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09-19 投稿


Jewry 发音

英:[ˈdʒʊriˌˈdʒuːri]  美:[ˈdʒʊəri]

英:  美:

Jewry 中文意思翻译



Jewry 相似词语短语

1、Newry ─── 纽里

2、Berry ─── n.浆果(葡萄,番茄等);vi.采集浆果;n.(Berry)人名;(法、英、德、意、葡)贝里;(匈)拜里

3、jerry ─── n.尿壶,夜壶;n.(Jerry)德国佬,德国鬼子

4、Derry ─── n.民谣;歌谣;民谣中的无意义字眼;n.(Derry)人名;(英、法)德里

5、Jewry ─── n.犹太人

6、bewray ─── v.暴露,泄露

7、-ery ─── n.红霉素;尿潜血

8、jewelry ─── n.珠宝;珠宝类

9、Gehry ─── n.(Gehry)人名;(英)格里

Jewry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since some socialist/communist leaders were Jewish this was exploited as another reason for Germans to hate Jews.Hitler often spoke of Bolshevik (communist) Jewry. ─── 所以说信奉基督教的欧洲人在宗教感情上是很难接纳犹太人。

2、An organized movement of world Jewry that arose in Europe in the late19th century with the aim of reconstituting a Jewish state in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the development and support of the state of Israel. ─── 犹太复国运动19世纪后期,犹太人在欧洲发起的旨在巴勒斯坦重建犹太国的有组织的运动,现代的犹太复国主义与以色列国家的发展和支持有关系

3、British historian David Irving is to appeal against the prison term imposed by an Austrian court for denying the Holocaust of European Jewry. ─── 欧文的律师说,他将会要求法庭从轻判刑,因为有关的案件已经过17年,当事人已经68岁,又不居住在奥地利,对奥地利没有危险性。

4、no better way to strengthen the unity of world Jewry . ─── 没有比这更好的办法来加强全世界犹太人的团结了。

5、After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. ─── 这事以后,耶稣在加利利游行,不愿在犹太游行。因为犹太人想要杀他。

6、And the king spake and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Jewry? ─── 王问但以理说,你是被掳之犹大人中的但以理吗?就是我父王从犹大掳来的吗?

7、And the king spake and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Jewry? ─── 王问但以理说,你是被掳之犹大人中的但以理吗。就是我父王从犹大掳来的吗。

8、It was enlightened by classical culture, and in close connection with the miserable history and unique culture of Jewry and the pursuit of morality of Jesus. ─── 并与犹太民族的苦难历史和独特文化,以及耶稣的道德情怀密不可分。

9、And they were the more fierce, saying, He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place. ─── 但他们越发极力的说、他煽惑百姓、在犹太遍地传道、从加利利起、直到这里了。

10、In response to these policies, new trends appeared in Russian Jewry. ─── 针对这些政策,新的趋势出现在俄罗斯犹太人。

11、1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. ─── 1这事以后,耶稣在加利利游行,不愿在犹太游行。因为犹太人想要杀他。

12、Right from its foundation, the existence of Israel created new questions for world Jewry. ─── 正是从建国开始,以色列的存在就给全世界的犹太人带来了新的问题。

13、At last, it refers to the relation between the differences of jewry in different regions and the choice for the emigration direction. ─── 最后考察了苏联不同地区犹太人民族认同感的强度差异与移民方向选择上的关系。

14、American Jewry ─── 美国犹太人

15、4.It was rejected only because the ruling clique in England wanted war, partly for commercial reasons, partly because it was influenced by propaganda put out by the international Jewry . ─── 只是由于英国统治集团需要战争,这才遭到拒绝,他们所以需要战争,一方面是由于商业上的原因,一方面是他们受到国际犹太人集团的宣传影响。

16、Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the Nazi extermination or "holocaust" of most of European Jewry ─── 20世纪犹太人的经历包含了纳粹把大部分欧洲犹太人加以消灭或对他们进行“大屠杀”。

17、Jewry has been a nation always paying respect to knowledge and education. ─── 犹太民族自古以来就是一个尊重知识、注重教育的民族;

18、The tragic situation of European Jewry continued to deteriorate throughout the 1930. ─── 欧洲犹太人的悲剧处境连续恶化,贯穿于整个三十年代。

19、The third chapter refers to the scale and direction of these jewry. ─── 第三章展开了苏联犹太人移民规模和方向的历史考察。

20、Instead, political leaders should speak out loudly against all forms of prejudice.They should try to ensure that criticism of Israel does not blur into hostility to Jewry, for instance; ─── 相反,政坛领袖应该大声地向各种形式的偏见说不:例如不应该因为对以色列的批判而对犹太人产生敌意;

21、British Jewry ─── 英国犹太人

22、Because of the policy of Stalinization put forward by Brezhnev after he came into power, these jewry became losing their confidence in the democratizing of political life, which was the motivation for them to emigrate. ─── 由于勃列日涅夫上台执政后重又推进斯大林化,对政治生活的民主化失去信心成为这部分人的移民动机。

23、In the long run, he predicts a polarisation in American Jewry: a small group growing more pious and attached to Israel, while a larger one drifts away. ─── 最后,他预言了美国犹太人的分化:少部分人变得更虔诚和更依恋以色列,而多数人则慢慢离开。

24、The conclusion points out that the problems of jewry in Soviet has not been worked out. ─── 结语指出,苏联犹太人问题直至国家解体还是没有得到解决。

25、I believe the main cause which has produced the particular state of Jewry in the world is its attachment to Palestine. ─── 我认为世界犹太人这种心态主要成因是对巴勒斯坦的不能忘情。

26、“We are not too worried about Congress,where we have many good friends,and we are convinced that Sadat will fall on his face if he tries to weaken our ties with American Jewry. ─── “我们对美国国会并不太担心,由于我们在内中有许多好朋友。

27、I could go on dwelling on the tense position in Jewry today, aggravated, as it naturally has been, by the effects of the Great War ─── 我可以继续详叙当今犹太人的紧急处境,这种地位当然因大战的影响而更加严峻。

28、Concerning the issue on jewry emigration in 20 century 70s,this passage is divided into three parts-the introduction, the text and the conclusion, which constitute an organic unit. ─── 本文围绕20世纪70年代苏联犹太人移民问题,通过绪论、正文、结语三个部分构建成一个有机整体。

29、After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. ─── 这事以后,耶稣在加利利游行,不愿在犹太游行。因为犹太人想要杀他。

30、9. They are the people whom we have to thank for all this: international Jewry and its helpers. ─── 他们就是造成这一切后果的人:国际犹太人集团和帮助他们的人。

31、In the new social construction, Jewry's status was degraded to that of Egyptians. ─── 在这个新结构中,犹太人的地位被降低到埃及人的程度。

32、an organized movement of world Jewry that arose in Europe in the late19th century with the aim of reconstituting a Jewish state in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the development and support of the state of Israel ─── 犹太复国运动,19世纪后期,犹太人在欧洲发起的旨在巴勒斯坦重建犹太国的有组织的运动,现代的犹太复国主义与以色列国家的发展和支持有关系

33、The triumph in 1967 gave them reason to believe again. “For Jewry to be envied: that is a change indeed,” concluded The Economist's dispatch from Jerusalem that week (see article). ─── “犹太民族已变得让人羡慕:而事实上,这只是一个转折,”那个星期的《经济学人》在刊发来自耶路撒冷的急件中做出了这样一个结论。

34、Right from its foundation, the existence of Israel created new questions for world Jewry. ─── 正是从建国开始,以色列的存在就给全世界的犹太人带来了新的问题。

35、Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry ─── 学生拯救苏联犹太人组织

36、I believe the main cause which has produced the particular state of Jewry in the world is its attachment to Palestine. ─── 我认为世界犹太人这种心态主要成因是对巴勒斯坦的不能忘情。

37、Q: Can you introduce Jewry briefly? ─── 问:能简单介绍犹太民族吗?

38、[Key words]:Jewry; ─── [关键词]:犹太民族;

39、Contrast Israel's gravitational pull on French and British Jewry with its relationship to Germany and Russia. ─── 与以色列对法国和英国犹太人的吸引力形成对照的是其同德国和俄国的关系。

40、Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry; ─── 学生拯救苏联犹太人组织;

41、Jewry is the collective name for all Jews ─── jewry是全体犹太人的统称

42、In the new social construction, Jewry 's status was degraded to that of Egyptians. ─── 在这个新结构中,犹太人的地位被降低到埃及人的程度。

43、In the first, it has some 50% more people, is home to two-thirds of the world's Jewry and, as today, is four-fifths Jewish itself. ─── 在第一种情景中,以色列的人口比现在多了大约50%,世界上2/3的犹太人定居在这里,同今天一样,以色列的人口有4/5是犹太人,另外1/5是阿拉伯人。

44、The three aspects of Philo's concept of Diaspora are bases and reflect the Grecized Jewry nobles' special understanding of their own nation-identity. ─── 以上三部分就是斐洛“散居观”的基本内容,体现出散居异地的希腊化犹太贵族对于自身族群认同的独特认识。

45、The motivation of Soviet jewry living before 20 century 70s is firstly reviewed. ─── 首先考察了20世纪70年代初期及以前的苏联犹太人移民动机。

46、9.But European Jewry is a patchwork quilt, where the bond with Israel depends greatly on local conditions. ─── 但欧洲犹太人犹如拼接的棉被一般,他们同以色列的结合非常依赖当地情况。

47、Christianity was born on the heyday of the Roman Empire. At the stage of establishment, Christianity was the ethnic religion of Jewry, which was for the oppressed people. ─── 基督教产生于罗马帝国的全盛时代 ,初始是犹太人的民族宗教 ,是被压迫者的宗教。

48、5. The meaning is clear and the Jewry of the world, in the trenches of Europe, in the pogrom-swept area of Russia, saw it like that. ─── 宣言的意义很明白,世界的犹太人、欧洲战壕里、俄罗斯的被迫害的犹太人都是如此理解它。

49、Contrast Israel's gravitational pull on French and British Jewry with its relationship to Germany and Russia. ─── 与以色列对法国和英国犹太人的吸引力形成对照的是其同德国和俄国的关系。

50、The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a booklet that purports to describe a plot by world Jewry and Masonry to take over the world. ─── 《锡安长老会议纪录原稿》是一本手册,旨在描绘犹太人和共济会欲接管全世界的野心。

51、The events of the decades that followed showed that the claim to separate nationhood-within-nations was never renounced by those who truly wielded power in Jewry. ─── 事件几十年来,随后表明,索赔,以单独的国家-内-国从未放弃那些谁真正掌握权力的犹太人。

52、By the imprint of a finger-nail on a piece of parchment, it recognizes the difference which separates the Jewry of the Judengasse from the Jewry of the Ghetto. ─── 凭借羊皮纸上的一个指甲印,它可以认出犹大本土的犹太族和移居的犹太族之间的区别。

53、One significant development of recent years that will be discussed here is the shift in the relationship between Israel and diaspora Jewry. ─── 一个显着的发展,近年来,将在这里讨论的是在转移之间的关系,以色列和犹太人散居地。

54、The issue on jewry emigrants has been ignored for a long time.Some research has been made in other countries.However, till now, nobody has touched on this issue systematically at home. ─── 苏联犹太移民问题,是一个长期被忽视的问题,国外有一些相关研究,而国内至今还未有人系统的研究过这一问题。

55、The first chapter analyses the history generalization of jewry in Soviet and the forming of this issue. ─── 第一章分析了俄苏犹太人的历史概括以及犹太移民问题的形成。

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