glary 发音
英:[['gleərɪ]] 美:[['glerɪ]]
英: 美:
glary 中文意思翻译
glary 词性/词形变化,glary变形
形容词比较级: glarier |形容词最高级: glariest |
glary 相似词语短语
1、clary ─── n.香紫苏,鼠尾草属植物;n.(Clary)(美、英)克莱莉(人名)
2、glazy ─── adj.上过釉的
3、glare ─── v.怒目而视,瞪眼看;发出刺眼的光;n.怒视,瞪眼;刺眼;耀眼的光;受公众注目;张扬;俗艳;adj.光滑的
4、glady ─── adj.林间空地很多的
5、flary ─── adj.俗丽的;闪烁的;n.(Flary)人名;(法)弗拉里
6、alary ─── adj.翼的;翼状的
7、glairy ─── adj.蛋白状的
8、glaury ─── 格劳里
9、glory ─── n.光荣,荣誉;赞颂;vi.自豪,骄傲;狂喜;n.(Glory)人名;(法)格洛里
glary 常见例句(双语使用场景)
2、The Configuration and activity theoretical of the placet frequency modulation glary instrument are introduced in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了一种新型的可调频闪仪的结构及其工作原理。
3、Tonight, however, the glary moon won't set till after midnight. ─── 不过今晚泛着银色的明月要到午夜过后才下沉。
4、The June 1 Massacre that was a solemn and stirring, glary case engraved on both history of Wuhan University and history of student movement of China. ─── "六一"惨案无论在武大校史上还是在全国学生运动史上,都留下了极其悲壮和光辉的一页。
5、From 1983 to 1993, BEYOND composed their " glary times" , but at 1993, their band leader, huangjiaju died. ─── 从1983年到1993年,BEYOND一直谱写着他们的“光辉岁月”,但是在1993年,他们的主唱黄家驹不幸逝世。
6、Glary Utilities is a collection of system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC. ─── Glary Utilities (系统工具集合) Glary Utilities 是一系列系统工具集合,能够修理、加速、增强和保护你的PC机。它允许你清理系统垃圾文件,无效的注册表键值,上网记录等。
7、Glary Utilities is a series of systematic software gather, can repair, quickly, increase with protection your PC. ─── 它允许您清理系统垃圾文件,无效注册表键值,上网记录等。
8、Turn signal switch, light changling switch, lamp switch. Emergency switch, wipper switch, ignition switch, antibur glary mechanism, assurance button steering column with tilt-angle, the height of steering wheel is adjustable. ─── 转向开关、变光开关、灯控开关、紧急信号开关、雨刮开关、点火开关、防盗锁车机构、保险按钮、可变倾角转向管柱、方向盘高度可调整。
9、Millet showed us a glary compass of art, it's pure-hearted, honest and coruscate the flame of humanity. ─── 米勒的绘画艺术为我们展示了一种艺术境界,是一种真诚与淳朴的,闪耀着人性的光辉的境界。
10、The glary moon will drop out of this region of the sky in a few more days, but Jupiter will remain in front of Capricornus for the rest of this year. ─── 这闪耀的月亮在未来几天内会退出这片区域的天空,但是木星在今年剩下时间里会保持在摩羯座前方。
11、The banners cannot use neon colors or anything *too glary or attention grabbing, they will be hosted on reputable sites. ─── 不能使用的旗帜或任何*霓虹色彩或过于光辉的瞩目,他们将在知名网站主办。
12、It is nature's great act of faith that she lets these jewels sleep and trusts they will awaken, to return to paint and perfume our world in floral glary all over again in the coming year. ─── 大自然的信念生发出壮举,她让这些珍宝安眠,并坚信它们会在来年复苏,重新将整个世界装点得艳丽芬芳。
13、Open the door of nature ,welcome to enter Linyi Glary Plywood Co.,Ltd .All veneer and boards are Glary. ─── 开启大自然之门,走进格莱瑞木业,层层板板、闪耀光辉,格莱瑞木业。
14、Myth is the first glary page of human cultural history, it not only has important literature value but has costful scientific value. ─── 神话作为人类文化史上光辉的第一页,不仅具有重要的文学价值,而且具有珍贵的科学价值。
15、From 1983 to 1993,BEYOND composed their “glary times”,but at 1993,their band leader,huangjiaju died. ─── 从1983年到1993年,BEYOND一直谱写着他们的“光辉岁月”,但是在1993年,他们的主唱黄家驹不幸逝世。
16、When once glary verbalism and illustrious oath are forsaken in the back of the Bores. ─── 当曾经光辉的言辞、曾经赫赫的誓言,飘零在北风的身后。
17、Her image was once used in the beginning of the China Glary column of CCTV; ─── 中国中央电视台“神州风采”专栏片头就采用她的形象,一双特写的眼睛,被誉为“神州最有魅力的心灵之窗”。
18、The Configuration and activity theoretical of the placet frequency modulation glary instrument are introduced in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了一种新型的可调频闪仪的结构及其工作原理。
19、” The glary and brilliant civilization which has a history of 5 thousand years BC and 5 thousand years AD, has been devolved successfully by the excellent books in every dynasty. ─── 中华上下五千年的光辉灿烂的文明,正是通过历代的优秀的不朽的书籍,才得以薪火相传!
20、The posture when they taking the lorry,adapt quickly when they bargaing,get the near way when they walking,all of these,make they think about the glary life in the past time,and educate the younger. ─── 他们拉车时的姿势,讲价时的随机应变,走路时的超近绕远,都足以使他们想起过去的光荣,而且用鼻翅扇着那些后期之辈。
21、The Chinese Nation is a big family with a long history and glary cultural tradition. ─── 中华民族是个历史悠久的民族,有着光辉灿烂的文化传统。
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