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09-15 投稿



sodic 发音

英:[ˈsoʊdɪk]  美:[ˈsəʊdɪk]

英:  美:

sodic 中文意思翻译



sodic 短语词组

1、sodic chalybeate ─── [医] 钠铁矿水

2、bromut sodic ─── 溴化钠

sodic 相似词语短语

1、iodic ─── adj.含碘的,碘的

2、sonic ─── adj.音速的;声音的;音波的

3、exodic ─── adj.离心的;传出的;输出的

4、rhodic ─── adj.铑的

5、epodic ─── 时代的

6、geodic ─── 晶洞的;与晶洞有关的

7、odic ─── adj.颂歌的,诗的;假想的

8、anodic ─── adj.[电]阳极的;上升的

9、sodaic ─── 钠

sodic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Discussion on dispersivity of high-sodic saline soil ─── 高钠盐渍土分散性的探讨

2、Keywords Rock Assemblage of Multiple Ore Sources;Sodic Magmatism;Ductile Shear Zone;Metallogenetic Model;Tuobuka;Dongchuan;Kunming; ─── 多类矿源岩组合;碱性岩浆作用;韧性剪切带;成矿模式;拖布卡东川昆明;

3、saline - sodic soil ─── 苏打盐渍土

4、sodic soil ─── 苏打土钠质土碱土

5、sodic chalybeate ─── [医] 钠铁矿水

6、pot-culture experiments, we evaluated the effect of saline-sodic stress on dry matter accumulation of various organs at different growth stages of rice. ─── 盐碱土,利用盆栽试验的方法探讨苏打盐碱胁迫对水稻不同生育时期各器官干物质积累的影响。

7、Sodic Magmatism ─── 碱性岩浆作用

8、Relationship between salinization and alkalization of sodic soil in Da'an City ─── 吉林省大安市苏打碱土盐化与碱化的关系

9、The combined states of soil humic substances were studied after undecomposed organic materials were applied into sodic meadow paddy soil. ─── 腐解有机物料施于苏打草甸水稻土后,对土壤中不同结合形态的腐殖质的动态变化进行了研究。

10、sodic soils ─── 苏打碱土

11、Keywords sodic rock;albitite;arfvedsonite;arfvedsonitized dolomitite;Bayan Obo; ─── 富钠岩石;钠长岩;钠铁闪石脉;钠化白云岩;白云鄂博;

12、Study on System of Amelioration and Leaching in Sodic Soil of Dry Land in Songnen Plain ─── 松嫩平原旱地碱化土壤改良与淋洗制度研究

13、PAM application through mixing obviously decreased steady hydraulic conductivity of the two soils, but its effect on sodic soil was greater than on nonsodic soil. ─── PAM混合施用显著地减小了土壤的稳定水力传导度,但它对碱土的影响程度大于对非碱土的影响。

14、Sodic salinity ─── 钠盐

15、sodic rock ─── 富钠岩石

16、We need to buy Fuse Box for EDM whick is used for Sodic, Makino machine. ─── 我们需要采购汽车保险杠,请厂家联系我们.

17、Keywords sodic soil;groundwater;electrical conductivity;salinization;Jilin Province; ─── 苏打碱土;地下水;电导率;盐渍化;吉林省;

18、Key words:sodic soil;groundwater quality;salinization;alkalization;Da an City ─── 灌溉水质对土壤盐渍化的产生有着重要影响

19、PAM was mixed with the soils (sodic and nonsodic soils), respectiviely, or spread over surface of the soils at a rate of 0, 1/5 000, 1/2 000, and 1/1 000 (PAM/dry soil in weight). ─── PAM施用量为0、1/5000、1/2000和1/1000(PAM与干土重之比),施用方式为混合施用和表面覆盖施用,土壤为碱土和非碱土两种。

20、Effect on corn yield and character of leaching saline sodic soil with mildly salty water ─── 微咸水淋洗改良对盐碱化旱田豇豆产量及性状影响

21、sodic metasomatism ─── 钠质交代酌

22、Thesignificance of the low-sodium halo of sodic hostrocks to exploration andtheoritic research has been emphasized in this paper and published recently. ─── 钠质容矿围岩蚀变后产生的低钠晕对研究矿床成因和指导找矿都有重要意义。

23、Title: Tectonic implication on the lithosphere evolution of the Tibet Plateau:Petrology and geochemistry of sodic and ultrapotassic volcanism in Northern Tibet. ─── 关键词:青藏高原;超钾质火山岩;钠质火山岩;岩石学;地球化学;岩石圈演化

24、Relationship Between Diurnal Changes of Net Photosynthetic Rate and Affecting Factors in Flag Leaves of Rice under Saline Sodic Stress ─── 苏打盐碱胁迫下水稻净光合速率日变化及其与影响因子的关系


26、A Humble Opinion on the "Potassic and Sodic Two Mantle Alkali-Rich Magma Systems" ─── 研究"钾质和钠质两个地幔富碱岩浆体系"的刍议

27、Effect of leaching saline sodic soil with mildly salty water on yield and characters of corn ─── 苏打盐碱土微咸水淋洗改良对玉米产量和性状的影响研究

28、Boron accumulation in sodic soil is the key factor for irrigation application of studied effluent water. ─── b元素在碱性土壤中的累积是影响试验用污水长期灌溉应用的关键因素。

29、saline sodic soil ─── 盐化钠质土

30、Rotation of fish and wheat pattern in saline sodic land of the west of Jilin province in China ─── 吉林西部苏打盐碱地鱼麦轮作试验

31、Erosion of sodic soil in sloping field during rainfall process ─── 降雨过程中碱性坡耕地土壤侵蚀的研究

32、The experimental results indicate that hydraulic conductivity of nonsodic soil was greater than that of sodic soil when no PAM was applied. ─── 试验结果显示,在未施用PAM的条件下,非碱土水力传导度大于碱土。

33、Interrelationship between the Primary Alkalization Parameters of Sodic Soil in the Da'an City, Jilin Province, China ─── 吉林省大安市苏打碱土碱化参数之间的关系

34、Evapotranspiration and infiltration under different land use patterns in the regions with sodic saline soil ─── 苏打盐碱土地区不同土地利用类型的地表水分蒸渗特征

35、Studying continuous effect in improvement of heavy sodic soil with desulphurization by-product is important to obtain theories of completely improvement. ─── 研究脱硫副产物改良强碱化土壤的持续效果对如何使得强碱化土壤得到彻底改良具有重要意义。

36、Distribution Characteristics of Ions in Sodic Soil and Correlation Analysis ─── 苏打碱化土壤盐分离子与相关性分析

37、Parameters and Characteristics of Alkalization of Sodic Soil in Da'an City ─── 吉林省大安市苏打盐碱土碱化参数与特征分析

38、Environment Influence and Biological Effects in Sodic Salinization Soil under Irrigation Condition ─── 灌溉条件下苏打盐渍化土壤环境变化及其生物效应

39、Effect of Saline-Sodic Stress on Quality of Tomato Fruit ─── 苏打盐碱胁迫对番茄果实品质的影响

40、Electrical Conductivity and Water Quality Evaluation of Groundwater at Sodic Soil Areas in the West of Jilin Province ─── 吉林省西部苏打碱化土壤区地下水电导率分析与水质评价

41、Geochemical Characteristics of Groundwater at Sodic Soil Areas in West of Jilin Province ─── 吉林省西部苏打碱土区地下水的地球化学特征

42、The retrogressive metamorphism of eclogites took place in three stages in Weihai area.In the first stage, primary omphacite was broken down into sodic clinopyroxene and plagioclase. ─── 威海地区榴辉岩退变质过程表现为三个阶段:第一阶段,原生绿辉石分解形成钠质单斜辉石+斜长石合晶体;

43、Effect on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil and Sunflower Growth when Sodic Soils Reclaimed with By-product from Flue Gas Desulphurization ─── 脱硫副产物对改良碱化土壤的理化性质与作物生长的影响

44、saline sodic land ─── 苏打盐碱地

45、Analysis of Salt Dynamic Characters in Saline- sodic Soil Sections ─── 苏打盐渍土剖面盐分动态变化特征分析

46、sodic amphibole ─── 钠角闪石

47、saline sodic soils ─── 盐碱化土壤

48、The experimental results indicate that hydraulic conductivity of non sodic soil was greater than that of sodic soil when no PAM was applied. ─── 试验结果显示,在未施用PAM的条件下,非碱土水力传导度大于碱土。

49、Burrows D R.Spooner ETC Generation of a magmatic H2O-CO2 fluid enriched in Mo,Au and W within an Archean sodic granodiorite stock,Mink Lake,Northwestern Ontario 1987 ─── 陈华勇.陈衍景.倪培.张增杰南天山萨瓦亚尔顿金矿流体包裹体研究:矿床成因和勘探意义[期刊论文]-矿床地质2004(3

50、Keywords low-temperature sodic metasomatite;uranium mineralization;zonation;North Kazakhstan; ─── 低温钠交代岩;铀矿化;分带性;北哈萨克斯坦;

51、saline and sodic soils ─── 盐碱地

52、sodic granite ─── 钠质花岗岩

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