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hammerhead 发音

英:['hæməhed]  美:['hæmɚhɛd]

英:  美:

hammerhead 中文意思翻译



hammerhead 网络释义

n. 锤头;笨蛋adj. 锤头状的;鲁钝的

hammerhead 短语词组

1、hammerhead crane ─── 锤头式[塔式]起重机

2、hammerhead shark ─── 锤头鲨 双髻鲨

3、hammerhead structure ─── [医]锤头(状)结构

4、hammerhead pro ─── 锤头专业版

5、hammerhead stall ─── [体]跃升失速倒转

6、Hammerhead Island ─── 锤头岛

7、smooth hammerhead ─── [网络] 平双髻鲨;锤头双髻鲨;槌头双髻鲨鱼数据库

8、smalleye hammerhead ─── [网络] smalleye锤头

9、Scalloped hammerhead ─── 路氏双髻鲨;红肉丫髻鲛

hammerhead 相似词语短语

1、hammerheads ─── n.锤头;笨蛋;adj.锤头状的;鲁钝的

2、hammer beam ─── [建]悬臂托梁;远尾梁;锤柄

3、hammermen ─── n.锻工;铁腕人物

4、hammerless ─── adj.无锤的;无撞针的;(枪等)内击锤的

5、dummelhead ─── n.愚蠢的人

6、hammerer ─── n.锻工

7、hammerman ─── n.锻工;铁腕人物

8、hammerheaded ─── 锤头

9、hammered ─── adj.锤成的;铸打成的;v.锤打(hammer的过去式和过去分词形式)

hammerhead 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Coolest Sharks: Hammerhead shark. ─── 酷鲨第二位:双髻鲨(又称槌头鲨)。

2、It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays. ─── 同时也是撞木鲛,吃人鲨和蝠?鱼的天堂.

3、The most well-known sharks are the great white shark, whale shark, blue shark and hammerhead shark. ─── 最著名的有大白鲨、鲸鲨、蓝鲸和座头鲨。


5、Conservationists describe the Coral Sea as "a stunning blue-water highway, full of oceanic predators." It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays. ─── 环保主义者将珊瑚海称作“一令人惊讶的,满是海洋食肉动物的深海大道”。它是双髻鲨、白鳍鲨以及鳐鱼的乐土。

6、The recombinant plasmid with the hammerhead ribozymegene was correct by digestion identification. ─── 核酶基因重组子经酶切鉴定序列正确。

7、Conservationists describe the Coral Sea as "a stunning blue-water highway, full of oceanic predators."It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays. ─── 自然资源保护者称珊瑚海为一条湛蓝,迷人的高速水路,这里养育着无数海洋食肉动物,这里是双髻鲨,噬人鲨,灰色鲸的乐园。

8、Keywords powder metallurgy;steel bond hard alloy-iron bimetal composite material;Cast-in Process;the steel bond hard alloy-cast steel hammerhead; ─── 粉末冶金;钢结硬质合金-铁双层复合材料;镶铸;钢结硬质合金-铸钢锤头;

9、Construction and identification of the eukaryotic expression vector containing genes of hammerhead ribozyme targeting HOGG 1 mRNA ─── HOGG1特异性锤头状核酶真核表达载体的构建及鉴定

10、Objective To detect the cleavage activity of Giardia canis virus (GCV) transfer vector-mediated hammerhead ribozyme for KRR1 in vitro transcript. ─── 目的检测犬贾第虫病毒介导的锤头状核酶对犬贾第虫滋养体核仁功能性蛋白KRR1基因体外转录体切割效率。

11、Shark numbers can become depleted very quickly because they take a long time to mature - 16 years in the case of a scalloped hammerhead. ─── 由于鲨鱼的成熟期很长,比如一头双髻鲨就需要16年,因此它们的总数很容易枯竭。

12、a short-handled hatchet with a broad blade opposite a hammerhead. ─── 有和锤头相对的宽刃的短柄斧。

13、Reversal of multi-drug resistance of bladder cancer cell line with hammerhead ribozyme ─── 核酶对膀胱癌细胞系多药耐药性的逆转研究

14、Tom Scuba diving with a school of hammerhead sharks is not what I call being careful. ─── 汤姆戴著水肺和一群双髻鲨潜水,在我看来不叫谨慎。

15、Attenuation of telomerase activity by a hammerhead ribozyme targeting the template region of telomerase RNA in ovarian carcinoma cell ─── 端粒酶RNA特异性核酶抑制卵巢癌细胞端粒酶的活性

16、hammerhead stall ─── 失速倒转

17、scroll valve A type of spiral intestinal valve in requiem and hammerhead sharks in which the valve has uncoiled and resembles a rolled-up bib or scroll. ─── 捲轴瓣在白眼鲛与丫髻鲛中的一种螺旋肠瓣的类型,这种瓣膜已经被展开而且类似一个捲起的围兜或捲轴。

18、Keywords Giardia canis virus;Transfer vector;Hammerhead ribozyme;KRR1 protein; ─── 犬贾第虫病毒;转染载体;锤头状核酶;KRR1蛋白;

19、Hammerhead ribozyme can cleave the target NHE 1 mRNA specifically, reduce the expression of NHE 1 mRNA and induce intracellular acidosis. ─── 所设计的锤头状核酶可对NHE 1mRNA进行特异性切割 ,减少其表达 ,使其活性下降 ,从而诱导细胞酸化。

20、Keywords Hammerhead ribozyme;Androgen receptor;Gene expression;Carcinoma;prostate; ─── 关键词核酶;雄激素受体;基因表达;癌;前列腺;

21、A rock-hammer is about six or seven inches long.Looks like a miniature pickaxe, with a small sharp pick on one end, and a blunt hammerhead on the other.It's for rocks. ─── 一把石锤,大约六到七英寸长,看起来就像一把微型的铁镐,一端是尖的,另一端是个锤头,用来凿岩石。”

22、This maneuver looks like the hammerhead performed by the small aerobatic planes. ─── 这个机动动作看上去有点像小型特技飞机表演的“锤头”。

23、Repairing welding of hammerhead jib on the large hot die hammer ─── 大型热模锻锤锤臂焊接修复

24、Keywords Schistosoma japonicum(Chinese strain);eggshell protein gene 2A;Hammerhead Ribozyme;ovulation development; ─── 日本血吸虫(中国大陆株);卵壳蛋白基因2A;锤头状核酶;虫卵发育;

25、A hammerhead is a shot of espresso in a coffee cup that is then filled with drip coffee. I highly recommend this drink. ─── 这是用一杯意大利咖啡,加上一份过滤咖啡制作的。我强烈推荐这种咖啡。

26、Activity identification of anti-caspase-3 mRNA hammerhead ribozyme in both cell-free condition and BRL-3A cells ─── 抗Caspase-3核酶的体外及BRL3A细胞内活性鉴定(英文)

27、hammerhead crane ─── 锤头式起重机

28、jaw plate, hammerhead and hammer board for the use of crusher; ─── 破碎机颚板、锤头、板锤;

29、A hammerhead shark is fatally caught in a gill net in Mexico's Gulf of California. ─── 一头双髻鲨最终在墨西哥的加利福尼亚海湾被刺网捕获。

30、Objective To study the transcription effects and cleavage activities of rat caspase-3 specific hammerhead ribozyme (Rz107) in both cell-free conditions and BRL-3A cells. ─── 目的 体外研究针对大鼠凋亡基因Caspase 3设计的核酶 (Rz10 7)的体外转录 ,切割及活性鉴定及其在大鼠肝细胞系BRL 3A细胞中的切割活性。

31、Keywords GCV;Transfer Vector;KRR1 protein;Hammerhead ribozyme; ─── 犬贾第虫病毒;转染载体;KRR1蛋白;锤头状核酶;

32、Keywords vascular endothelial govrth factor(VEGF);hammerhead ribozyme;the ribozyme mediated cleavage in vitro and in cell;anti-angiogenesis; ─── 关键词血管内皮生长因子;锤头状核酶;试管内和细胞内核酶剪切实验;抗血管生成;

33、BOB DOUGHTY: Hammerhead sharks have nostrils that are more widely spaced than those of sharks with pointed noses. ─── 比起尖鼻子的鲨鱼来说,双髻鲨的鼻孔相距比较宽。

34、Hammerhead is a stress test tool designed to test Web servers. ─── Hammerhead是一个设计用于测试Web服务器的压力测试工具。

35、He also built something called Hammerhead, which adds a little tab to Firebug that tells you the load time of the page. ─── 他创建了Hammerhead,它增加一个小tab图标到Firebug来告诉你页面的加载时间。

36、hammerhead structure ─── 锤头(状)结构

37、The Construction of the Hammerhead Ribozyme Genes Targeting Against Apple Scar Skid Viroid and Its Activity Detection in vitro ─── 特异切割苹果锈果类病毒的核酶基因的克隆和转录物的体外活性测定

38、It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks , as well as manta rays. ─── 同时也是撞木鲛,吃人鲨和蝠魟鱼的天堂.

39、The auxiliary equipment is consisted of hammerhead, canno barrel, firing mount, priming adapter and the breech. ─── 射孔器配套器材通常由枪头、枪身、弹架、传爆接头、枪尾组成。

40、Even the more modern Hercules- and Minotaur-class ships have retained the distinctive hammerhead shape which so defines the classic terran battlecruiser. ─── 甚至更现代的武仙级和牛头人级战舰都保留了特殊的锤头外形设计来定义巡洋舰的级别。

41、Stingrays, hammerhead sharks and other sea creatures glide into view or over you. ─── 红鱼、双髻鲨和其他海洋生物会滑入你的视线或游过你的上方。

42、Draw Polar bear, Formosan black bear, Canadian brown bear and Hammerhead Shark. ─── 熊与鲨.JPG 彩绘北极熊、台湾黑熊、加拿大棕熊与双髻鲨。

43、Primordial in appearance, the great hammerhead is actually one of evolution’s most advanced sharks. ─── 虽然大锤头鲨看起来原始,但它其实是鲨鱼进化史上最高级的鲨鱼种类之一。

44、Effects of hammerhead ribozyme on NHE-1 activity and proliferation in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells of rats in vitro ─── 核酶对大鼠肺动脉平滑肌NHE-1活性及细胞增殖的作用

45、Hammerhead Stork ─── n. 锤头鹳科

46、Ride this fearsome hammerhead shark and drench your targets with its rotating water cannon. ─── 乘坐这可怕的虎头鲨鱼和以它的旋转高压水枪来湿透您的目标。

47、The name hammerhead describes the animal's wide, flat head. ─── 双髻这个词描述了这种动物的宽宽的平平的脑袋。

48、This serpentine specimen may look like a large eel, but its six slitlike gills help mark it as a cousin of the great white, the hammerhead, and other sharks. ─── 游动时身姿蜿蜒的皱鳃鲨看起来像条大鳗鲡(蛇形鱼类),但它腮部的6道褶皱显示它是大白鲸、锤头鲸和其它鲸鱼是近亲。

49、"Hammerhead sharks are not evenly dispersed throughout the seas, but concentrated at seamounts and offshore islands, " he said. ─── 锤头鲨在海里分布不均,它们多聚集于海底山和离岸海岛。

50、A great hammerhead shark will reach an average of 500 lbs. at adulthood. ─── 一只成年的大锤头鲨可以长到约500磅。

51、hammerhead excitation ─── 锤击法

52、The determination of aerodynamic damping on hammerhead launch vehicles at transonic speeds ─── 锤头体弹性振动跨音速气动阻尼系数的确定

53、Development and Application of Mid-carbon Low-alloying Wear-resistance Steel Hammerhead with Multi-phase ─── 中碳低合金复相组织抗磨钢锤头的研制

54、Constructing the Hammerhead Ribozyme Gene's Eukaryon Express Vectors for hTR Sequence of Gallbladder Carcin oma ─── 胆囊癌hTR锤头状核酶基因真核表达载体的构建

55、It's a haven for harmhiden hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays. ─── 这里是槌头双髻鲨和白鲨以及蝠鲼的避难所。

56、hammerhead key ─── 银锭榫

57、Conservationistsis described the Coral Sea is (as) *a stunning blue water highway, full of oceanicpredators*.It is the heaven (haven) for hammerhead and white tip shark, as well as * manta rays. ─── 天然资源保护主义者称珊瑚海是“一条惊人的蓝水公路,充满了海洋捕猎者。”

58、The hammerhead, the priming adapter and the breech are connected with the canno barrel by screw thread and a ring groove and an “O” ring are used to lock the canno barrel. ─── 枪头、传爆接头、枪尾等部件一端由螺纹与枪身连接,并设有环槽,用“O”型圈与枪身形成密封。

59、Hungry for smaller sharks, rays, and fish, a great hammerhead swims with head swinging from side to side to widen its search. ─── 一条饥饿的大锤头鲨一边游泳一边将它的大脑袋左右摆动以扩大搜索范围来寻找小鲨鱼、魟鱼还有其它一些鱼类作为食物。

60、Hammerhead is a stress test tool designed to test Web servers. ─── Hammerhead是一个设计用于测试Web服务器的压力测试工具。

61、Scalloped Hammerhead (Endangered). ─── 髻鲨(濒危)。

62、Proceeding of Hammerhead Ribozymein Action Mechanism. ─── 锤头型核酶作用机理的研究进展。

63、Design and Preparation of the Multimeric Self-cleavable Hammerhead Ribozyme Targeting Apple Scar Skid Viroid and Its Activity Detection in vitro ─── 专一切割苹果锈果类病毒多体自切割核酶的克隆和转录物的体外活性测定

64、Keywords Giardia lamblia;Pyruvate phosphate dikinase;Hammerhead ribozyme;Giardia canis virus; ─── 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫;丙酮酸磷酸双激酶;锤头状核酶;贾第虫病毒;

65、It is a heavenhaven for hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays. ─── 对于槌头双髻鲨、白色背鳍鲨和蝠鲼来说,这里确实成为了它们的避难所。

66、hammerhead shark ─── 双髻鲨

67、Now I see just one hammerhead nearby. ─── 现在,我只在附近看到一头锤头鲨。

68、Effect of Telomerase Hammerhead Ribozyme on Cervical Carcinoma Cell ─── 端粒酶特异性核酶抑制宫颈癌细胞的作用

69、In addition, the high-chrome manganese tungsten alloy is selected as the material of the hammerhead, which has good anti-abrasion properties, strong toughness properties ... ─── 选择高铬锰钨合金作为锤头的材料,经热处理后,其抗磨性能高、韧性好、使用寿命长,是一种较为理想的锤头生产材料。

70、This beam was to be shot at one of the republic ships and drag it into a Hammerhead-class capital ship, destroying both. ─── 这种光束被射向一艘共和国战舰,并拖拽它撞上了一艘锤头级主力舰,两艘飞船都被摧毁。

71、It is the heaven (haven) for hammerhead and white tip shark, as well as * manta rays. ─── 它是槌头双髻鲨、白鳍鲨以及蝠鲼的避难所。

72、Choice having introduced the hammerhead and cleading chemical composition. ─── 介绍了锤头和衬板化学成分的选择。

73、So we established three effective hammerhead ribozyme vector systems targeting +8, +36 and +71 of the VEGF mRNA, among which, the ribozyme targeting +36 site was the most efficient in all evaluations. ─── 综上,我们构建的分别针对VEGF121 +8, +36,和+71位点锤头状核酶可有效地抑制VEGF的RNA水平,针对+36位设计的锤头状核酶抑制效果最好。

74、The paper introduces the process for studying the material and quality of the hammerhead of the hammer crusher. ─── 介绍了锤式破碎机锤头质量和锤头材料的研究过程。

75、Ha! Missed again, you hammerhead halibut. Here boy, here, go get it. ─── 哈!又错过了,你这只锤子头的大比目鱼。这里,小子,这里,抓住它。

76、tRNA embedded Hammerhead Ribozymes Mediate Destruction of HBV(Subtype adr) in vitro ─── 作用于HBV(adr亚型)RNA的tRNA-包埋锤头状核酶的研究

77、Keywords Dengue virus;Hammerhead ribozyme; ─── 登革病毒;锤头状核酶;

78、It's a heaven for hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays. ─── 这里是槌头白顶鲨和蝠鲼的憩息地。

79、RC-PIER allows users to design multi-column and hammerhead piers, straight, tapered or variable caps, and circular, rectangular (tapered and non-tapered) or drilled-shaft columns. ─── PIER允许用户设计多栏和锤头码头,直线式、锥形或可变螺帽,圆形、矩形(可变与不可变式样),或者钻孔桩柱。

80、His words stunned Deborah -- a hook like that was the size of a hammerhead! ─── 他的话令德博拉震惊,一个像锤子头那么大的钩子!

81、It's (a) haven for hammerhead (and) white tip sharks, as well as (manta rays). ─── 它对槌头双髻鲨、白鳍鲨、蝠鲼来说是个安全的地方。

82、In the last five years the list of virgin mothers has expanded to include a python, hammerhead sharks, blacktip sharks, and Komodo dragons. ─── 在过去的五年里,发现的单性生殖的雌性动物的包括了蟒蛇,锤头鲨,黑鳍鲨,和科莫多巨蜥。

83、Aluminum alloy wire clamp,kirsite casting hammerhead,stainless steel norm part. ─── 持续管本体,衬管为铝制件,钢管为热镀锌钢制件。

84、The recombinant plasmid with the hammerhead ribozyme gene was correct by digestion identification . ─── 核酶基因重组子经酶切鉴定序列正确。

85、Hammerhead AGPS from Global Locate. ─── 用于全球定位的“榔头”AGPS。

86、Something, such as the cleft end of a hammerhead, that resembles a claw. ─── 爪形器具类似爪的东西,如锤头的“V”状末端

87、hammerhead slewing crane ─── 锤头式旋动起重机

88、Effects of blocking androgen receptor expression by specific hammerhead ribozyme in vitro on prostate cancer cell growth ─── 锤头型核酶特异性阻断雄激素受体表达对前列腺癌细胞生长的影响

89、It was a hammerhead shark living in the United States Omaha, Nebraska, a zoo, at least three years and no contact with male sharks. ─── 那是一只锤头鲨,住在美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈市的一家动物园里,至少三年没有和雄性鲨鱼接触。

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