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09-16 投稿



insolently 发音


英:  美:

insolently 中文意思翻译



insolently 反义词


insolently 同义词

contemptuous | barefaced | impertinent | discourteous | forward | brazen | proud | arrogant | cheeky | bold | disdainful | brassy |impudent | presumptuous | audacious | consequential | bodacious | defiant | cavalier | brazen-faced | disrespectful | rude | flip | insulting | irreverent | domineering | snotty-nosed | offensive | haughty | forwards | bald-faced | impolite | or

insolently 词性/词形变化,insolently变形

副词: insolently |

insolently 相似词语短语

1、insistently ─── adv.坚持地;强求地

2、indolently ─── adv.怠惰地;不痛地

3、insomnolently ─── 失眠

4、intolerantly ─── 不能容忍地

5、insurgently ─── adv.汹涌地;造反地

6、indulgently ─── adv.溺爱地;放任地

7、insolent ─── adj.无礼的;傲慢的;粗野的;无耻的

8、insipiently ─── 含蓄地

9、innocently ─── adv.纯洁地;无罪地

insolently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How many populations that insolently opposed the Command of their Lord and of His messengers, did We not then call to account,- to severe account?- and We imposed on them an exemplary Punishment. ─── 有许多城市的居民,曾违抗他们的主和众使者的命令,我将严格地审训他们,严厉的惩罚他们。

2、does not respect, speak insolently, satire, etc for forum 's management team member. ─── 对论坛管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。

3、Julia turns her head, and stares insolently at Charteris. His nerves play him false: he is completely out of countenance in a moment. ─── 朱丽叶转过头来,傲慢地瞪着查特里斯。他的神经支持不住:一时感到窘极了。

4、He had a haughty bearing, a look either steady and impenetrable or insolently piercing and inquisitorial. Four successive revolutions had built and cemented the pedestal upon which his fortune was based. ─── 傲慢神气,死板的面孔,沉着冷漠或锐利探询的目光,即有这些使这个人巧妙地度过了接连而来的四次革命,在革命中建立和巩固了他升官发财的根基。

5、I informed him I had had the honour of being in the firm twenty years, to which he insolently replied that I "looked it. ─── 我告诉他我已在公司干了20年了,对此,他无礼的回嘴说我“一看就像。”

6、"Liquidated," the officer said insolently as though speaking to himself ─── “肃清,”军官傲慢而仿佛自言自语地说。

7、insolently positive ─── 傲慢地肯定

8、And gilly also met literally insolently of the dandy jamie, far from home, the pursuit of happiness. ─── 而吉莉也遇上了飘泊不逊的浪荡子杰米,远离家乡追求幸福。

9、With earth and stones up and down, the potato is like an energetic giant, proudly and insolently standing before him. ─── 浑身沾满了泥土和石子,可是骄傲自豪地呈现在面前,像个活力充沛的巨人。

10、To speak foolishly or insolently. ─── 胡说说话愚蠢或鲁莽

11、Passepartout was ready to pounce upon the American, who was staring insolently at his opponent ─── 路路通准备马上向这个美国人扑过去,美国人用非常鄙视的眼光看着福克。

12、No does not respect, speak insolently,satire, etc for TT management team member. ─── 不得发表对TT管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。

13、To Pharaoh and his Chiefs: But these behaved insolently : they were an arrogant people. ─── 传示法老和他的臣民,但他们自大,他们是高傲的。

14、She put the mug down on the stones of the yard, and gave me the bread and meat without looking at me, as insolently as if I were a dog in disgrace. ─── 也许当她周围的一切事物在很久以前停顿之时,她的脸就深深地陷入一种凝神沉思的表情。

15、No does not respect, speak insolently , satire, etc for High School Musical Chinese forum's management. ─── 不得发表对论坛管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。

16、21 He insolently invaded the sanctuary and took away the golden altar, the lampstand for the light with all its fixtures, ─── 他不管不顾地进入了圣所,搬走了金祭坛、灯台及所有器皿,

17、To clamour insolently ─── 叫嚣隳突

18、But they insolently defied the Command of their Lord: So the stunning noise (of an earthquake) seized them, even while they were looking on. ─── 他们曾违抗他们主的命令,故疾雷毁灭了他们,同时,他们眼见刑罚降临,

19、To Pharaoh and his Chiefs: But these behaved insolently: they were an arrogant people. ─── 传示法老和他的臣民,但他们自大,他们是高傲的。

20、With earth and stones up and down, the potato is like an energetic giant, proudly and insolently standing before him. ─── 浑身沾满了泥土和石子,可是骄傲自豪地呈现在面前,像个活力充沛的巨人。

21、There was an interview with some CEO on TV insolently summing-up the secrets of success "Our success is due to those personnel happily working for the enterprise day and night, day after day." ─── 曾经在电视上看到过一次对某位CEO的采访,他自豪地总结企业成功的秘诀:“我们的成功,都是因为我们的员工披星戴月、夜以继日的积极快乐地工作!”

22、But when he delivereth them, behold!they transgress insolently through the earth in defiance of right! ─── 当他拯救了他们的时候,他们忽然在地方上无理地侵害(他人)。

23、The time course,with which both the recovery of parameters of action potentials and the disap-pearance of TTX-resistant action potentials proceeded, was faster in EDL than inSOL. ─── 无论是动作电位的恢复还是抗TTX动作电位的消失,EDL肌纤维均快于SOL肌纤维。

24、Julia turns her head, and stares insolently at Charteris. ─── 朱丽叶转过头来,傲慢地瞪着查特里斯。

25、2 Rather, after we had suffered and been insolently treated, as you know, in Philippi, we drew courage through our God to speak to you the gospel of God with much struggle. ─── 你们也知道我们来到之前,曾在斐理伯吃了苦,受了凌辱;可是依靠着我们的天主,我们还有勇气,在艰巨的格斗中,给你们宣讲了天主的福音。

26、And be not like those who started from their homes insolently and to be seen of men, and to hinder (men) from the path of Allah: For Allah compasseth round about all that they do. ─── 你们不要仿效那等人,他们骄傲自满地、沽名钓誉地从家乡出去,并阻止别人遵循真主的大道。真主是洞察他们的行为的。

27、No does not respect, speak insolently,satire, etc for forum's management team member. ─── 不得发表对论坛管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。

28、He who receives greater things cannot glory in his own merit or consider himself above others or behave insolently toward those who receive less. ─── 只该专心向祢,赞美祢的仁慈:因为祢所赏的恩典,极大且多,甘心情愿白赏,并不厚此薄彼。

29、9.he had replied insolently to his superiors. ─── 他很粗野地回答上司的问题。

30、The demoting of Joab would put him in his place for speaking insolently to the king, and would prevent him, with his strong personality, from having an overbearing influence. ─── 将约押降级是对他出言不逊的惩罚,也防止他以强烈的性格在以色列国中过分专横。

31、make impertinent remarks; speak insolently ─── 言辞不逊

32、11 Now I know that the LORD is a deity great beyond any other;for he took occasion of their being dealt with insolently to deliver the people from the power of the Egyptians. ─── 现今我知道"雅威"是众神中最大的,因为他由那些傲慢对待以色列人的埃及人手中,救出这百姓。

33、No does not respect, speak insolently,satire, etc for KG10 management team member. ─── 不得发表对KG10管理层人员不尊重、出言不逊、讽刺等等的帖子。

34、There was an interview with some CEO on TV insolently summing-u Hot the secrets of success "Our success is due to those personnel happily working for the enterprise day and night, day after day. ─── 曾经在电视上看到过一次对某位CEO的采访,他自豪地总结企业成功的秘诀:“我们的成功,都是因为我们的员工披星戴月、夜以继日的积极快乐地工作!”

35、The obvious inhibition effect of F~- ion on pitting of iron causedby Cl~- ion was observed. This effect could be explained by the formation of stable, insol uble complex FeF_3. ─── F~-对Cl~-引起的铁孔蚀有明显的抑制作用,可能是由于F~-能与Fe~(3+)形成稳定而难溶解的FeF_3配合物。

36、Tinker Bell answered insolently. ─── 叮叮铃的回答很粗暴无理。

37、its maps show a great lolling tongue of Chinese sovereignty stuck insolently out at the South-East Asian littoral states. ─── 中国的地图上一个垂下的舌尖,显示着中国的主权傲慢地伸向东南亚的沿海国家。

38、I informed him I had had the honour of being in the firm twenty years, to which he insolently replied that I "looked it. " ─── 我带点自豪地告诉他,我已经在这工作20年了,哪知他无礼地回道“知道了!”

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