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09-18 投稿


twinning 发音

英:[ˈtwɪnɪŋ]  美:[twɪnɪŋ]

英:  美:

twinning 中文意思翻译




twinning 短语词组

1、combined twinning ─── 组合孪生

2、twinning crystal ─── 双晶

3、chequerboard twinning ─── 棋盘孪生

4、agglutination twinning ─── 凝集孪生

5、repeated twinning ─── 重复孪生

6、deformation twinning ─── 形变孪生

7、electrical twinning ─── [电] 电结合

8、spontaneous twinning ─── [医] 自发双生

9、contact twinning ─── 接触孪晶

10、conjoined twinning ─── 联胎

11、experimental twinning ─── [医] 实验性双生

12、checkerboard twinning ─── 棋盘配对

13、chessboard twinning ─── 棋盘配对

14、electric twinning ─── [电] 电双晶化

15、optical twinning ─── [电] 光学双生

16、irrational twinning ─── 无理孪晶

17、compound twinning ─── 孪晶,复合双晶

18、distorted twinning ─── 扭曲孪晶

19、mechanical twinning ─── 机械双晶

twinning 常用词组

twin screw ─── 双螺旋桨;双推进器;双驱动桥

twin sister ─── 双胞胎姐妹之一

twin brother ─── n. 孪生兄弟

twinning 词性/词形变化,twinning变形

名词: twinkler |动词第三人称单数: twinkles |动词现在分词: twinkling |动词过去式: twinkled |动词过去分词: twinkled |形容词: twinkly |

twinning 相似词语短语

1、tinning ─── n.镀锡;罐头包装法;v.镀锡;装罐(tin的ing形式);n.(Tinning)人名;(英)廷宁

2、twining ─── adj.缠绕的;v.(使)盘绕,缠绕;(植物)盘绕;交错,交织;搓,捻(twine的现在分词形式);n.(Twining)(美、加、英)特文宁(人名)

3、twinkling ─── n.瞬间,霎时;闪烁;adj.闪烁的;闪亮的;v.闪烁,闪耀;(眼睛)发光;(脚)轻快移动(twinkle的现在分词)

4、thinning ─── v.(使)稀薄;变稀疏;变少;给……间苗;(使)变稀;(使)变薄;(高尔夫)打(球的)中上部位(thin的现在分词);adj.(头发)变稀疏的;n.稀释

5、winning ─── adj.获胜的;吸引人的,迷人的;n.(尤指通过赌博)赢得的钱(常复数);v.获胜;赢得;(通过努力)获得(win的现在分词);n.(Winning)(美、英)温宁(人名)

6、outwinning ─── 智胜

7、-winning ─── adj.获胜的;吸引人的,迷人的;n.(尤指通过赌博)赢得的钱(常复数);v.获胜;赢得;(通过努力)获得(win的现在分词);n.(Winning)(美、英)温宁(人名)

8、rewinning ─── vt.再赢;赢回

9、twinging ─── n.阵痛;悔恨;vt.使刺痛;使感到剧痛;vi.刺痛;感到剧痛

twinning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you distinguish him from his twin brother? ─── 你能分清他和他的孪生兄弟吗?

2、He cannot distinguish you from your twin sister. ─── 他无法区分你和你的双胞胎妹妹.

3、You're always mixing me up with my twin sister! ─── 你老是把我和我的孪生妹妹弄混了!

4、He is the younger twin of the two. ─── 他是这对双胞胎中的弟弟。

5、A quarrel rose between the twin brothers. ─── 两个孪生兄弟之间发生了口角。

6、"Agreed," her twin brother added. ─── “同意!”她的双胞胎兄弟也加入道。

7、It's hard to tell one twin from the other. ─── 双胞胎很难分辨。

8、People often ask me whether I like being a twin. ─── 人们经常问我是否喜欢当一个双胞胎。

9、Can you differentiate Jim from his twin brother? ─── 你能区分出吉姆和他双胞胎的弟弟吗?

10、Identical twinning can begin only inside the Fallopian tube. ─── 同卵孪生可能只在输卵管内开始发育。

11、She and her twin daughters are in good health. ─── 她和她的双胞胎目前健康状况良好。

12、Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? ─── 你能分辨出汤姆和他的孪生兄弟吗?

13、Would you like a twin or a double? ─── 你是要有双人床的房间还是要有两张一样床的房间?

14、Francis Galton uses method of twin comparisons. ─── 佛兰西斯·高尔顿使用双生子比较研究方法。

15、Oh, c'mon, Alex, this is your twin sister! ─── 噢,真的,阿里克斯,这是你的孪生姐姐!

16、He mistook me for my twin brother. ─── 他把我当成我的孪生兄弟了。

17、Antimatter is sort of like matter's evil twin. ─── 反物质有点像物质的一个邪恶的双胞胎兄弟。

18、He laughs, but the twinning of darkness and lightness in his life's work is no accident. ─── 他大笑,然而他一生工作中的光暗共存绝非偶然。

19、People are always mistaking him for his twin brother. ─── 人们总把他错当成他的孪生哥哥了。

20、You can choose a knit cloth or a twin set as a top. ─── 妳可以选择一件针织衫或是两件式的针织上衣。

21、It is demonstrated that twinning is the primary deformation mechanism and hardening mechanism at the initial stage of warm deformation. ─── 结果表明:在温变形的初始阶段,孪生。主要的变形机理和硬化机制。

22、They have twin daughters. ─── 他们有一双孪生女儿。

23、No electrical or optical twinning shall be allowed in usable zones. ─── 可用区内不允许存在电学或光学双晶。

24、He hurriedly told the story of the twin babies and the wolf. ─── 他急忙讲述了孪生婴儿和狼的故事。

25、Would you like a twin bed or a queen size? ─── 你要小号的床还是中号的床?

26、His mother gave birth to twin brother last week. ─── 他的妈妈上星期生了一对双胞胎弟弟。

27、Eric doesn't have a twin brother, does he? ─── 埃里克没有一个双胞胎弟弟,是吗?

28、This twin shift will force wrenching adjustments. ─── 人们需要艰难地调整策略以适应这样的变化。

29、Did you remark the difference between the twin sisters? ─── 你觉察出这两个孪生姊妹的不同之处了吗?

30、Can you distinguish between the twin brothers? ─── 你能区分这两位孪生兄弟吗?

31、Would you like a room with a double bed or two twin beds? ─── 你想要双人床的房间还是两个单人床的房间?

32、What's the rate for a twin room? ─── 双人房费率是多少?

33、The Twin River is located in Idaho. ─── 双子瀑布位于爱达荷州。

34、The twin cover stories had the effect of two gigantic commercials. ─── 两份杂志的封面特写报道就等于是两份大广告。

35、Are you as tall as your twin sister? ─── 你和你双胞胎姐姐一样高吗?

36、Wow! That person looks like my twin! ─── 哇!那个人看来跟我就像双胞胎!

37、Twin deficits refer to budget deficit and trade deficit. ─── 双赤字指预算赤字和外贸赤字。

38、Participate in the Centennial Twin Club program. ─── 参与百周年孪生扶轮社计划。

39、Can you tell Mary from her twin sister? ─── 你能分辨玛莉和她的孪生姐妹吗?

40、She is the elder twin of the two. ─── 他们是一对四岁孪生儿的父母。

41、Oscar and Henry are my younger twin brothers. ─── 奥斯卡和亨利是我的一对双胞胎弟弟。

42、With increase of pressing passes, more twinning systems were activated and twin bands intersected each other, curved and fragmented finally. ─── 随着道次的增加,孪生系统增多,形变孪晶相互交割,孪晶板条出现弯曲和断裂;

43、People often confuse me and my twin sister. ─── 人们常常把我和我的孪生妹妹搞错。

44、Patented on Twin Baby Buggy and Jogger. ─── 台北捷美乐婴儿用品新研发婴童车专利

45、Can you tell her from her twin sister? ─── 你能分得出她和她的孪生姐妹吗?

46、They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward. ─── 他们受赏与罚的双重因素所激励。

47、The child she would bear would be an identical twin of its father. ─── 她怀的这个孩子就是和它父亲一模一样的双胞胎。

48、People often ask me if I like being a twin. ─── 人们常常问我是否喜欢是个孪生女孩。

49、The wayward older twin brother of Jacob. ─── 他是雅各的双胞胎儿子中的老大.

50、He and his twin brother are boys of average. ─── 他和他的双胞胎兄弟智力平平。

51、Esau prepares to meet Jacob his twin bother. ─── 以扫豫备迎接他双胞胎的弟弟雅各。

52、He wears a broad grin, display twin stump of teeth. ─── 他咧嘴笑著,露出一对残牙。

53、The Twin Towers collapsed after the attack. ─── 双子星高塔在攻击后倒塌了。

54、The projection of KPB crystal structure and schematic diagram of twinning structure have been drawn . ─── 我们绘制了该晶体的结构投影图和孪晶结构示意图。

55、You are always mixing me up with my twin brother . ─── 你老是分辨不出我和我的孪生哥哥。

56、I was shocked by the news of the tragic death of his twin brother. ─── 听到他的孪生兄弟死於非命,我大为震惊。

57、Twin OBM installation possible from 4.7m upwards. ─── 7米以上的,可能需要安装两个OBM。

58、He is so joyful, the direct opposite of his twin brother. ─── 他是那样的快乐,他的孪生哥哥则恰恰相反。

59、One twin and one single. Is that right? ─── 一个双人房和一个单人房,对不对?

60、He's the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and I'm his deputy. ─── 他是爱达荷州特温加尔奇的治安官,我是他的副手。

61、Do you have a double room with twin beds? ─── 你们有设有两张床的双人房吗?

62、This is the company's 'A Good' activities in a specific measure, we call it 'twinning ensure safety' activities. ─── 这是公司‘创先争优’活动的一项具体措施,我们称它为‘结对子保安全’活动。

63、She costarred with her twin sister in a new film. ─── 她和她的孪生姊妹联袂主演一部新影片。

64、Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! ─── 双刃设计,随时随地干净的剃须!

65、I am shocked by the news of the tragic death of his twin brothers. ─── 听到他的孪生兄弟死于非命,我大为震惊。

66、What's the price difference between a double room and a twin room ? ─── 一间带双人床的房间和一间带两张单人床的房间在价格上有什么差别?

67、Dolly is a copy, or @twin,@ of the first sheep. ─── 多莉是第一只羊的克隆或者说是它的“双胞胎”。

68、Six twin screwed steel steam cruisers. ─── 六条双螺纹钢蒸汽巡洋舰。

69、He is honest, but his twin brother is otherwise. ─── 他很诚实,而他的孪生兄弟则不然。

70、His wife gave birth to twin girls. ─── 她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。

71、Would you prefer twin beds or a double? ─── 你们喜欢一对单人床还是一张双人床?

72、She is often mistaken for her twin sister. ─── 她常被误认为她的孪生姐姐。

73、How about a double room with twin beds? ─── 你要不要有两张单铺的双人房间?

74、Why is saying Mars terrestrial "twin brothers"? ─── 为何说火星是地球的“孪生兄弟”?

75、You must be muddling me up with my twin brother . ─── 你一定是把我看成我的孪生兄弟了。

76、Formed by the process of twinning. Used of crystals. ─── 孪晶由孪晶过程形成的。用于晶体。

77、He wore a broad grin, displaying twin stumps of teeth. ─── 他咧嘴笑着,露出一对残牙。

78、Those embryos that are at risk of twinning could be easily identified by counting the number of ICMs. ─── 通过计数ICMs的数目即可很容易地鉴别出那些双胞胎几率高的胚胎。

79、He is married to Amy and they have twin baby boys. ─── 他和艾米结了婚并生了一对双胞胎男孩。

80、Can you tell the twin sisters apart? ─── 你分得清这两个孪生姐妹吗?

81、Don't mistake her for her twin sister. ─── 别把她和她的双胞胎妹妹弄混了。

82、They had twin sons, called Romulus and Remus. ─── 后来,那位皇后生了一对双胞胎兄弟,即罗穆卢斯与瑞摩斯。

83、But no arrows will ever mach my twin blades. ─── 但没有那支箭能漏过我的双刀。

84、A twin can be referred to a Gemini. ─── “Twin” 也就是“Gemini”(双子座)。

85、Identical twinning can begin only inside the Fallopian tube. ─── 同卵孪生可能只在输卵管内开始发育。

86、Remus Lupin does not have a twin brother. ─── 卢平没有双胞胎兄弟。

87、Can you tell Lucy from her twin sister? ─── 你能分清露西和她的双胞胎姐姐吗?

88、I would encourage everyone to start twinning! ─── 我会鼓励每一个人开始”双生行动“!”

89、He is the elder twin of the two. ─── 他是两个双胞胎较年长的那个。

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