interposal 发音
英: 美:
interposal 中文意思翻译
interposal 相似词语短语
1、interspersal ─── 散布或点缀其间
2、interpose ─── v.提出(异议等);使插入;使干涉;干预;调停
3、interposer ─── n.插入器;插入式选样
4、interlocal ─── adj.地区间的
5、interpolar ─── adj.极间的;两极之间的
6、interpolable ─── 可插入的
7、interposable ─── 可插入的
8、interposes ─── v.提出(异议等);使插入;使干涉;干预;调停
9、interposed ─── adj.插入的;v.插入(interpose的过去分词)
interposal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Ecosystem of Science and Technology and Its Interposal ─── 论科技生态系统及其干预
2、Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is an important technology in both medical diagnoses and interposal therapy, which application is very universal. ─── 数字减影血管造影(DSA)是一种在医学诊断和介入治疗中起重要作用的技术,应用十分广泛。
3、Via rough induction, we can see that consistency of inference. monotonicity on linguistic mood. interposal property. normality and computational simplicity should be a basic requirement. ─── 粗略的归纳可知,还原性、语气单调性、属性介值性或单调性、保正规性、泛逼近性和运算简单性应该是最基本的要求。
4、Interposal property is that when a premise is between two other, the corresponding reasoning results should be between the other two. ─── 属性介值性则是指,当某前提介于另外两个之间时,其相应的推理结果也应介于另外两个之间。
5、According to the interposal differences, factors that bring on the discrepancies of standards are analyzed and the dynamic prices regulation coefficient is fixed. ─── 根据不同地区的差距分析了导致标准的差异性的因素,并确定了物价动态调节系数。
6、European Interposal Association ─── 欧洲协调联运协会
7、Interposal property is that when a premise is between two other, the corresponding reasoning results should be between the other two. ─── 介值性则是指,当某前提介于另外两个之间时,其相应的推理结果也应介于另外两个之间。
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