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09-15 投稿



interstellar 发音

英:[,ɪntə'stelə]  美:[,ɪntɚ'stɛlɚ]

英:  美:

interstellar 中文意思翻译



interstellar 网络释义

adj. [航][天] 星际的

interstellar 短语词组

1、interstellar smoke ─── 星际烟雾

2、interstellar beacon ─── 星际信标

3、Interstellar comet ─── 星际彗 ─── 星

4、interstellar debris ─── 星际碎片

5、interstellar cloud ─── 星际云

6、interstellar matter ─── 星际间物质

7、interstellar chemistry ─── 星际化学

8、interstellar gas ─── [天]星际气体

9、interstellar space ─── 星际空间

10、interstellar distance ─── 星际距离

11、interstellar flight ─── 星际飞行

12、interstellar travel ─── 星际旅行

13、interstellar day one ─── 星际第一天

14、interstellar dust ─── 星际尘埃

15、Interstellar Boundary Explorer ─── 星际边界探测器

16、interstellar object ─── 星际物体

17、interstellar communication ─── [计] 星际通信

18、interstellar probe ─── 星际探测器

19、interstellar medium ─── 星际介质

interstellar 相似词语短语

1、interlobular ─── adj.小叶间的

2、intercell ─── n.注液电池;adj.小区间

3、intercalar ─── 立交桥

4、intercellular ─── adj.[细胞]在细胞间的

5、interpellator ─── 质询器

6、interestedly ─── adv.保持兴趣地

7、interpetiolar ─── adj.叶柄间的

8、interscapular ─── adj.[解剖]肩胛间的

9、interstellary ─── 星际的

interstellar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Asteroid has become commonplace to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction magazines. ─── 对于读过科幻杂志中星际旅行故事的读者来说,小行星已是平淡无味了。

2、Even if I1004,1,2 turns out to be secondary ejecta, there are still six more tracks that could turn out to be interstellar. ─── 即便假设I1004,1,2原本就是二次溅射物,还有6个可能成为星际尘埃的轨迹。

3、It's therefore easy to grow skeptical about the prospects for an interstellar mission that could be launched this century. ─── 因此很容易让人对在本世纪开始的星际任务的前景产生怀疑。

4、There was considerable discussion about the next steps in determining whether or not any of these candidates are indeed interstellar tracks. ─── 对下一步确定任何一个候选者是否真是星际尘埃轨迹有相当多的讨论。

5、Celebrate thisupcoming event as you embrace our interstellar family in love and support as they teach you how to "truly" live life. ─── 庆祝这个即将到来的事件,因为你拥抱我们的星际家庭的爱和支持他们教你如何“真正的”生活。

6、We observe in the galaxy much larger, denser, and more massive aggregates of cold interstellar matter. ─── 在银河系中还观测到大小,密度和质量都要大得多的冷星际物质团。

7、If it turns out that biologically important compounds can be formed when simple interstellar ices are irradiated, the idea that life could exist elsewhere in the universe would gain legitimacy. ─── 如果星际间的冰受到紫外线照射后真能形成对生命形成有重要意义的化合物,那么宇宙中其它地方也可能有生命存在。这一看法是合情合理的。

8、Astronomers usually assume that interstellar dust is closely confined to the galactic plane. ─── 天文学家通常认为,恒星际星尘都是紧靠着银河平面的。

9、They're designing interstellar spaceships capable of travel across the vast emptiness of deep space to distant stars and new planets in our unending quest to conquer and discover. ─── 他们正在设计能穿越浩瀚的外层空间,到达遥远的恒星和新的行星,以助人类实现不断征服和揭开宇宙奥秘的追求。

10、Near the center of this intriguing widefield view of interstellar gas clouds and rich star fields of the constellation Cygnus, NGC 6888 is about 5,000 light-years away. ─── 在上面这幅天鹅座星际气体与富星场的有趣广角影像里,NGC 6888位于影像的中央,距离我们约有5,000光年远。

11、The people even suspected that, the star is “the congealment” becomes by the interstellar gas. ─── 人们甚至猜想,恒星是由星际气体“凝结”而成的。

12、After months of delays we are finally ready to begin our search for interstellar particles of dust trapped in the aerogel collector from NASA's Stardust mission! ─── 在数个月的延迟后我们终于准备好开始搜寻气凝胶中的尘粒了!

13、A serious attempt at interstellar communication would be very expensive. ─── 作一次星际通信的认真尝试可能很费钱。

14、As we have promised, we will send out one email to all pre-registered volunteers when we launch the virtual microscope and image data from the Stardust interstellar dust collector. ─── 如我们承诺的,当我们启动虚拟显微镜和来自星尘收集器的影像数据的时候,我们会给每位预注册的志愿者发一封电子邮件。

15、Beiyou Interstellar Communication Tech Co., Ltd. ─── 北邮星际通信科技有限公司。

16、The surprising answer is, through interstellar dust. ─── 令人吃惊的回答是:通过星际尘埃。

17、The sake of their love, small-watt power resolutely decided to follow Eva began to interstellar adventure! ─── 为了自己的爱情,小瓦力毅然决定跟随艾娃,开始星际大冒险!

18、Events that still look promising will have to be extracted from the collector before we can definitively identify them as interstellar. ─── 如果依旧是有希望,在我们确认它是来自星际之前我们会把它从收集器里提取出来。

19、Foremost among the techniques used to study dense interstellar region is molecular radio astronomy, a relatively new and rapidly developing interdisciplinary science. ─── 在用来研究高密星际区域的技术中,最重要的是分子射电天文学;这是一门较新的发展迅速的边缘科学。

20、Roger and his faithful band of human marines and native alien warriors have beaten the barbarian planet Marduk.Now they must re-conquer an interstellar empire. ─── 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。

21、DEM L71 presents a textbook example of the double-shock structure expected to develop when a star explodes and ejects matter at high speeds into the surrounding interstellar gas. ─── DEM L71是双激波结构的标准范例,人们认为其产生于恒星爆发并以高速向周围星际气体抛射物质的时候。

22、In fact, we prefer to label ISS an interstellar megacorporation. ─── 事实上,我们致力于把ISS打造为一种全星系的大财团。

23、For the next 30 years or so, despite intense effort, nobody was able to identify individual grains of ancient interstellar dust. ─── 在随后的大约30年里,尽管非常的努力也还是没有人能够鉴别出单独的原始星际尘埃。

24、These achievements will lay the foundation for the human interstellar migration that is often referred to as the "Great Diaspora" . ─── 这些成果将为人类在外空星际间的迁徙奠定基础,这种迁徙常常被称之为:“大迁徙”。

25、Primary galactic cosmic rays enter the solar system from interstellar space, and are made up of protons with energies above 100 MeV, extending up to astronomically high energies. ─── 主要的银河宇宙射线从星际空间进入太阳系,由能量在100兆电子伏以上的质子组成,直到高达天文数字的能量。

26、As was discussed in earlier updates, we have been conducting tests to determine if it will be feasible to fold back the aluminum foils on the backside of the Interstellar Dust Collector. ─── 如同在先前的更新中讨论的,我们一直在做星尘收集器背部铝片后折的可行性试验。

27、The stream is so thin, however, that scientists believe that even with seven months of exposure, Stardust probably captured only a few dozen grains of interstellar dust. ─── 尘埃流实在太稀薄了,以至于科学家们认为即使在暴露其中的这7个月时间里,星尘号可能仅仅捕获了几十个星际尘埃的颗粒。

28、An increase in the mass of a celestial object by the collection of surrounding interstellar gases and objects by gravity. ─── 吸积,天体增大因重力吸引星际间的物质而引起天体的增大

29、On two occasions during its 7 billion mile journey, between February and May of 2000 and again from August to December of 2002, Stardust passed through the dust stream and spread out its collector to the interstellar flow. ─── 在它7亿英里的旅程中的两个阶段,2000年2月至5月以及2002年8月至12月,星尘号穿越了这股尘埃流并对着尘埃流展开了收集器。

30、Since 1995, have been found planets outside the solar system and found that more than 40 kinds of interstellar molecule, which can be a lot of material life. ─── 1995年以来,已陆续找到太阳系以外的行星,并发现40种以上的星际分子,其中有不少可成为生命的素材。

31、Cut off from contact with the outer world, and with the past, the citizen of Oceania is like a man in interstellar space, who has no way of knowing which direction is up and which is down. ─── 大洋国公民与外界隔绝,与过去隔绝,就像生活在星际的人,分不清上下左右。

32、The contraction of a cool interstellar gas cloud can proceed in a variety of ways. ─── 一个冷的星际气体云的收缩,可以通过许多不同的方式来进行。

33、Dr.Ruth Reyna of the University said recently that the documents contain directions for building interstellar spaceships! ─── 大学RuthReyna博士最近说文献含有用来建造星际的太空船说明!

34、We will see once we have the first few examples of real interstellar dust! ─── 一旦我们获得几个真正的星际尘埃样本就明白了。

35、Before the interstellar cloud contracts, it was very cold and dim. Thus, the cloud is represented by a point at the right in the H-R diagram. ─── 在星际云收缩之前,它非常冰冷,所以在这个阶段,星际云会位于赫罗图上一个极右的位置。

36、It may turn out that the tracks of real interstellar dust will look quite different. ─── 它们将说明真正的星际尘埃轨迹看上去会是差别显著的。

37、Even if we have a day Huazuo of interstellar dust That also frequents the ultimate fantasy.. ─── 就算我们有一天化做了星际间的尘土 也流连着那份最终的幻想。。。

38、Interstellar dust is formed through several different processes that take place during the lifetime of stars. ─── 在恒星的一生中会以几种不同的方法形成星际尘埃。

39、HH 32 is an excellent example of a "Herbig-Haro object," which is formed when young stars eject jets of material back into interstellar space. ─── HH 32是恒星形成时向星际空间喷射喷流一类恒星的典型代表。

40、Which kind of signal is most promising for interstellar contact? ─── 在星际通讯中,选用哪种信号最有效呢?

41、In a relatively short time (about 1000 years) the entire shells will be ejected into space, joining the gas and dust in the interstellar medium. ─── 在相对较短的一段时间里(大约1000年)整个壳层将被抛入太空,加入到星际介质的气体和尘埃中。

42、But calculations indicated that fields of interstellar gas would have dissipated a supernova's radiation and blunted its impact. ─── 但计算显示,星际间的气体可能驱散了超新星的辐射并减弱了其作用。

43、If it does this could be a problem, since we rely on the stability of the aerogel tiles to be able to reconstruct trajectories, and thus distinguish betwen interstellar dust and interplanetary dust. ─── 如果出现这种情况那将是个问题,因为我们依靠凝胶块的稳固性来重建弹道,并由此区分星际尘埃和太阳系内尘埃。

44、The aerogel collector was oriented during flight to point directly into the uncoming stream of interstellar dust particles. ─── 凝胶收集器在飞行中被引导直接指向星际尘埃流。

45、Rich deposits of neon, magnesium, and silicon were discovered in the interstellar gas of this system. ─── 在系统的星际气体中,人们发现了丰富的氖、镁、硅元素沉积。

46、Also, as our sun orbits the galactic center it may sweep through areas of interstellar dustiness. ─── 同样的,因为太阳位于重力的中心,它可能会清除有星际尘埃的区域。

47、Rather, they are dark because of interstellar dust that hides the stars behind it. ─── 相反,它们之所以是黑暗的,是因为星际尘埃将恒星隐藏在它的后面。

48、In contrast, the interstellar dust collected by Stardust comes directly from local interstellar space. ─── 与之相反,星尘号收集的星际尘埃直接来自星际空间。

49、The paramount task here facing observational astronomy is to study real interstellar clouds. ─── 实测天文学在这里所面临的头等任务是研究实际的星际云。

50、For observational astronomers interstellar dust is mostly an inconvenience, but for scientists studying the origins and evolution of the universe they are much much more. ─── 对观测天文学家来说星际尘埃通常是一个麻烦,但是对研究宇宙起源和演化的科学家来说它们是非常非常有用的。

51、The interstellar material, rather like terrestrial clouds, comes in all shapes and sizes. ─── 星际物质很像地球上的云,形状大小各异。

52、The concentrations of interstellar gas can now be mapped with much great accuracy than would ever be possible using visible light. ─── 如今,可以画出比用可见光更精确的星际气体聚集图。

53、Barnard's markings are dark nebulae, interstellar clouds of obscuring gas and dust. ─── 巴纳德的标记黑暗星云,星际云掩盖气体和尘埃。

54、So, an alternative explanation is that the expanding debris cloud is sweeping up clumpy interstellar material, accounting for the odd shape of SNR 0104. ─── 因此,另一个解释就是,膨胀着的残骸云正在清扫成块的星际物质,从而塑造了SNR 0104那奇特的外形。

55、As you know, pulling particles from the interstellar side is vastly more difficult than it was for the cometary side. ─── 要知道,从星际尘埃这面拉出楔块比从彗星尘埃那面要困难的多。

56、Programs, such as CerealKiller may show promise, but we have much more confidence in the ability of our human collaborators to find interstellar dust effectively. ─── 如同CerealKiller这样的程序将被允许,但是我们对我们的人类志愿者在有效的寻找星际尘埃方面的能力有着更多的信心。

57、The red-glowing gas results from high-energy starlight striking interstellar hydrogen gas. ─── 发出红色辉光的气体是高能光子撞击星际间的氢所产生。

58、Forming these molecules in space requires interstellar dust grains, which will be sufficiently abundant only if the ambient gas is chemically enriched. ─── 在太空中形成这些分子,需要大量的星际尘埃,而这只在环绕周围的气体具备丰富的化学成份时才办得到。

59、If this turns out to be correct, this means we will have more work to do than we initially anticipated to find the interstellar dust particles. ─── 如果这一结果是正确的,那就意味着与最初预计相比要发现星际尘埃我们有更多的工作要做了。

60、Nestled within the capsule's science canister were two sets of samples: cometary particles on one side of the aerogel collector, and interstellar dust on the other. ─── 安置在返回舱的科学罐里装载着两种样品:在气凝胶收集器的一面是彗星颗粒,另一面是星际尘埃。

61、Just as a good pair of sunglasses eliminates glare, interstellar dust can polarize the light. ─── 偏振太阳镜原理上应该是“检偏镜”,刺目眩光起偏在先。

62、If humans could scan the entire surface of the aerogel, then detecting the interstellar dust particles would be easy. ─── 如果人们能查看整个气凝胶的表面,鉴定星际尘埃将变得容易起来。

63、The chemistry of stars and interstellar space. ─── 天体化学关于星和星际空间的化学

64、Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment. ─── 坍缩的星际云克服向内的引力而向外膨胀到较宁静的星际环境中去。

65、Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested. ─── 一旦这种波长的实际存在被发现,提出把它作为星际间唯一可辨认的广播频率就为期不远了。

66、He initiated students into the mysteries of interstellar communication. ─── 他将星际通讯的奥秘教给学生。

67、The interstellar version of the small bee, can choose whether show you to send out of bullet, the above stumbling block beat the bad, so want to be careful. ─── 小蜜蜂的星际版,可以选择是否显示你发出的子弹,上面的障碍物是可以打坏的,所以要小心。

68、A star is formed when a cloud of gas collapses from the interstellar medium toward high density . ─── 一个气体云自星际物质中坍缩,密度达到很高时,即形成了一个恒星。

69、Fluorescing in ultraviolet light, the cast off material trails behind the giant star as it plows through the surrounding interstellar medium at 130 kilometers per second. ─── 在巨星后方的抛出物质以每秒130公里的速度穿过周围的星际介质,并且这些物质在紫外光线下发出荧光。

70、Molecular clouds play an integral role in the prestellar evolutionary sequence of interstellar matter. ─── 分子云在星际物质的星前期演化序列中起着不可缺少的作用。

71、At this point the speed of the solar wind drops abruptly as it begins to feel the effects of interstellar wind. ─── 在这一点上,太阳风速度急剧下降,因为它开始感受到星际风的影响。

72、It's the tenth anniversary of the Interstellar Alliance, and President Sheridan is on his way to Babylon 5 for the celebration. ─── 它的跨星联盟的第十周年纪念,和Sheridan总统是在他的途中到巴比伦5为庆祝。

73、Astronomers are a resourceful lot, however, and not much given to brooding over what they might have observed if this troublesome interstellar substance did not get in the way. ─── 天文学家有很多的手段,但是仍然对如果没有挡在途中的讨厌的干扰会观察到什么念念不忘。

74、An Ouster migration cluster might consist of ships ranging in size from single-person ramscouts to can cities and comet forts holding tens of thousands of the interstellar barbarians. ─── 一群驱逐者迁移队,装备五花八门,小到单人驾驶的冲击侦察机,大到拥有成千上万星际野人的城市型驱逐舰和彗星堡垒。

75、Rod is surprised when a miniature spaceship lands in his school science project and reveals five tiny aliens, who ask his help in apprehending an interstellar criminal. ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

76、There can remember who brought us such joy interstellar? ─── 可还有谁能记得当初带给我们如此愉悦的星际?

77、Whereas the cometary samples are relatively easy to extract from the collector plates, that is not the case for the interstellar dust samples. ─── 与从收集盘相对容易的提取出彗星样品不同,星际尘埃要困难得多。

78、But, some part joggings a kind of animal at least, in the interstellar travel most starts in 10 days may survive complete. ─── 但是,至少有一部分缓步类动物在星际旅行最开始的10天里可以完好地生存。

79、Optical astronomy is most directly affected, for although interstellar gas is perfectly transparent, the dust is not. ─── 光学天文学受到最直接的影响,因为虽然星际气体是完全透明的,但尘埃却不是。

80、This interstellar ichthyoid neatly disposed of a problem all science-fiction authors have: how to let alien species talk to one another. ─── 这种星际鱼状物巧妙地解决了每个科幻小说作家都面临的一个问题:如何让外来物种彼此交流。

81、Before the Galactic Civil War, the Organa family owned a large interstellar shipping company that was seized by the Empire. ─── 在银河内战以前,奥加纳家族拥有一个很大的星际航运公司,后来被帝国攫取。

82、Instead it continues to suffuse interstellar space like a gas. ─── 它反倒是像气体那样,依然弥漫于星际之间。

83、Why are scientists interested in interstellar dust? ─── 为什么科学家会对星际尘埃感兴趣?

84、Foremost among the techniques used to study dense interstellar region is molecular radio astronomy, a relatively new and repidly developing interdisciplinary science. ─── 在用来研究高密星际区域的技术中,最重要的是分子射电天文学;这是一门较新的发展迅速的边缘科学。

85、In fact, Wolf-Rayet stars are known to create nebulae with interesting shapes as their powerful winds sweep up surrounding interstellar material. ─── 事实上,随着沃尔夫-拉叶星吹出来的高能恒星风扫过周围星际物质时,就能形成形状有趣的星云。

86、Statistically we could have expected to find perhaps one real interstellar track among these first candidates, so finding none is not at all surprising. ─── 从统计上来讲我们期望在这首批候选者中多半能发现一个真正的星际尘埃轨迹,所以没有发现并不意外。

87、We halted the scanning of the Stardust interstellar dust tray in Houston a couple of months ago, with about one-third of the tray scanned. ─── 两个月前我们暂停了对休斯敦的“星尘”星际尘埃盘的扫描,收集盘已经有三分之一被扫描。

88、The shock acts as a searchlight by revealing the structure of the interstellar medium. ─── 冲击波能揭示出星际介质的结构,扮演着探照灯的角色。

89、Introduction: In the following small game, the player will be turned into a future world of interstellar miners Almighty driving a work space for traveling the universe, collecting valuable ores. ─── 在下面的小游戏中,玩家将会化身为一名未来世界的星际矿工,驾驶一艘全能的太空工作机遨游宇宙,收集宝贵的矿石。

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