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09-18 投稿


lasse 发音

英:[['læs]]  美:[['læs]]

英:  美:

lasse 中文意思翻译



lasse 短语词组

1、lasse de ceur ─── 拉塞尔

2、lasse lindh lasse lindh ─── 女士

3、lasse de cceur CCEUR ─── 类别

lasse 相似词语短语

1、lasses ─── n.小姑娘;情侣;(苏格兰)女佣;n.(Lass)人名;(德、俄、捷)拉斯

2、lassi ─── n.拉西酸奶奶昔,印度开胃甜饮料,冷饮;n.(Lassi)(美、意、瑞典、阿根廷)拉西(人名)

3、lase ─── v.发出激光;以激光照射;n.(Lase)(美、印尼)莱斯(人名)

4、lasso ─── n.套索;vt.用套索套捕;拉拢;n.(Lasso)人名;(西、意)拉索

5、lassie ─── n.姑娘;少女;恋人

6、lassu ─── 套索

7、lass ─── n.小姑娘;情侣;(苏格兰)女佣;n.(Lass)人名;(德、俄、捷)拉斯

8、lisse ─── n.极薄全丝绉;n.(Lisse)人名;(德、塞)利塞;(法)利斯

9、lapse ─── n.小错;过失;行为失检;v.(时间)流逝;(合同)终止;背弃(宗教信仰)

lasse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Of course I'm glad, lass," he answered, boorishly, opening his knife again, and scraping away at the hedge-stake. ─── “我当然是高兴的,小姑娘,”他粗野地答道,重新打开他的折叠小刀,刮掉树篱桩子上的树皮。

2、A yOuth with his arm round his lass. ─── 在我们墓边谈情说爱。

3、No surprise just more stress from stories of top students getting rejection letters even from less competitive lass compactive schools. ─── 不要奇怪,报这些顶级学校的学生压力更大,比报竞争力小的学校得到拒绝信的概率更大。

4、Whoever ultimately comes will, in all eventualities, pair with Lass Diarra. ─── 不论最终谁将到来,不出意外,都将与拉萨纳迪亚纳搭档配合。

5、The wife of the sovereign of a state-the sovereign addresses her as "my lady" and her ladyship calls herself "your little lass"; ─── 国君的妻子,国君称她为夫人,夫人自称为小童;

6、The sun gets more blazing when overhead Pepper tastes hotter with spicy onion Lass looks fairer with white powder Lad goes crazy about her ─── 太阳大来又当空辣椒辣来又加葱阿妹又白又打扮要把阿哥来逗疯

7、She worked as a lass at his house. ─── 她在他家当女仆。

8、{Hello Lass, what might you be looking for today? ─── {你好小姑娘,今天你在寻找什么?

9、As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I; ─── 你真美,可爱的姑娘,我爱你至深至切;

10、Ach Lieb, lass dich erbarmen, ─── 哦亲爱的,请怜惜我吧

11、Young woman, lass She is my girl friend. ─── 她是我的女朋友。

12、When it came time for the role playing Lasse join this reporters group and played the role of a Team Member who refused to standup. ─── 后来到了角色扮演时间,Lasse加入了这个汇报团队,扮演了一个拒绝加入站立会议的成员角色。

13、As fair thou art, my bonnie lass, so deep in love am I, ─── 你有多么美貌,我美丽的恋人,我便爱你多深

14、She's a strapping lass. ─── 她是个身强体壮的姑娘。

15、2. She is a bonny lass. ─── 她是一个美丽的少女。

16、For six days and seven nights Enkidu comes forth, mating with the lass. ─── 六天和七夜恩奇度與那位妓女做愛。

17、director of The Cider House Rules, and wife Lena Olin. ─── 屋的规则”导演拉斯·赫尔斯特罗姆与其妻子莱娜·奥琳。

18、She opened her mouth, singing the word "girl," and the colors assumed the shape of a young lass in a blue dress with yellow frills. ─── 她开口唱出“少女”这个词的时候,烟雾也跟着变幻成为一位身着黄色荷叶边蓝裙的少女。

19、Where's the lass and lobster Lanky Lawrence lost? ─── 兰基.劳伦斯失去了情妇和龙虾在哪里?

20、Lass dich nicht entmutigen! ─── 别灰心!

21、There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer... (Diamonds are a girl's best friend. ─── 可能会有一个时候,少女需要一个律师...(钻石是女人的最爱。)

22、Lasse Hallstrom, director of The Cider House Rules, and wife Lena Olin. ─── “苹果酒屋的规则”导演拉斯·赫尔斯特罗姆与其妻子莱娜·奥琳。

23、Advertising Agency: Saatchi Saatchi, Copenhagen, DenmarkCreative Director: Simon WoollerArt Directors / Copywriters: Rasmus Petersen, Lasse ... ─── “深蓝”牌牛仔裤,看看这个广告是如何表现“深蓝”内涵的。。

24、Where were you going, hasty lass? ─── 匆匆的姑娘你要去哪里?

25、As fair are you,my bonny lass, ─── 你多么美啊!可爱的姑娘,

26、Whoever ultimately comes will, in all eventualities, pair with Lass Diarra. This paring can be effective in a 4-2-3-1 formation, though it is still unlikely in the face of Pellegrini's favorite 4-4-2. ─── 不论最终谁将到来,不出意外,都将与拉萨纳迪亚纳搭档配合。这样的搭配可以出现在4231中,尽管不太可能出现在佩帅的442中。

27、halleluiah - lujah girl, halleluiah - lujah lass ─── [谑]救世军女工作人员

28、In the end the team stepped in and asked Lasse to be part of the team and try standing for the next couple of sprints. ─── 最后整个团队都介入了讨论,请求Lasse作为团队中的一员,试着在下几个sprints中参加站立会议。

29、He was playing the fool with that lass. ─── 他在戏弄那个小姑娘。

30、Keine Sorge ! Du bist erst drei Monate hier in Deutschland. Lass dir doch Zeit ! ─── 别担心!你到德国这里才三个月嘛,慢慢来!

31、But Little, thinking little of Short, loved a little lass named Long. ─── 但利特儿很少想着肖特,他爱上了小姑娘朗。

32、As fair art thou, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I, ─── 你美丽无比,可爱的姑娘,我对你也无比情深;

33、Lass mich dabei aus dem Spiel ! ─── 别把我也牵扯进去。

34、let us not be moved by the rough side of a shepherd lass's tongue. ─── 在此同时,请大家不要因为这个牧羊丫头出言不逊而动肝火。

35、As Dave and Lasse both said its best to focus on the first three and leave the others alone as they can make the situation worse. ─── Dave和Lasse都认为最好只关注前三步,把剩下的扔一边去,因为它们有可能会让事情变得更糟。

36、Don't be hard on the bonny lass. ─── 别对这个漂亮的小姑娘这么凶吧。

37、Peopleknew that they were vourting ,and ,when he sang about the lass that loves a sailor ,she walways felt pleasantly confused . ─── 人们都知道她们正在谈恋爱,当他唱起那支少女热恋水手的歌儿的时候,她总是快活的心猿意马。

38、Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster. ─── 兰基.劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾。

39、The lovely lass of Inverness ─── 因瓦奈斯的可爱姑娘

40、She is John''s lass. ─── 她是约翰的情人。

41、Can a poor burnt-up lass have a ghost? ─── 一个被烧成灰的可怜丫头,还能成鬼吗?

42、We have marched together for twelve years, We did not know there was a lass 'mid our compeers! ─── 同行十二年 不知木兰是女郎

43、Keywords electrochemical ipedance spectroscopy(EIS);lass flake;vinyl ester resin;corrosion resistance;permeability resistance; ─── 交流阻抗谱;玻璃鳞片;乙烯基酯树脂;耐腐蚀性;抗渗透性;

44、What a bonnie lass! ─── 多美丽的姑娘!

45、Lass ihm doch seine Ruhe . ─── 别去管他。

46、Bitte lass mich nicht alleine gehen... ─── 因为有你的存在 每一天都真实.

47、Nun cagna 'a via vecchia p'a nova, ca saie chello che lasse, nun saie chello ca trouve. ─── : 不要活在过去--否则你只知道你所失去的,而不是你所拥有的!!

48、She is a beautiful eyelash. She is a beautiful lass. ─── 她是一个美眉。

49、and he could not help half-regretting that the social gulf between them was so very wide, for she was a comely lass, and evidently admired him very much. ─── 只是他认为,他俩之间社会地位太悬殊,他不能不为此感到遗憾,因为她是个挺招人喜欢的小妞儿,而且显然对他一往情深。

50、As fair are you, my bonie lass, So deep in love am i, And i will love you still, my dear, Till all the seas go dry, ─── 你那么美,漂亮的姑娘,我爱你那么深切;我会永远爱你,亲爱的,一直到四海涸竭。

51、Dear lass, how I wish that I could accompany you forever ─── 女郎我是多么希望围绕你身旁

52、During the concerts of this summer, it was Lasse Weeden who played the bass. ─── 在今年夏天的音乐会,是莱斯哈魏登谁发挥低音。

53、As fair thou art, my bonie lass, ─── 你那么美,漂亮的姑娘,

54、Lass diese Scherz / den L?rm / das Weinen ! ─── 别开玩笑了/别吵闹了/别再哭了!

55、A tall eastern girl named Short long loved a big Mr.Little.But Little, thinking little of Short, loved a little lass named Long. ─── 一位名叫肖特的高个东方女子深深地爱上了一位大利特先生,但是利特,不爱肖特,他爱上了一个名叫朗的少女。

56、In a distant place there lives a bonnie lass. ─── 在那遥远的地方有位好姑娘。

57、But now we do.So all it`s left is to climb aboard the Flying Dutchman, grab the key,you go back to Port Royal and save your bonnie lass, eh? ─── 不过,现在我们知道了.所以现在剩下的就是去找到“飞行荷兰人”拿了钥匙回到皇家港救出你的甜心.

58、He was awfully fond of music and sang a little.People knew that they were courting, and, when he sang about the lass that loves a sailor, she always felt pleasantly confused. ─── 们知道他们俩在谈恋爱,当他唱到一个爱着水手的姑娘时,她是有一种很令人愉快的被搞糊涂丁的感觉。

59、ich lasse mal wieder was von mir hören! ─── [问题请教] 请教一句德语怎么翻译!

60、On Controlling the Lass in Oil Product Regulation by Statistic Technique ─── 利用统计技术控制油品调和中产生的损耗

61、Lass mich in Ruhe! ─── 别打搅我。

62、Did Lanky Lawrence lose his lass and lobster? ─── 兰基.劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾吗?

63、K-Gracefulness and Sequential Features of Two Lass Graph ─── 两类图的优美性和序列性

64、So fair art thou, my bonnie lass, so deep in love am i; ─── 你那么美,漂亮的姑娘,我爱你情深意切;

65、Playing his lute charming every lass ─── 动人的琵琶让少女们陶醉

66、Dear lass, I wanna go to see the ocean and waves with you ─── 女郎和你去看大海去看那风浪

67、O my luve is like the melodie, Thats sweetly played in tune.As fair thou art, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I; ─── sm66生成摘要:A RED, RED ROSE By Robert Burns O my luve is like a red, red rose, Thats newly sprung in June;

68、You forget your place. You are a blacksmith. -If you spring me from this cell, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonnie lass. ─── 你忘记了你的身份。你只是个铁匠。-如果你能把我从这间牢房里弄出去,我就带你去黑珍珠号上见你的漂亮姑娘。

69、As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I ─── 你真美,可爱的姑娘,我爱你至深至切

70、"Were they jealous of me with a foreign lass? ─── “她们是妒忌我和外国姑娘在一起吗?”

71、Some examples of everyday modern words which probably began as nonsense words centuries ago are: bad, big, lad, lass, chat, job and fun. ─── 一些日常用的现代词,如:坏、大、少年、少女、聊天、工作和有趣,可能就是几个世纪前从无实际意义的词开始的。

72、"Come on, lass, " he said softly. "I won't hurt you. At last,she ventured up to him and sniffed at his blanket. ─── “过来,小姑娘。”他轻声道。“我不会伤害你的。”终于,萨蒂试探着走向了父亲。在他的毯子上嗅来嗅去。

73、As fair are you ,my bonie lass, ─── 你是那么漂亮,美丽的姑娘,

74、Yet thou let'st thy lass into peril ─── 你使你的爱人步入危险

75、Du sollst die Kinder in Ruhe lassen / Lass mich in Ruhe ! ─── 你就随孩子们去吧(别管孩子们)。/别烦我!

76、As fair thou art, my bonie lass, ─── 你那么美,漂亮的姑娘;

77、Es gibt zwei Saetze: Lass mich mal denken.Bring mir ein blatt Papier. ─── 为什么一个用了第四格而一个用了第三格.谢谢!

78、As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a'the seas gang dry. ─── 吾爱吾爱美而殊,我心爱你永不渝,我心爱你永不渝,直到四海海水枯;

79、No,you seem like a good lass。 ─── 不,你看起来象一个好姑娘。

80、Yon solitary highland lass! ─── 在远处的苏格兰姑娘啊!

81、A stout, hearty lass like Catherine, does not fall ill for a trifle. ─── 一个象凯瑟琳那样强健的女孩子是决不会平白地就生起病来。

82、Actually, it be bad news fer tha lass. ─── 事实上,那丫头有个坏消息。

83、As fair are you, my lovely lass, So deep in love am I, And I will love you still, my Dear, Till all the seas go dry. ─── 你是那么美,漂亮的姑娘,我爱你那么深切;我要爱你下去,亲爱的,一直到四海枯竭。

84、Lasse Gjertsen ─── n. 拉西·杰森,挪威动画师,音乐家,视频作家,在YouTube网站上的网名叫做lassegg

85、LASS (light-activated silicon switch) ─── 光触发硅开关

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