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09-18 投稿


introverted 发音

英:['ɪntrə(ʊ)vɜːtɪd]  美:['ɪntrəvɝtɪd]

英:  美:

introverted 中文意思翻译



introverted 网络释义

adj. 内向的v. 使...内向(introvert的过去分词形式);使内翻

introverted 反义词


introverted 同义词

invaginate | homebody | reserved | timid |recluse | quiet | reclusive | hermit | shy | withdrawn | reticent | loner | introverted | shrinking violet

introverted 词性/词形变化,introverted变形

动词过去式: introverted |动词过去分词: introverted |动词第三人称单数: introverts |动词现在分词: introverting |

introverted 短语词组

1、my personality is introverted ─── 我性格内向

2、extroverted and introverted ─── 外向型和内向型

3、introverted prisoner ─── 内向的囚犯

4、introverted personality ─── [医] 内向人格

5、introverted person ─── 内向的人

introverted 相似词语短语

1、controverter ─── 反对者

2、interconverted ─── vt.互变;互换

3、introspected ─── vi.反省;内省;vt.对…进行自省

4、introverts ─── 内向型人格

5、introjected ─── vt.融合;吸取,摄取;使他人态度或外界事物形成内心形象

6、retroverted ─── adj.倒退的;后倾的;v.向后弯曲(retrovert的过去式)

7、controverted ─── v.否认,驳斥;就……展开争论

8、extroverted ─── adj.性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的

9、introvert ─── n.内向的人;内翻的东西;v.成为内弯;使内弯,使内倾;adj.内向的;内弯的

introverted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You may have some personality traits those you don't like. For for instance, you may be an introvert you don't like it; you wish you are an extrovert. ─── 你可能有一些你自己也不喜欢的个性特征,例如,你可能是一个内向的人,但是你不喜欢,并且很希望自己变的外向点.

2、We all do Extraverted and Introverted things. ─── 但我们并不。

3、If Extraverted Feeling exists only to support the desires of Introverted iNtuition, then neither function is being used to its potential. ─── 如果外倾情感仅为支持内倾直觉的欲望而存在,那么两种功能都没有发挥出它们的潜力。

4、She is very lively, very talkative kind, and I was introverted, poor discourse. ─── 她属于很活泼,很健谈的那种,而我却是性格内向,不善言谈的。

5、He is introverted, like me.We resemble each other in that respect. ─── 他是内向的,我们在这方面彼此相似。

6、For example, you may be an introvert and you don''t like it;you wish you are an extrovert. ─── 例如,您可能是一个内向的人,你不喜欢它,你希望你是一个外向的人。

7、Do you think you are an extrovert or an introvert? ─── 你认为你是个性外向的人还是个性内向的人?

8、But I’m not here to debate whether it’s better to be an introvert or an extravert. ─── 但是现在我讨论的不是外向或内向哪个更好的问题。

9、The most evalution from outside for me is introvert, shy, and politely since I was yong. ─── 从小到大听的最多的对我的评价就是内向,害羞,斯文。

10、Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? ─── 你认为你性格内向还是外向?

11、An introvert's brain is literally wired differently than an extrovert's! ─── 他们大脑的紧张度和外向的人有很大差异。

12、If the ISFP uses Extraverted Sensing only to serve the purposes of Introverted Feeling, then the ISFP is not using Extraversion effectively at all. ─── 如果ISFP使用外倾感觉仅是为了支持自己的内倾情感,那根本算不上对外倾感觉有效地运用。

13、ISTP(Introverted thinking with sensing): These people are action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. ─── 内向,凭感觉思考):这种人是主动且无惧的,以及渴望刺激。

14、Because they know I am not an inferior and introverted boy any more! ─── 因为他们知道我不再是一个自卑内向的男孩了!

15、The same conversation that energizes the extravert also drains the introvert. ─── 同样的交谈能让外向者荣光焕发,却让内向者精神颓靡。

16、Inherently introverted, he realised early on that as an academic, his reticence would prove disastrous in the lecture hall. ─── 他生性内向,很早就意识到,作为一名学者,他的沉默寡言在演讲厅里将带来灾难性的后果。

17、He believed that based on the edge, at least there is a benefit, that is suggestible quiet, introverted eyes, with the strength of mind also. ─── 他相信立足边缘,起码有一种好处,就是耳根清静、目光内敛,心神也随之有了实力。

18、Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a successful family with strong community ties, she lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life. ─── 她出生于马萨诸塞州安默斯特颇具影响力的一个显赫家族,性格内向,不爱露面。

19、Thus, while the U.S. might value extraverts, other cultures value an introverted personality. ─── 因此,美国较看重外向者,而其他文化则重视内向的人格特质。

20、ISTP (Introverted thinking with sensing): These people are action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. ─── 内向理性带敏感):这种人是主动且无惧的,以及渴望刺激。

21、You can force yourself to act outside of your element, but an introvert can't become an extravert and vice versa. ─── 你能够强迫自己“表现”得更外向,但内向者的本质还是不会被改变,反之亦然。

22、I like his brother Bob. he is an introvert, isn't he? ─── B: 不像他的哥哥鲍伯,他很内向不是吗?

23、INFJ (Introverted intuiting with feeling): These are serious students and workers who really want to contribute. ─── 内向直觉带感性):这是一群想要作出贡献的认真学生和工作者。

24、These contrary but harmonious aspects build up a common me with a strong character. Somebody mistakes me as introverted as a girl. ─── 这些对立又和谐统一的侧面构成了一个平凡普通又个性鲜明的我。

25、But keeping in mind that the extravert is not being intentionally malicious, the introvert has at least two options for handling this in a polite way. ─── 但是外向的人并非故意这样做。对于这种情况,内向的人有两种礼貌的解决方式。

26、For example, the person of a few invigorative problems, it is mostly introvert person. ─── 例如,一些有精神问题的人,大多为性格内向者。

27、Using Extraverted Feeling in this manner may effectively serve the immediate needs of Introverted iNtuition, but it is not ideal. ─── 以这种方式使用外倾情感可以有效的满足内倾直觉的直接需求,但这不是理想的做法。

28、Even introverted programmers do better with informal, face-to-face communication than with paper documents. ─── 即使是对内向的程序员来说,采用不拘礼节的面对面的交流,都比采用写在纸上的文档进行沟通效果要好。

29、Do you think you are an extrovert or introvert? ─── 你认为你是一个性格外向还是内向的人?

30、Would you classify yourself as an introvert or extrovert? ─── 你觉得自己比较外向还是比较内向?

31、An introverted, quiet person is likely to feel uncomfortable chasing down some sales quota. ─── 一个内向的、少言寡语的人恐怕会对必须努力完成销售额感到十分为难。

32、In my high school age, I would blush when talking to girls for my very introverted and dissocial character. ─── 中学时我的性格特别内向孤僻,跟女孩子说话也要脸红。

33、But couldn't some introverted people become “infomaniacs” too? ─── 可是难道内向的人不会也有资讯癖吗?

34、I used to be incredibly introverted. ─── 我曾经非常内向。

35、But only then own knew actually,In my disposition has part of introverted natures. ─── 但其实只有自己知道,我的性格里有一部分内向性格.

36、Moreover may consider that after the stipulation To be listed carries on must give the disclosure the transaction, in certain day introverted public public sensitive material. ─── 另外可考虑规定上市公司进行需予披露的交易后,在若干日子内向公众公开敏感资料。

37、She has a calm and introverted disposition . ─── 她性格文静内向。

38、She befriends introverted Sylvie (Sara Gilbert) and seduces her way into the lives of Sylvie's wealthy family. ─── 在好奇心驱使下,她决定跟蔓藤成为好友。

39、Since the ISFP's dominant function to their personality is Introverted Feeling, they must balance this with an auxiliary Extraverted Sensing function. ─── ISFP的主导功能是内倾情感,必须有辅助功能外倾感觉觉来平衡。

40、He is an introvert, he never tries to start a conversation with anyone. ─── 他性格很内向,从不主动与人搭言。

41、Machen was a lonely, introverted child. ─── 梅琴是个孤独,内向的孩子。

42、Maybe they just thought I was a quiet and introverted boy and sometimes just easy to be nervous. ─── 也许是他们仅仅是认为我是一个安静内向的孩子,只是有时太容易感到紧张了而已。

43、Introverted Borzois, and Borzois who love everyone. ─── 内向的猎狼,它可以与任何人和睦相处。

44、She was more introverted in school though. ─── 她以前在学校较内向。

45、Such a hard beginning created a great amount of pressure on someone with an introverted personality like mine. ─── 如此艰难的起步,对于我这个性格内向的人来说怎么能不是个极大的压力。

46、ISTP( Introverted thinking with sensing): These people are action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. ─── ISTP( 内向,凭感觉思考):这种人是主动且无惧的,以及渴望刺激。

47、The fact that you do probably means that you're probably not a complete introvert, but your style of dance may reveal more about your personality that you might think. ─── 事实是,你可能并不是一个完全内向的人,但是你跳舞的风格却可能会揭示出比你想到的还要多的性格。

48、Are you introverted or extroverted? ─── 你内向还是外向?

49、If you are an introvert and you want to be the gregarious person like your friend next door, all you need to do is talk to yourself. ─── 如果你是内向型的,你想如你隔壁的朋友那样出众,你所要做的就是和自己交谈。

50、Do you think you're an extrovert or an introvert? ─── 你认为你是个性外向还是个性内向的人?

51、ISFP (Introverted feeling with sensing): They are shy and retiring, are not talkative, but like sensuous action. ─── 内向感性带敏感):他们害羞且腼腆,不健谈,但是喜欢跟感官有关的活动。

52、So, Introverted iNtuitives are constantly taking in information about the world that needs to be processed in a relatively lengthy manner in order to be understood. ─── 因此,为了达到理解的目的,内倾直觉持续不断的以一种相对而言冗长的方式收集关于这个世界的待处理的信息。

53、You are very much an introvert. ─── 你是一位地道的内向性格者。

54、INTP( Introverted thinking with intuiting): Faithful, preoccupied, and forgetful, these are the bookworms. ─── INTP( 内向,凭洞察力思考):忠实、神贯注、及疏忽/注意,典型的书虫。

55、Their country remains introverted, nationalistic, distrusted by its neighbours, unsure of itself and its place in the world. ─── 俄罗斯仍是一个内向、民族主义、得不到邻国信任、对自身及其在世界上所处地位没有把握的国家。

56、The triangular headlights simple fashion group with the intake grille, outlined an aggressive pressing the introverted. ─── 三角型的前大灯组配以简约时尚的进气格栅,勾勒出一种内敛的逼人霸气。

57、You can force yourself to act outside of your element, but an introvert can’t become an extravert and vice versa. ─── 例如,虽然内向者仅占总人口数的30%,但内向者在政府、军界以及商界高层中占的比重却要稍高于外向者。

58、Do you call yourself introverted or extroverted? ─── 你性格内向呢还是外向?

59、Translation: Do you want to go to the human resource market to find a job? Are you introverted or extroverted? ─── 中文:明天你要去人才市场找工作吗?你的性格是内向还是外向型的?

60、If an entirely new piece of information is perceived by the Introverted iNtuitive, that person must redefine their entire framework of reference. ─── 如果一条彻底陌生的信息被内倾直觉所感知,这个人就必须对他的整个索引框架进行重定义。

61、There are two types of swimming pools which you can erect: the so-called introverted swimming pool and the extroverted swimming pool directed outward. ─── 你可以建造两种游泳池:所谓内向型泳池和向外拓展的外向型泳池。

62、If you meet a fellow introvert, he/she is unlikely to do the inviting, so you have to do it. ─── 如果你碰上了的是一个内向的家伙,他或她是不可能去邀请谁的,所以这些事必须由你来做。

63、"You're a bossy, nosy introvert who likes to piss people off," said the woman. ─── “你是个烦人的,好管闲事的内向的家伙,总喜欢让别人发火。”女人说。

64、As an introvert, I'm pretty o utraged that this game is marginalizing my entire personality type. ─── 他知道我贪恋尘世的喜好,但也不指摘我。我们一道去礼佛。

65、An anatomical structure that is capable of being introverted. ─── 内翻的器官能够被内翻的解剖结构

66、I once worked with a team who were all introverted, quick to come to decisions, and all had the same kind of product experience. ─── 我曾经和一个团队一起工作,成员都比较内向,做决定很快,所有人都有类似的产品经验。

67、They are stimulated and engaged, completely different to the sad, introverted children in Kaspi. ─── 他们受到了鼓励,学习很用功,和卡斯比那些内向的孩子完全不同。

68、"I've never considered the other traits, like being introverted, as a negative," he says. ─── ‘我从来不认为其他方面的性格特点比如内向,是缺点。’他说。

69、Maybe they just thought I was a quiet and introverted boy and sometimes just easy to be nervous. ─── 也许是他们仅仅是认为我是一个安静内向的孩子,只是有时太容易感到紧张了而已。

70、I was an introverted child to the point of communicating with colored crayons and apologizing to objects when I bumped into them. ─── 我是个内向的孩子用彩色蜡笔来画画表达自己,向我不小心碰到的东西道歉。

71、Interviewer: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? ─── 你认为你是内向型还是外向型?

72、One barrier that forces many people to be introverted is if they don’t see any enjoyable social activities around them. ─── 一个让人变得内向的原因就是他能否找到他喜欢的社会活动。

73、Do you think you're an extrovert or an introvert person? ─── 你认为你是个性外向的人还是个性内向的人?

74、A significant extroverted personality trait is that energy flows outward (not inward like the introvert). ─── 外向人群的一个非常重要的性格特征是他们的能量流是向外的(而内向人群的能量流是向内的)。

75、For example, you may be an introvert and you don't like it;you wish you are an extrovert. ─── 例如,你可能是一个内向,而你不喜欢它,你想你是一个外向。

76、INTP (Introverted thinking with intuiting): Faithful, preoccupied, and forgetful, these are the bookworms. ─── 内向,凭洞察力思考):忠实、全神贯注、以及疏忽/不注意,典型的书虫。

77、Most universities are disgracefully old-fashioned and introverted, run by self-interested bureaucracies, mediocre to their roots. ─── 大多数大学声誉不佳、墨守成规、闭关自守,并由那些利己主义的官僚来进行管理,这是其所以平庸的根源。

78、Laugh, and Only Half the World Laughs With You Introverted people are less likely to respond to happy faces. ─── 内向的人对开心的表情比较不容易产生反应。

79、The women who think we are handsome, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money are introverted. ─── 又好又有钱又是异性恋又觉得我们帅的女人却又太含蓄。

80、And the INTROVERT can come off as mysterious, confident, at home in his skin. all that sort of positive stuff. ─── 但---这是很重要的一条---对外向的人来讲上述所有的优点可能被解读成相反的意思。他们可能被解释成:不诚恳,谄媚,等等负面的东西。

81、The constructions with public functions are all set up facing the city streets.Thus, it creates a quiet and introverted business courtyard, and clear traffic lines. ─── 公共性强的功能全都面向城市道路设置,由此形成了安静内向的商务庭院和清晰明确的交通动线。

82、In fact some of the personality tests that I’ve done rate me at the most introverted level possible. ─── 事实上我做过一些性格测试,评价我可能是最内向的人。

83、On the 4th, you could be feeling introverted. ─── 4号这天,你会感觉到有些自闭。

84、More men (54.1%) than women (47.5%) are introverted. ─── 内向男性(54.1%比内向女性(47.5%)要多。

85、You think you're an extrovert or an introvert? ─── 你认为你是个性外向的人还是个性内性的人?

86、Thus, teachers liked him, but his introverted nature prevailed. ─── 因此,老师们很喜欢他,但他内向的性格仍然占着上风。

87、For example, majority of engineers tend to be "introverted", while majority of sales/marketing folks tend to be "extroverted". ─── 例如,大多数工程师倾向于是“内向型”,而大多数销售/市场专员倾向于“外向型”。

88、INFP (Introverted feeling with intuiting): These people are idealistic, self-sacrificing, and somewhat cool or reserved. ─── 内向理性带直觉):这类型的人是理想、自我牺牲、而且有点冷漠和沉默寡言。

89、Introverted iNtuition is sort of like a framework for understanding that exists in the mind. ─── 内倾直觉有几分像一个存在于头脑里的认知框架。

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