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09-15 投稿



inched 发音

英:[ɪntʃt]  美:[ɪntʃt]

英:  美:

inched 中文意思翻译



inched 词性/词形变化,inched变形


inched 常用词组

every inch ─── 彻底

inch by ─── 逐渐地;一步一步地

square inch ─── 平方英寸

inched 短语词组

1、inched up ─── 一步步向前 ─── 一寸寸向上

2、inched down ─── 缓慢下降

inched 相似词语短语

1、finched ─── 芬奇

2、inarched ─── v.接枝;n.嫁接

3、cinched ─── n.(非正式)极其容易做的事情;必定的事;马鞍肚带;五个王牌排最大的纸牌游戏;v.用带子系(衣服);用肚带系紧(马鞍);给(马)系上肚带;(非正式)确保

4、flinched ─── vi.退缩;畏惧;n.退缩;畏惧

5、pinched ─── adj.(因疾病、寒冷、愁苦等)苍白清瘦的,清瘦的;为缺钱而苦恼的;压紧的,收缩的;v.捏;使苦恼(pinch的过去式和过去分词)

6、itched ─── n.痒;渴望;疥疮;vi.发痒;渴望;vt.使发痒;使恼怒

7、clinched ─── v.确定,敲定,解决;成功赢得;扭打;拥抱;敲弯,钉住;用活结系牢;n.扭打;拥抱;活结;n.(Clinch)(美、英)克林奇(人名)

8、winched ─── n.绞车;曲柄;v.用绞车拉;n.(Winch)(美、英、加、法、澳)温奇(人名)

9、inches ─── n.英寸(inch的复数);n.(Inches)人名;(英)英奇斯;(意)因凯斯

inched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She crawled forward inch by inch. ─── 她一点一点地往前爬。

2、A tread depth of less than 1/16 inch is unsafe. ─── 台胎纹厚度低于1/16英寸则不安全。

3、He inched (his way) through the narrow passage. ─── 他慢慢地穿过狭窄的通道.

4、He came within an inch of being killed. ─── 他差一点儿被弄死。

5、The soldiers contested every inch of ground. ─── 士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。

6、She inched her way along, never letting herself so much as blink, even when her eyes burned. ─── 她一寸寸沿着那线行,即使双目烧灼,也不让自己眨一下眼。

7、Henry looked every inch a soldier. ─── 亨利看来具有十足的军人气质。

8、He drew the map to scale, making one inch represent 50 miles. ─── 他按比例画那幅地图,每一英寸代表50英里。

9、A millionth of an inch is an infinitesimal length. ─── 一英寸的百万分之一是极小的长度。

10、There was an inch of snow on the ground. ─── 地上积着一英寸厚的白雪。

11、They climbed the steep mountain inch by inch. ─── 他们一点一点地攀上那座陡峭的山。

12、He inched his motorcycle towards the street corner. ─── 他把摩托车一点儿一点儿移到了街角。

13、He was every inch drenched. ─── 他浑身湿透。

14、Give him an inch and he will take a mile . ─── 你敬他一尺,他会敬你一丈。

15、In typewriters, spacing of10 characters to the inch. ─── 在打字机中,一英寸十个字符的间隔。

16、An inch is about two and a half centimetres. ─── 一英寸大约等于2.5厘米。

17、He is every inch a local despot . ─── 他彻头彻尾是个土皇帝。

18、I inched the car forward. ─── 我开着车小心地缓缓前行。

19、An inch in a miss as good as an ell . ─── 功亏一篑

20、He slowly inched the box forward. ─── 他慢慢地把箱子向前挪动。

21、The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension, usually expressed in units per inch. ─── 在一单位长度内包含的有用信息单位数。通常用每英寸多少单位表示。

22、He's a dodgy bloke I wouldn't trust him an inch. ─── 他是个诡计多端的家伙——我一点都不相信他。

23、She shortened the shirt by an inch. ─── 她把衬衫截短了一英寸。

24、Meanwhile, Seret had inched along the car toward Stephen. ─── 与此同时,塞里特沿着汽车一点一点地靠近了史蒂芬。

25、On seeing the snake, he inched his way backwards. ─── 一看到那条蛇,他就缓慢地退走了。

26、Her dress is a full three inch above the knee. ─── 她的连衣裙下摆离膝盖整整三英寸。

27、STEVEN: Nope. He's too short. He's an inch shorter. ─── 史蒂文:不,他太矮了,他比玛丽·贝思矮了一英寸。

28、The bank's worry was that today's inflation, which inched up to 4. 1% in July, might influence how wages and prices are set for the future. ─── 央行的担忧是目前在[font=Verdana]7[font=宋体]月份已达[font=Verdana]4.1%[font=宋体]的通货膨胀率可能影响未来工资和价格的制定。

29、She told the height to an inch. ─── 她丝毫不差地说出其高度。

30、A printer's unit of type size, equal to 12 points or about 1/6 of an inch. ─── 12点活字打印机铅字大小的单位,相当于12点或大约1/6英寸。

31、He escaped death by an inch. ─── 他险些丧了命。

32、He is an artist,every inch of him. ─── 他彻头彻尾是个艺术家。

33、Meanwhile, Russian stocks inched higher Monday after bouncing back on Friday after a week of heavy losses. ─── 与此同时,俄罗斯股市经过一周的暴跌和周五的反弹后,周一小幅上涨。

34、A unit of type width based on the number of times a character can be set in one linear inch. ─── 印字宽度的单位,以一英寸直线距离上能安置的字符数计。

35、He was dressed in a quiet grey suit and looked very well bred and every inch a gentleman. ─── 他身着素灰色套装,看上去很有涵养,一副绅士派头。

36、One inch equals to 2.54 centimeters. ─── 一英?嫉扔诙?阄逅墓?帧

37、He inched his way through the narrow passage. ─── 他一点一点地穿过狭窄的通道。

38、He' s a dodgy bloke I wouldn' t trust him an inch. ─── 他是个诡计多端的家伙--我一点都不相信他.

39、The density of characters in a printed line, usually expressed as characters per inch. ─── 印刷密度一个印刷品中字的密度,常以每英寸多少个字来表示

40、One inch, and he would have lost an eye. ─── 再过去一英寸,他的眼睛就会完了。

41、For thousands of years, the number of people in the world inched up. ─── 上千年来,世界人口的数量保持着持续缓慢的增长。

42、The rainfall you need is from ? to 1 inch per week. ─── 你需要的降雨量大约从一周?到1英?肌

43、He inched the van forward. ─── 他驾着厢式货车缓缓前行。

44、The soldiers disputed every inch of ground. ─── 士兵们力争夺取每一寸土地。

45、He had grown an inch of two since I saw him. ─── 上次见到他以来,他已长了一二英寸。

46、The two armies are contesting every inch of ground. ─── 两军正争夺每一寸土地。

47、On this team, we fight for that inch. ─── 在这支队伍中,我们为一英寸而战斗。

48、He climbed up little by little / inch by inch. ─── 他一点一点地往上爬。

49、Well, this button should be moved an inch higher. ─── 嗯,这个纽扣应该再往上移一寸。

50、He inched along the narrow window ledge. ─── 他沿着狭窄的窗台慢慢挪移。

51、Give him an inch and he will take a yard. ─── [谚]得寸进尺。

52、Stripping out mortgage interest payments, the RPI inched up to 3.2%, from 3.1%. ─── 商品零售价格指数从3.1%上升到3.2%,抵消了抵押贷款的利息支付。

53、He shall presumptuously contest an inch with me. ─── 他敢和我分庭抗礼,真是胆大妄为。

54、Typewriter spaces of 12 characters to the inch. ─── 一英寸12个字符的打字机规定间距。

55、He inched his way through the narrow passage. ─── 他一点一点地穿过狭窄的通道。

56、As the front line of fighting between rebels and government forces inched closer to Ajdabiya, the city remained relatively calm. ─── 随着政府军和反对派战士之间战斗前线一步一步逼近Ajdabiya,这座城市显得相对平静。

57、He is taller than his friend by an inch. ─── 他比他的朋友高一英寸.

58、A: $200 for this 17 inch monitor? What a deal! ─── 你才花二百块美金买这个17?计聊话?

59、He is half an inch taller than I. ─── 他比我高半英寸。

60、He inched the table to the wall. ─── 他一点一点将桌子挪到墙边。

61、Over the last decade, the Chinese have steadily inched up in the rankings of supercomputers. ─── 在过去的十年中,中国的超级计算机排名一直在稳步攀升。

62、She shortened the skirt by an inch. ─── 她把裙子缩短了一英寸。

63、He won't budge an inch on the issue. ─── 在这一点上他丝毫不肯让步。

64、He was thrashed within an inch of his life. ─── 他被打得半死。

65、A quarter of an inch in five years? ─── 五年里移动了四分之一英寸?

66、The hem of your dress needs to be let down an inch. ─── 你衣肤的折边有必要放长1英寸。

67、He's a dodgy bloke, I wouldn't trust him an inch. ─── 他是个诡计多端的家伙,我一点都不相信他.

68、A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile. ─── 一英寸长的蟋蟀发出的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。

69、Alternating and moving my feet one inch at a time. ─── 两条腿交替向前挪步,一次挪一英寸。

70、He has fulfilled the requirements to an inch. ─── 他已完全达到了要求。

71、There are 2.54 centimetres to an inch. ─── 一英寸等于 2.54 厘米。

72、It has a tolerance of 0.001 of an inch. ─── 允许有0.001英寸的偏差。

73、He looked every inch a gentleman. ─── 他看上去完全是正人君子。

74、In Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 Average inched up 0.1 per cent. ─── 在东京市场,日经225指数微涨0.1%。

75、The doctor examined every inch of his body. ─── 医生检查了他全身的每一部份。

76、He is every other inch a gentleman. ─── 他是半个绅士。

77、An inch in a miss is as good as an ell. ─── 为山九仞,功亏一溃。

78、He's read every inch of the encyclopedia. ─── 他读透了这本百科全书。

79、An inch of time is an inch of gold.; Time is money. ─── 一寸光阴一寸金。

80、I nervously inched my way to the podium and began to speak. ─── 于是,我首要地一步一步地走到讲台旁就最先讲话。

81、He inched(his way)through the narrow passage. ─── 他慢慢地穿过狭窄的信道.

82、It's not light for every inch's time. ─── 一寸光阴不可轻。

83、Every inch of her was full of life and elasticity. ─── 她浑身充满生机与活力。

84、You cover every inch of my heart. ─── 你是我心中的白雪公主。

85、She's five feet tall, give or take one inch or two. ─── 她身高有5英尺,即使不到相差也不过一两英寸。

86、I nervously inched my way to the podium and begin to speak. ─── 于是,我紧张地一步一步地走到讲台旁就开端讲话。

87、Well, this button shall be moved an inch higher. ─── 嗯,这个钮扣应该再往上移1英寸。

88、Digging his fingernails into the rubble window seals, he inched his way toward the front. ─── 他把手指嵌入窗户的密封垫,缓慢地向车头运动。

89、He missed the target by an inch. ─── 他差一英寸就中靶了。

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