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09-18 投稿


slatted 发音

英:[ˈslætɪd]  美:[ˈslætɪd]

英:  美:

slatted 中文意思翻译



slatted 词性/词形变化,slatted变形

动词现在分词: slatting |动词第三人称单数: slats |动词过去分词: slatted |动词过去式: slatted |

slatted 相似词语短语

1、slated ─── slate的变形

2、slanted ─── adj.斜的;有倾向的;v.使倾斜(slant的过去式和过去分词)

3、slatter ─── n.石板瓦工;鼠妇(等于slater);v.穿戴不整洁;n.(Slatter)(美)斯拉特(人名)

4、slotted ─── adj.有沟槽的;有裂痕的;v.开缝;跟踪(slot的过去分词)

5、flatted ─── 使变平(flat的过去式、过去分词)

6、slarted ─── 斯莱特

7、platted ─── 制…的地图;绘…地区图;计划;安排:(plat的过去式和过去分词)

8、scatted ─── v.走开,离开;用拟声唱法唱;n.拟声唱法;(尤指食肉动物的)粪便;金钱鱼;int.嘘(赶猫等的呼声)

9、blatted ─── vi.(小牛,小羊)咩咩叫;嚷嚷着说(blat的变形)

slatted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bending tool for metal slat ─── 折弯钣金件

2、front-rack slat ─── 前栏板横栅条

3、Some suggestions how to improve on synthesis slat of land and resources ─── 改进国土资源综合统计的几点建议

4、conciseness, and gracefu lness of wo rd cho ice in t ran slat ion. ─── 任何语言都是由词汇构成的,词汇是最小的语言单位。在英汉翻译活动中,词汇也起了不可估量的作用。

5、The Nelson Media Cabinet features slatted, sliding doors which are exactingly constructed and perfectly marry into a solid panel. ─── 纳尔逊媒体柜采用板条式滑动门,其构造精良,可完美地与坚固的面板相结合。

6、We are a manufacturer of stone building materials. Materials available: marble, granite, slat... ─── 发布者:刘勋所在地:广东广州市行业:建筑、建材职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

7、canvas slat conveyer ─── 帆布条板式输送器

8、double slat reel ─── 双层拨禾板式拨禾轮

9、So RE slat liquid carburizing may replace poisonous cyanide slat bath or "603" slat liquqid carburzing. ─── 可取代剧毒的氰盐和微毒的“603”盐浴渗碳。

10、a slatted,ventilating opening,as on the hood of a motor vehicle ─── 有条板的换气口,比如在车辆的引擎盖上

11、POMA is engaged professionally in research and development design of conveyor system and components(plastic Slat band and Modular chains), the design of automation control and the correlate serves. ─── POMA专业从事于物流输送系统及输送配件(塑胶链板、链网)的研发与制作、自动化控制设计与工程安装维修服务。

12、minimum slat retraction speed ─── 最低缝翼收起速度

13、slat bottom ─── 条壁犁体

14、stationary slat ─── 固定板条

15、slatted core box ─── [机] 木条砂心盒

16、Leading-Edge Slat Modification ─── 前缘缝翼改装

17、The micro-amount of manganese in solid slat was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after separation and pre-concentration by coprecipitation with aluminium hydroxide. ─── 以氢氧化铝共沉淀测定固体盐样中的微量锰,用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定。对试剂的加入量、酸度等进行了实验。

18、rolling slat ─── 卷帘板

19、Sommerhaus Piu features a natural wood exterior with horizontally-slatted walls and a slightly-pitched roof. ─── 萨摩豪斯建筑的外观很独特,外部木制水平板条为墙,屋顶稍稍倾斜。

20、slat seat ─── 条板凳

21、Keywords Pinboard valve;Slat valve;Scraping transporter;Gathering coal;Floating link;Improvement; ─── 插板式闸板;翻板式闸板;刮板机;积煤;浮链;改造;

22、slat crate ─── 条板箱

23、try out an orthopaedic mattress or a spring slatted bed . research shows that both can be beneficial for certain types of back pain. ─── 试试整形外科的床垫或弹簧床。研究表明都对某种背痛有利。

24、slatted drum ─── 杆条式滚筒

25、Nevertheless, be informed however when installation: Must use them buckle slat, and have 92 yuan of / only 90 centimeters a kind of choice, do not give installation otherwise; ─── 不过,安装时却被告知:必须使用他们的扣条板,且只有92元/90厘米一种选择,否则就不给安装;

26、Keywords macromolecule antiseptics;Konjac glucomannan;Chitosan;Nano-fumed silica;a derivative of quaternary ammonium slat;antibacterial activity;antibacterial mechanism;lether finishing; ─── 大分子抗菌剂;魔芋葡甘聚糖;壳聚糖;纳米气相二氧化硅;季铵盐衍生物;抗菌活性;抗菌机理;皮革涂饰;

27、slat drive ─── 前缘缝翼传动

28、I'd glue a small magnet to the top blind slat and use a Hall effect sensor attached to the frame to determine when the blinds were fully open or closed. ─── 我会把一个小磁铁黏到百叶窗最上面的叶板,并且在窗框上放一个霍尔感测器,用以判断百叶窗是要全开或是关上。

29、We have invited Microsoft, Novell, Ministry of Education (and Ministry of Justice under invitation process), and two SLAT board members (including myself) to discuss a humble request from SLAT. ─── 会中我们将向微软提出一个极卑微的请求, 目前正与微软洽谈当中。

30、"crate:a container, such as a slatted wooden case, used for storing or shipping." ─── 大板条箱:用于储存或运输的类似板条木箱的容器.

31、Analysis of Cooling Model of Injection Molded Parts of Slab with Slat ─── 带筋平板注塑件的冷却模型分析

32、A Simple Method of Packing Crushed Slat Rationly ─── 一种实现粉盐精确定量包装的简便方法

33、low sodium slat ─── 低钠盐

34、8.But with every Las Vegas, every Malice at the Palace, another slat falls out of that bridge. ─── 但是每当类似发生在拉斯维加斯、奥本山宫殿的一切时,桥上又一块面板落入了水中。

35、Experimental investigation of aerodynamics performance of multi-element airfoil with leading-edge slat ─── 带缝翼多段翼型气动特性的实验研究

36、slat saw ─── 条板锯

37、Terms of conveying machinery--Slat conveyor ─── GB/T14521.6-1993运输机械术语板式输送机

38、A slatted, ventilating opening, as on the hood of a motor vehicle. ─── 放气孔有条板的换气口,比如在车辆的引擎盖上

39、a bed with a slatted pine base ─── 松木板板床.

40、canvas slat clip ─── 帆布带板条夹箍

41、slat type conveyer ─── 平板运输机板式输送机

42、Message from the business: Welcome to Splendid Slat Nation Mansion, you will receive the best dishes and service in our restaurant. Enjoy! ─── 参考资料:欢迎来到锦府盐帮酒楼,您在这里将享受到最好的菜肴和服务。欢迎光临。

43、wooden slatted drum ─── 木格子转鼓

44、The main sail is blow and slat with a noise like thunder ─── 主帆在风中吹动拍打,发出雷鸣般的响声

45、The air flows through the slatted floor and it is perfectly cool even in the tropical heat. ─── 木质地板的透气性极佳,即使在闷热的热带地区,房间里也十分凉快。

46、The armourer harvests wood to make either slat armour composed of numerous wooden slats sewn together or rod-armour made of wooden dowels. ─── 工匠们砍伐木材,或用诸多木板拼成板甲,或用诸多木条钉成栅甲。

47、GRC slat partition wall ─── GRC条板隔墙

48、They hope for similar results with crop slat crops like tomatoes, rice, wheat, and cup cotton. ─── 他们希望其他的农作物,像西红柿、大米、小麦和棉花,也会有类似的项目。

49、58, Try out an orthopedic mattress or a spring slatted bed which can be beneficial for certain types of back pain. ─── 58,你可以尝试使用矫形床垫或是弹簧床,这有助于缓解某些背痛。


51、Floors for livestock buildings; slatted floors made of precast reinforced concrete components or of wood; dimensions, design loads, design, installation ─── 厩舍地板。钢筋混凝土和土制有缝地板。尺寸、计算负荷、测量安装

52、It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper the kind you used to see in the movies. ─── 它有一玻璃平面,木条式的边袋,就像你在电影里看到的那样的早餐纸巾。

53、The surface of the door sheet is inlayed with a 20 model glass layering slat,with obvious stereo effect. characterizing htis modern style of succinct Durat-Plus doos. ─── 杜拉特特型门,门板表面镶嵌20型装饰线条和21型玻璃压条,立体效果明显,使简介和杜拉特特型门具有了现代的风格。

54、It's good for fishing.There are two type with double wall fabric floorboard and slat one so that it ... ─── 发布者:郑伟伟所在地:山东威海市行业:交通运输职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

55、slat packing ─── 条片填充

56、canvas slat ─── 帆布输送器条板

57、Keywords low sodium slat;standard;determination; ─── 低钠盐;标准;检测;

58、slat gum ─── 条橡胶

59、The flag slatted in the wind. ─── 旗子在风中啪啪作响。

60、The result is a delicate balance between the slat wall enclosure and the swaying trees. ─── 它的作用是巧妙地平衡木板墙壁与树之间的晃动。

61、extensible slat ─── 外伸式前缘襟翼

62、a container,such as a slatted wooden case,used for storing or shipping ─── 大板条箱用于储存或运输的类似板条木箱的容器

63、reel slat ─── 拨禾轮拨禾板

64、He slatted dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. ─── 他再次从桌子下面拿出一桶细沙倒进瓦罐,细沙掺进石块与砂砾的缝隙中。

65、The Verona frame comes with a strong, wooden slatted base making it easy for any mattress to sit comfortably on top. ─── 维罗纳帧带有一个强大的,木制板条基地,使它容易对任何床垫舒适地坐在上面。

66、Mix slat and baking soda equally and sprinkle it where you see ants coming in to keep them from liking your home. ─── 可将等量的细木条和苏打粉混和后洒在蚂蚁要钻进房子里的地方以驱走它们。

67、“BMPs for lake protection and restoration in yunnan of China”,Would Water & Envoronmental Resoures Congress 2004,Slat Lakke City,USA,June 27-July 1,2004. ─── “我国湖泊污染控制效果不佳的根本原因及对策”,中国环境管理,2003增刊10-11.

68、He slatted my manuscript and went out. ─── 他摔下我的手稿就走了。

69、Slat etc Porcerlain floors Travertine stones ─── 板岩等石材建筑建材

70、The Speed Design Analysis on Slat's Orientation Virtual Mechanism ─── 刮板定向虚拟机构速度设计分析

71、Then they were shown four stimuli through a slat in the front of the cage: their owner; an unfamiliar human; a cat; and an unfamiliar, dominant dog. ─── 接著,透过笼前一块活动板,让狗狗接受四种刺激:主人;陌生人;猫;有霸气的陌生狗。

72、A container, such as a slatted wooden case, used for storing or shipping. ─── 大板条箱:用于储存或运输的类似板条木箱的容器。

73、2.To lift up and down continuously with maximum flow capacity of carriers, no empty slat will turn round during running, it can shorten working hours. ─── 2.连续不断地升高或降下,运转中没有空搁板的迴转,能缩短工作时间。

74、leading edge slat ─── 前缘缝翼

75、The slatted facade of the building is actually a sunshade that lets in plenty of natural daylight while also keeping the interior cool . ─── 外围的板条型外墙,实际上是一个遮阳板,一方面使室内自然光线充足,另一方面也保持了室内的凉爽。

76、For example: Access panel 2145J to left wing number 3 slat actuator distorted. ─── 左大翼3号缝翼作动筒的接近面板2145J扭曲。

77、Solid Slat ─── 固体盐样

78、Lots of angular design cues in the lower fascia and lights along with a chrome slat grill anchor the front end. ─── 很多角设计线索在较低的筋膜和灯光随着铬条锚格栅的前端。

79、side slat ─── 侧条

80、floor slatted ─── 条缝地板

81、The protection of non-public economy is still in overall and also slat of intensity. ─── 摘要我国对非公有制经济的保护目前还不全面,力度也欠缺。

82、The slatted window-shade casts a film noir shadow on her. ─── 百叶窗帘在她身上投下朦胧的黑色阴影。

83、Lightweight, slatted walls delicately veil the light, and bamboo plants form a luxuriant green heart in the building's central courtyard. ─── 轻质的板条墙体巧妙地遮挡了光线,竹子成为建筑中央庭院中繁茂的绿色核心。

84、Calculate and design on the big yield slatted curtain wall ─── 大挠度条形板幕墙的设计计算

85、New units have a raised, slatted floor design whereby air for cooling is drawn up through the slats. ─── 新单位有一个提高,板条地板设计,使空气冷却是通过制定板条。

86、A new formula on the action sphere of reel slat is driven out through the graphical anal-ysis of reel slat motion locus in this paper. ─── 本文利用图解法分析了拨禾轮的运动轨迹,并推导出新的拨禾轮作用范围的公式。

87、Daheck, Klee's Inspiration, 28 long narrow black gem textured decoration with radiance design. 2 slatted pockets with wrinked collar creation. ─── 春季厚欧洲棉质感针织,国际感十足的剪裁,多放射状是重点设计,左右两口袋,限量请把握

88、fremy's slat ─── [机] 弗里米盐

89、At my office, I got good results by attaching the antenna to a venetian-blind slat and tinkering with the skyward aim. ─── 在我的办公室里,我把天线接在百叶窗上,对准天空的定点时,收讯效果就很好。

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