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09-18 投稿


imperatorial 发音

英:[[ɪmpərə'tɔ:rɪəl]]  美:[[ɪmpərə'tɔ:rɪrl]]

英:  美:

imperatorial 中文意思翻译



imperatorial 相似词语短语

1、imperator ─── n.绝对统治者,最高统治者;古罗马皇帝

2、imperatorship ─── n.绝对统治者,最高统治者;古罗马皇帝(imperator的变形)

3、repertorial ─── 剧目

4、expurgatorial ─── adj.有关修订的

5、imperatival ─── adj.祈使的;命令的

6、imperators ─── n.绝对统治者,最高统治者;古罗马皇帝

7、gubernatorial ─── adj.州长的;统治者的;地方长官的;总督的

8、imperatorially ─── 威严地

9、compurgatorial ─── 自责的

imperatorial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Training in the use of learning strategies in order to imper to improve a learner's effective-ness. ─── 指训练学习策略的使用,以提高学习者的效率。策略训练的一些方法有

2、the Ding vessel incarnates the grand and imperatorial cultural character and the spirit of "harmony" in tradition; ─── 鼎"体现出庄重与威严的文化气质,"革故鼎新,晏以和好"蕴含着中国传统的"和合"文化思想;"

3、We firmly believe that, with our capacities and services, we will bring you an imperatorial experience which exceeds your expectation. ─── 我们坚信,凭借我们的实力与服务,定会超越客户所想,为客户营造至尊体验。

4、Ox demon king: for his wife, even to marry imperatorial cheated if the box to see his wife. ─── 梗概:牛魔王欲娶紫霞为妻,至尊宝骗紫霞想得到月光宝盒见他妻子。

5、Imper Gear Box ─── 进口减速机

6、Mt.Tai is a country mountain, imperatorial and sacred. ─── 泰山是国山是至尊圣山。

7、Even imperatorial was touched, I get for company to touch bout certainly. ─── 小无欢是多么具有成为一个色狼的潜质啊,那挤眉弄眼间的轻浮笑容,销魂啊销魂。

8、club sets up 49 luxury and conformable private rooms - Imperatorial room, Earl room, Noble room, VIP room (small, medium and large), and Mini room. ─── 俱乐部为尊贵会员增设49间豪华舒适的包房——至尊房、伯爵房、贵族房、VIP贵宾房(大中小)、迷你房。

9、Greek mythology, the most important contributor in Greek civilization, occupies an imperatorial position in western history. ─── 摘要希腊神话作为希腊文化的最大成就,在西方历史上具有至尊的地位。

10、According to legend, TangGaoZu years imperatorial, LiJing in August 15 conquests xiongnu, triumph. ─── 相传,唐高祖年间,大将军李靖在八月十五征讨匈奴得胜,凯旋而归。

11、Banker, businessman, old rich man, magnifico, imperatorial, all has. ─── 银行家啦,实业家啦,大财主啦,大官啦,大将军啦,全都有。

12、According to legend, TangGaoZu years imperatorial, LiJing in August 15 conquests hsiungnu, triumph. ─── 相传,唐高祖年间,大将军李靖在八月十五征讨匈奴得胜,凯旋而归。

13、We firmly believe that, with our capacities and services, we will bring you an imperatorial experience which exceeds your expectation. ─── 我们坚信,凭借我们的实力与服务,定会超越客户所想,为客户营造至尊体验。

14、And inside outfit is of all kinds imperatorial game plan gets stuck, offer game confusing and teenage collect and collect carefully. ─── 而且内装各类大将军的游戏图卡,供游戏迷和青少年集和珍藏。

15、Then, follow Liang Shang imperatorial one says: Want to ask Liang Nvying to enter boudoir, the body of microscope female son of a feudal prince or high official. ─── 接着,便跟梁商大将军一家说:要请梁女莹进闺房,仔细检查女公子的身体。

16、Conclusions It is a good mothed that early cirrhosis was diagnosed by Color Doppler and biopsy,the liver image and hemodynamics can be reflected with full-scale and imper... ─── 结论彩色多普勒超声检查加肝活组织病检是确诊早期肝硬化的有效手段。

17、Kye Chung Park, , 1 and Jim Hardie Aphid Biology Group, Department of Biological Sciences, Imper ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

18、Narrator: when staying imperatorial: monk tang happened three mentoring. ─── 旁白八:至尊宝投宿时巧遇唐三藏三师徒。

19、And inside outfit is of all kinds imperatorial game plan gets stuck, offer game confusing and teenage collect and collect carefully. ─── 而且内装各类大将军的游戏图卡,供游戏迷和青少年集和珍藏。

20、The Hotel is China's first super-large imperatorial coastal villa area. ─── 亚龙湾五号度假别墅酒店是当前中国首家超大型至尊滨海度假别墅区。

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