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09-16 投稿



inefficacy 发音

英:[ɪnˈefɪkəsi]  美:[ɪnˈefɪkəsi]

英:  美:

inefficacy 中文意思翻译



inefficacy 同义词


inefficacy 词性/词形变化,inefficacy变形

名词: ineffica-ciousness |副词: inefficaciously |

inefficacy 反义词


inefficacy 相似词语短语

1、indelicacy ─── n.粗俗,无教养

2、efficacy ─── n.功效,效力

3、intricacy ─── n.错综,复杂;难以理解

4、inefficacity ─── 影响

5、inefficient ─── adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的

6、inefficiency ─── n.效率低;无效率;无能

7、ineffaceably ─── 抹不掉地;不能消除地

8、inefficacious ─── adj.无用的;无效果的

9、inefficaciously ─── 无效果地

inefficacy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results In this study group,the effective rate was 72.5%(cure:29 cases,excellence:8 cases,improvement: 7 cases,inefficacy:7 cases). ─── 结果接受亚胺培南/西司他丁进行初始经验性治疗的51例患者中,痊愈29例,显效8例,进步7例,无效7例,有效率72.5%。

2、Causes of inefficacy of surgical treatment of severe humeral intercondylar fracture ─── 严重肱骨髁间骨折手术疗效不佳原因分析

3、Results: Fifteen patients were cured,effectual in 5 patients and no inefficacy was found. ─── 结果:治疗后3个月随访,临床治愈15例,显效5例,无效0例。

4、Critical slope length computation of engine brake inefficacy ─── 发动机制动失效的坡长临界值计算

5、Inefficacy of Platelet Infusion and Strategy ─── 血小板输注无效与对策

6、Objective: to find out the cause of inefficacy of platelets transfusion of patients. ─── 目的:为了解血小板输注无效的原因。

7、It's an allegory precisely cleverly introduced by language about the inefficacy of speech. ─── 这是一种对话语无效性的讽喻,被语言以准确聪明的方式呈现出来。

8、But as the core of the method based on an instabile downward continuation operator, the method is of inefficacy in application. ─── 本文利用徐世浙开发的迭代向下延拓方法代替该算子,使其精度和稳定性都得到很大的提高。

9、Calls of postoperative inefficacy in treating of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation ─── 腰椎间盘突出症患者手术疗效不佳的因素分析

10、Contact stress is the main factors causing rolling ring damaged by analysing the contact stress and reasons for inefficacy. ─── 通过分析滚圈受力以及破坏失效原因可知,接触应力是引起滚圈破坏的主要因素。

11、Results Among 31 cases of patients, 17 cases were cured 11 cases were effective, only one case was inefficacy, the total effective rate was 97 %. ─── 结果31例褥疮患者治愈17例,有效11例,显效2例,无效1例,总有效率为97%。

12、The product of food with the label of national inspection-free will be inefficacy from this Wednesday. ─── 印制在食品类产品及其包装上的国家免检标志从周三起不再有效。

13、Experience has shown that the cost transfer price invariably develops waste and inefficacy of the resources, and weakens the competitive ability of the final products. ─── 此法不但造成公司资源的浪费,也降低了公司最终产品的竞争能力。

14、(4) exploration of the reasons for inefficacy. ─── (3)观察疗效和不良反应;(4)治疗无效的原因。

15、Strategies for Inefficacy of the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation ─── 一类模糊综合评价失效的对策

16、in another hand, restricts the development of tourist economy for its inefficacy or abuse to resources and environmental exacerbate under the idea of search for the best economic interests. ─── 另一方面对资源的无效利用或滥用、以经济利益为目的的开发经营理念导致的旅游环境恶化制约着旅游经济的发展。

17、Results There are 16 cases with healing,34 improvements,17 inefficacy. ─── 结果67例足溃疡患者中,16例愈合,34例好转,17例无效。

18、These years, because of the large impact on the social economy and the inefficacy of the government economic policy, the development of folk loan has become an issue discussed by financial field. ─── 近几年来,我国民间借贷的发展成为了金融界讨论的热点,因为地下的民间借贷已经对社会的经济产生了巨大的影响,导致政府经济政策失控,成为不可忽视的重要问题。

19、By analyzing the economic behavior of political agents using the incentive theory in economics, we can find out the reasons for the inefficacy of external incentives. ─── 摘要用经济学激励理论分析政治代理人的经济行为,可以发现官员外在激励有效性不高的原因。

20、However, this can also be due to the inefficacy of the drug and at this time we may wish to change the treatment to prevent disease progression. ─── 但是,这也可以因药物无效所致,那么此时我们可能希望改变治疗方案从而防止这种无反应进展。

21、Methods 11 patients were treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP), 3 of them converted to mechanical ventilation because of inefficacy. ─── 方法15例患儿中11例采用简易鼻式持续气道正压(NCPAP)治疗,其中3例疗效不佳改用机械通气,4例患儿直接行机械通气。

22、Supposing this person, wearied at the inefficacy of the poison, should, as Monte Cristo intimated, have recourse to steel! ─── 如果这个人对毒药失去信心,象基督山所说的那样干脆用刀子,那可怎么办呢!

23、In 24 cases chronic active hepatitis(CAH),10 cases were obviously effective,13 cases were effective and 1 case was inefficacy. ─── 慢活肝24例,显效10例,有效13例,无效1例,总有效率为95.8%;

24、Results Exept 1 case abandon treatment and 1 patient died of salvation inefficacy. ─── 结果除1例患者放弃治疗,1例患者抢救无效死亡外,其余35例患者神经精神症状体征均消失。

25、The most widely accepted version of the Way of Negation has it that abstract objects are distinguished by their causal inefficacy. ─── 否定的方法,最宽泛被接受的版本,是诉诸`因果上无力`来区分。

26、Results The adjusting role of teachers professional self-concept is obvious in the Emotional exhaustion and Depersonalization;however, the adjusting role does not exist in Inefficacy dimension. ─── 结果教师职业自我概念对职业倦怠的情感衰竭和去人格化维度有调节作用,而失效感维度上,不存在调节作用。

27、Objective: to find out the cause of inefficacy of platelets transfusion of patients. ─── 前言:目的:为了解血小板输注无效的原因。

28、The Hydraulic Oil Inefficacy and Its Prevention ─── 液压油的失效与防治

29、brake inefficacy ─── 制动失效

30、Unstable Money Velocity Must Induce the Inefficacy of Money Aggregate Being Used as Intermediate Target? ─── 不稳定的货币流通速度必然导致货币量中介目标无效吗?

31、Results The result of the guidance group were listed as follow: 32 resulted in complete healing, 24 in clear effect, 12 in improvement and none in inefficacy. ─── 结果观察组痊愈32例,显效24例,好转12例,无效0例;

32、inefficacy of the government ─── 政府失灵

33、Results After 2 weeks treatment , there were 134 cases got to cure,48 cases to remission, 18 cases to inefficacy. ─── 结果134例经过2周治疗处理后痊愈,48例症状减轻,溢泪及分泌物均减少,18例症状反复迁延未缓解。

34、the marital status only has the significance difference in Choice Commitment, Cynicism and Inefficacy; ─── 婚姻状况只在机会承诺、玩世不恭和无效能感上有显著性差异;

35、Keywords support and hanger spring piping design load variety rate inefficacy; ─── 支吊架;弹簧;管道设计;荷载;变化率;失效;

36、Pain pumps were criticized for their potential for infection, inefficacy, lack of reliability, inconvenience of use, and potential for soft-tissue and/or nerve damage. ─── 由于镇痛泵有潜在感染风险、镇痛效果差和不可靠、使用不方便和潜在软件组织和/或神经损伤而受到质疑。

37、In fact the inefficacy of environmental law is the deviating of value of law, namely that some laws deviate or violate corresponding value of law. ─── 环境法的失效实际上也是法的价值的背离,即对应有的法的价值背离或违反的结果。

38、The government and the scholars have to concern and contend much to the reason of inefficacy of Chinese college student aid system. ─── 我国高校学生资助体制缘何处于低效、缓慢的发展状态,不得不引起政府和学者们的广泛关切和争鸣。

39、On the inefficacy of juristic act--From civil general rules to civil law code draft ─── 法律行为之无效--从民法通则到民法典草案

40、Results In study group,47 cases got obvious effects, 3 cases showed effects,and no one case showed inefficacy,while it was 10 cases,18 cases and 2 cases respectively in control group. ─── 结果50例治疗组1周内显效47例,有效3例,无效0例,对照组分别为10例,18例,2例。

41、A vector clustering algorithm is proposed to cope with the inefficacy of traditional clustering algorithms to vector data. ─── 针对传统聚类分析不能有效处理矢量数据聚类的问题,提出矢量聚类算法。

42、Then the ordinary design method, basic procedure and availability and inefficacy judgment for organization structure are explained. ─── 然后针对组织结构的常见设计方法、基本程序、有效与无效判断进行论述。

43、Result:defecation themselves were 104 cases,doing well was 10 cases and inefficacy was 6 cases.The effective power was 95%. ─── 结果:2个疗程后评定疗效,自行排便104例,症状改善10例,无效6例,有效率为95%。

44、The overall effective rate was 82.98%, hemorrhage relapse 17.95%.There were 47 patients in the compare group, 24 patients were physic, 23 patients were inefficacy. ─── 结果治疗组:47例,即刻止血39例,无效8例,总有效率82.98%,止血后复发17.95%;

45、Exploration on Inefficacy Indication of Filter Canister by Semi-conductive Gas Sensor ─── 应用半导体气敏传感器实现防毒面具滤毒盒失效指示的探讨

46、Objective: To deplete leucocytes in concentrated platelet preparations and to decrease the incidence of the inefficacy during Peplet transfusion. ─── 目的:为了去除浓缩血小板制剂中的自细胞,减少血小板输注无效症的发生率。

47、On the inform ation dissymetry condition,the stock market of China is still in betweenness fro m inefficacy to efficiency. ─── 我国证券市场尚处于从无效到有效 市场过渡的中间状态。

48、Supposing this person, wearied at the inefficacy of the poison, should, as Monte Cristo intimated, have recourse to steel! ─── 如果这个人对毒药失去信心,象基督山所说的那样干脆用刀子,那可怎么办呢!

49、Contact stress is the main factors causing rolling ring damaged by analysing the contact stress and reasons for inefficacy. ─── 通过分析滚圈受力以及破坏失效原因可知,接触应力是引起滚圈破坏的主要因素。

50、Among the whole patients, 28 cases clinical remission(38.8%), 32 patients presented effectiveness(44.4%), 8 patients appeared inefficacy, but 4 cares exacerbated(5.5%). The whole effective rate was 83.3 percent (60cases). ─── 临床缓解 2 8例 (38 8% ) ,有效 32例 (44 4% ) ,无效 8例 (11 1% ) ,加重 4例 (5 5% ) ,总有效率达 6 0例 (83 3% )。

51、Unstable Money Velocity Must Induce the Inefficacy of Money Aggregate Being Used as Intermediate Target 黄安仲, ─── 不稳定的货币流通速度必然导致货币量中介目标无效吗?

52、Methods Treatment with medicine were inefficacy, 15 patients of spontaneous senile were taken amputation. ─── 方法15例自发性老年肢体坏疽病人,服药治疗无效后行截肢术。

53、After an unequivocal experience of the inefficacy of the subsisting federal government, you are called upon to deliberate on a new Constitution for the United States of America. ─── 我们都清清楚楚地领略过这个徒具虚名的联邦政府的无能,因此,我吁请大家考虑为美利坚合众国制订一部新宪法。


55、A New Type Design Method for the Inefficacy Safety Circuit of the Radar-Synchronous-Order Circuit ─── 一种新型雷达同步时序电路的失效保险设计方法

56、Results The markedly effective was 39 cases,effective 16 cases,inefficacy 1 case,the total effective rate was 98.2%. ─── 结果56例患者经过治疗显效39例,有效16例,无效1例,总有效率为98.2%,患者吞咽困难症状明显改善。

57、These factors influence mutually, emphasizing one of them and ignoring the other two would lead to organization distortedness, inefficacy and increasing in intra-organization cost. ─── 它们之间是相互影响的,单独只强调这三个因素中任何一个,而忽略其他二者的影响,都将导致组织畸形、缺乏效率、组织协调费用增加。

58、Rather, it is likely a reflection of either the inefficacy of or the side effects associated with the current alternatives to narcotics. ─── 可能反映了与替代麻醉药的新方法要么效果差,要么副作用多。

59、Abstract: Burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job, and is defined by the three dimension of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. ─── 文章摘要: 职业倦怠是服务于助人行业的人们因工作时间过长、工作量过大、工作强度过高所经历的一种疲惫不堪的状态,包括情绪衰竭、去个性化、个人成就感降低三个方面。

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