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insemination 发音

英:[ɪnˌsemɪˈneɪʃn]  美:[ɪnˌsemɪˈneɪʃn]

英:  美:

insemination 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 授精


insemination 反义词


insemination 同义词

self-doubt |anxiety | uncertainty | timidity | diffidence

insemination 常用词组

artificial insemination ─── 人工受精

insemination 短语词组

1、insemination dose ─── 输精量

2、insemination kit ─── 授精试剂盒

3、insemination apparatus ─── 授精装置

4、spermatozoa insemination methods ─── [医] 人工授精法(治不育)

5、insemination site ─── 输精部位

6、homologous insemination ─── [医] 丈夫人工授精, 同配 ─── [人工]授精

7、artificial insemination ─── [医] 人工授精, 人工受孕

8、artifical insemination ─── 人工授精

9、insemination video ─── 授精视频

10、insemination crate ─── 授精箱

11、multiple insemination ─── 多次授精

12、insemination technique ─── 授精技术

13、external insemination ─── 体外受精

14、instrumental insemination ─── 人工授精

15、donor insemination ─── [医] 供者人工授精, 异配 ─── [人工]授精

16、precocious insemination ─── 早期授精

17、insemination medium ─── [医]人工授精介质,人工授精培养基,人工受精介质

18、intrauterine insemination ─── 子宫内授精宫内人工授精

insemination 词性/词形变化,insemination变形

动词现在分词: inseminating |名词: insemination |动词过去式: inseminated |动词第三人称单数: inseminates |动词过去分词: inseminated |

insemination 相似词语短语

1、semination ─── n.播种;传播;授精

2、ingemination ─── 发音

3、inseminator ─── n.输精员;人工授精器

4、effemination ─── n.女性化(指男子)

5、gemination ─── n.成双;并生;重复

6、insulination ─── 绝缘作用

7、incrimination ─── n.控告;连累

8、inseminating ─── vt.使受胎;栽植;人工授精

9、dissemination ─── n.宣传;散播;传染(病毒)

insemination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、artificial insemination of donor ─── 供精者精子人工受精

2、To get the first hand information about insemination of the first generation seeder, penman does dynamic insemination experiment on field. ─── 为了获取第一代样机田间作业的第一手资料,笔者利用冬小麦播种时节对第一代样机进行了田间播种试验。

3、Synchronization Estrus and Artificial Insemination of Xinjiang Tianshan Wapiti ─── 天山马鹿诱导同期发情及人工授精试验

4、If the embryo is to be carried by a surrogate, pregnancy may be achieved through insemination alone or through ART. ─── 如果胚胎将由代孕人怀孕,可能通过单独做人工授精或辅助生殖技术受孕。

5、artificial insemination time ─── 人工授精时间

6、Artificial insemination by donor (AID) ─── 供精人工授精(AID)

7、sperm sample is checked under the microscope before insemination is carried out. ─── 进行受精前用显微镜检查精子样本。

8、optimum period of insemination ─── 受精适期

9、Farmer pegged to the phone and thinking about the review, concluded that: artificial insemination is he to these pig insemination. ─── 农夫挂了电话,思讨了一下,得出的结论是:人工受精就是要他给这些猪受精。

10、donor insemination, heterologous insemination ─── 供者人工授精, 异配(人工)授精

11、The suit time of insemination of Oriental Lily bulb is from the middle or last ten days of January to the beginning of March in altitude 800m. ─── 在海拔800m的山地繁育种球,适宜播种期为1月中下旬至3月初;

12、In animal breeding, especially cattle-breeding, artificial insemination is now widely used. ─── 在动物生育,特别是牛的生育中,人工授精已经广泛使用。

13、For simplicity and excellent cost, estrous synchronization and artificial insemination (AI) are the most commonly ART used worldwide. ─── 因为操作简单和成本低,同期发情和人工输精是使用最广泛的辅助生殖技术。

14、artificial insemination with donor's semen ─── 供者精液的人工授精

15、An old couple decided to have another child by artificial insemination. ─── 有一对老夫妻决定用人工授精再生个小孩。

16、artificial insemination (AI) ─── 人工授精

17、Keywords low temprature;semen;frozen protective agent;artificial insemination; ─── 关键词低温冷冻;精液;冷冻保护剂;人工授精;

18、In order to improve the productivity of a pig farm, the semen extender plays an important role in the artificial insemination. ─── 为使猪场生产力提升,人工授精所使用的精液稀释液扮演著重要角色。

19、Artificial Insemination Technique for Bears in Captivity ─── 人工饲养条件下熊科动物的人工授精技术

20、If, on the other hand, they decide to have a child, they can always resort to artificial insemination. ─── 另一方面,如果他们决定要孩子,他们总能够求助于人工受精。

21、Farmers plowing and insemination in spring. ─── 农民在春天犁地播种。

22、Also, with frozen, semen should always be put into the uterus using surgical insemination or insemination by rigid endoscopy (TCI, Trans Cervical Insemination). ─── 另外,冷冻精子需要用外科用受精设备,严格采用内窥镜检查法(TCI,子宫颈受精法)将之注入母犬子宫内。

23、Sperm must be diluted and treated during artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. ─── 在人工授精及体外受精过程中,需要对精子进行活化处理。

24、"She told me, that I had been conceived through donor insemination (DI) at the Margaret Jackson clinic in Exeter, "says Christine. ─── 克里斯蒂娜说:“她告诉我,她是在埃克塞特的玛格丽特 - 杰克逊诊所通过人工授精怀上我的。

25、artificial insemination with husband's semen ─── 丈夫人工授精, 同配[人工]授精

26、a baby conceived by artificial insemination. ─── 一个通过人工受孕而出生的婴儿。

27、artificial insemination center ─── 人工授精中心站人工授精场

28、The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 created the HFEA, an agency charged to license and monitor IVF, donor insemination, human embryo research, and the storage of gametes and embryos. ─── 他们1990年创立了HFEA(人类受精与胚胎管理局),对不孕症治疗,精子捐献,人类胚胎研究,保存等相关行业进行监督和管理。

29、After the 5, 500 mile move, the couple visited experts at California and they tried four cycles of artificial insemination, but none of those worked. ─── 在移动了5,500英里之后,这对夫妇拜访了加利福尼亚的专家并尝试了4轮的人工受精治疗,但没有一次成功。

30、But with the annual panda mating season due to begin within weeks, the zoo is preparing to try artificial insemination if the natural method does not work, Kannika said. ─── 坎尼卡说,大熊猫的交配季几周后即将来临,如果自然交配不成功,动物园准备对它们实行人工授精.

31、A cloned cow gave birth to a calf conceived by artificial insemination at a research center in Northwestern Japan on July 5, showing that cloned cows can reproduce. ─── 1998年7月5日,日本西北部的一家研究所通过人工受孕的方法培育出克隆牛,此试验证实了克隆牛的可繁殖性。

32、spermatozoa insemination methods ─── [医] 人工授精法(治不育)

33、improvement by frozen semen insemination ─── 冻配改良

34、The act or process of initiating biological reproduction by insemination or pollination. ─── 受精作用,受胎作用通过受精或授粉而产生的生物再生产的行为或过程

35、artificial insemination station ─── 人工授精站人工受精站人工授精场

36、Sperm donor for artificial insemination ─── 人工授精精子供者

37、Keywords Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;Superovulation;Intrauterine Insemination; ─── 多囊卵巢综合征;超促排卵;宫腔内授精;

38、A Probe into the Legal Status of the Children Born with Artificial Insemination ─── 人工生育子女法律地位探析

39、In the next article in this series I will be covering breeding behaviour, and voluntary and involuntary artificial insemination. ─── 在这一系列的下一篇文章我将会介绍育种行为,以及自愿和非自愿的人工授精。

40、adapter for artificial insemination, cervix ─── 人工授精用子宫颈盖口输精器

41、artificial insemination by husband ─── 夫精人工授精

42、Among the wives of ten subfertile men with sperm ries in autoserum and artificial insemination into their endocervical canal, two became pregnant. ─── 10例经自体血清精子体外上游的不育患者,其配偶经21次宫颈管内的夫精人工授精后已有2例怀孕。认为精液体外上游改善中,自体血清优于牛血清培养液。

43、Artificial insemination Synchronized oestrous ─── 同期发情

44、Artificial insemination is tricky, too. ─── 人工授精也很棘手。

45、The Application of Artificial Insemination Technique in Production of Mule Duck ─── 人工授精技术在骡鸭生产中的应用

46、He remembers visiting a county fair and stopping by an artificial insemination tent and seeing photographs of gigantic mutant superbulls and other kinds of "useless" freaks. ─── 他记得在参观一次乡间展会时驻足于一个人工授精摊位,看到巨大的变异超级牛和其他各种“没用的”怪物的照片。

47、homogeneity artificial insemination ─── 同质人工授精

48、conception rate after first insemination ─── 一次授精受胎率

49、Instructive Significance of Monitoring Follicular Development with B-Mode Ultrasound on Artificial Insemination ─── B超监测卵泡发育对人工授精的指导意义

50、artificial insemination by donor ─── 他精人工授精

51、LRH-A was injected into the muscle of estrous bactrian camels while conducting the first insemination, in result, 94.4% of ovulation rate was obtained. ─── 在第一次输精的同时,给发情母驼肌注LRH-A诱导排卵,排卵率可达94.4%。

52、Keywords Sperm;Culture-medium;Ovulation;Intrauterine insemination (IUI); ─── 关键词精子;培养液;排卵;人工授精;

53、In a presentation to the World Congress of Zoologists in Graz in 1910, he outlined the possibility of using artificial insemination to create a hybrid. ─── 在1910年的世界动物学家大会上,他简述了用人工受精培育杂种的可能。

54、The first ever rhino to be born by artificial insemination has been born in Budapest Zoo, Hungary. ─── 世界上首只人工受精犀牛在匈牙利首都布达佩斯动物园降生。

55、Study on the Best Deposition site of Frozen Semen Insemination in Yellow Cattle ─── 关于黄牛冻配最佳输精部位的探讨

56、artificial insemination by husband semen ─── 丈夫精液人工授精

57、A single mom in her early 40s who got pregnant by artificial insemination, Gottlieb has earned some street cred on the subject. ─── 作为一位四十出头,通过人工授精怀孕的单身母亲,洛莉在这个问题上拥有绝对的发言权。

58、We gave 686 patients AID treatment by intracervical insemination(ICI)for 1309 cycles. The clinical pregnancy rate per cycle was 16.88%(221/1309). ─── 686例接受供精人工授精(AID)患者共行1309个人工授精周期,均采用宫颈管内人工授精(IC I),周期临床妊娠率16.88%(221/1309)。

59、On May 4, female giant panda Hua Mei got estrus; the researchers paired her with other male pandas, at the same time, the artificial insemination was used. ─── 2005年5月4日,归国美女华美进入发情高峰期,科研人员正积极为其物色帅哥进行放对并将辅助实施人工授精。

60、Donor sperm may be used for insemination or in an ART cycle. ─── 捐精可能用于人工授精周期或辅助生殖技术周期。

61、The techniques of donor sperm insemination and in vitro fertilisation, introduced in the 1950s and 1970s respectively, were met with great hostility and threats of criminal legislation in some countries. ─── 在20世纪50年代和70年代分别开始采用的供体精液人工授精技术和体外受精技术,就曾遭受到极大的敌视,在一些国家甚至以刑事立法相威胁。

62、artificial insemination fecundation ─── 人工受孕, 人工授精

63、artificial insemination by donor semen ─── 供精AI

64、So, the next decision is whether you intend to breed from natural pairs or by the use of voluntary artificial insemination with imprinted raptors. ─── 因此接下来的决定就是你是否打算用自然配对或利用自愿与带铭印的猛禽人工授精进行繁殖。

65、AID or artificial insemination by a donor ─── 供者人工授精

66、The first rabbit born after artificial insemination is exhibited to the world. ─── 1939年的今天,首只人工授精出生的兔子对世界展览。

67、Influence of different number of insemination on retrieving fertilized ovum ─── 不同输精次数对回收受精卵的影响

68、Keywords infertile women;intrauterine insemination;influencing factors; ─── 不孕妇女;人工授精;影响因素;

69、Artificial insemination: Introduction of semen into a female's vagina or cervix by means other than sexual intercourse. ─── 人工授精:不经性交而将精子引进雌性动物阴道或子宫颈内的方法。

70、In 2005, Mei Xiang was placed under constant watch after scientists detected a rise in the amount of the hormone progestin in her urine, following artificial insemination. ─── 2005年,在接受人工受孕后,科学家从美香的尿液中发现了孕激素含量增加。

71、Artificial insemination was a significant breakthrough in panda conservation. ─── 人工受精是熊猫保护领域的重大突破。

72、direct intrafollicular insemination ─── 卵泡内人工授精

73、Pandas are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, and most successful attempts are made by artificial insemination. ─── 众所周知,熊猫在圈养环境下难以繁殖,而通过人工受精的方式,它的繁殖几率最大。

74、direct int.raperitoneal insemination ─── n. 输卵管直接人工授精

75、Case of Child-Rearing Dispute Concerning Artificial Insemination ─── 人工授精子女抚养纠纷案

76、Recent technological advances in reproduction, such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, have increased the full income of women relative to men. ─── 比如人工授精和体外受精,近来的生育技术进步使女性的总收入相对于男性增加了。

77、Others need only a special vibrator to collect sperm; insemination of their partners can be done with a syringe in private, at home. ─── 其他仅需要一种特殊的振动器来收集精子;可以在家里用一个注射器私下使他们的配偶受孕。更详细。

78、spermatozoa insemination method ─── 人工授精法

79、intrauterine insemination with donor semen ─── 供精人工授精

80、It's very important to assess mammalian sperm quality for artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. ─── 哺乳动物精子质量的评估,对于人工授精技术和体外受精技术的应用具有重要意义。

81、The Chinese initially wanted to perform artificial insemination, but no technique has yet been developed and turtles have died following the procedure. ─── 先开始,中国方面打算对他们进行人工受精,但是没有这样的技术先例,之前接受实验的乌龟在人工受精的过程中死亡了。

82、Others need only a special vibrator to collect sperm; insemination of their partners can be done with a syringe in private, at home. ─── 其他仅需要一种特殊的振动器来收集精子;可以在家里用一个注射器私下使他们的配偶受孕。

83、In Russia it is illegal for women with HIV to have assisted conception, which means artificial insemination is not an option. ─── 在俄罗斯艾滋病病毒携带妇女获得援助是违法的,也就是说通过人工受孕是不被允许的。

84、It should also be mentioned that modern medical techniques have made it possible to bring sperm and egg together by artificial insemination, i.e., without coitus. ─── 在此也应该指出,现代医学技术通过人工授精已经把精子和卵子放在了一起,既没有性交也做到了这一点。

85、Second, I have not gone to France to make any artificial insemination, talks nonsense simply, Arabian Nights. ─── 二,我更是从来没有去法国做过什么人工授精,简直胡说八道,天方夜谭。”

86、Artificial Supp permentary Reproduction technique is mainly carried out in fields like artificial insemination, external fertilization, and asexual reproduction( clone). ─── 国内外人工辅助生殖技术主要应用于人工授精,体授精无性生殖等领域。

87、Artificial insemination: Introduction of semen into a female's vagina or cervix by means other than sexual intercourse. ─── 人工授精:不经性交而将精子引进雌性动物阴道或子宫颈内的方法。

88、Equally important, women who are single could have a child using cloning instead of in-vitro fertilization or artificial insemination. ─── 同样重要的是,那些想要孩子的单身妇女,可以通过克隆来代替体外受精或人工受精。

89、Keywords Artificial Insemination Celebrities Spermatozoon Storeroom Ethics; ─── 人工授精;名人精子库;伦理学;

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