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09-16 投稿



infarction 发音

英:[ɪn'fɑːkʃ(ə)n]  美:[ɪn'fɑrkʃən]

英:  美:

infarction 中文意思翻译



infarction 词性/词形变化,infarction变形


infarction 短语词组

1、cardiac infarction ─── [医] 心肌梗塞形成, 冠状动脉血栓形成

2、watershed infarction ─── [医]分水岭样梗塞

3、cerebral infarction diet ─── 脑梗死饮食

4、omentum infarction causes ─── 网膜梗塞原因

5、embolic infarction ─── [医] 栓子性梗塞形成

6、intestinal infarction ─── [医] 肠梗塞形成

7、splenic infarction ─── 脾梗塞

8、anemic infarction ─── [医] 贫血性梗塞形成

9、peri-infarction block ─── [医] 梗死部周围性传导阻滞

10、pnlmonary infarction ─── [医] 肺梗塞形成

11、hemorrhagic infarction ─── [医] 出血性梗塞形成

12、omentum infarction handout for patient ─── 大网膜梗塞病人讲义

13、lacunar infarction ─── 腔隙性脑梗死 ─── 腔隙性脑梗塞

14、pulmonary infarction ─── [内科]肺梗死肺梗塞

15、pancreatic infarction ─── 胰腺梗塞

16、cerebral infarction ─── 脑梗死; ─── 脑梗塞

17、myocardial infarction ─── 心肌梗死

18、cerebral infarction anesthedia ─── 脑梗死麻醉

19、midbrain infarction ─── 中脑梗塞

infarction 相似词语短语

1、infraction ─── n.犯规,违法行为;(对法律、协定的)违背,违犯

2、infarctions ─── n.梗塞;[病理]梗塞形成,梗死形成

3、inflictions ─── n.施加;处罚,刑罚

4、infection ─── n.感染;传染;影响;传染病

5、inaction ─── n.不活动;迟钝

6、infatuation ─── n.迷恋;醉心

7、infliction ─── n.施加;处罚,刑罚

8、inflection ─── n.弯曲,变形;音调变化

9、inflections ─── n.语型变化;屈折变化(inflection的复数)

infarction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Clinical Significance of ST Segment Changes of aVR Lead in Patients with Acute Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction. ─── 急性前壁心肌梗死患者aVR导联ST段变化的临床意义

2、Reference: Lunar phases are not related to the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. ─── 在7年间发生的1,240件心肌梗塞或猝死病例和满月无关。

3、How do you distinguish angina from MI (myocardial infarction)? ─── 心绞痛和心肌梗死有什么区别?

4、The PTCBA success rate was 88.5%,and no inhospital complications such as acute myocardial infarction(AMI). ─── PTCBA成功率达88.5%,无院内死亡、急性心肌梗死(AM I)等严重并发症。

5、Subsequent imaging with MR revealed extension of the infarct into the left posterior cerebral artery territory. ─── 之后的磁共振显示梗塞的范围以扩大到左侧大脑后动脉区域。

6、Clinical implication of precordial ST segment depression in acute inferior myocardial infarction. ─── 急性下壁心肌梗死胸前导联ST段改变的临床意义。

7、To having the person of miocardial infarction medical history before, operation danger sex is bigger. ─── 对以往有心肌梗塞病史的人,手术危险性更大。

8、If the blood supply is not quickly restored, the bowel will infarct. ─── 如果血液供应没有迅速恢复,肠就会梗死。

9、Clinical Analysis of AV Block in Different Stages of Acute Myocardial Infarction. ─── 急性心肌梗死伴发房室传导阻滞的临床分析

10、New Electrocardiographic Criteria for Predicting The Culprit Artery in Inferior Myocardial Infarction. ─── 判断急性下壁心肌梗死罪犯血管的心电学新标准。

11、Do you think that ARBs may increase the risk of myocardial infarction? ─── ARB是否会增加心肌梗死的发生?

12、For tea, the association between consumption and cerebral infarction also did not vary significantly by age or cardiovascular risk factors. ─── 对茶来说,摄取量和脑梗塞之间的关联同样并没有因年龄或心血管风险因素而改变。

13、Improving the tolerability of mycardium to hypoxia and act against cardiac infarct like propanolol. ─── 增强心肌耐缺氧能力,有与心得安相似的抗心肌梗塞作用。

14、Intravascular laser therapy of acute myocardial infarction. ─── 急性心肌梗塞的血管内激光治疗。

15、But coronary heart disease and dated sex miocardial infarction is not operation contraindication disease. ─── 但是冠心病及陈旧性心肌梗塞并不是手术禁忌症。

16、The etiology of NS is widely accepted as infarction of the glands resulting from ischemia. ─── 其最广为接受的病因是腺体的梗塞形成,导因于缺血的变化。

17、MI stands for heart attack, myocardial infarction. ─── MI 代表心脏病发作,心肌梗死。

18、Clinical observation of massive cerebral infarction accompanied by hyponatremia. ─── 大面积脑梗死并发低钠血症临床观察。

19、MRI SE sequence combined with MRA could enhance the rate of detecting early cerebral infarction. ─── MRI和MRA联合使用能提高早期脑梗死的检出率。

20、This cross section reveals a large myocardial infarction involving the anterior left ventricular wall and septum. ─── 广泛的心肌梗死的断面,发生于左心室壁前面和室间隔。

21、Thus,DPTI realized a valid method to assess the area of acute infarct myocardium of the left ventricle. ─── 因此可将DPTI作为定量分析急性心肌梗塞面积的可靠方法

22、All the subjects met the criteria for multi infarct dementia. ─── 入组的病例均符合多发性梗死性痴呆的诊断标准。

23、The volume of cerebral infarction was assessed by TTC staining. ─── TTC染色测量脑梗死体积;

24、Impact Thrombolytic Therapy of Acute Cerebral Infarction with Urokinase. ─── 尿激酶冲击溶栓治疗急性脑梗塞。

25、Ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial infarction: effect of low-intensity laser irradiation. ─── 急性心肌梗塞后的心室重建:低强度激光照射的疗效。

26、For example the oxgen ned of a patient with myocardial infarction must always be met at once. ─── 例如心肌梗塞病人的氧气需要总是必须立即满足的。

27、What is arteriosclerotic cerebral infarction? ─── -- 什么叫动脉硬化性脑梗塞?

28、infarction volumes of unifocal CI patients was associated with the serum cholesterol level (P ─── 性 CI 患者的梗死体积与血清胆固醇水平相关(P

29、The myocardial infarction is often caused by the increasing consistency of the blood. ─── 心肌梗塞等疾病是由于血液的黏稠度高而引起的。

30、The motor skills recovery of SD rats after cerebral infarction was studied by beam walking test (BWT). ─── 分别于治疗后第1周至第6周末以横木行走试验(BWT)评价大鼠的精细运动功能恢复情况。

31、Experimental cortical infarction and quantitative analysis in rats. ─── 大鼠实验性皮层脑梗塞及其定量研究。

32、Figure 1. The correlation between infarct size and risk region of I/R and PC groups in rats. ─── 图1.缺血/再灌注组和缺血预处理组大鼠心肌梗死范围与缺血区域的关系.

33、Observation of the changes of ADC value of experimental cerebaral infarction with diffusion weighted magnetic imaging. ─── 弥散磁共振成像观察实验性脑梗死ADC值的变化。

34、Myocardial infarction is the medical term for a heart attack. ─── 心肌梗塞是心脏病发作的医学术语。

35、The changes of cerebrovascular function in the patients with multiple lacunar infarction. ─── 多发腔隙性脑梗死的脑血管功能变化。

36、To having the patient of miocardial infarction medical history before, operation danger sex is bigger. ─── 对以往有心肌梗塞病史的病人,手术危险性更大。

37、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of animal model and infarct volume. ─── 主要观察指标:动物模型出现率;梗死体积。

38、NGNHFT can reduce the infarction volume of brain of MCAO rats. 4. ─── 3, 脑功能恢复汤可以减小缺血再灌损伤后动物的脑梗死体积。

39、The methods of MRI DWI and PWI can be used to detect the size and location of the early stage of pontine infarction. ─── 弥散加权成像(DWI)及灌注加权成像(PWI)能较好地反映早期桥脑梗死的位置与形态。

40、How to ealuate the relationship of between ARBs and myocardial infarction? ─── 如何看待ARB与心肌梗死的关系?

41、Disease progression was associated with ischemic events or silent infarction in 4 of 5 patients. ─── 在5例患者中4例疾病进展和缺血事件或静息梗塞形成相关。

42、The key is embolic infarction is a focal change, whereas autolytic change is global and diffuse. ─── 关键是脑梗死是局灶改变,而脑组织自溶是全脑的弥漫性改变。

43、CT scan was detected in 50 cases with VD and 141 infarct lesions were discovered (left 79 and right 62). ─── 50例VD患者行CT检查 ,检出141个梗塞灶 ,左侧79个 ,右侧62个。

44、Images are from three time points and demonstrate the evolution of infarction. ─── 影像摄自三个时间点,显示了梗塞灶的演变。

45、Is left ventricular diastolic function an independent marker of prognosi s after acute myocardial infarction? ─── 左室舒张功能是急性心肌梗死预后的一个独立标志吗?

46、MRI examination is necessary for the patients with brainstem infarction. ─── MRI是无局灶体征脑干梗死最可靠的检查方法。

47、MNCs may contribute to the elevation of circulating HGF level in the subacute stage of myocardial infarction. ─── 单核细胞是急性心肌梗塞亚急性期产生血浆HGF的重要来源;

48、Clinical Assessment of Long Term Benefits of Reperfusion Therapies in Acute Myocardial Infarction. ─── 急性心肌梗死患者再灌注治疗远期预后临床观察。

49、Unusual giant cell arteritis should be considered in the differential diagnoses of myocardial infarction. ─── 同时我们也回顾了文献上相同的病例做比较。

50、There was significant more infarct in the placenta of ICP patients. ─── ICP患者胎盘发生梗死率明显高于正常妊娠组;

51、The infarction model induced by CPD 4 has a good stability, excellent repetition and high success rate in rats. ─── CPD4诱导的大鼠脑梗死模型稳定性 ,重复性好 ,梗死成功率高

52、A muscle infarction would be very low on my list of possible diagnoses, but at least I'd look closer. ─── 对于相同的病人,肌肉死亡在我的诊断目录中的排名不会太高,但是我肯定会考虑到这个可能性。

53、The majority(87.5%)of AV block appeared within 12 hours after the onset of acute myocardial infarction. ─── 87 5%房室传导阻滞在急性心梗起病后 1 2小时内出现。

54、The infarction seen here has punctate hemorrhages. This infarct was caused by an embolus. ─── 图示梗死为小斑点状出血,梗死由栓子引起。

55、Conclusions Atrial fibrillation is a strang risk factor of cardiogenic infarction with larger infarction area. ─── 8%的病例为大面积脑梗死,3/4在颈内动脉系统,梗死后出血率28.8%,全组死亡率12.7%。

56、Miocardial infarction wants how to be treated and maintain. . ? ─── 心肌梗塞要怎么治疗和怎样保养..?

57、We anesthetized and operated on adult rats that had experienced myocardial infarction in the left ventricle seven days earlier. ─── 我们将七天前左心室发生心肌梗塞的成年大鼠麻醉,并进行手术。

58、There has been a previous extensive transmural myocardial infarction involving the free wall of the left ventricle. ─── 左心室壁见大片陈旧性透壁性梗死。

59、He was also receiving concomitant carvedilol and an ECG showed only an inferior wall infarct without arrhythmia. ─── 另外,他还同时服用卡维地洛,心电图仅显示下壁心梗,没有心律不齐。

60、To Explore the value of the collateral circulation for the long-term prognosis in acute myocardial infarction. ─── 冠状动脉侧支循环在急性心肌梗死远期预后中的价值探讨。

61、On the next lower slice, extension of the infarct into white matter is seen. ─── 在下一页更低的层面,可以看到延伸至白质的梗塞灶。

62、This is an intermediate to remote infarct in the distribution of the middle cerebral artery. ─── 大脑中动脉供血区域的陈旧性梗死。

63、Lipoprotein (a) Hays an important role in producing pathologic effect in cerebral infarction. ─── Lp(a)在脑梗死的致病因素上起重要作用。

64、The rates of position conformation between DTI and SPECT of ischemia and infarction were 67% and 80% seperately. ─── 多普勒组织显像所示心肌缺血和梗塞部位与ECT检测心肌缺血和梗塞部位的吻合率分别为67%和80%;

65、No "minor"changes in lead AVL is a good sign to identify left circumflex artery being infarction related artery. ─── AVL导联无“镜像”改变是判断梗死相关动脉为左回旋支的较好指标。

66、Atherosclerosis(AS) is a leading cause of cerebral infarction, especially the arterothrombtic cerebral infarction(ACI). ─── 动脉粥样硬化(Atherosclerosis,AS)是脑梗死尤其是动脉血栓性脑梗死(arterothrombtic cerebral infarction,ACI)的最主要病因。

67、Septic emboli from the vegetation will possibly result in systemic thromboembolism with multiple organ infarction. ─── 另外细菌赘生物所掉落的感染性血栓也可能导致全身性的血栓栓塞,进一步导致多重器官衰竭。

68、So apoptosis may contribute to the final infarct size. ─── 凋亡可能决定了最终梗死体积。

69、Volume of infarct focus of rats in the two groups. ─── 两组大鼠梗死灶体积。

70、The influences of exogenic BNP on ventricular remodeling and cardiac function in post acute myocardial infarction rats. ─── 主要研究外源性BNP对大鼠急性心肌梗死后心室重塑及心功能的影响。

71、Energy mode of DTI would be a reliable technique for quantitative measurement of myocardial infarction area. ─── DTI技术能量型可定量反映心肌梗死面积

72、Therapeutic guidelines for the treatment of renal infarction have not been established. ─── 但是治疗的准则至今仍没有定论。

73、The most likely diagnosis is acute myocardial infarction. ─── 可能性最大的诊断是急性心肌梗死。

74、Clinical research of naloxone of different dosages in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction. ─── 不同剂量盐酸纳络酮治疗急性脑梗死的临床观察。

75、Primary end points were the rate of death and a composite of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke (major cardiovascular events). ─── 主要研究点是死亡率和多因素死亡、心肌梗死或中风(主要心血管事件)发生率。

76、The distinctive manifestations in MRI are brain swelling, local infarction in parietal lobe or hemorrhage in majority. ─── MRI的特征性表现为脑肿胀,顶叶的局部性梗死,多数伴有出血。

77、In Taiwan, there were no case reports about acute myocardial infarction after taking Viagra. ─── 在台湾地区之前并无服用威而刚后出现心肌梗塞之病例报告。

78、Clinical Study of Polymorphism of Angiotensinogen in patients with Myocardial Infarction. ─── 心肌梗死患者血管紧张素原基因多态性临床检测意义的研究。

79、Thus the coronary heart disease, cerebral infract(apoplexy), miocardial infarction is the result. ─── 从而导致了冠心病、脑梗塞(中风)、心肌梗塞等心脑血管疾病的发生。

80、Cerebral infarction or intercranial hemorrhage.Thoughts? ─── |脑梗塞 颅内出血 有什么想法?

81、Correlation between Helicobacter pylori infection and relapsed cerebral infarction. ─── 幽门螺杆菌感染与再发脑梗死的关系研究。

82、We describe a case of diabetic muscle infarction which had atypical features of hyperintensity of the affected muscle on T1-weighted images. ─── 我们描述一例糖尿病性肌梗死了非典型特征高受影响的肌肉T1加权图像。

83、Local areas of infarction or infiltration can sometimes be demonstrated. ─── 局部区域梗塞或浸润有时能被发现。

84、Pores infarction after row of hair follicles do not get the grease out, piled up to form a small acne, acne is one such attack. ─── 毛孔梗塞以后,毛囊外面的油脂排不进去,越积越多就形成一个个小痘痘,青春痘就是这样发作的。

85、Haemorrhagic transformation of infarct and severe adverse events were similar in both groups. ─── 两组中梗塞转化为出血及出现严重不良事件的情况类似。

86、CI group was composed of large, middle and small volumes of the infarction according to the size of the lesions. ─── ci组按病灶大小分为大、中、小体积梗死组。

87、Both MCE and TTC showed that the mass of infarct myocardium of IP group was less than the IR group. ─── 3D MCE及TTC染色结果均显示IP组心肌受损范围小于IR组。

88、IGF-1 takes part in the pathophysiological procedure of acute cere bral infarction. ─── IGF-1参与了急性脑梗死的病理生理过程。

89、Infarct size(IR/AAR)in ATV group were reduced(P

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