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09-18 投稿


railer 发音

英:[ˈreɪlər]  美:[ˈreɪlə(r)]

英:  美:

railer 中文意思翻译



railer 短语词组

1、Railer bat ─── 栏杆球棒

railer 词性/词形变化,railer变形


railer 相似词语短语

1、jailer ─── n.狱卒,看守监狱的人

2、bailer ─── n.水斗;舀船舱水的人;n.(Bailer)人名;(德)拜勒;(英)贝勒

3、Mailer ─── n.邮寄者;邮船;邮寄的广告;邮件收发机;n.(Mailer)人名;(英)梅勒

4、railed ─── n.铁轨;扶手;横杆;围栏;vi.抱怨;责骂;vt.铺铁轨;以横木围栏

5、raider ─── n.袭击者,抢劫者;蓄意收购公司者

6、nailer ─── n.制钉者;自动敲钉机;敲钉者;能手

7、hailer ─── n.欢呼的人;打招呼的人;高声信号器

8、trailer ─── n.拖车;[电视]预告片;追踪者;vi.乘拖车式活动房屋旅行;vt.用拖车载运

9、frailer ─── 脆弱的;虚弱的;易损的(frail的比较级)

railer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They travelled by rail to the coast and thenceby boat to America. ─── 他们乘火车到海岸,再从那里乘船去美国。

2、Shanghai gibo rail passenger car fittigns co., Ltd. ─── 上海盖博铁路客车配件有限公司。

3、Having Rail Guns is advisable too. ─── 升级轨道炮也是推荐的。

4、Keep your hand on the rail as you climb the steps. ─── 上台阶时要用手扶住栏杆。

5、No, this is American Rail Enquiries. ─── 不,这里是美国铁路问讯处。

6、It's get to the outdoor park by light rail. ─── 乘轻轨电车到户外公园又快又便利。

7、We'll travel by rail. ─── 我们将坐火车旅行。

8、ROADS and rail are the arteries and veins of a modern economy. ─── 公路和铁路是现代经济的动脉。

9、East Rail was the first heavy rail in Hong Kong. ─── 东铁是香港首条重型铁路。

10、The two places are linked by rail. ─── 两地有铁路相连。

11、From a cold steel rail, A smile from a veil? ─── 你能否分辨绿地与铁轨,笑容与伪装?

12、They balanced the glasses on the rail of the veranda. ─── 他们把酒杯小心地放在阳台的栏杆上。

13、Do you send the goods per rail, or per plane? ─── 你送这个商品是通过铁路还是飞机?

14、In my conscience I believe the baggage loves me, for she never speaks well of me herself nor suffers any body else to rail at me. ─── 凭良心说,我相信那妞儿是爱上我的,为的是她自己决不称赞我一句,也决不容许人家诋毁我嘛。

15、The rail pass will pay for itself after only about two trips. ─── 一张火车月票大约只须乘用两次就够本儿了。

16、He was holding the concrete safety rail with an unsteady hand. ─── 他用那颤抖的手扶着混凝土栏杆。

17、The Rail System of Diesel Rack Track Road Railer ─── 柴油机齿轨卡轨车轨道系统

18、We'll send the furniture by road rather than by rail. ─── 我们将用汽车运送这些家具,不用火车托运。

19、Beijing Shougang Savera Elevator Guide Rail Co., Ltd. ─── 北京首钢塞维拉电梯导轨有限公司。

20、Be careful. Don't hang out of the rail. ─── 当心。别把身体伸出栏杆。

21、If you are under 26,you can buy cheap rail tickets. ─── 26岁以下者可购买廉价火车票。

22、It is quicker to go by rail than by road. ─── 乘火车比乘汽车快。

23、We installed a stainless steel towel rail on the wall. ─── 我们在墙上装了一个不锈钢的挂毛巾的横杆。

24、We have arranged to transport the rice you purchased by rail. ─── 我们已安排用火车运输你们所需的大米。

25、The rail has never showed the surface scuffing. ─── 十几年,导轨从未出现拉毛现象。

26、Disconnect the track bar from the body rail bracket. ─── 从车体轨道支架上短开轨道杆。

27、Rail fares have fallen 17 percent in real terms. ─── 事实上,火车的价格已经下降了百分之十七。

28、On the Northampton I was a rail. ─── 在‘诺思安普敦号’上我简直象一只秧鸡。

29、It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail. ─── 公路运输比铁路运输便宜。

30、He preceded me to the rail way station. ─── 他比我先到火车站。

31、The inter-city rail service is good. ─── 城市间的铁路服务是好的。

32、From the rail in the corner of the toilet hangs a check towel. ─── 在浴室一角的架子上挂着一条格子毛巾。

33、Kowloon Tong is the interchange station with KCR East Rail. ─── 九塘是接驳九广铁路东铁的交汇站。

34、The city has pledged to improve airports,highways,and rail lines. ─── 上海保证将改进其机场、高速公路和铁路设施。

35、Welcome to take rail transit line No. 5. ─── 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐轨道交通5号线。

36、Wu Kai Sha Station will be the northern terminus of MOS Rail. ─── 乌溪沙站是马铁的北行终点站,位于利安?

37、Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road. ─── 从水上、铁路和公路运来原料和工人。

38、The mall is next to the Tsuen Wan West Rail station. ─── 商场毗邻荃湾西铁站。

39、We ship all our goods by rail. ─── 我们用火车运送所有货物。

40、let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or a railer, or a coveter of other men's things. ─── 愿你们中谁也不要因做凶手,或强盗,或坏人,或做煽乱的人而受苦。

41、Where you can, use light rail + mass transit. ─── 可以的话,搭乘轻轨和公共交通工具。

42、They lean on the rail and toss a pebble into the falls, or a leaf. ─── 他们凭着桥栏,把一粒鹅卵石或一片树叶投在瀑布里。

43、Here you see both truck and rail car-mounted mobile factories. ─── 你们可以看到安装在卡车和轨道车辆上的可移动工厂。

44、The local rail service (was) discontinued in 1958. ─── 当地的铁路运输在1958年中断了。

45、Breslow wondered if he could be able to climb over the rail. ─── 布雷斯洛不知道是否能爬过栏杆。

46、Screw the standard rail up in the junction box. ─── 将标准导轨用螺钉紧固在接线盒上;

47、He used to rail at the volume of paper - work he had to do . ─── 他以前老是因为不得不做大量的文牍工作而发牢骚。

48、She hung her towel on the towel rail. ─── 她把毛巾挂在毛巾架上。

49、It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill. ─── 伸张正义,胜于嘲骂邪恶。

50、On the wall there is a mirror and a rail. ─── 墙上有一面镜子和一个架子。

51、She did not rail at her husband. ─── 她没有责备丈夫。

52、They will soon ship the goods by rail. ─── 他们很快就把货物用火车运去。

53、Rainsford leaped up on the rail to get greater elevation. ─── 伦思孚跳上船栏去,以便在更高处眺望。

54、She leaned on the ship's rail and gazed out to sea. ─── 她靠着船上的护栏,凝望大海。

55、To use harshly abusive language; rail. ─── 咒骂使用十分刻薄的辱骂性语言;责骂

56、In the USA and Canada, rail dominates inter-modal transport. ─── 在美国和加拿大,铁路是多式联运的主要形式。

57、Rail travel is cheaper than air travel. ─── 乘火车旅行要比乘飞机便宜。

58、You should move your feet to the rail of your board. ─── 你应该将两脚移到板舷位置。

59、A railway system using a single rail. ─── 单轨铁路系统采用单轨的铁路系统

60、How far is it by rail from Shanghai to Guangzhou? ─── 乘火车从上海到广州有多少路程?

61、Keywords: crane, rail clips, design standard. ─── 关键词:起重机、轨道压板、设计规范。

62、He spun around in midair so feet were pointing away from the rail. ─── 他在半空中旋转身体,双脚离开了轨道。

63、Did you come by road or by rail? ─── 你是坐汽车来的还是坐火车来的?

64、But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or a railer, or a coveter of other men's things. ─── 惟愿你们中谁也不要因做凶手,或强盗,或坏人,或做煽乱的人而受苦。

65、She slid her hand along the rail. ─── 她把手搭在栏杆上滑动着。

66、Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportat. ─── 弗吉尼亚州铁路与公共运输局。

67、Application and Design of Expansion Walling Crib of Single Beam Road Railer ─── 单梁桥吊伸入式壁座的设计与应用

68、He tried to jump over the rail,but he botched it and twisted his ankle. ─── 他企图跃过栏杆,但他没跳好,扭伤了他的脚脖子。

69、He suspended a rope-ladder from the rail of the ship. ─── 他从船栏杆上吊起一架绳梯。

70、The proposed KCRC West Rail will have one station in Tsuen Wan West. ─── 九广铁路公司拟建的西铁,将在荃湾西设一个车站。

71、They travelled by rail to the coast and thence by boat to America. ─── 他们乘火车到海岸,再从那里乘船去美国。

72、Both were over six feet, and thin as a rail. ─── 两个人的身长都超过六英尺,而且都是骨瘦如柴。

73、There will be prolonged delays for rail travellers. ─── 乘火车的旅客要长时间受阻.

74、Travel within Botswana is possible by air, rail and road transport. ─── 在博茨瓦纳境内旅游可以乘飞机、火车,也可以走公路。

75、Let's head for the rail bridge! ─── 我们到桥那边去!

76、With second lifting trolley guide rail and can optional add. ─── 含有二次小车导轨,可选二次举升小车。

77、Our friends will come by rail or by boat as is may chance. ─── 我们的朋友们也许会乘火车或搭船前来,现在无法预知。

78、It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill. ─── 与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。

79、Road and rail transport ought to work hand and glove. ─── 公路运输和铁路运输应该密切配合。

80、Zhou Enlai was too astute to rail against reality. ─── 周恩来是一个非常精明的人,他不会诅咒现实。

81、Disconnect the track bar from the frame rail bracket. ─── 从车架轨道支架断开车身横向减震杆。

82、The difference between bus and rail fares is fractional. ─── 公共汽车费与火车费相差无几。

83、We are forwarding the goods by rail to your address. ─── 我们正通过铁路货运,将该货寄交贵公司。

84、He keeps his hand on the rail as he climbs the steps. ─── 他攀上台阶时,手不离扶栏。

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