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intimated 发音

英:[ˈɪntɪmeɪtɪd]  美:[ˈɪntɪmeɪtɪd]

英:  美:

intimated 中文意思翻译



intimated 词性/词形变化,intimated变形

动词现在分词: intimating |动词过去式: intimated |动词第三人称单数: intimates |动词过去分词: intimated |名词: intimateness |副词: intimately |

intimated 常用词组

intimate relationship ─── 亲密的关系

intimate friend ─── 知交,知己

intimate contact ─── 亲密接触

intimated 相似词语短语

1、intimately ─── adv.熟悉地;亲切地;私下地

2、intimae ─── 内膜

3、intimates ─── adj.自梳,密友;贴身衣物(intimate复数形式)

4、intimate ─── adj.亲密的;私人的;精通的;有性关系的;n.知己;至交;vt.暗示;通知;宣布

5、inhumated ─── 异人族

6、intimater ─── 亲密者

7、estimated ─── adj.估计的;预计的;估算的

8、intimidated ─── adj.害怕的;受到恐吓的;v.威胁,恐吓(intimidate的过去式)

9、animated ─── v.(使)生机勃勃;把……制成动画片;(使)有生命;鼓励,激励(animate的过去式及过去分词);adj.生机勃勃的;活跃的;热烈的;栩栩如生的;动画的;活动的

intimated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、H4e intimated to them that he did not agree. ─── 他向他们暗示他不同意。

2、One thing I can comprehend: you intimated that to have a sullied memory was a perpetual bane . ─── 有一件事我能明白:你表示,有一个玷污的记忆就是永久的毁灭。

3、He intimated to do this work. ─── 他暗示他将做这项工作。

4、And I wonder why that hiring manager is not bored or feel intimated by a crazy black guy. ─── 更何况像我这样嘴上念着,却根本不清楚究竟自己喜欢的工作是什么的人。

5、Has intimated to us that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post. ─── 她已向我们透?希望不再考虑让她担任该职。

6、He has already intimated to us his intention to retire. ─── 他已经向我们透露了他要退休的打算。

7、He intimated a wishing to go by saying that it was late . ─── 他以时间太晚为缘由表示了他要走的意思。

8、He intimated to me that he intended to leave early. ─── 他告诉我他有意早些离去。

9、He intimated that he did not agree . ─── 他明确表示他不同意。

10、American girls were used to a great deal of deference, and it had been intimated that this one had a high spirit. ─── 美国女孩子一向给人奉承惯了,何况这一位看来就很有些自命不凡。

11、He intimated his wishes with a slight nod of his head. ─── 他微微地点头暗示了他的意愿。

12、She has intimated (to us) that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post. ─── 她已(向我们)透露希望不再考虑让她担任该职。

13、A man with a heart is not intimated by your intelligence, intuition and sensitivity; he understands you and relies on you. ─── 一个真正有“心”的男人他不会受你的智慧、直觉或敏感的心而左右,他会理解你、依赖着你。

14、"Rafa has intimated that the likes of Kelly and Mikel San Jose will get a chance in pre-season following Sami Hyypia's departure. ─── “拉法已经暗示凯利和米克尔-圣-何塞将会得到季前赛的机会以填补海皮亚走后的空缺。”

15、Ferguson regards Fletcher as an essential member of his squad and has never intimated that a move could be on the cards. ─── 不过弗格森称赞弗莱彻仍是球队的关键一员,且从未表示过要出售他。

16、In an interview, Stephen Chow discussed his early struggles and intimated that Wai Chai's charming looks gave him an easier time in penetrating the Hong Kong entertainment Kong Wu circuit. ─── 在一次采访时,周星驰曾说过他的早期奋斗史,并暗指伟仔的俊俏外形使其很容易打入香港娱乐圈。

17、A highly respectable and influential house in Osaka, with whom we are connected, lately intimated to us their wish to obtain the agency of a London Assurance Office. ─── 我司希望成为你司在本港的运输代理,请早日赐予为荷。经本地数名有影响人士的劝说,我公司愿当贵公司的代理。

18、On December 17, the day after his return to Washington, he intimated to reporters the plan that had taken shape in his mind. ─── 12月17日,即他返回华盛顿的第二天,他向记者们透露了他胸有成竹的计划。

19、Pilkington's before emptying it.When the cheering had died down, Napoleon, who had remained on his feet, intimated that he too had a few words to say. ─── 先生们,"皮尔金顿先生在结束时说,"先生们,我敬你们一杯:为动物庄园的繁荣昌盛干杯!"

20、He has already intimated (that) he intends to retire. ─── 他已经暗示他打算退休。

21、Sir Alex Ferguson may have intimated that he will step down as United manager within the next three years, but Rio Ferdinand disagrees. ─── 弗格森已经宣布将在3年内退休,但是费迪南德并不这样认为。

22、"But Bayern have intimated to me that, if the situation should change, they will contact me. ─── “但是拜仁保证如果改变了主意他们就会联系我的。

23、Considering how much the team has invested in the current roster, Kupchak intimated he didn't expect the team to be a significant player in this summer's free agent market. ─── 考虑到目前球队已经投资了很多,库普切克明确表示他并不期待球队在夏天自由市场能够签下一名重要的球员。

24、Supposing this person, wearied at the inefficacy of the poison, should, as Monte Cristo intimated, have recourse to steel! ─── 如果这个人对毒药失去信心,象基督山所说的那样干脆用刀子,那可怎么办呢!

25、He intimated his intention to seek parliamentary approval for the use of the royal dispensing power. ─── 他宣布他企图寻求议会对王室行使豁免权的批准。

26、With the rapidly intimated of call center and e-commerce, How to mine the data of call center has become the key of an enterprise's success. ─── 摘要随着呼叫中心与电子商务的不断密切化,如何进行呼叫中心的数据挖掘,已成为一个企业是否成功的关键所在。

27、As intimated earlier, the criminals involved not only operate in media/political circles, they seek total control of everything. ─── 由于先前的保密,犯罪分子卷入其中,不仅操纵媒体/政治圈,他们寻找对每件事的总的控制。

28、Now I dont have to feel so intimated by science! ─── 第一次的亲密接触!

29、Chelsea defender William Gallas has intimated to Arsenal he's prepared to drop his wage demands to seal a move across London. ─── 切尔西后卫加拉已经表示自己愿意接收降薪而转投阿森那。

30、Many preachers feel inadequate and even intimated when they are not “empowered” with the gift of prophecy, healing, and performing miracles. ─── 我们需要再次为中国教会能够接受扎实的教导,确实明瞭神的话语来祷告。

31、I have intimated my view of the case: I am incapable of taking any other. ─── 我已经把我对于这件事的观点说出来了;我不可能改变主意。

32、I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. ─── 我曾明白告诉你们,在国家内部存在各种派别的危险,尤其是那种基于地区偏见而形成的不同派别。

33、She intimated that she and her husBand were having marital proBlems. ─── 她含蓄地暗示她和她丈夫的婚烟出现了问题

34、He intimated his wishes with a slight nod of his head. ─── 他微微颔首示意.

35、Nor did his demeanour change when the withdrawal of the prison keeper left him face to face with the woman, whose absorbed notice of him, in the crowd, had intimated so close a relation between himself and her. ─── 看守退出以后,只剩他和那女人面面相对时,他依然平静如初,尽管她在人群中曾经那么专注地望着他,已经说明他俩之间的关系密切异常。

36、However, Gill has intimated there could now be a genuine desire to keep him at the club. ─── 虽然如此,吉尔宣称现在球会可能会有渴望要把他留下。

37、He intimated a wish to go by saying that it was late. ─── 他流露要走的意思,说时间不早了。

38、She has intimated (to us) that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post. ─── 她已(向我们)透露希望不再考虑让她担任该职。

39、The 30-year-old has already intimated that he would consider a return to Serie A - a league he has already graced while playing with some distinction for Parma, Lazio, Internazionale and Milan. ─── 由于曾在意大利的帕尔马、拉齐奥、米兰双雄等效力时期都有不错的表现,这名30岁的前锋已经表明可能会考虑返回意大利甲级联赛踢球。

40、He intimated to me his intention of leaving early. ─── 他向我暗示他要早些离开。

41、'I want you to come here;'and seating himself in an armchair, he intimated by a gesture that I was to approach and stand before him. ─── “我要你到这里来,”他在扶手椅上坐下,打了个手势,示意我走过去站到他面前。

42、He has already intimated to us his intention to retire. ─── 他已经向我们透露了他要退休的打算。

43、"I intimated no such thing," Leibowitz interrupted blandly. ─── “我并没有暗示这一点,”雷保维兹温和地打断他的话。

44、She intimated that she and her husband were having marital problems.Toinsinuateis to suggest something, usually something unpleasant, in a covert, sly, and underhanded manner: ─── 她含蓄地暗示她和她丈夫的婚烟出现了问题。指以隐蔽的、委婉的或秘密的方式暗示通常是不愉快的事:

45、The midfield powerhouse has admitted he does not wish to play outside the top flight and has also intimated an interest in a move to Manchester United. ─── 但是国际米兰对这位阿森纳的前队长表示了强烈的喜爱和兴趣,一笔交易现在已经接近达成了.

46、Keywords High frequency ultrasound Atherosclerosis Intim a-media thickness Endothelium-dependent dilation; ─── 关键词高频超声;动脉粥样硬化;内膜-中层厚度;内皮依赖性舒张功能;

47、Recently, Ethan and Joe came to Malaysia to promoted the "Fated to love you ",the action from them were intimated , hence many Taiwan media wondering if they were falled with each other ? ─── 两人近日为“命中注定我爱你”赴大马宣传时,乔恩和小天互动亲昵且毫不避嫌,令众人不禁怀疑,难道两人假戏真做了?

48、In their past encounters, Sarkozy has also intimated that Mandelson should come and see him in the Elysee Palace. ─── 在两人以往的接触中,萨科齐还曾暗示曼德尔森应该到爱丽舍宫来看看他。

49、A government speaker intimated to the reporters that they would expect a statement shortly. ─── 政府发言人向记者们暗示道他们马上就能听到一项声明。

50、He intimated that he wanted to go. ─── 他暗示他想去。

51、India bowed coldly and, putting her hand upon the door knob, intimated silently that his speedy retirement would be welcome. The captain and the sergeant backed out, Hugh Elsing with them, and she slammed the door behind them. ─── 英迪亚冷冷地点了点头,把手放在门把上,暗示让他赶快走,队长和中士退了出去,休 - 埃尔辛跟在后面,英迪亚砰地一声重重地就把门关上了。

52、He intimated that he intend to resign . ─── 他表示他打算辞职。

53、Mourinho also responded to comments from Levski coach Stanimir Stoilov, who intimated that European Champions and Group A opponents Barcelona play a more pleasing form of the beautiful game. ─── 穆里尼奥对来自列夫斯基主教练斯坦尼米尔-斯托伊罗夫的评论也做了回应。此人宣称说欧洲冠军同时有是A组的对手巴塞罗那,打的足球更加赏心悦目。

54、He intimated to us that he did not agree. ─── 他向我们暗示他不同意。

55、Results One month after operation,lumen of vein-bridge stenosis was observed and histology exams showed that new intim was formatted. ─── 术后常规饲喂。结果4周后取材,可见静脉桥管腔狭窄,病理切片示内膜增殖。

56、One month after operation, lumen of vein-bridge stenosis was observed and histology exams showed that new intim was formated. ─── 术后一月取材,可见静脉桥管腔狭窄,病理切片示新内膜形成。

57、Robben is in the midst of negotiating an extension to his current contract and has already intimated his desire to stay. ─── 罗本的续约谈判正在进行当中,他也暗示自己愿意留下来。

58、However, the Italy U21 star is reluctant to move to Sicily and has already intimated to Fiorentina he is keen to join them this summer. ─── 不过,这位和佛罗伦萨有着密切联系的意大利U21的球星并不想转会去西西里岛,他非常渴望今夏加盟佛罗伦萨。

59、has not intimated (to the jury) whether they will be allowed to reach a majority verdict. ─── 法官没有指示(陪审团)他们可否达成大多数裁定.

60、He intimated his opinions at the meeting . ─── 在会上他明确表示了他的意见。

61、She intimated that she intended to marry him. ─── 她暗示她有意嫁给他。

62、Now, evidence of an external kind to decide between determinism and indeterminism is, as I intimated a while back, strictly impossible to find. ─── 正如我刚才所说明的,根本不可能找到任何外部证据以在决定论与非决定论间做出选择。

63、As for linden's sons, the Guardians intimated their intention of compelling them to contribute towards the cost of their parents' maintenance ─── 至于林登的儿子们,济贫局说要强迫他们负担一部分赡养父母的费用。

64、He intimated his approval of a plan . ─── 他表示赞同这一计划。

65、You might have noticed that all the work intimated above to avoid DOM-specific references now goes out the window. ─── 您可能已经注意到,上面讨论的用于避免特定于DOM的引用的所有工作现在都显得不重要了。

66、Serie A rivals Juventus are said to be keen admirers of the Brazilian enforcer, but Fiorentina have intimated the Gunners are leading the chase for his signature. ─── 尤文图斯是这名巴西球员的仰慕者,但是佛罗伦萨暗示阿森纳在这场追逐中出于领先位置。

67、Mrs. Touchett intimated her that condolences might be taken for granted. ─── 杜歇夫人告诉她,悼念是理所当然的,不必多讲。

68、Has intimated to us that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post. ─── 她已向我们透?希望不再考虑让她担任该职。

69、He intimated his intention of leaving early ─── 他明确表示他想早点离去。

70、They intimated that in return for updates on Plane Stupid's plans she could receive large sums of money in cash. ─── 他们暗示如果提供有关“愚蠢飞机”的最新信息,她将得到大笔的现金报酬。

71、He has recently intimated that he could leave the Rossoneri in search of a new challenge, with Chelsea keen to sign the prolific striker. ─── 他已经在最近明确表示他会离开圣西罗去寻找新的挑战,而切尔西也表示渴望得到这名多产的射手。

72、As for Linden's sons, the Guardians intimated their intention of compelling them to contribute towards the cost of their parents' maintenance. ─── 至于林登的儿子们,济贫局说要强迫他们负担一部分赡养父母的费用。

73、He intimated /suggested indirectly that he was dissatisfied with his job. ─── 他迂回暗示对其工作不满。

74、He intimated to us that he did not agree. ─── 他向我们暗示他不同意。

75、A highly respectable and influential house in Osaka, with whom we are connected, lately intimated to us their wish to obtain the agency of a London Assurance Office. ─── 我司在大阪的来往客户中,有一客户较有声望,且实力雄厚,最近向我司表示,愿意充当伦敦保险公司的代理。

76、Goalkeeper Marco Amelia has intimated he's seeking a move away from Livorno. ─── 利沃诺门将阿梅利亚宣布他将设法离开球队.

77、Keywords Glycosylation end products;advanced;Cell culture;Pericyte;Tunica intim; ─── 糖基化终末产物;高级;细胞培养;周细胞;血管内膜;

78、In their past encounters, Sarkozy has also intimated that Mandelson should come and see him in the Elysee Palace. ─── 在两人以往的接触中,萨科齐还曾暗示曼德尔森应该到爱丽舍宫来看看他。

79、They intimated us that an agreement would be worked out soon. ─── 他们通知我们说,很快就会达成协议。

80、Laetitia gradually became a big fan of Chinese cross talk and sometimes intimated the performance following tapes. ─── 她特别喜欢听,有机会还会模仿磁带说相声。

81、She intimated that she had a few words to say. ─── 她示意有几句话要说。

82、It had been intimated that Chelsea's talismanic captain would be fit to make a return for Saturday's Premiership clash with Wigan, but this suggestion has now been refuted by his manager. ─── 有消息称切尔西的后防守护神队长还不适合在周六对维甘的比赛中复出,不过这个说法被主教练否定了。

83、She has intimated to us that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post. ─── 她已经向我们暗示希望不再考虑让她担任这个职位。

84、and gently intimated that Mr Linton must allow an interview soon, or he should fear he was purposely deceiving him with empty promises. ─── 他还向林惇先生慢慢暗示必须早些允许见面,不然他会担心林惇先生是故意用空话来搪塞他了。

85、I have again and again intimated that I disapprove the plan. ─── 我已经一再明确表示不同意这一计划。

86、The judge has not intimated (to the jury) whether they will be allowed to reach a majority verdict. ─── 法官没有指示(陪审团)他们可否达成大多数裁定。

87、However, coach Claudio Ranieri certainly doesn't seem too intimated about this match: "Last year we were a bit helped by certain episodes," ─── 但是,主教练克劳迪.拉涅利似乎变得不太在意那场比赛:“去年我们有些得助于某些插曲。”

88、The Rossoneri boss concedes he is a huge fan of the Reds skipper and intimated he would make a bid for Gerrard, should he become available. ─── 杰拉德在安非尔德在转会市场上有长期合同,英超新科冠军切尔西在夏季转会市场上对这位中场球员表示出浓厚的兴趣。

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