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09-15 投稿



hurds 发音

英:[[hɜ:dz]]  美:[[hɜ:dz]]

英:  美:

hurds 中文意思翻译



hurds 相似词语短语

1、hards ─── n.粗纤维和其他废弃麻绳

2、hurts ─── n.痛痒

3、surds ─── adj.不尽根的;清音的;无道理的;n.清音;不尽根;无理数

4、curds ─── n.[食品]凝乳(原形为curd,但常用复数);v.使成凝乳(curd的第三人称单数形式)

5、Kurds ─── n.库尔德人(Kurd的复数)

6、nurds ─── n.卑微的人;讨厌的人

7、turds ─── n.粪,粪便;可鄙的人

8、herds ─── n.畜群;大量(herd的复数);人群;v.聚在一起;结交(herd的三单形式)

9、hurls ─── vt.丢下;用力投掷;愤慨地说出;vi.猛投;猛掷;n.用力的投掷

hurds 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nothing against Mr Hurd, who shows every sign of being a first-class manager. ─── 本文无疑苛责赫德先生本人,他在各个方面都体现出了其作为一流管理者的素质。

3、Lord Hurd obtrudes himself into his story to a far greater extent than would an academic biographer, but this enhances its interest by revealing in passing much about the author's views and experience. ─── 如果换做是一名专业的传记作家,就不会像赫德爵士这样将自己与所叙述的故事联系如此紧密,但这也正好通过将作者本人的观点和经历公诸于众使得故事的趣味性增强。

4、Mark Hurd, her successor, will receive a base salary of $1.4 million a year and a $2 million signing bonus. ─── 她的继任赫德(MarkHurd)将获得每年140万美元的基本工资和200万美元的签约奖金。

5、researches confirm plants,cry when hurd ─── 科学研究证实:植物也会哭

6、Hurd gradually learned to identify other people with voices、hair styles、body figures or walking gestures . ─── 赫德渐渐学会了通过声音、发型、体型或走路 姿态 来辨认他人的身份。

7、dance like no one is watching,love like you've never been hurd,sing like no one is listening 2007-10-27 18:31:54 ─── 刚从一篇文章中听说爱和被爱都是一种能力,现在想想,这也真正是自己的一种缺失......2007-9-2420:55:22

8、What Can Hurd bring to HP? ─── 赫德能为惠普带来什么?

9、White,pure and innocent,like a child who was mistreated and hurd. ─── 白色,有点纯净而无辜的感觉,想个受了伤的委屈孩子。

10、Despite all that, Hurd has a low 41% approval rating and employees gave the company a 2.8 rating, the second worst on this list.Only Motorola is rated lower. ─── 尽管如此,赫德还是只得到了41%的纸支持率,而员工给公司的分数只有2.8,倒数第二差,仅在摩托罗拉之前。

11、Mrs. Hurd is a large woman with a big, comely, simple face (Ernest Hemingway). ─── 赫德太太是一个大个子女人,长着一张大而清秀单纯的脸。(欧内斯特 海明威)。

12、Finally free of her past, Guri stayed on Hurd's Moon, entering Thrumble's cantina not as a deadly assassin droid, but as an attractive young woman. ─── 摆脱了自己的过去后,古丽留在了赫德之月。她来到斯卢姆波尔的酒吧,不像一个致命的杀手机器人,更像一位迷人的美少女。

13、Hurd P. Scientific Literacy: New Minds for a Changing World. Science Education, 1998: 82, 410 ─── 陈琦.教育心理学的基本问题(二).中国远程教育,1999年第2期

14、Hurd, P.D. (1997) .Inventing Science Education for the New Millennium, New York: Teachers College Press, p.24. ─── 斯宾塞:《自传》,英文版,第2卷第20页。转引自胡毅,王承绪译:《斯宾塞教育论著选》,人民教育出版社1997年版,第35页。

15、Amelio knows his competition. A logistics and supply-chain expert, he worked not only at Dell but also with HP's CEO Mark Hurd at NCR. ─── 阿梅利奥很了解自己的对手,作为一名后勤和供应链专家,他不仅曾经在戴尔工作,还曾经在NCR与惠普现任首席执行官马克-赫德共事过。

16、The board Chairman Patricia Dunn and new CEO Mark Hurd then decided to get a detective firm to find out who was doing it. ─── 张说话还是很文学,但她做事不是。她攻击郭的文章开头说是见到残雪受了启发,但她没向残雪学习。

17、Hurd's tonsil dissector and retractor ─── 赫德(氏)扁桃体剥离器及拉钩

18、“That right there is fresher than any steak you ever bought,” said Mike Hurd, pointing to the barrel of skinless, headless snakes.It tastes a bit like chicken, but gamier and chewier. ─── 马克.赫德指着那些处理过的,没有头和皮的蛇说:这蛇比你吃过的所有牛排都新鲜,有点象鸡肉,但又比鸡肉口味重而且更有嚼劲。

19、Mrs. Hurd is a large woman with a big, comely, simple face. (Ernest Hemingway). ─── 她是非常漂亮的,但不是那么超乎寻常的漂亮.(萨克雷)。

20、NCR issued a statement that Hurd was resigning to take "a position with a large global technology company." His resignation is effective immediately. ─── 卡莉很爱出镜,常和明星们混在一起,而且表现得也像个明星一样;

21、Lord Hurd carefully charts the road he took to conversion; he was a politician who spurned rhetoric and tried to avoid prejudice, preferring the solid virtues of fact and evidence. ─── 赫德爵士认真审视了皮尔转变观念的过程,认为皮尔是一个不屑花言巧语、努力消除偏见、注重事实与证据的政治家。

22、Patricia Dunn initially offered to stand down by not seeking a new term as Chairman at the next annual meeting, but then decided to leave immediately.The situation of Mark Hurd is still unclear. ─── 对网络秀组织郭德刚相声意见又参加有关的草根文化讨论) 连社会科学院举行大江健三郎研讨会时也邀请了她同莫言、阎连科一起参加为作家代表;

23、Peel, who died in1850, emerges in Lord Hurd's hands from his early Victorian chrysalis into a much brighter, more relevant figure. ─── 皮尔于1850年去世,关于他如何在维多利亚女王时代初出茅庐后逐渐成为一个前途光明的人物,在赫德的书中都能找到答案。

24、Hurd said HP chief executive officer, did not expect the rest of the year there will be any improvement in demand, and reiterated the company's commitment to reduce costs. ─── 惠普执行长赫德表示,不预期今年余下时间需求会有任何的改善,并重申该公司降低成本的承诺。

25、Hurd is eligible for an annual bonus of $2.8 million to $8.4 million, based on hitting performance-related targets, and received a $2 million signing bonus. ─── 除了期权和420万至1,260万美元等基于绩效的长期激励性奖励外,根据完成绩效目标的情况,赫德还可以获得每年280万美元至840万美元的奖金和200万美元的签约奖金。

26、After all, HP has jumped to the number one spot in PC and server sales under Hurd’s watch and produced a series of strong financial results. ─── 不管怎么说,在赫德的监控下,HP在PC和服务器销售方面已经跃升老大了,并创造了强劲的财务数据。

27、Can I .... The answer become hurd to say out .Please let me cry and leave me alone. ─── 可是,你知不知道我那些难奈下的挣扎,我要用多少勇气去拉走。

28、Meanwhile Savan arrived on Hurd's Moon, pursued in turn by the Heroes of Yavin. ─── 与此同时,莎雯抵达了赫德之月,而雅汶战役的英雄们紧随其后。

29、Some of the styles of the vinyl windows created by a company like Hurd Windows and Doors include single hung, double hung, sliding windows and casements. ─── 装修中需要购买的东西实在是多,这可能是您生平第一次如此频繁进出商场或者店铺。

30、 双语使用场景

31、Luckily for HP, it pulled itself together in the nick of time under Mark Hurd, a very different kind of boss from his predecessor, Carly Fiorina, who was fired in 2005 after a wild five-year ride. ─── 惠普很幸运,聘用了MarkHurd(与前任CarlyFiorina截然不同。CarlyFiorina任职五年毫无建树,于2005年下台)。在他的带领下,惠普在关键时刻恢复振作起来。

32、Mr. Hurd was speaking to Arab reporters in London on the eve of his visits to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. ─── 赫德先生在访问约旦和沙特阿拉伯之前,向在伦敦的阿拉伯记者们发表了讲话。

33、I believe myself ,I know he hurd my feeling, But I can't he ,because i'm afraid I realy like for he !!! ─── 当他与我相视而过,我只是有那么一阵落漠,也不知道是不什么???就怪自己太单纯吧!!!##我有些害怕他,又想面对他,生活总是捉弄人,真是把我弄得死

34、China suffered a huge setback Monday to its hopes of winning gold on the track when superstar Liu Xiang sensationally pulled out of the 110m hurd... ─── 周一,当超级巨星刘翔悲壮地退出110米栏比赛的时候,中国队夺得一块田径金牌的希望遭到了重创。

35、Mr. Hurd was speaking to Arab reporters on the eve of his visit to Saudi Arabia. ─── 赫德先生在访问沙特阿拉伯之前,向阿拉伯记者们发表了讲话。

36、2.Yeah , Hurd is a retired arts professor of US and he often forgets looks of acquaintances. ─── 是的,赫德是一名退休的美国大学艺术系教授,他经常会忘记熟人长得什么样。

37、If you want to be anybody, you must work hurd. ─── 如果你想成为有影响的人物,就必须苦干.

38、It was used by the GNU project as a kernel for their system while the HURD kernel was|is in development. ─── 它被GNU项目组用来当作他们系统的内核,因为那时他们的HURD内核正在开发中。

39、"Mrs. Hurd is a large woman with a big, comely, simple face" (Ernest Hemingway). ─── “赫德太太是一个大个子女人,长着一张大而清秀单纯的脸。” (欧内斯特·海明威)。

40、Part of that was due to the fact that Hurd’s predecessor, Carly Fiorina, sat on Cisco’s board and developed a deep partnership with HP’s Silicon Valley neighbor. ─── 这部分归责于赫德的前任卡莉.费奥莉娜。她进入了思科的董事会,并与HP的硅谷邻居发展紧密合作伙伴关系。

41、dance like no one is watching,love like you've never been hurd,live like everyday as were your last 2007-10-27 18:35:13 ─── 几年前的中秋陪将要失去感情的女友喝红酒,吃着不知是酸是甜的葡萄,今年我也想喝酒了,却没有人陪......2007-9-2421:06:38

42、Eschewing her game-changing acquisitions and grand strategies, Mr Hurd concentrated on operating efficiency, execution, financial performance and customers. ─── 他摒弃前任改头换面的兼并收购,也不沿用其制定的宏伟策略,而是更加专注于提高公司效率和执行效果,注重财政状况以及客户需求。

43、Regardless, the study shows that “events in the womb can have subtle effects on children's personality,” Hurd added. ─── 不管这么说,这项研究显示,子宫中发生的事对于孩子的性格有着微妙的影响。

44、Hurd Jr.Marek Matousek Jayson Matthews Tony Napoli Ruben Navarro Jackeline Olivier Walter Pagan Art Parga Anthony Pecos M.J. ─── 主演: 郑丹瑞 Keion Adams Arnita Champion Jennifer Day Ish Durham Edward Gusts Jerome Anthony Hawkins Joanna Hernandez James E.

45、The Hurd and the NetBSD kernel would work just as well, provided the Debian project remembers to update the packages. ─── 使用Hurd和NetBSD内核也可以正常工作,前提是Debian项目没有忘记更新数据包。

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