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09-16 投稿



quietist 发音

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英:  美:

quietist 中文意思翻译




quietist 词性/词形变化,quietist变形

形容词: quietistic |名词: quietist |

quietist 相似词语短语

1、quiets ─── adj.安静的;安定的;不动的;温顺的;n.安静;和平;vt.使平息;安慰;vi.平静下来

2、quietism ─── n.寂静主义;清静无为

3、quietive ─── n.镇静剂;止痛药;adj.趋向寂静的;镇静的

4、quieting ─── n.静态;镇静;脱氧;v.使安静;减轻(quiet的现在分词)

5、quietistic ─── adj.寂静主义的

6、quiet spot ─── 安静的地方

7、Pietist ─── n.假装虔诚的人;虔信派教徒

8、quietus ─── n.解除;偿清;生命的终止;寂灭

9、quietest ─── 清静的(quiet的最高级)温和的闲适的

quietist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moreover, there is reason to wonder how long their present quietism will last. ─── 而且,有理由怀疑他们能将现在的安静政策保留多久。

2、But as foreign secretary now, he takes an essentially quietist position on the EU. ─── 但现在,作为外交大臣,他在欧盟问题上缄口不语。

3、a religious mystic who follows quietism. ─── 追随寂静主义的宗教神秘主义者。

4、Clearly, the anguish with which we are concerned here is not one that could lead to quietism or inaction. ─── 很明显地,我们在这里所提到的烦恼不是那导致无为主义或懈怠的。

5、But most of their adherents belong to the Zaydi sect, a normally quietist branch of Shia Islam that is unique to Yemen and which most Sunnis regard as quaintly schismatic. ─── 但是大多数教徒都是属于扎伊迪派的,扎伊迪派是伊斯兰教什叶派的一个分支,纪律严明,主张清静无为,而也门的逊尼派教徒则大不相同,他们被认为乖张古怪,纷争不断。

6、McDowell has, throughout his career, understood philosophy to be "therapeutic" and thereby to "leave everything as it is", which McDowell understands to be a form of philosophical quietism. ─── 在麦克道威尔的全部生涯中,他把哲学理解为“治疗性的”,并且因此“让每一事物是其所是”(麦克道维尔把这句话理解为哲学清静无为的形式)。

7、You have seen that it cannot be regarded as a philosophy of quietism since it defines man by his action; ─── 你会看出它不能被视为一种无为主义的哲学,因为它是用行动说明人的性质的;

8、Does that mean that I should abandon myself to quietism? ─── 这是否意味着我应该沉迷于无为主义呢?

9、First, it has been reproached as an invitation to people to dwell in quietism of despair. ─── 首先,存在主义曾被指责为诱导人们安于一种绝望的无为主义。

10、I pursue quietism, and like being alone. ─── 翻译:我追求清静,喜欢独处。

11、Quietism is the attitude of people who say, “Let others do what I cannot do. ─── 诚然,它还意含着“人不外是他意图成为的东西。

12、But we must not take their quietism as license to do whatever we want with this bailout cash. ─── 但是我们不能把孩子的默不作声,当作默许纾困资金可以乱撒。

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