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09-18 投稿


laved 发音

英:[leɪvd]  美:[leɪvd]

英:  美:

laved 中文意思翻译




laved 词性/词形变化,laved变形

动词现在分词: laving |动词过去分词: laved |动词第三人称单数: laves |动词过去式: laved |

laved 相似词语短语

1、lased ─── v.(像红宝石等物质)能用作激光(lase的过去式和过去分词)

2、lamed ─── n.希伯莱语中的第十二个字母;v.使残废(lame的过去式和过去分词)

3、laded ─── v.装载,装货;装(船);加沉重负担于;(用勺子等)舀(取);n.水道(尤指水车用水流);n.(Lade)(美、英、尼日利亚)拉德(人名)

4、laced ─── adj.有花边的;绑带子的;加酒的;v.用带子束紧;交织在一起;润色(书、讲话等)(lace的过去式和过去分词)

5、loaved ─── 授权

6、slaved ─── n.奴隶;从动装置;vi.苦干;拼命工作;n.(Slave)人名;(塞、罗)斯拉韦

7、caved ─── v.洞穴探险;塌落;倒坍(cave的过去式和过去分词)

8、eaved ─── 屋檐

9、leaved ─── adj.有…叶的,由叶造成的(常用于复合字中)

laved 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Machadodorp tuff and agglomerate, which is higher-lying than the Ongeluck lave , is known only from the Eastern Transvaal. ─── 层位较昂格鲁克岩流为高的马却多多普凝灰岩及集块岩,只见于德兰士瓦东部。

2、Vous regardez couler des larmes de lave, ─── 岩浆在喷发熔岩在流淌,

3、Time is precious. We budget it, lave it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. ─── 时间是宝贵的。我们计划时间,节省时间,浪费时间,挤出时间,消磨时间,减少时间,解释时间;(占用了我们的时间),我们还要收费。

4、the syncretism of civil law and commercial lave ─── 民商合一

5、2.I lave done my duty. ─── 我已尽了我的责任。

6、Lave LB, Seskin EP. Air pollution and human health. Science1970; 169:723-33. ─── 唐永銮,张锡声.大气污染与其防制:科技图书股份有限公司,1992.

7、The green wire gauze and the white lave curtain screened everything inside. ─── 绿色的窗纱和白边窗帘将里面的一切都遮住了。

8、Il se lave les mains. ─── 他在洗手。

9、6 How to lave Like a Millionaire? ─── 如何过得像个百万富翁?

10、Discrimination on the state proprietary rights and the relationship between the ownership lave ─── 国家所有权概念辩析及物权法中的国家所有权

11、Based upon the optimizedcalculation of the inner vertex d(111) ,a new GC1 design program of constructing parametric tri-angular Bezier surface Lave been put forward. ─── 提出了一种基于三次Bezier三角曲面片内部Bezier顶点d(111)选取优化的整体GC1Bezier三角曲面设计方法。

12、For God so laved the world that he gave his only son,so that everyone who believes in him may not parish but may have eternal life. ─── 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不致灭亡,反的永生。

13、lave tunnel ─── 熔岩隧道

14、You may at least lave sweep the floor. ─── 你本来至少可以拖一下地板的。

15、Lave,J.K& Wenger, E.Situated learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation[M].New York: Cambridge University Press. 1991. ─── 何克抗.建构主义学习理论与建构主义学习环境[J].教育传播与技术,1996(3).

16、Lave ejected from the volcano. Luckily, it did not hurt people. ─── 熔岩从火山喷出,幸好没伤着人。

17、It consisted of a brooding heap of black basaltic lave from the Tower of London. ─── 它包括一个沉思一堆黑色玄武岩澡从伦敦塔。

18、We've instructions to lave them be.' ─── 我们上峰有指示,让他们闹去吧。”

19、Western retail companies lave found there are real business benefits to going green. ─── 西方零售企业已经明白,走向环保会带来实实在在的商业利益。

20、Chile's Llaima volcano,one of South America's most active,is spew lave in southern Chile,the government said Tuesday. ─── 智利政府1日说,南美最活跃的火山之一,位于智利南部的亚依玛火山正在喷发岩浆。

21、The quiet and the cool laved her. ─── 寂静和清凉使她精神焕发。

22、Let the lave go by me, ─── 其他的一切我不在乎

23、In front of the Synagogue, and separated from It by about twenty-five feet, one finds the Laver.In ancient days the Laver (from the word "to lave" or "wash") was made of copper. ─── 在古时候牧师会在门口伸手迎接那些前来接受祝福的信徒,建筑的主入口天篷在形式就像神父伸出的手。

24、But if a priest buys a slaveith money,w or i af slave is born in his Sex ousehold, that Slave lave mayeat hisaood. ─── 11倘若祭司买人,是他的钱买的,那人就可以吃圣物,生在他家的人也可以吃。

25、She will never lave home;she is too tied to her mother's apron strings. ─── 她永远也离不开家;她太依赖她的母亲了。

26、I lave a lot of interesting storybooks. ─── 我有许多有趣的故事书。

27、See to it that the gas is turned off when you lave. ─── 一定注意在你离开十关掉煤气。

28、Study on hydrocyclone to lave glutamic acid ─── 旋流分离器用于麸酸洗涤的研究

29、It is l lave my vacation soon, y I-hink I'll gox to Huang Shan to relax. ─── 我马上就要休假了。我想我会去黄山放松一下。

30、lave [leIv] v. ─── 洗浴;

31、Volcano it Loading-Once you charge the volcano,it will take a couple of secouds for the volcano to produce the Lave. ─── 火山填充---一旦你开始给火山充电,由于火山会产生剩余物,这将需要数秒的时间。

32、"The quiet and the cool laved her" (Edna Ferber) ─── “寂静和清凉使她精神焕发”(埃德娜·费伯)

33、Bids are free, so you lave nothing to lose. ─── 反正报价不要钱,您没有损失。

34、Aloe extract:Enhance normal operation of skin function,maintain skin youth,health and vitality,lave skin healthy,bright,ruddy and fair. ─── 芦荟精华:加强肌肤机能运作正常,保持肌肤青春、健康有活力,让皮肤恢复白里透红的健康光泽。

35、Principally exploitation of the geothermal warm spring for treatment lave, winter heating and thermo-eletric.Exploitation and protection of geothermal warm spring as ecological tour resources. ─── 台湾地热温泉主要用于理疗洗浴、冬季供暖与发电,并作为生态旅游资源予以保护性开发。

36、He laved honey on his toast. ─── 他把蜂蜜浇在吐司上。

37、lave v. ─── 洗浴;汲取;

38、The volcano spurts smoke and lave after 3 years of silence. ─── 平静了三年的火山突然喷出浓烟和熔岩。

39、Lal R, Griffin M, Apt J, Lave L, Morgan MG. 2004. Managing soil carbon. Science, 304, 393. ─── 李跃林,彭少麟,赵平,任海,李志安.2002.鹤山几种不同土地利用方式的土壤碳储量研究,山地学报,20,548-552.

40、Other support comes from research on the highly intelligent performance on the job of otherwise poorly educated individuals (e.g., Lave &Wenger, 1991). ─── 此外,对于受教育程度很低的人在某些工作中的高水平表现的研究也支持了这种观点(如Lave&Wenger,1991)。

41、I always lave hallucinations like that :when i pine of him ,when i can't to see him. ─── 每当我开始这么想,身体就好象缩成一团,有时候。”“你一方面在强烈地追求什么,一方面又极力地回避它。”

42、Marching torwards 2008, Southern College Press will lave fruitful harvests and spread its prestige in the Chinese Society. ─── 展望2008年,出版社将有更丰美的收成,为大马华族界吐放更迷人的芬芳。

43、Agamemnon, king of the heroes, flings to earth Elatos, born in the rocky city which is laved by the sounding river Satnois. ─── 阿伽门农,英雄之王,打翻了生长在波涛滚滚的沙特诺以斯河所灌溉的悬崖城市中的埃拉多斯。”

44、again after nearly nine years, it was ironical to reflect that if I had not lived in France for so long I would never lave found it necessary - or possible - to visit the American South. ─── 将近9年过去了,现在我已归来。如果不是在法国住了那么长时间,我绝不会觉得有必要,或者有可能去访问美国南方,想到这里真觉得是莫大的讽刺。

45、Now, back again after nearly nine years, it was ironical to reflect that if I had not lived in France for so long I would never lave found it necessary - or possible - to visit the American South. ─── 将近9年过去了,现在我已归来。 如果不是在法国住了那么长时间,我绝不会觉得有必要,或者有可能去访问美国南方,想到这里真觉得是莫大的讽刺。

46、and the author also finds they lave been using reading skills more effectively with the growth of their vocabulary. ─── 同时,笔者发现,随着词汇量的增加,实验组学生能较有效地使用阅读技巧。

47、Do business, but be not a Sex lave to it. ─── 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。

48、4.When a volcano erupts, it spouts flame and lave. ─── 火山喷发时会喷出火焰和熔岩。

49、26. He laved honey on his toast . ─── 他把蜂蜜浇在吐司上。

50、No breed is in perfect shape when the breeder happens upon it, and none shall be perfect when they lave. ─── 当一个繁育者开始接触某个品种的时候,他会觉的这个品种不完美。

51、With thoughts of him I can spend my morning in the ambience of lave drinking the sweet wine of youth. ─── 所以我因了他才能满饮着青春的醇酒,在爱情的微笑中度过了清晨;

52、She will never lave home; she is too tied to her mother's apron strings. ─── 她永远也离不开家; 她太依赖她的母亲了。

53、Lave, j. &Wenger, E., “Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation”, New York: Cambridge University Press, (1991). ─── 邱贵发,”境学习理念与电脑辅助学习-学习社群理念探讨”,台北:师大书苑,(1996)。

54、Some say lave,it is hunqer,an endless aching need. ─── 有人说,爱是饥饿,痛苦的渴求是永不停歇。

55、Lave, J. &Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Cambridge University Press. ─── 参见:郑太年、任友群(2002)译.学习环境的理论基础.华东师范大学出版社.

56、Lave, J. (1988). Cognition in practice: mind, mathematics, and culture in everyday life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ─── 刘祥通和周立勋(1999):国小比例问题教学实践课程之开发研究。中师数理学报,33((11):3.1--3.25。

57、Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics and those occasional Earthquakes, lave flows, extreme weather and constant ocean waves. ─── 一些地震时的自救互救知识,地震时一定要冷静。

58、Recent Development of Germany Limited Liability Company Lave ─── 德国有限责任公司法最新发展述评

59、I hopes not to lave cause baby I miss you. ─── 我希望不要洗去我对宝贝你的思念。

60、lave [leiv] vt. ─── 为沐浴,洗;n.剩余物。

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