树林n. (Hurst)人名;(英)赫斯特;(德)胡斯特

hurst 相似词语短语

1、curst ─── adj.被诅咒的;爱吵架的(等于cursed);v.诅咒;使受灾祸(curse的过去式和过去分词)

2、aburst ─── 邻接

3、thirst ─── n.渴望;口渴;热望;vi.渴望;口渴

4、hurt ─── vt.使受伤;损害;使疼痛;使痛心;vi.感到疼痛;有坏处;带来痛苦;n.痛苦;危害;痛苦的原因;adj.受伤的;痛苦的;受损的;n.(Hurt)人名;(德、匈、捷)胡特;(英)赫特

5、durst ─── v.敢于;向……挑战;激(某人做某事);冒险;挑战(dare的过去式及过去分词);n.(Durst)(美)德斯特(人名)

6、hursts ─── n.沙洲;林中小丘;树林;n.(Hurst)人名;(英)赫斯特;(德)胡斯特

7、burst ─── v.爆炸;戳破;爆裂;(器官或血管)爆裂;装满;充满感情;突然爆发(某种感情);爆发出;冲开;闯;分页,断纸;n.爆炸;猝发;迸发;冲刺;一阵短促的射击;n.(Burst)(美)布尔斯特(人名)

8、horst ─── n.[地质]地垒;n.(Horst)人名;(英、德、罗、捷、塞、波、瑞典)霍斯特;(西、法)奥尔斯特

9、wurst ─── n.香肠(尤指德国式的)

hurst 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、generalized Hurst index ─── 广义Hurst指数

2、The Influence of Different Grouping Methods on the Hurst Index ─── 不同的分组方法对赫斯特指数的影响

3、She was so excited," Hurst recalls. ─── 她很兴奋,”赫斯特回忆当时的情况说。

4、The thesis based on random fractal theory, utilizing fractional Brownian motion model, using R/S analysis technique and wavelet transform method to estimate Hurst exponent which dep. ─── 基于随机分形理论,采用分数布朗运动模型,应用R/S分析技术和基于小波变换的谱参数估计方法计算地震道信号的赫斯特指数。

5、At that moment they were met from another walk, by Mrs. Hurst and Elizabeth herself. ─── 他们正谈得起劲和时候,忽然看见赫斯脱太太和伊丽莎白从另外一条路走过来。

6、The Hurst empirical formula in the R/S method is modified and used for the analysis of the dynamic process of groundwater. ─── 对R/S分析法中的Hurst经验公式进行了修正 ,并采用修正后的Hurst经验公式分析了地下水动态过程 .

7、variance analysis of Hurst exponent ─── Hurst指数方差分析

8、Keywords R/S analysis;Hurst index;neural network;prediction;Luodai Gasfield; ─── 分析;赫斯特指数;神经网络;预测;洛带气田;

9、"The mini-vacation is a fantastic way of changing the scene without breaking the bank, " said Amelie Hurst of travel website TripAdvisor. ─── 旅游网站的艾米丽?赫斯特说:“迷你假期是省钱度假的好办法。”

10、But Greaves suffered an injury against Uruguay which needed stitches - ruling him out of the quarter-final and giving Hurst his opportunity, which he duly took. ─── 但格里夫斯在对阵乌拉圭的比赛中受伤并且需要缝针,使他无法在四分之一决赛中出场,这也给了赫斯特机会,他也确实把握住了。

11、Both R/S analysis technique and wavelet transform method can estimate Hurst exponent efficiently. Relatively, the wavelet transform method restrains noise better. ─── R/S分析技术和基于小波变换的谱参数估计方法均可以很好地计算赫斯特指数,相对而言,小波变换谱参数估计方法具有较好的抗噪性。

12、Hurst exponent ─── Hurst指数

13、Hurst exponent is valuable in the investment in stockmarket ─── hurst指数在证券投资中有一定的参考价值,对长期的投资决策可以发生影响。

14、Hurst counter ─── 哈斯特计数管

15、The AE signal will be stronger when H >0.5, and it is weaker when H

16、Some problems in estimating a Hurst exponent:a case study of applications to climatic change[J].Scientia Geographica Sinca,2004,24(2):177-182. ─── Hurst指数估计中存在的若干问题--以在气候变化研究中的应用为例[J].地理科学,2004,24(2):177-182.

17、and as for Mr. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards, who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her. ─── 再说到赫斯脱先生,他就坐在伊丽莎白身旁,他天生一副懒骨头,活在世上就是为了吃、喝、玩牌,他听到伊丽莎白宁可吃一碟普通的菜而不喜欢吃烩肉,便和她谈不上劲了。

18、Mr. Hurst looked at her with astonishment. ─── 先生惊奇地朝她望了一下。

19、A Mixed Multiscale Hurst Parameter Classification Model of Remote Sensing Image ─── 一种遥感图象的混合多尺度Hurst参数分类模型

20、Hurst effect ─── Hurst效应

21、An adult friend shaved the rest of Hurst's head. ─── 另一位成人朋友接着剃光了赫斯特所有的头发。

22、A study of the crash of Chinese stock market using local Hurst index idea ─── 局部Hurst指数方法在研究我国股市大跌中的应用

23、A new variance estimation of the Hurst parameter of nth-order fBm was provided; ─── 提出了对n阶fBm的Hurst指数一种新的方差估计法;

24、4 Hurst M,Lamb HM,Scott LJ,et al.Levofloxacin:an updated review of its use in the treatment of bacterial infections.Drugs,2002,62(14):2127-2167. ─── 可乐必妥静滴液和片剂序贯法治疗呼吸道感染的安全性与有效性研究由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!

25、In the last minute of extra-time England's impeccable skipper Moore hit a raking pass that Hurst latched onto and smashed into the top corner with his left foot, completing the perfect hat-trick. ─── 在加时赛的最后时刻,英格兰最棒的队长摩尔传球,赫斯特接球后左脚射门入球门上角,成就了完美的帽子戏法。

26、In this paper, we get the R/S estimations of HURST dimension through computing the historical data of Hang Seng Index and Shanghai Index, and study the similarity of two indexes. ─── 摘要本文通过对恒生指数和上证指数历史数据的处理,给出HURST维数的R/S估计,进而研究两个股票指数的相似性。

27、local Hurst index ─── 局部Hurst指数

28、Hurst, the only footballer to score a hat trick in a world cup final, was a member of the England team that beat Germany 4-2 at Wembley in 1966. ─── 在世界杯足球赛决赛中惟一一位连进三球的人是英国队的赫斯特,1966年英国队和德国队在温布利的比赛中,前者以四比二击败后者。

29、The method of the R/S analysis is adopted to calculate the Hurst index of the gas wellswhose production is declining in Luodai Gasfield. ─── 以洛带气田的产量递减井为例,运用R/S分析方法计算了气井的赫斯特指数,证实该区的气井产量变化和生产时间具有相关性,可以进行产量递减分析。

30、slow drift hurst ─── 慢漂暴

31、Not only did he lift the Jules Rimet Trophy, but his outstanding vision and execution set up Geoff Hurst for the fourth England goal in the Final against West Germany. ─── 他不仅仅举起了雷米特杯,他还通过自己出众的意识帮助赫斯特打入决赛对西德的第四个进球。

32、"You used us abominably ill," answered Mrs. Hurst, "in running away without telling us that you were coming out." ─── “你们也太对不起我们了,”赫斯脱太太回答道,“只顾自己出来,也不告诉我们一声。”

33、Hurst called them to order, with bitter complaints of their inattention to what was going forward.As all conversation was thereby at an end, Elizabeth soon afterwards left the room. ─── 一直等到赫斯脱先生叫她们好好打牌,怪她们不该对牌场上的事那么漫不经心,她们才住嘴,一场争论就这样结束了,伊丽莎白没有多久也走开了。”

34、Two weeks after her diagnosis last October, Hurst broke the news to Ellie. ─── 去年十月,在癌症确诊两个星期后,赫斯特告诉了艾莉这个消息。

35、Hurst parameter ─── Hurst参数

36、His unfailing belief in a social hierarchy will inevitably hurst those around him. ─── 他所坚信的整个等级社会的观念不可避免地会伤害他周围的人。

37、Not only was Hurst worried about her own prognosis, but she was afraid of her daughter Ellie's reaction to the news. ─── 赫斯特不仅担心自己的病情,同时非常忧虑女儿艾莉对此事会做何反应。

38、Application of New Hurst Envelope on maximum annual flood forecast of Minjiang River ─── 新薛斯通道在岷江年最大洪水预报中的应用

39、The G8-based 2010 Hurts/Pontiac H.O. will be handmade at Hurst's Irvine, California facility. ─── 八国集团为基础的2010年伤害/庞蒂亚克议员将手工在赫斯特的加州工厂。

40、Applying Fractal Hurst Exponent to Pricing Rainbow Option ─── 分形Hurst指数在彩虹期权定价中的应用

41、Hurst threw the 16-inch (40-centimetre) stick for Millie to retrieve, but it stuck in the ground like a javelin and the sprinting dog managed to effectively impale herself on it, swallowing it whole. ─── 报道说,当时赫斯特把这根16英寸的棍子扔出去让米莉追,但棍子像标枪一样戳在了地上。而当时正在疾速追赶的米莉扑上来咬棍子,棍子就整个儿进了它的肚子。

42、Inside the Hurst/Pontiac H.O. will feature a Hurst shifter and unique interior trim. ─── 内赫斯特/庞蒂亚克H.O.将采用赫斯特器和独特的内饰。

43、Hurst's disease ─── Hurst

44、Rattin lingered, infuriated, the match was decided by Geoff Hurst's second-half header, and a World Cup classic that might have been wasn't. ─── 比赛最终在下半场,由吉奥夫-赫斯特头球锁定比分,成为世界杯的经典对局之一。

45、"Do let us have a little music," -- cried Miss Bingley, tired of a conversation in which she had no share. -- "Louisa, you will not mind my waking Mr. Hurst." ─── 彬格莱小姐眼见这场谈话没有她的份,不禁有些厌倦,便大声说道:“让来听听音乐吧,露薏莎,你不怕我吵醒赫斯脱先生吗?”

46、Application of Hurst index of earthquake frequency in the prediction of earthquake ─── 地震频次的Hurst指数在地震预报中的应用

47、Hurst index experiment ─── Hurst指数试验

48、Estimation of the time-varying Hurst index by wavelet transformation for the stock biased stochastic motion ─── 小波分析在股票有偏随机游动中的应用

49、The last Englishman to have scored three against Germany was Sir Geoff Hurst in the 1966 World Cup Final at Wembley. ─── 上一个在与德国队的比赛中攻入3球的英国人是乔夫?赫斯特爵士,他在1966年温布利世界杯决赛中上演了帽子戏法。

50、by mrs. hurst and miss bingley, they were noticed only by a curtsey; ─── 她们来了不久,佣人们便送来了冷肉、点心、以及各种应时鲜果。

51、Hurst, principally occupied in playing with her bracelets and rings, joined now and then in her brother's conversation with Miss Bennet. ─── 赫斯脱太太聚精会神地在玩弄自己的手镯和指环,偶而也在她弟弟跟班纳特小姐的对话中插几句嘴。

52、A Method of Analyzing the Time Lag of the Chaotic Time Series Based on Hurst Exponent ─── 基于Hurst指数的飞机完好率混沌时序数据时滞性分析

53、Hurst had therefore nothing to do but to stretch himself on one of the sophas and go to sleep. ─── 因此,赫斯脱先生无事可做,只得躺在沙发上打瞌睡。

54、Making his international debut against West Germany in the build up to the 1966 finals, Hurst started on the bench in all of England' ─── 在向1966年世界杯决赛圈前进的过程中,他的国家队首演对手是西德队。

55、Keywords R/S analysis;rescaled range analysis;high order Hurst exponent;total fire number of whole country;forecast; ─── 分析;重标极差方法;高阶赫斯特指数;全国火灾起数;预测;

56、She had obtained private intelligence that Mr. Darcy did not wish for cards; and Mr. Hurst soon found even his open petition rejected. ─── 她早就看出达西先生不想打牌,因此赫斯脱先生后来公开提出要打牌也被她拒绝了。

57、Hurst' analysis ─── Hurst分析

58、Kong Lingzheng. Discussion on hurst spiking. ─── 串感应现象探讨

59、As Hurst parameter estimated bias exists, the precision may be improved by using non-linear estimate, where ARFIMA model is proposed and used for verification. ─── 从统计结果来看,样本序列呈现出尖峰、胖尾等有偏特征,明显不满足正态分布的假设,表明收益序列可能具有长程相关或记忆性。

60、Gary Lineker netted the first English hat-trick at a World Cup Finals since Geoff Hurst to defeat Poland 3-0. ─── 1986年世界杯莱因克尔继赫斯特之后,成为第二个在世界杯决赛圈上演帽子戏法的英格兰人,球队以3比0完胜波兰。

61、Research on method of network abnormal detection based on Hurst parameter estimation ─── 基于Hurst参数评估的网络异常检测方法的研究

62、A calculating Hurst index method and its use have been recommended. ─── 介绍了R/S计算hurst指数的方法和用途。

63、Wavelet Transform Based Multiscale Hurst Parameter Texture Features and Its Application ─── 多尺度H参数纹理特征的子带算法

64、I noticed a turning point," Hurst recalled. ─── 我意识到这是一个转折点,”赫斯特回忆道。

65、The Pontiac G8 - and its entire brand - are nearly extinct, but there's time for one last hurrah at Hurst. ─── 25八国集团-及其整个品牌-几乎绝迹,但有一个时间上赫斯特最后的欢呼。

66、Italy midfielder Simone Perrotta admits he could have been playing for England after being born in Ashton-under-Lyme, home to previous World Cup winners Alan Ball and Geoff Hurst. ─── 意大利中场球员西蒙尼.佩罗塔出生于奥斯顿-下利梅,并且他承认自己本应该为英格兰效力,那里也是曾经的世界杯冠军艾伦.鲍尔和赫斯特的故乡。

67、We roused two birds while we took a walking in the hurst. ─── 我们在树林里散步时惊起了两只鸟。

68、In front of a packed and passionate Wembley crowd Germany took the lead after12 minutes but this was quickly cancelled out by Geoff Hurst before Martin Peters put England into a2-1 lead, which they held until the89 th minute. ─── 在充满激情的温布利球场,德国队在第12分钟就取得了领先,但很快就被赫斯特扮平,马丁彼得斯的进球使英格兰2-1反超,直到第89分钟。

69、The addition of a Hurst short-throw shifter should help matters in the GT500. ─── 增设一个赫斯特短期抛移应有助于事项GT500。

70、Mr. Hurst, was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards. ─── 他天生一副懒骨头,活在世上就是为了吃,喝、玩牌。

71、Hurst exponent plays an important role in brownian motion. ─── hurst指数是描述分数布朗运动的重要指标。

72、Based on the theory of fraction and the reduction scale method that is presented in this paper, fractional dimension numbers of the path and Hurst exponent of molecular motion are obtained. ─── 应用本文提出的约化规模法,获得了不同温度条件下分子分数布朗运动的Hurst 指数和轨迹分维数

73、Hurst wood wrong all property in his wife's name, make yourself into a corner. ─── 赫斯特伍德错把一切资产记在细君名下,使自身堕入窘境。

74、Germany equalized through a scrappy goal which took the game into extra-time, but England regrouped, dominated the added period and took the lead again through Hurst with a hotly disputed goal via a decision from a Russian linesman. ─── 德国打进一球将比赛托入加时,但英格兰重新振作,控制了加时赛,并由赫斯特打进一争议进球再度取得领先,作出判罚的是一名俄罗斯边裁。

75、Mrs. Hurst was not at home when I called on her. ─── 我们拜访赫斯特太太时,她不在家。

76、Whitney Hurst, 25, is a news producer who lives in Brooklyn, New York. ─── WhitneyHurst,25岁,是居住在纽约布鲁克林的新闻制片人。

77、I dare say the lace upon Mrs. Hurst's gown --" ─── 我敢说,赫斯脱太太衣服上的花边--”说到这里又给岔断了。

78、HURST dimension ─── HURST维数

79、Hurst weighted random early detection algorithm based on self-similar traffic input ─── 基于自相似业务流的Hurst加权随机早检测算法

80、Hurst parameter estimation ─── Hurst参数辨识

81、In a tightly contested game with the physical Argentinean's, a near post glancing header from Hurst was enough to give England victory. ─── 在一场与阿根廷人的比赛中,赫斯特的大力头球足以使英格兰取得胜利。

82、hurst coefficicient ─── Hurst系数

83、Studies by my colleague Erik Hurst show that consumption of Americans beyond age 65 is generally not low relative to consumption at younger ages; ─── 我的同事ErikHurst的研究显示,65岁以上的美国人的消费水平相对于其年轻时的消费水平并不低;

84、R/S analysis for the time series produced a fitting line whose slope was (0.86), which showed that "quasi-fluid" had an obvious Hurst effect, belonged to fractional Brownian motion because H >1/2, and was strongly durative. ─── R/S方法对时间序列演化特征进行分析,得到拟合线近似为直线,且斜率为0.86,表明“类流态”序列具有明显的Hurst效应,H>1/2,是分式布朗运动,运动具有较强的持续性.

85、But Hurst wasn't content to leave the Challenger alone, and has decided to prep a high-powered version complete with a collection of Hurst accessories available soon through Dodge dealers. ─── 但赫斯特没有内容离开挑战者独立,并决定将准备高功率版本完整的收集赫斯特配件很快通过道奇经销商.

86、Hurst rescue tool ─── 向思救援装备

87、Lutz, Hurst Hannum, and Kathryn J.Burke, editors. ─── 书名 :New directions in human rights /Ellen L.

88、This dissertation introduces the origin and development of fractal theory, summarizes its main content, recommends fractal time series in economic system and Hurst exponent and how to calculate Hurst exponent by R/S analysis. ─── 介绍分形理论的起源与发展,概述分形理论的主要内容; 重点介绍经济系统分形时间序列与Hurst指数以及如何运用R/S分析法求解Hurst指数;

89、The final would turn out to be a day that changed the life of Hurst, who was to become immortalised in English football history. ─── 决赛成为赫斯特人生中的一个转折点,他书写了英格兰足球史上不可磨灭的一笔。

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