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09-18 投稿


legato 发音

英:[lɪ'gɑːtəʊ]  美:[lɪ'gɑto]

英:  美:

legato 中文意思翻译






legato 网络释义

adj. 连奏的adv. 连奏地n. (Legato)人名;(意)莱加托

legato 反义词


legato 短语词组

1、ben legato ─── 平局良好

2、legato sempre ─── 总是平手

3、leggiero legato ─── 绑定读卡器

4、f legato f ─── 界

legato 词性/词形变化,legato变形

名词复数: legatos |

legato 同义词


legato 相似词语短语

1、legate ─── n.罗马教皇的使节;使者;vt.当做遗产让与;n.(Legate)人名;(英)莱盖特

2、legation ─── n.公使馆;使者的派遣

3、megaton ─── n.兆吨;百万吨;百万吨级

4、legates ─── n.罗马教皇的使节;使者;vt.当做遗产让与;n.(Legate)人名;(英)莱盖特

5、legatee ─── n.[法]遗产受赠人

6、legators ─── n.立遗嘱者,遗赠者

7、legator ─── n.立遗嘱者,遗赠者

8、legatos ─── 遗产

9、negator ─── n.否认者;非元件(倒换器)

legato 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"More legato," he said, leaning forward in the chair. ─── “再连贯些,”他说着,在椅子里倾身向前。再平稳些。

2、The instrument will behave completely different when played'staccato'than when played'legato '. ─── 以断奏和连奏方式演奏键盘可以得到完全不同的效果.

3、The spitting is done generally in three musical beats,the first two being sounds of drawing in and clearing the throat in preparation for the final beat of spitting out,which is executed with a quick forcefulness: staccato after legato. ─── 吐痰的动作普通是以三个音乐的拍子去完成的,开头两个拍子是吸进和廓清喉咙的声音,以引出最后吐出痰时的拍子;吐出痰时的动作是急速有力的:“连音”继之以“断音”。

4、The hard rocking mood continues with the next track, "Run 2008", which jumps right into a climactic cry of electronic rock beats, and legato vocals, united with a strong and memorable refrain. ─── 硬摇滚的曲风延续到了下一首歌,“RUN2008”,这首歌立马跳跃到了强烈的电子摇滚节拍,连续的歌词结合了强烈且给人印象深刻的副歌。

5、Flowing English speech should stand on awareness and building of coordinated legato enveloping stress timed rhythm and step down of pitches. ─── 英语语流的核心当包含重音等时的节奏、梯级渐降的音高和协调顺滑的连诵。

6、The Fascination of Legato in Cello Music ─── 大提琴音乐中连音技巧的魅力

7、I suggested before that the fingers alone can never produce a true legato. ─── 我以前说过,手指决不可能单独弹连奏。

8、Legato Link Conversion For High Quality Sound ─── 高质量音质

9、Set your metronome at around 50 beats per minute, where each beat is a quarter note.This is a legato exercise, intended to develop sensitivity between the tip of the tongue and the tip of the reed. ─── 把节拍器设置为以四分音符为一拍,每分钟50拍的速度,开始做连续练习,以培养舌尖对哨片尖敏感度。

10、As you will see, a combination of the damper, the fingers, and the arm is needed to enable us to play a real legato. ─── 当你看到制音器、手指和上臂需要一齐启动弹奏时,那才是真的弹连音。

11、Focus on the fact that you made it as a scholarship student - not that nobody asked you to dance for two years," says Dr. Legato. ─── 注意力集中在你获得了奖学金上,而不是两年之内没有人邀请你跳舞,”Legato说。

12、It has to do with legato playing, with phrasing, and with the execution of groups of motions (or technical formulas) ─── 它必定与连奏、乐句和完成那些运动群(或技能形式)有关。

13、Legato and staccato on the harmonica. ─── 2在口琴上吹奏连音和顿音.

14、If we raise the fingers slightly and if we apply the usual horizontal, vertical, and in-depth adjusting motions of the arm and wrist, we can easily obtain a perfect legato. ─── 如果我们将手指稍微抬起,如果我们运用手臂和腕关节的通常水平的、垂直的和深度的调节运动,那我们就可以很容易地将连奏弹好。

15、play smoothly or legato; of musical passages. ─── 连续的演奏;用于音乐章节。

16、non legato ─── 非连音

17、In legato octaves, we complement a minimal arm-throw motion with active fingerwork to connect the notes more easily. ─── 在八度音阶连奏中,为了加强小手臂,我们用手指的主动投掷动作去连接音符,这样会变得更多容易。

18、Even though I want to play completely legato, in my mind there's still a preparation. ─── 即使是我在弹奏连奏(legato)乐段时,依然会在头脑中进行准备。

19、As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds. ─── 因为我认为,大多数钢琴世界各地学生被迫奏的实现而强烈紧张的手指和手掌的肌肉说,按说应该有助于物理连接的声音。

20、Legato demands that a note must blend into the next note without a break or any overlapping. ─── 连奏要求音符必须和下一个音符相结,音符间无间断或无任何重叠。

21、legato is very good for unix environment.but it belongs to EMC company.it is very expensive! ─── 记录自己的思想火花,留住每日的技术积累,尽在拥有属于自己独立域名的博客。

22、The spitting is done generally in three musical beats, the first two being sounds of drawing in and clearing the throat in preparation for the final beat of spitting out, which is executed with a quick forcefulness: staccato after legato. ─── 吐痰的动作普通是以三个音乐的拍子去完成的,开头两个拍子是吸进和廓清喉咙的声音,以引出最后吐出痰时的拍子; 吐出痰时的动作是急速有力的:“连音”继之以“断音”。

23、Role of the damper in legato playing ─── 制音器在连奏中的角色

24、7. a large number of techniques are used when playing these wind instruments, such as tapping, appogiatura, tremolo , legato, "flower tongue,"augment, glide, trill, overtone and prong. ─── 演奏时运用了大量的技巧,如震音、连奏、花舌音、垛音、滑音、颤音、泛音、叉口等。

25、Your legato will improve immensely from not banging your fingers. ─── 由于你手指没有了大动作,你的连音质量会大幅度提升。

26、No matter how tightly one grips the keys, trying not to release one note before the next is played, an imperfect legato results. ─── 不管你如何紧紧地抓住键,在弹奏下一个键音符之前,试图控制一个音符会使得连奏不完整。

27、mind, inspiration, and imagination have much to do with it, but the actual legato effect must be accomplished by physical means. ─── 精神、灵感和想象力都与连奏很有关系,除非实际上连奏效果必须通过身体的手段来完成。

28、The most difficult exercise, however, is to play legato if the holes used are not next to each other (in this case a true legato is indeed physically impossible). ─── 而最困难的练习,就是吹奏的音孔孔与要吹奏的下一个音孔不是相邻的时候(这种情况下吹奏真正的连音在物理上都是不可能的)。

29、Play this legato, please. ─── 请把这部分演奏得更连贯些。

30、The instrument will behave completely different when played 'staccato' than when played 'legato'. ─── 以断奏和连奏方式演奏键盘可以得到完全不同的效果。

31、Think of the familiar expression markings you encounter when reading a piece of music (adagio, legato, and so on). ─── 当你读一篇音乐时想像你遇见的熟悉的表情记号(柔板、连奏等等)。

32、Legato and staccato are important musical terms, mainly because it is very difficult to produce them well on the harmonica. ─── 连音和顿音是两个重要的音乐术语,主要是因为在口琴上吹奏它们非常困难。

33、Legato, the intelligentsia began to concern about the reality, to criticize politics, the ideas proclaimed principle of change, that is to say that today's trend of thought by the world. ─── 嘉道之际,知识界开始以关注现实、批判时政、倡言变革的思潮,即今天人们所说的经世思潮。

34、A legato passage or movement. ─── 连奏连奏的乐段或动作;

35、Incidentally notes are grouped together with the help of an upward motion of the arm, just as in ordinary legato playing. ─── 顺便说一下,音符是借助于手臂向上运动的力而集中在一起的,跟普通的连奏一样。

36、Therefore do not attempt legato playing with inhibited, repressed finger motions alone or with a motionless and fixed arm and wrist. ─── 不要企图阻止连奏,不要抑制独立的手指的动作或是使腕关节静止和固化。

37、By this gradual fading away of the previous note one creates not an illusionary but a true legato. ─── 这时,前边音符的音量逐渐地逐渐地消失,这不是人们在创造幻觉,而是是真正地弹连奏。

38、Let us return now to the damper's role in legato playing, and to the role of the fingers in manipulating it. ─── 让我们现在讨论制音器在连奏中的作用,以及手在指巧妙地利用它时所起的作用。

39、legato assai ─── 很连贯

40、To develop a more singing legato, Chopin made use of new rhythms which required a more flexible and freer use of the fingers. ─── 为制造出更适合连唱的连续音,肖邦写出了只有更巧妙自如的指法才能应付的旋律。

41、Ed essi andarono e trovarono un puledro legato ad una porta, fuori, sulla strada, e lo sciolsero. ─── 门徒去了,就发现一头小驴,拴在门外的街上,就把它解开。

42、Sei tu legato a una moglie? Non cercar d’esserne sciolto. Sei tu sciolto da moglie? Non cercar moglie. ─── 你已经有了妻子吗?就不要想摆脱。你还没有妻子吗?就不要去找妻子。

43、The technical solution for legato playing and grouping notes can be as well defined as the problem itself; it consists of an easily executed set of motion patterns. ─── 解决连奏和音符组合弹奏技能也可以阐明问题的本身;它可构成一系列容易弹奏的动作。

44、2.Your legato will improve immensely from not banging your fingers. ─── 由于你手指没有了大动作,你的连音质量会大幅度提升。

45、Legato, an internist and founder of the Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia University. ─── “我就会问,‘你认为失败者是什么样的?’病人描绘出了一个穿着短裤闲坐在屋里喝啤酒的人。

46、And more legato, to make this moment last. ─── 要连奏,让这一刻长在。

47、And more legato, to make this moment last. ─── 连奏,让这一刻长在。

48、be legato ─── 圆滑的

49、At this point, it is necessary to examine the essential role of the use of the damper in legato playing in producing the fading or blending effect I mentioned above. ─── 就此,如我上面提到过的,研究在连奏中如何通过利用制音器弹奏出减弱的或是混合音的效果很有必要。

50、Play this legato, please. ─── 请把这部分演奏得更连贯些.

51、Legato playing is one of the mysteries of piano playing. ─── 连奏是钢琴的一种神秘的弹奏法。

52、This approach to legato playing is not yet understood and people seem to be too concerned with the activities of the fingers only. ─── 用这个方法去弹连奏,还没有被人们所了解,而且人们好像太关注手指的活动。

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