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09-15 投稿



insinuated 发音

英:[ɪnˈsɪnjueɪtɪd]  美:[ɪnˈsɪnjueɪtɪd]

英:  美:

insinuated 中文意思翻译



insinuated 反义词


insinuated 词性/词形变化,insinuated变形

形容词: insinuative |动词过去式: insinuated |动词现在分词: insinuating |名词: insinuator |动词过去分词: insinuated |动词第三人称单数: insinuates |

insinuated 同义词

lip service | mendacity | service | deceit | disingenuousness | falseness |dishonesty | hypocrisy | deviousness | hollowness | lip

insinuated 相似词语短语

1、inseminated ─── vt.使受胎;栽植;人工授精

2、insinuatory ─── 含蓄的

3、insinuative ─── adj.暗示的;巧妙巴结的;讽刺的

4、insinuator ─── 影射者

5、sinuated ─── adj.波状的;弯弯曲曲的;vi.弯曲;蜿蜒

6、insinuation ─── n.暗示;暗讽;间接的讽刺

7、insinuating ─── adj.暗示的;曲意巴结的;v.暗示;使…潜入;讨好(insinuate的ing形式)

8、insinuate ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话

9、insinuates ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话

insinuated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The article insinuated that he was having an affair with his friend's wife. ─── 文章含沙射影地点出他和朋友的妻子有染。

2、Mr. Arthur Li in his SCMP article insinuated that I consider our teachers and parents as potential enemies such a divisive tactic is irresponsible. ─── 李局长在南华早报的文章里说我视老师及家长为可能的敌人。

3、Assuming the form of Beroe, the aged nurse of Semele, she insinuated doubts whether it was indeed jove himself who came as a lover ─── 朱诺变形成塞墨勒的老奶奶波罗厄,暗示间挑引起塞墨勒对情郎的身分产生怀疑。

4、He insinuated his doubt of her ability. ─── 他暗示了他对她能力的怀疑。

5、She cleverly insinuated herself into his family. ─── 她巧妙地混进了他的家庭。

6、The mineral assets of the planet were most attractive, and the Guild insinuated itself into the local government. ─── 当地的矿藏是最吸引他们的地方,于是商业同盟在当地政府中安插人手。

7、There were also those who insinuated that it was his aversion toward respectability, that drove him to such an extreme change of career. ─── 也有一些人不无蛊惑地说博内愤世嫉俗、蔑视正统,所以才被迫走上了一条极端之路。

8、"Not at all. There are subjects, my dear, about which a young fellow cannot surely talk to his mamma, " insinuated the brother-in-law. ─── “没有的事。亲爱的,有些事,一个年轻人是肯定不会告诉他妈妈的。”小叔子提醒道。

9、Political factor had deeply insinuated into any aspects of his life. ─── 政治因素已经深深的渗入了他人生的各个方面。

10、He insinuated his doubt of this action. ─── 他暗示对这个行动持怀疑态度。

11、She insinuated her right hand under his arm. ─── 她悄悄把右手插到他胳膊底下。

12、Bildad insinuated that Job was not pure and upright (8:6), for if he were, he would not be in this situation. ─── 比勒达暗示约伯并不单纯和正直(8:6)因为如果他是,他绝对不会陷于这样的境地。

13、2.She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds. ─── 她旁敲侧击地指出她的合夥人盗用了资金。

14、He insinuated his cat through traffic. ─── 他驾车慢慢地行进于来往车辆中。

15、The cat insinuated herself into the kitchen. ─── 那只猫悄悄地钻进厨房。


17、The government also insinuated that if the committee does not accept their proposal, they will withdraw all amendents to the original package. ─── 并暗示委员会若不接受此项建议,政府将或会全面收回所有修订。

18、Buss has insinuated that he would like me to coach longer, but I said, 'Let's just do one year at a time right now. ─── “巴斯委婉的请我再执教几个赛季,但我说‘本赛季结束后,再任教一个赛季吧。’

19、Bildad insinuated that Job was not pure and upright (8: 6), for if he were, he would not be in this situation. ─── 比勒达暗示约伯并不单纯和正直(8:6)因为如果他是,他绝对不会陷于这样的境地。

20、He gradually insinuated himself into her life. ─── 他一步步巧妙地走进了她的生活。

21、This man has insinuated himself into your confidence, and almost into your family under a false name. ─── 这个人骗取了您的信任,几乎钻进了您的家庭,他用了一个假名。

22、Mr Uribe has said he "never ordered, insinuated or considered an illegal option" . ─── Uribe已经说过,他“从未命令,暗示或考虑采取非法的途径”。

23、Over the years, Bourdin had insinuated himself into youth shelters, orphanages, foster homes, junior high schools, and children's hospitals. ─── 布尔丹在这些年间曾进入过青少年收容所,孤儿院,孤儿之家,初中跟儿童医院。

24、I havn't insinuated anyone or anything. ─── 我并未影射如何人或任何事。

25、"Not at all. There are subjects, my dear, about which a young fellow cannot surely talk to his mamma," insinuated the brother-in-law. ─── “没有的事。亲爱的,有些事,一个年轻人是肯定不会告诉他妈妈的。”小叔子提醒道。

26、eg.He insinuated his doubt of the answer. ─── 他对这个答案稍有疑问。

27、Some commentators insinuated that we overheard adults talking about rights and repeated it. ─── 一些评论员暗示说我们过多听到成年人谈论权利并重复这个话题。

28、His words insinuated doubts into my mind. ─── 他的话使我慢慢产生了疑虑。

29、As the phrase “the American Dream” insinuated its way into the lexicon, its meaning continuously morphed and shifted, reflecting the hopes and wants of the day. ─── “美国梦”这个词已经撰入词典中,它的意思慢慢发生变化,现在的意思是希望与需求。

30、It is insinuated that some of the worst ills of Western society are the result of democracy, which is seen as the progenitor of unbridled freedom and selfish individualism. ─── 他们暗示西方社会的某些最大流弊正是拜民主所赐,诸如鼓吹放任的自由和自私自利的个人主义。

31、He insinuated that I was lying. ─── 他暗示我在说谎。

32、She insinuated her right hand under his arm. ─── 她悄悄把右手插到他胳膊底下。

33、The cat somehow insinuated itself into the larder. ─── 那只猫悄悄地溜进食品室。

34、Something insinuated, especially an artfully indirect, often derogatory suggestion. ─── 影射影射的事情,特别是巧妙地间接的,通常是贬义的暗示

35、Eliphaz insinuated that Job was both unwise and proud, and that his speeches were useless. ─── 以利法暗示约伯,他既愚昧又骄傲,言论又毫无用处。

36、The article insinuated that the fighter was bribed ─── 这篇文章旁敲侧击拳击手受了贿赂。

37、Zhang Ziyi has successfully insinuated herself into the Vanity Fair in Hollywood. ─── 章子怡已经成功挤入好莱坞的名利场。

38、He insinuated that the purpose of the Year of Europe was to ease our domestic situation. ─── 他暗示说,欧洲年的目的在于缓和我国国内的局势。

39、Buss has insinuated that he would like me to coach longer, but I said, 'Let's just do one year at a time right now. ─── 巴斯委婉的请我再执教几个赛季,但我说‘本赛季结束后,再任教一个赛季吧。’

40、It insinuated philosophy influence people's life, work and study all the time. ─── 它所影射的哲理无时不刻的影响着人们的生活、工作和学习。

41、He insinuated his doubt of the answer. ─── 他暗示他对答案有疑问。

42、This Thamrin refute said : "We will report insinuated that relief officials to purchase houses, but the situation is not so. ─── 对此,坦林反驳道:“报道含沙射影地暗示我们将救济金为官员购买房子,但情况根本不是那样。”

43、He insinuated that he was only able to achieve erections (和谐)because I looked like a man. ─── 他甚至还暗示我说,他和我在一起的时候能硬起来,是因为我长得比较爷们。

44、The article insinuated that he was having an affair with his friend's wife. ─── 文章含沙射影地点出他和朋友的妻子有染。

45、It has insinuated itself into the lives of every pensioner, student, parent, library user, bus passenger, public employee and homeowner. ─── 它悄悄地潜伏在每个人的生活中,不论你是领养老金者、学生、家长、图书馆用户,还是公交车乘客、公职人员和房屋业主。

46、1. Our cat somehow insinuated itself into the larder , and feasted off a large joint of meat. ─── 咱们的那只猫悄悄地溜进了食品室,抓住一大块肉饱吃了一顿。

47、Jack insinuated himself into her favour. ─── 杰克曲意巴结,赢得了她的欢心。

48、He insinuated his doubt of the reply. ─── 他暗示他对这答覆有怀疑。

49、Over the years, Bourdin had insinuated himself into youth shelters, orphanages, foster homes, junior high schools, and children’s hospitals. ─── 布尔丹在这些年间曾进入过青少年收容所,孤儿院,孤儿之家,初中跟儿童医院。

50、"Not at all. There are subjects, my dear, about which a young fellow cannot surely talk to his mamma." insinuated the brother-in-law. ─── “没有的事。亲爱的,有些事,一个年轻人是肯定不会告诉他妈妈的。”小叔子提醒道。

51、Very likely Mr. Pendennis, in his conversation with her, had insinuated some compliments, or shaped his talk so as to please her. ─── 看起来,潘登尼斯先生在谈话中间,巧妙地对她进行了恭维,或者是在顺着她的心意说话。

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