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09-15 投稿



harridan 发音

英:[ˈhærɪdən]  美:[ˈhærɪdən]

英:  美:

harridan 中文意思翻译



harridan 网络释义

n. 脾气暴躁的老泼妇;枯槁的老妇人

harridan 词性/词形变化,harridan变形


harridan 相似词语短语

1、arrided ─── vt.使欢喜;使满足

2、harridans ─── n.脾气暴躁的老泼妇;枯槁的老妇人

3、acaridan ─── adj.蜱螨科的

4、arride ─── vt.使欢喜;使满足

5、harijan ─── n.(Harijan)神的子民(指印度社会最底层的“贱民”);n.(Harijan)(印)海力疆(人名)

6、Sheridan ─── n.谢里丹(英国作家)

7、Derrida ─── 德里达(人名)

8、Haidan ─── adj.海达族人的;海达语族语的

9、Rapidan ─── 拉皮丹

harridan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Harridan! You'll see no mercy from me. ─── 我会对你手下留情!

2、She was a mean old harridan. ─── 她是个刻薄的老泼妇。

3、How, from a jolly, affectionate person she had become a harridan , constantly nagging at him to improve himself. ─── 她是怎样地从一个快活的,充满柔情的女人变成一个凶恶的悍妇,没完没了地向他抱怨,催他改善自己的境遇,。

4、I've always considered myself a pretty easy-going parent, and yet here they are telling me I'm a nay-saying harridan. ─── 我一直认为我是一个脾气很好的妈妈,但是他们竟然说我是一个总说“不”的老巫婆。

5、It was conducted by his harridan wife Jiang Qing and plotted by his favorite ideologist, security specialist and pimp, Kang Sheng. ─── 它是由他的妻子江青和harridan了他最喜欢的思想家,安全专家和皮条客,康生策划。

6、This novel was writen in his later lifePip, a boy of the marshes, is being "raised by hand" by his shrieking harridan of an older sister and her seemingly doltish husband, the blacksmith Joe Gargery. ─── 本书介绍了匹普是个穷苦的乡下孤儿,由泼辣的姐姐和诚实厚道的姐夫,铁匠乔抚养大。

7、And this old harridan will help you how? ─── 那么这个老泼妇要怎么帮我们?

8、Those people depicted a suffragette as a fierce harridan bullying her poor, abused husband. ─── 那些人把参政妇女刻画成虐待自己可怜丈夫的恶妇。

9、In past versions the Queen's beauty-damaging flaw has been ambition and vanity, but always asexual: she was a harridan, not a cougar. ─── 在过去的版本中,皇后那具有破坏力的美貌的缺点是野心和虚容,但总是没有性方面的表达:她只是一个恶毒的老太婆,而不是“激情四射的美洲狮”。

10、That means no more expensive day care for their sons at the exclusive Chapman Academy, run by the harsh taskmistress Miss Gwyneth Harridan (Anjelica Huston). ─── 突然之间他萌发了一个念头:既然他和费尔可以很好的照顾自己的孩子,那么再添几个孩子也无所谓吧!

11、how, from a jolly, affectionate person she became a harridan, constantly nagging at him to improve himself. ─── 她是怎样从一个快活的,充满柔情的女人,变成一个凶恶的悍妇,没完没了地向他抱怨,催他改善自己的境遇。

12、Mr Netanyahu's recent paean to matrimony followed days of ugly reports and swirling rumours depicting Mrs Netanyahu as a henpecking harridan and the prime minister as her squirming victim. ─── 内塔尼亚胡对婚姻大唱赞歌是对近期丑化其形象的报道及流言的回应,在这些报道和流言中,其妻萨拉被描绘成一个泼妇,而内塔尼亚胡本人活脱脱就是个妻管严的形象。

13、Penny wrinkled her brow. "No. It's to the left. " She pointed. "That's the Harridan there. " ─── 佩妮皱起眉。“不,应该左走。”她指出。“那边才是‘老泼妇’。”

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