impersonated 发音
英:[ɪmˈpɜːsəneɪtɪd] 美:[ɪmˈpɜːrsəneɪtɪd]
英: 美:
impersonated 中文意思翻译
impersonated 反义词
impersonated 同义词
coldly | neutrally | impassively | greyly | grayly | frostily | distantly | carefully |objectively | detachedly | coolly | remotely | anonymously
impersonated 词性/词形变化,impersonated变形
动词过去分词: impersonated |动词过去式: impersonated |动词现在分词: impersonating |名词: impersonation |动词第三人称单数: impersonates |
impersonated 相似词语短语
1、impersonation ─── n.扮演;模仿;装扮
2、impersonating ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化
3、imperforated ─── adj.未穿孔的;闭锁的(等于imperforate);n.无齿孔的邮票
4、impersonalised ─── 不近人情的
5、impersonalized ─── v.(使)……失去人格性(impersonalize的过去式及过去分词)
6、impersonates ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化
7、impersonate ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化
8、impersonator ─── n.模仿他人(或名人)的演员
9、personated ─── vt.扮演;伪装;冒充;adj.伪装的
impersonated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But, Wukong came just in time to save him. He killed the old fiend on the way to its daughters', impersonated it, then got into the cave and saved the Tang Priest. ─── 在白骨精邀母亲来吃唐僧肉时,孙悟空赶到,并打死老妖,变成白骨精的母亲进洞救出了唐僧。
2、The database user or SQL Server login is impersonated for the remainder of the session or module execution, or until the context switch is explicitly reverted. ─── 在会话或模块执行的其余部分,或在显式恢复上下文切换之前,模拟数据库用户或SQL Server登录名。
3、Therefore, the validity of the impersonated user context outside the scope of the database depends on whether the authenticator for the context is trusted within the target scope. ─── 因此,数据库范围外的模拟用户上下文的有效性取决于上下文的身份验证者在目标范围内是否可信。
4、And the May 4th intellectuals' language experience is a part of the phylogeny of the impersonated modern Chinese literature. ─── 其语言经历是人格化的现代汉语文学发展史之一侧面。
5、10.Vance conceded that an expertly constructed mold might be able to trick the sensor, but making the mold would require the cooperation of the individual being impersonated. ─── 比约恩承认,制作精巧的模型也许能够骗过感测器,但若要做出模型,就需要原本要被假冒的人合作。
6、The men impersonated guards on prison phones to gain entrance to an area near the prison exit. ─── 接着他们假扮狱卒的声音,通过监狱的电话线,成功骗过了其他的看守,到达了一个更加靠近监狱大门的区域。
7、Having impersonated a man of rectitude for so long, this was a procedure jerry sould not face. ─── 杰里扮演了正直的人那么久,这样的程序他无法面对。
8、Let students draw the simple cartoon images in exaggeration or impersonated ways. ─── 运用夸张、拟人手法创作简单的卡通形象。
9、Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who's been impersonated several times on the comedy show, showed up to show off her sense of humor. ─── 副总统候选人莎拉佩林,已经多次在喜剧中串演角色,看得出她是个卖弄自己幽默的人.
10、In this case, the application is responsible for ensuring that the impersonated user identity has the proper operating system rights to access isolated storage. ─── 在这种情况下,应用程序负责确保被模拟的用户标识具有访问独立存储的适当操作系统权限。
11、Jeff: And they are impersonated. ─── 杰夫:而且已经把它们拟人化了。
12、Code can undo the impersonated state, and then call in-process data access. ─── 代码可以取消模拟状态,然后调用进程中数据访问。
13、Donatella has been regularly impersonated by Maya Rudolph on the comedy skit show Saturday Night Live, which airs on the NBC network. ─── 然而多纳泰拉意识到即使没有哥哥生活还是要继续;并且哥哥以前告诉过他如果他有什么意外就由她来掌管。她照着做了。
14、Impersonated theories develop sufficiently, as new system economics and other non-mainstream economic theories develop. ─── 随着新制度经济学和其他非主流经济理论的进一步发展,企业人格化理论也得到充分发展。
15、Having impersonated a man of rectitude for so long, this was a procedure jerry could not face. He shot himself the same evening. ─── 杰里扮演了正直的人那么久,这样的程序他无法面对。
16、The impersonated application identity also requires at least read access to the files in your application directory and subdirectories. ─── 所模拟的应用程序标识还需要至少对应用程序目录和子目录中的文件的读访问权限。
17、Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who's been impersonated several times on the comedy show, showed up to show off her sense of humor. ─── 副总统候选人莎拉佩林,已经多次在喜剧中串演角色,看得出她是个卖弄自己幽默的人。
18、If the EXECUTE AS statement has been used to switch context, SYSTEM_USER returns the name of the impersonated context. ─── 如果已使用EXECUTE AS语句进行上下文切换,则SYSTEM_USER将返回模拟的上下文的名称。
19、McCoy has also been impersonated, and Anne Nored reports of "Winston's” strange behavior. ─── 进取号的计算机显示出温斯顿实际上是一个拥有变形能力的芬德人。
20、The execution context (the security context, the impersonated user, and the calling context) is cached for the asynchronous Socket methods. ─── 执行上下文(安全上下文、模拟用户及调用上下文)会被缓存,以用于Socket异步方法。
21、In essence, the user or login account is impersonated for the duration of the session or module execution, or the context switch is explicitly reverted. ─── 实际上,在会话或模块的执行期间模拟了用户或登录帐户,或显式恢复了上下文切换。
22、If SESSION_USER is called after a context switch, SESSION_USER will return the user name of the impersonated context. ─── 如果在切换上下文之后调用SESSION_USER,SESSION_USER将返回模拟上下文的用户名。
23、Any configuration mistakes will result in an environment where any user can be impersonated. ─── 任何配置失误都会导致环境可被任何用户模拟。
24、MOST people would hate it if criminals impersonated them in order to commit crimes. ─── 大多数人都会憎恨罪犯假扮他们从事犯罪活动。
25、Which will execute the Directory calls under the token of the impersonated user. ─── 这将要求执行目录下的模拟用户令牌。
26、The group also impersonated prison officers on the phone and created false stories to ward off suspicion from authorities. ─── 他们还在电话上装成监狱长官编造故事来避开当局的怀疑。
27、Scottish immigrant James Edgar first impersonated Saint Nick in 1890 for customers at his dry goods shop in Brockton, south of Boston. ─── 苏格兰移民者詹姆士.安德格在1890年在波士顿南部的...他的干洗店里第一次为他的客户装扮成圣诞老人
28、If CURRENT_USER is executed after a call to EXECUTE AS switches context, CURRENT_USER will return the name of the impersonated context. ─── 如果在调用EXECUTE AS开关上下文之后执行CURRENT_USER,CURRENT_USER将返回模拟上下文的名称。
29、With the help of her lover, Sam, Wing impersonated a male image and became a pop singer. ─── 女扮男装的林子颖混进乐坛,几经波折,终与监制顾家明结为情侣。
30、He impersonated this friend of yours in order to come to your party. ─── 他为了参加你的酒会而冒充你的这位朋友。
31、If he obtained access to a man's computer, he instead impersonated the male and reached out to the man's girlfriend to ask for nude photos. ─── 如果他侵入的是某个男性的电脑,他就假扮成该男子接触其女友,向对方索要裸照。
32、But there are tests which my mother knows, such as little mannerisms of speech which cannot be impersonated and which will tell us it is my father himself who is speaking. ─── 当他说话时,我们总会察觉到的。但是有一点我们必须小心:那边也像这边一样,有喜欢恶作剧的人。”
33、Hins Cheung performed the song of Jacky Cheung whereas Eric impersonated Andy Lau. Both performed up to the standard. ─── 张敬轩唱张学友的歌,孙耀威则扮刘德华,两人都称职。
34、All celebrity voices are impersonated ..... poorly. ─── 所有名人的声音都是模仿的,很蹩脚。
35、This means that after the context switch, any resource within the server that the impersonated login has permissions on can be accessed. ─── 这意味着上下文切换后,可以访问模拟的登录帐户在服务器内具有权限的任何资源。
36、If the EXECUTE AS statement has been used to switch context, SYSTEM_USER returns the name of the impersonated context. ─── 如果已使用EXECUTEAS语句进行上下文切换,则SYSTEM_USER将返回模拟的上下文的名称。
37、Whoever impersonated T-Data were clever enough to throw a few monkey wrenches in the path of anyone trying to detect them. ─── 谁冒充的T数据被聪明扔几个猴子扳手道路上的任何人试图探测到它们。
38、Madame Tou and Aide-de-Camp Cheng are exchanging pleasantries with Ti Wu (impersonated by Wang Yu). 6. ─── 图5:窦夫人和程参谋(孙维新饰)正与笛王(王宇饰)寒喧。
39、the simple cartoon images in exaggeration or impersonated ways. ─── 运用夸张、拟人手法创作简单的卡通形象。
40、I find out that he ever impersonated lots of roles in MONKEY JOURNEY TO WEST . ─── 后来才发现,他在西游记里饰演了10个角色,什么太上老君啊牛魔王啊之类的。
41、Only one of the companies being impersonated noticed that spoofing was taking place and tracked down the researchers. ─── 目前只有一家公司注意到了自己被仿冒网域的事实并追查到了仿冒者。
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