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09-15 投稿



unisonous 发音

英:[[ju:'nɪsənəs]]  美:[[ju:'nɪsənəs]]

英:  美:

unisonous 中文意思翻译



unisonous 相似词语短语

1、prisonous ─── 棱柱形

2、nonpoisonous ─── 无毒性的

3、epigonous ─── 表观的

4、antimonous ─── 亚锑的

5、consonous ─── 肉汤

6、trigonous ─── adj.三棱的

7、uniflorous ─── adj.单花的;开单花的

8、poisonous ─── adj.有毒的;恶毒的;讨厌的

9、arsonous ─── 纵火的

unisonous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Almost in unison East and West asked, “What's this about finessing in two suits? ─── 东家和西家几乎同时问道,“到底是哪两个花色飞牌?”

2、The other hand is used to pluck the three strings of the unison, thus checking to see whether they are all dampened by the hammer evenly and on center. ─── 另一只手用来感觉三根同度的弦,从而检查琴槌是否能均衡减震三根弦,而且接触在弦的中心。

3、"It's the smoke detector," they replied in unison. ─── "是烟雾探测器,"他们异口同声地说。

4、Volume and subtlety in unison, like the aria performed by the soprano and tenor. ─── 在式样和面料上发挥想象力,犹如女高音和男高音共同演绎咏叹调。

5、The house of the countryside is built in unison by the country too. ─── 农村的房屋也由国家统一修建。

6、Binder feeding together with presser foot,feed dog and needle unison feed that can get a good result when several layers of material binding together. ─── 喇叭与押脚、狗齿、针综合水平送料,几层皮料一起缝制也不会漏缝;

7、Indeed ascension of the Great Central Sun cannot occur unless all dimensions and parts of self work towards such a goal in unison. ─── 事实上,大中枢太阳的提升不能发生,除非所有密度、有的自我部分都在统一中同时向同一个目标迈进。

8、The bodybuilders contracted their biceps in unison. ─── 健美运动员们一起收缩肱二头肌。

9、Well-head above the rescue workers shouted in unison, son, bit by bit from the woman will wellhead pull out. ─── 井口上面的救援人员齐声喊着号子,一点一点地将女子从井口拉了出来。

10、Since the mass games require tens of thousands of students to move together in unison like a machine, these student participants suffer all kinds of hardship and indignities. ─── 大型团体操表演需要10万学生像机器那样和谐运转,孩子们不得不忍受各种各样的痛苦和侮辱。

11、You d better let the dog alone, growled Mr. Heathcliff in unison, checking fiercer demonstrations with a punch of his foot. ─── 你最好别碰那狗。”希斯克利夫先生同时喊道,暴躁的抬腿踢一脚。

12、First one stand took up the chant, then another, until the stadium sang it in unison. ─── 一遍又一遍,先是一个看台开始唱,然后是另外一个,直到整个球场加入了合唱。

13、They ran together, their legs moving in unison. ─── 他们步调一致地一起跑。

14、Seg L=EN-GB>They are working in unison to build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and accelerate the drive of socialist modernization. ─── 为全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化而团结奋斗。

15、"Pay our bills," the couple said in unison. ─── "付帐单“两人异口同声地答道。

16、Slow jabs off a low lead guard.Then bursts of speed as both hands explode in unison. ─── 他前手低垂,随意地出了几记刺拳,然后猛地加速,双拳齐轰。

17、The students in Shan's fourth grade class rose in unison as the teacher, Du Nengwei, tapped his pointer against his desk to start the lesson. ─── 四年级的老师杜能卫将教鞭轻轻拍打了一下桌子,宣布了上课开始,珊珊和她的同学们便整齐的起立。

18、"For Example" asked Miss Chang to play the piano, and they all echoed the request in unison. ─── “有例为证”要张小姐弹钢琴,大家同声附和。

19、Honestly, waltzing in unison is like algebra, in the sense that some people never get it. One dad dances as if he's been deboned, a rubber-legged scarecrow of a dad. ─── 坦白的说,华尔兹舞的一致性就像做代数题一样,从某种意义上说,一些人永远不知道如何去做解答。一位父亲跳舞就像他被脱了骨一样,简直就是一个长着橡胶腿的稻草人父亲。

20、Goodman Brown cried out, and his cry was lost to his own ear by its unison with the cry of the desert. ─── 古德曼·布朗大吼一声,可是他却听不见自己的叫喊,因为他的声音和荒野的呼唤溶合在一起了。

21、Since the very beginning of its foundation, Shanghai Unison has been equipped with complete Casting Line, Imported Extrusion Line, Powder Coating Line, Anodizing Line and Assembling Line. ─── 从它成立之初,上海友升就拥有完全的熔铸生产线,进口挤压生产线,金属粉末喷涂线,阳极氧化处理线和装配生产线。

22、The passengers cursed the company in unison, but everyone went ahead and jumped regardless of the peril.Surprisingly, no mishaps occurred. ─── 乘客同声骂船公司混帐,可是人人都奋不顾身地跳了,居然没出岔子。

23、The action is true, free, supple and tireless and the movement of the shoulders and forelegs is in unison with the powerful thrust of the hindquarters. ─── 动作准确、舒展、顺滑且不费力,肩部及前躯的动作与后躯强大的驱动力配合良好。

24、Succession and unisonous development of chemistry fiber to natural fiber ─── 化学纤维对天然纤维的演替与两者的协调发展

25、The breathing in unison. ─── 合二为一的呼吸。

26、The theme of this Festival is:“ Let our voice be heard in unison, to make the nation prosper, to assimilate Chinese and western cultures, and to demonstrate the students' intrinsic talents. ─── 今天,我们全体华外人欢聚一堂,隆重举行以“振兴中华,奏祖国和谐乐章;中西合璧,展华外学子风采”为主题的第二届“国际文化艺术节”的开幕盛典。

27、Staples Center will cry out in unison as Ron steps into a three to win the game... and all eyes will turn pleadingly to the backboard. ─── 在斯台普斯中心一片喊叫和抱怨声中,阿泰最后一记三分出手,全场球迷眼盯着篮板开始祈祷。

28、But when they realized he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison for about two hours: "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! ─── 只因他们认出他是犹太人,就大家同声喊著说:“大哉!以弗所人的亚底米啊。”如此约有两小时。

29、"To present to someone important as a gift." The answers are as spontaneous as they are in unison. ─── “送给那些特别重要的人作为礼物。”他们的答案不谋而合。

30、Unison singing indicates singing in which all singers sing the same notes, without harmony. ─── 一度唱腔就是指所有的演唱者共同演唱同一个音,没有和声。

31、Linux: unison webcam - Get tips and advice on this topic, or read other Linux discussions on CNET Forums. ─── Linux论坛unison是一个简单实用的双向文件同步工具。

32、We earned it! The buffalos answered in unison. ─── “我们工作赚取到的!”水牛们齐声回答。

33、They remarked in unison how nice his house was, how even more elegantly it was furnished, and that of all the houses they had seen in the last six months this was by far the best. ─── 两人同声赞美他住的房子好,布置得更精致,在他们这半年来所看见的房子里,首屈一指。

34、There could have been no two hearts so open,no tastes so similar,no feeling so in unison. ─── 世界上再没有更亲近的两颗心,更相似的品味,更和谐的感觉。

35、The whales then depart, flippers touching, and swim slowly side by side, diving and surfacing in perfect unison until they disappear from sight. ─── 后来两条鲸又分开了,但是仍鳍挨着鳍,肩并肩慢慢地游着,动作完美而和谐,忽而潜入水中,忽而游出水面,直至它们从视野中渐渐消失。

36、He controls the travel and steers both ends in unison and can walk in “crabbing” to control the centre movement. ─── 他控制的旅费和指导两端一致,可以走在“侧航”来控制运动的中心。

37、"These are very serious charges, Brother," two brothers said in unison. ─── “这些指控很严重啊,兄弟,”两个兄弟异口同声地说。

38、During a rice planting festival in Japan, the women of Chiyoda stoop and plant in unison while drummers and bamboo-clacking musicians set the tempo for the accompanying pipers. ─── 在日本的一次插秧节上,千代田的妇女们弯着腰,在鼓手和竹子打击乐手敲击出的节奏并且伴随着风笛声中,步调一致地插着央。

39、Before Obi-Wan could think of a polite way to interrupt them, Luke and Leia cried out in unison. ─── 不等奥比万想出一个礼貌的方式来打断这二位,卢克和莱娅同声大叫起来。

40、The DIAG and POWER lights should blink in unison and the Hard Disk Status lights should start spinning in a ring. ─── diag与电源灯闪烁齐声应和硬盘状态指示灯应该开始在环锭纺纱。

41、Replacing the playful and demonstrative affection between father and son in the" Kihachi" series, this film observes silently the moments when emotions are unconsciously in unison, and is all the more touching. ─── 儿子在入伍前,要到东京验身,终于能和父亲住在一起,可是父亲却在这时突然病危,子欲养而亲不在,总叫人唏嘘不已。

42、The main difference between them is how to implement unisonous operation of the logic hardware system. ─── 和同步设计的不同点主要在于如何实现逻辑硬件系统的协调运行。

43、The three men smiled and quickly responded in unison, We have to go to the toilet. ─── 三个人笑了笑,然后很快的齐声答道:我们必须去厕所。

44、Russia to recognize independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, NATO, the European Union, in unison against the United States, Britain appealed to form anti-Russian alliance. ─── 俄罗斯承认南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹独立,北约、欧盟、美国齐声反对,英国呼吁结成反俄同盟。

45、There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved. ─── 世上没有哪两个人的心能够如此毫无距离,品味如此相近,感觉如此一致,表情如此喜悦。

46、Unison 2002 is a deeply coloured Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah blend. ─── 2002年尤尼森是由梅鹿,赤霞珠和西拉子所酿制的,酒色呈深红。

47、There should be democratic discussion within the group,but once a decision has been made,all the members should act in unison and no one shall be allowed to go his own way. ─── 党团内部要有民主的讨论,但一经决定必须一致行动,不能有个人的自由。

48、Red-crowned cranes sing a "unison" call on Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan's main islands. ─── 丹顶鹤在日本最北的主岛北海道发出“齐鸣”。

49、The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. ─── 吹号的,歌唱的都一齐发声,声合为一,赞美感谢耶和华。

50、As a result, we had a united Party that was acting in unison and whose leading members kept in touch with the rank and file. ─── 因此,我们党是很团结的,上下通气的,全党一致的。

51、"Gruss Gott, Fraulein Maria," six voices echoed in unison, six perfect bows followed. ─── “您好,玛丽亚小姐。”六个孩子齐声说道,接着他们又都鞠了躬。

52、Second, there should be democratic discussion within the group, but once a decision has been made, all the members should act in unison and no one shall be allowed to go his own way. ─── 其次,党团内部要有民主的讨论,但一经决定必须一致行动,不能有个人的自由。

53、After momentary differences on account of their respective sons, the two were immediately reunited, praising in unison the coziness of Jou-chia's small apartment and telling her how lucky she was. ─── 两人为了儿子暂时分裂,顷刻又合起来,同声羡慕柔嘉小家庭的舒服,说他好福气。

54、His opinions were not in unison with those of the majority of men. ─── 他的意见与大多数人的意见有分歧。

55、A harmonious campus pays more attention to an all-round, humane, unisonous , sustainable and diverse education; ─── 和谐校园更加注重教育的全面性、人文性、协调性、持续性和多样性;

56、How to make different regional economy develop much more effectively, and how to achieve regional unisonous development, has already become an urgent question needed to be solved. ─── 如何使不同区域经济发展更加有效,如何实现区域间的协调发展,已经成了亟待解决的问题。

57、Herbalist doctors think keeping the balance of body and heart and YinYang unison are the important factors of health. ─── 中医认为,保持身心平衡、阴阳调和是健康的要素。

58、Be neatly dressed, take off your hats in salutation and sing national anthem in unison at the flag-raising ceremony. ─── 参加升旗仪式,衣着整洁、脱帽致礼,齐唱国歌。

59、If Pacquiao is a machine gun on them, Valero's punch sounds like a chorus of shotguns going off in unison. ─── 倘若帕奎奥的出拳象机关枪,那么瓦雷罗的出拳就犹如齐鸣的猎枪。

60、He is like a thoroughbred horse,satisfying to the trained eye,docile to the light touch,and coursing in most wonderful unison with you through with the lark because he sings rather than talks? ─── 他就像是一匹良种马,能听从你训练他时的眼神,对你的轻触表示出温顺,更能以最为和谐的步调一同与你奔驰嬉耍玩乐,因为他向来只吟唱而非说话?

61、In many cases, both solutions can be used in unison. ─── 在很多情况下,可以联合使用两种解决方案。

62、They shouted'Yes!'in unison; they responded in chorus to the teacher's questions. ─── 他们齐声地喊‘是’;他们异口同声地回答老师的问题。

63、They answered in unison. ─── 他们齐声回答。

64、Early last year a class of 16 students was able in one month to specify four genetic programs to make groups of E. coli cells flash in unison, as fireflies sometimes do. ─── 好比说,去年初,就有16名大学生在一个月内设计出四种基因程式,让好几个大肠杆菌菌落可以像萤火虫那样集体发光;

65、If done in unison, the ring of people lowering to sit are suddenly propped up on a self-supporting collective chair. ─── 如果大家动作协调一致,这圈人坐下时一下子就得到了一个自我支持的共有椅子的支撑。

66、Consider the LAMV working in unison with the Army's Future Combat System( FCS). ─── 可以设想LAMV与美国陆军未来作战系统(CS)配合使用。

67、Work meticulously. have great team spirit, and unisonous ability. ─── 工作细致,良好的沟通协作能力。

68、Eutopia is one kind of utopia , a true country, is not a fabricate country but , does not have extremely beautiful do not have a dispute in unison. ─── 乌托邦是一种理想国,并非一个真实的国家,而是一个虚构的国度,有着至美的一齐,没有纠纷。

69、"We will," the brothers replied in unison. ─── “好,”弟兄两个人齐声应道。

70、"It is difficult to get everyone in unison, much time and energy is wasted. ─── “这是很难让每个人都异口同声地,很多的时间和精力的浪费。

71、They danced to the popular song, keeping a ferocious time that was like a gnashing of teeth in unison. ─── 他一面跳一面唱着流行的歌曲,依照着一种凶猛的节奏好象一致咬牙切齿似的。

72、Issued by the students in unison the same admiration, but also to talk with Bork, bork, bork. ─── 同学们不约而同齐声发出赞叹,又七嘴八舌地议论起来。

73、Almost in unison, my flatmate and I replied" spray-on deodorant! ─── 几乎是不约而同地,我的室友和我回答“香体喷雾!

74、On the screen Moxy the cartoon dog in his funky toon room dances in unison. ─── 与此同时,卡通狗莫西也会在屏幕上他那个时髦的桃木屋里随之起舞。

75、The main difference between them is how to implement unisonous operation of the logic hardware system. ─── 异步设计和同步设计的不同点主要在于如何实现逻辑硬件系统的协调运行。

76、In chorusball together; in unison ─── 一起;同时;一齐;一致

77、Parallel intervals of a fifth, octave or unison are traditionally prohibited in four-part writing. ─── 五度,八度或一度音程平行传统上在四声部作品中禁用。

78、A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry recitation. ─── 剧情解说员在戏剧或诗朗诵中齐声朗诵或演唱一个指定部分或作品的人们

79、Unison is the sounding together of one note. ─── 一度就是听上去是一个音。

80、Everyone in my office just stood silently with perhaps a billion others here, while outside drivers sounded their horns and sirens in unison. ─── 在我办公室里,所有人都在静默中起立,正如这里(中国)其他的亿万人一样;

81、All together; in unison. ─── 同时;一起

82、They must maintain the rhythm in unison. ─── 两者必须保持节奏的合拍。

83、Abstract: A scientific and exact requirement analysis is the precondition or guarantee for the weapon equipment system to get a complete, unisonous and durable development. ─── 中文摘要: 科学、准确的需求分析是武器装备体系全面、协调、可持续发展的前提和保证。

84、In the snow they shifted, now one foot, now another, almost rocking in unison. ─── 他们在雪中不停地换着脚支撑着身体的重量,一会儿这只脚,一会儿那只脚,几乎是在一起摇摆着。

85、To realizethis we should attach importance to ecological, rationally and continently use landresource.Only by this, we can get the unisonous development of economy, society andenvironment. ─── 因此,重视和保护生态环境,合理地有节制地利用土地资源,实现经济、社会、环境的均衡协调发展,即可持续意义上的发展才是研究区应该追求的发展目标。

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