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09-16 投稿



heirless 发音

英:[ˈerlɪs]  美:[ˈeəlɪs]

英:  美:

heirless 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 无继承人的


heirless 短语词组

1、heirless estate ─── 无继承权的财产

heirless 相似词语短语

1、cheerless ─── adj.阴郁的;惨淡的,无精打采的

2、hitless ─── 没得分的;(棒球)未击中的

3、heiress ─── n.女继承人

4、hairless ─── adj.无毛的;秃顶的

5、fearless ─── adj.无畏的;大胆的

6、hipless ─── 无臀

7、gearless ─── adj.无传动装置的,无齿轮的

8、airless ─── adj.不通风的;没有风的;缺少空气的

9、earless ─── adj.无穗的;无耳的;听觉不佳的

heirless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And although the biggest group, Tata, will move beyond its family when its heirless fifth-generation patriarch retires in 2012, it is in no hurry to break itself up. ─── 尽管规模最大的塔塔父子集团在其第五代无后掌门人2012年退休后将跳出家族企业的性质,它也不急于分解。

2、Economists are outdoing each other with ever more curious instruments, ranging from lethal mosquitoes to heirless maharajahs, or, most recently, wind speeds and sea currents. ─── 经济学家们正致力于使用更加稀奇的工具来斗法,这些工具从致命蚊子到无嗣的印度土邦主,或是近期的风速、洋流等无所不包。

3、heirless estate ─── 无人继承的遗产

4、Economists are outdoing each other with ever more curious instruments, ranging from lethal mosquitoes to heirless maharajahs, or, most recently, wind speeds and sea currents. ─── 经济学家们正致力于使用更加稀奇的工具来斗法,这些工具从致命蚊子到无嗣的印度土邦主,或是近期的风速、洋流等无所不包。

5、I have come from conveying his heirless fortune to the royal palace: eight million in silver, to say nothing of the gold. ─── 我来之前就是把他无人继承的财产送到王宫去。他的财产,黄金不说,光银子就有八百万两。

6、The village head led several farmers to plough for the heirless elderly. ─── 村长带着几个人为村里的孤寡老人代耕田地。

7、1.without offspring; without issue; without posterity; 2.a childless person; an heirless person ─── 绝户

8、household heirless property ─── 户绝财产

9、By a cruel irony of fate, the wealthy man died heirless. ─── 命运捉弄人真是残酷,这位富翁身后无嗣。

10、The village head led several farmers to plough for the heirless elderly. ─── 村长带着几个人为村里的孤寡老人代耕田地。

11、I have come from conveying his heirless fortune to the royal palace: ten million in silver, to say nothing of the gold. ─── 我来之前就是把他无人继承的财产送到王宫去。他的财产,黄金不说,光银子就有一千万两。

12、heirless | lack of progeny ─── 无子嗣

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