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09-14 投稿



eliminating 发音

英:[ɪˈlɪmɪneɪtɪŋ]  美:[ɪˈlɪmɪneɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

eliminating 中文意思翻译



eliminating 反义词


eliminating 短语词组

1、offensive odor eliminating fibre ─── [化] 消臭纤维

2、offensive odour eliminating fibre ─── [化] 消臭纤维

3、eliminating delays ─── 消除延迟

4、eliminating poverty ─── 消除贫困

5、eliminating phlegm ─── 祛痰(eliminating是eliminate的现在分词)

6、eliminating distractions ─── 消除干扰

eliminating 同义词

clear | excrete | rid | dismiss | egest | of | comb | abolish | secrete | throw out | pass | exterminate | annul | expel | reject | throw | wipe out | empty | extinguish | urinate | dispose | purge | dispose of |remove | carry off | get rid of | out | obviate | rule out | get | rid of | decimate | murder | exclude | eject | liquidate | eradicate | kill | defecate | discard | destroy | annihilate | do away with

eliminating 词性/词形变化,eliminating变形

形容词: eliminative |名词: elimination |动词过去分词: eliminated |动词过去式: eliminated |动词现在分词: eliminating |动词第三人称单数: eliminates |

eliminating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Helmholtz resonator has a good noise eliminating performance at low frequency. ─── 亥姆赫兹共振腔具有良好的低频消声性能,被广泛地应用于低频消声方面。

2、Helps raise the foot after toe off, thus eliminating everyday obstructions such as doorsteps, carpets and pavements. ─── 可帮助提高足尖,以越过门槛、地毯或行人道台阶等。

3、It's good for eliminating many possibilities. ─── 它可以消除很多可能性。

4、This machine can be employed in malt factories in eliminating rhizome after drying; cleaning out imp... ─── 发布者:李素素所在地:山东济南市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:

5、A few months later we made a dramatic change by eliminating late fees, which had always been a major customer irritant. ─── 几个月后我们做了一个引人注目的举动:我们移除了那些已经失效的重要客户的滞纳金。

6、Warehouse clubs buy directly from manufactures, eliminating ~s and wholesale middlemen. ─── 仓储协会直接从厂家购货,免除了批发商等中介环节。

7、The goal of eliminating hunger by the turn of the century is attainable. ─── 在两个世纪交替的时期,消除饥饿的目标是可以实现的。

8、Can you drop clients or parts of your business, losing a little income but eliminating all the admin work that goes with it? ─── 你能不能放弃一些客户或者你业务的某部分,损失一些收入的同时也除去了大量与之关联的管理工作?

9、His opponents in the eliminating rounds were quickly polished off. ─── 他的对手在几轮淘汰赛中很快就被击败了。

10、The engineers identified the bothersome cross-talk pathways and invented an ingenious system for eliminating them. ─── 他们找出了干扰听觉的漏音路径,并进一步想出一个妙计来消除它。

11、The Specter can crush infantry, eliminating one source of potential stealth detection during hit-and-run missions. ─── 幽魂可以碾压步兵,某个要避免被发现的游击战任务除外。

12、It makes it easier to find main topic articles (by eliminating having to go to the subcategory). ─── 分类有如索引一般运作,帮助使用者在不同的题目间穿梭浏览。

13、Completely pre-wired - with pressure lug terminal block eliminating need for splicing or taping of wires. ─── 全部预置线路--配置弹性接线片的终端接线盒,不需要再缠绕和捻接电源线。

14、The thought of manpower resources management is "eliminating selfishness and appointing the person of virtue". ─── 再依其职位之所司,考核其于政务上之作为,以循名责实的方式督导官吏。

15、Eliminating the option of retreating makes your threat credible and allows you to win a bloodless victory. ─── 去掉撤退后路使得你的威吓更可信,且会让你赢得一场冷酷的胜利。

16、Fixed an out of synch unique to eliminating a civilization. ─── 修订了消灭一个文明时候的不同步问题。

17、To beat a competitor by eliminating the middleman and selling directly to customers. ─── 意思是为了打败竞争者,直接跳过中间环节,把产品销售给客户。

18、Thus, missing blocks are filled with null bytes, eliminating the security hole - a much better approach. ─── 因此,丢失块由空字节来填充,这消除了安全性漏洞这是一种好得多的方法。

19、Describes the various ways to collapse rows, such as calculating or eliminating duplicates. ─── 介绍折叠行的各种方法,例如计算或消除重复项。

20、Taiwan is trying to make it a UNESCO world heritage. In eliminating it, we are burying our own history. ─── 台湾正在申请将传统汉字作为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产。如果消除了传统汉字,我们就是埋葬自己的历史。

21、By eliminating Hitler with one bold stroke they hoped to get a peace. ─── 他们希望通过采取一种果断的行动消灭希特勒,获得和平。

22、Focus on bringing people together and eliminating divisiveness in speech and action. ─── 专注于团结众人之事及摒除分化的言语和行动。

23、Third, the dynamics of setting deadlines for eliminating pollution have been reinforced. ─── 三是加大了污染限期治理的力度。

24、The viewpoints have some instructed for acknowledging and eliminating hump. ─── 同时又提出为了消除驼峰,在设计和改进过程中应注意的几个重要问题。

25、A long established technique for eliminating contact potentials of his kind is that of Gish and Rooney. ─── 关于消除这类接触电位的一种早已确认的方法是吉什与鲁内提出的。

26、Discussed Cd error by adsorption of filter paper. Lasdy, the athor got means of eliminating er-ror. ─── 对镉分析中由于滤纸吸附引起的误差进行了测定,并提出了消除误差的对策。

27、On the other hand, data can be updated at anytime, eliminating the problem of out-dated information. ─── 另一方面,资料数据可以随时更新,消除以往数据延误的问题。

28、But in the process of eliminating the need to string wire partial phenomenon. ─── 但在使用过程中必须注意消除钢丝绳偏串现象。

29、For most people, eliminating the source of friction helps corns and calluses disappear. ─── 对大多数人来说,消除磨损源能让鸡眼和老茧消失。

30、Therefore, the speed gained from eliminating function calls may be lost to memory swapping. ─── 因此,通过消除函数调用获得的速度可能都丢在了内存交调中。

31、Consequently, eliminating options can increase your payoff. ─── 因此,删除选项可以增加你的获利。

32、Eliminating poverty is the key in reforming rural areas. ─── 在农村改革中,治穷是关键。

33、CASCAD closes over the contaminants, thereby eliminating outgassing and associated downwind hazards. ─── CASCAD会包围污染物质,使污染物质不会洩漏,于是就不至于造成下风处的灾害了。

34、Enclosed brush/slip ring system extends brush life by eliminating dust and dirt infiltration. ─── 封闭式电刷系统,防尘和防脏物进入,延长了电刷寿命。

35、The damnification and eliminating methods of surge for semiconductor lasers[J]. ─── 引用该论文 孙梅生,卢威,徐小鹏.

36、Eliminating any social, racial, and economic dependencies. ─── 它们能够消除任何社会、种族和经济差异。

37、We knew eliminating the Ori might not stop the followers. ─── 我们知道,消灭Ori可能并不能阻止他们的追随者。

38、The defined corrective action should be focused on eliminating causes of nonconformities in order to avoid recurrence. ─── 所确定的纠正措施应当注重消除不合格的产生原因,以避免其再发生。

39、It has the functions of eliminating toxin, beautifying skin, delaying ageing and balancing oil secretion. ─── 具有排毒养颜、延缓衰老、调节油脂平衡的美容功能。

40、They modified their itinerary by eliminating Greece. ─── 他们改动了旅行计划,取消了希腊之行。

41、This machine has the following functions: Hair Removing, Skin softening, speckle eliminating and col... ─── 发布者:张联沛所在地:广东广州市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

42、To consolidate an advantage, eliminating enemy counterplay is more important than grabbing extra material. ─── 为巩固优势,打退对方的反击比赢得对方的子力更重要。

43、The ultimate hydrolysate is 100% of oligo-glucomannan through eliminating mono-saccharides with yeast fermentation. ─── 再利用酵母发酵法去除其中的可发酵性单糖,最终产物为100%的(魔芋)葡甘露低聚糖。

44、With my business, I am going through and eliminating unessential expenses as much as possible. ─── 在生意中,我会尽可能的斟酌并减少不必要的开销。

45、We should give first priority to eliminating these bad practices. ─── 应该首先把这些不正之风整一整。

46、A wonderful world will come into being if all the countries succeed in eliminating poverty. ─── 如果所有国家都成功消除贫困,世界将会很美好。

47、They retrenched by eliminating half the workers. ─── 他们把人员减半以减少支出。

48、Liquid chemical additives is low flowing speed, mild and undiluted chemical additives flow (eliminating diluted water). ─── 化学品流体是低流速、温和且未经稀释的化学品流(不需要稀释水)。

49、The act of eliminating or annulling. ─── 废除,撤消废除或撤消的行为

50、South Beach doesn't advocate eliminating ALL carbohydrates from your diet, just some. ─── 南湾并不主张消除一切从贵糖饮食,只是一些。

51、The government is committed to eliminating extreme poverty by the end of the year. ─── 政府承诺将于年底消除极端贫困。

52、An outbreak of Marburg sends a shudder through the select community dedicated to eliminating diseases from the planet. ─── 全世界致力于消除疾病的一些组织由于突如其来的马尔堡病毒而感到恐慌。

53、Traffic congestion could be reduced by eliminating deadhead drivers. ─── 将那些没用的司机一扫而光,交通阻塞也许就会减少。

54、One answer is to ban certain substances outright, thereby eliminating the need to dispose of them later. ─── 一种解决方案是完全禁止使用某些物质,从而避免了以后处理这种物质的麻烦。

55、Identifying hazards and eliminating or controlling them as early as possible will help prevent injuries and illnesses. ─── 尽可能早地识别危害和消除或控制危害将有助于预防损伤和疾病。

56、There are a few questions to ask yourself as you begin eliminating keywords from the list. ─── 当你开始从列表中删除关键字时,你肯定有许多问题。

57、When goods of a certain specification are required, many firms use a printed form, thus eliminating a letter. ─── 在需要某种特定规格的货物时,很多公司会使用一种印好的表格,以免去书写信函之劳。

58、The conditions are present for eliminating this estrangement. ─── 我们是有条件消除民族隔阂的。

59、In combating crime and eliminating social evils, we must not be soft. ─── 打击各种犯罪活动,扫除各种丑恶现象,手软不得。

60、Wrap meat closely eliminating as much air as possible. ─── 包装要严密,以尽可能多地减少空气。

61、Ultimately, prepress is about eliminating risk. ─── 归根结底,印前是消除由此带来的风险。

62、Eliminating next-day delivery would cut costs substantially, since postal services could cut down on flights and night-time sorting. ─── 由于邮递业可以减少航空邮件业务以及夜间信件整理工作,一旦中止“隔日邮递业务”,整个行业的成本都将大幅下降。

63、The installer accepts information dynamically, eliminating the need for preset values in the environment. ─── 安装程序动态地接受信息,减少预先设置环境值的必要性。

64、For eliminating“Invincible”, Lam Gao and Lam Doi rescued Kimura on time. ─── 为灭背叛师门的无敌,林交和林代及时救出木村。

65、Diminishing inflammation and stopping blood are conducted in pace with eliminating haemorrhoids. ─── 两疗程症状康复肠炎,四个疗程永远告别痔疮。

66、The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots. ─── 只有平常多做练习,才能从根本上提高你分辨提取重要信息的能力。

67、How to go eliminating unpleasant shadow? ─── 怎样去消除不愉快的阴影?

68、If an organization is renamed, the archive automatically reflects the change, eliminating the need for manual control. ─── 如果组织被重命名,已存档的文件将自动反映所做的更改,不必进行手动控制。

69、Members agree to cooperate with each other with a view to eliminating international trade in goods infringing intellectual property rights. ─── 为消灭侵犯知识产权的国际商品贸易,全体成员同意互相合作。

70、Dividing the territory and occupying the strategic points is the work of eliminating oddities and stopping chaos. ─── 执法严肃,处理果断,这是臣子的本分。

71、Our socks are made from natural fibers, offering superior softness and eliminating unpleasant odour. ─── 我们的袜子由天然纤维制成。抗菌除臭,柔软性极佳。

72、But "eliminating" it, whatever that means, is not the answer, just as Mr Moore's advice to increase union power would not have saved GM. ─── 但是“消除”它,无论如何都不是正确答案,正如迈克尔增加工会力量的建议不能够拯救通用一样。

73、Capable of reducing or eliminating fertility; contraceptive. ─── 抗生育的,反受精的,避孕的有能力减少或消除生育的;避孕的

74、China advocates prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons as part of the process of eliminating such weapons. ─── 在实现消除核武器目标的过程中,中国主张防止核武器扩散。

75、The targets for the current stage of eliminating the disease caused by iodine deficiency have been achieved. ─── 基本实现了消除碘缺乏病的阶段目标。

76、This study was conducted to demonstrate the effect of IFN, HHT and Ara c eliminating CML Ph +cells. ─── 为观察干扰素 (IFN)、高三尖杉酯碱 (HHT)及阿糖胞苷 (Ara- c)体外对慢性粒细胞性白血病(CML) Ph+ 细胞的生长影响 ,探讨其临床治疗 CML 的有效组合方案。

77、The action in also cannot eliminating alvine path bacterium to come on in cankerous sex colonitis accordingly. ─── 因此也不能排除肠道细菌在溃疡性结肠炎发病中的作用。

78、It will assist you in undefined symbol errors eliminating. ─── 它将协助您未定义的符号错误消灭的。

79、Outliers exist in real dataset unavoidably,the detecting and eliminating of outlier is important in Data Mining. ─── 在现实数据集中不可避免地存在噪声,如何检测并去除噪声是数据挖掘中的一项重要研究内容。

80、It is possible to ablate the LOM to cure the focal atrial fibrillation by eliminating the LOM potential. ─── 对起源于LOM的局灶性房颤,消融这一部位可能有效。

81、They want the government to take aa strong stance on eliminating pollution. ─── 主办单位希望政府采取坚强立场,解决空气污染。

82、It uses the slope parameter for eliminating cirrus according Negri-Adler method. ─── 参照Negri-Adler的方法 ,应用斜率参数消除卷云 ;

83、In this way the timetable for eliminating poliomyelitis has been shortened. ─── 强化免疫活动的开展,有力地推动了消灭脊髓灰质炎的工作进程。 %$

84、Harmony was restored to the incisal plane and the occlusal plane, eliminating the deep vertical overlap. ─── 恢复了协调的切平面和咬合平面。消除了较深的覆颌。

85、Use the purge media to create a safety blanket, thus eliminating escape paths for the process media. ─── 使用清洗流体介质产生一个安全保护层,因此消除了工业生产液流的泄漏通道。

86、Appreciate the person who pushed you, for eliminating your barrier. ─── 感激鞭打你的人,因为他消除了你的业障。

87、Dr.Bussard said he had a design eliminating the grids. ─── 布萨德表示已经有移除栅网的设计。

88、Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating. ─── 责怪别人来消除问题,常常被叫做找替罪羊。

89、A now entrenched movement in the Internet world favors eliminating copyright altogether. ─── 互联网出版商特别希望能够完全取消版权。

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