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09-18 投稿


unenjoyable 发音


英:  美:

unenjoyable 中文意思翻译



unenjoyable 相似词语短语

1、unenforceable ─── adj.(尤指义务、法律)无法执行的,无法实施的

2、unenviable ─── adj.不值得羡慕的,不值得嫉妒的

3、unendurable ─── adj.无法忍受的;不能持久的

4、enjoyably ─── adv.愉快地;有趣地;可享乐地

5、undoable ─── adj.做不了的;不能做的

6、deployable ─── adj.可开展的

7、inenarrable ─── adj.难以描述的;无可名状的

8、enjoyable ─── adj.快乐的;有乐趣的;令人愉快的

9、unemployable ─── adj.(由于缺乏技能或素质)不能被雇佣的;n.不能受雇者

unenjoyable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Normally, the first reaction to unenjoyable tasks is to “get it over with”.Finishing as quickly as possible so you can move on to something better. ─── 一般情况下,面对讨厌的工作,第一反应就是“完成它”,尽快的完成这项工作,你就可以去做其它稍微好点的工作。

2、It been a very long time since something crossed the line so much that it made some aspects of the game unenjoyable. ─── 这个游戏到现在已经过了很长很长的时间,有些方面让游戏丧失了乐趣。

3、This is a pale and unenjoyable wine. ─── (这可能意味著早期收获).乎单是一个淡色的葡萄酒.

4、Normally, the first reaction to unenjoyable tasks is to "get it over with" . ─── 通常,我们遇到没有趣味的任务时第一个反应是“赶紧草草把它做完”。(加菲猫。

5、Their poor command of the Chinese language also makes the reading of Chinese Books and newspapers an unenjoyable chore that they would rather do without. ─── 而华文书报的阅读更因为语文程度的日益下降,变得勉强而且可有可无。

6、Normally, the first reaction to unenjoyable tasks is to “get it over with”. ─── 通常,我们遇到没有趣味的任务时第一个反应是“赶紧草草把它做完”。(加菲猫

7、Neville also claimed the abuse the team received often made it an unenjoyable experience and left many players fearing failure. ─── 内维尔也表示球队受到的抨击经常让很多球员很难受。

8、Sometimes tasks can be unenjoyable simply because there is no quality in doing them. ─── 有时工作不讨人喜欢仅仅是因为没有意义。

9、Sometimes tasks can be unenjoyable simply because there is no quality in doing them.For me, writing an article is more enjoyable than cleaning dishes. ─── 有时候一个任务不能引起兴趣的原因只是简单的因为这事没有内在的或特殊的意义. 对于我来说,写作比洗盘子更有意义。

10、The study found that happiness falls when folks aren't focused on the task at hand, even an unenjoyable one, like doing errands. ─── 研究发现当人们没有集中于手上的工作时快乐就会下降,即使做的是不喜欢的事情,如跑腿的差事也是如此。

11、Sometimes tasks can be unenjoyable simply because there is no quality in doing them. ─── 有时候事情之所以变得讨厌仅仅是因为做那些事情是没有含金量的。

12、Normally, the firstreaction to unenjoyable tasks is to “get it over with”. ─── 通常我们对不喜欢的工作的第一反应就是“结束它”。

if you want to see something enjoyable是anything还是something?

你好,很高兴为你解答if you want to see something enjoyable如果你想看一些令人愉快的东西句子要用something 而不用anything something这类不定代词一般只用于否定句和疑问句中,没有说在条件句中要用anything;另外,这两个不定代词到底用哪一个,还是要看句子的实际意思来定,就本句而言,用anything翻译出来就不合适了,范围太广了,用something正好正合适.两句条件句中,用something或anything皆可,只是译出的意思有很大不同而已,所以两个词的选择还是要根据具体意思来的。希望对你有帮助

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