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juristic 发音

英:[[dʒʊə'rɪstɪk]]  美:[[dʒʊ'rɪstɪk]]

英:  美:

juristic 中文意思翻译



juristic 短语词组

1、document of juristic act ─── [法] 法律行为文据

2、registered juristic person ─── [法] 注册法人

3、civil juristic act ─── [法] 民事法律行为

4、supervision over juristic person ─── [法] 法人的监督

5、voidable juristic act ─── [法] 可撤销的法律行为

6、nullity of juristic act ─── [法] 无效法律行为

7、juristic person ─── [经] 法人

8、establishment of a juristic act ─── [法] 法律行为的成立

9、registration of juristic persons ─── [法] 法人登记

10、disposing capacity of juristic person ─── [法] 法人的行为能力

11、abstract juristic act ─── [法] 无因法律行为

12、foreign juristic person ─── [法] 外国法人

13、juristic Office ─── 法律办公室

14、public juristic person ─── [法] 公法人

15、dissolution of juristic person ─── [法] 法人的解散

16、noncausal juristic act ─── [法] 不要因的法律行为

17、national juristic person ─── [法] 本国法人

18、causal juristic act ─── [法] 要因的法律行为

19、juristic work ─── 法律工作

juristic 词性/词形变化,juristic变形

副词: juristically |异体字: juristical |

juristic 相似词语短语

1、Sufistic ─── 苏菲派

2、heuristic ─── adj.启发式的;探索的;n.启发式教育法;探索性步骤

3、touristic ─── adj.旅游的;观光客的

4、juristical ─── adj.法律的;法理学的

5、puristic ─── adj.用语简洁的;修辞癖的

6、cubistic ─── 立体派的

7、hubristic ─── 傲慢的

8、autistic ─── adj.[心理][内科]孤独症的;孤僻的;n.孤独症患者(常指儿童)

9、aoristic ─── adj.不定过去时的

juristic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To analyze qualitative and damningly dispute of medical staffs receiving drug s rebate and bring out juristic inconsistency with crime of bribery punishment. ─── 分析医务人员收受药品回扣的定性争议,提出以受贿罪论处存在的法律矛盾。

2、As the theoretical foundation of system of change of real right, theory of juristic act of real right is created by civil law of Germany. ─── 作为物权变动制度的理论基础,物权行为理论为德国民法所创制。

3、The concept of the right to privacy has a history of more than 100 years since it was first put forward by the American jurist Warren and Brandeis. ─── 从美国法学家沃伦和布兰代斯第一次提出隐私权的概念至今已有一百多年历史。

4、And link to the official website to access cathedral, juristic and time limitary official news and messages. ─── 并可及时连结官方网站,撷取具权威性、法律性及时效性之第一手官方新闻及讯息。

5、Using juristic act as a legal technology device, distinctive commensurate elements can be purified during every department of law. ─── 以法律行为作为法律技术装置,各部门法可提炼出具有各自特色的通约性要素。

6、The splendid efforts of Justice P N Bhagwati and Justice V R Krishna Iyer were instrumental of this juristic revolution of eighties to convert the apex court of India into a Supreme Court for all Indians. ─── 将神圣无比的法院,变成印度全民的最高法院,此八十年代司法改革应归大功于巴格瓦蒂和艾耶两法官。

7、This essay analyses the evidential power of electronic evidence, contrasts evidential ability with evidential power, and comments on the academic and juristic disputes in this field. ─── 从电子证据证明力的涵义的分析入手,对电子证据的证据能力和证明力作了辨析,并对我国法学界关于电子证据证明力大小的分歧进行了评析。

8、Trennungspringzip is to differentiate the juristic act of right in rem from the juristic act of credit, rather than differentiate between the shifting of jus in rem and its reason. ─── 区分原则,不是物权变动与原因行为的区分,而是引起物权变动的物权行为与原因行为即债权行为的区分。

9、It is, by and large, impermissible for one to prefer certain days to observe voluntary fasting or certain nights to perform Night Prayers, lacking any juristic basis for that action. ─── 总体来说,缺乏任何法律依据而选择特定的几天自愿地斋戒,或者礼夜间拜,是不允许的。

10、Dole:american jurist and first governor of the Territory of Hawaii (1900-1903). ─── "多尔:美国法学家,夏威夷准州首任州长(1900-1903年)."

11、State-owned business enterprise reformation problem is a "public choice" problem, need the jurist, sociologist, philosopher, politician, economist and many social communities to participate in. ─── 国有企业改革问题是一个“公共选择”问题,需要法学家、社会学家、哲学家、政治学家、经济学家以及诸多社会群体的共同参与。

12、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court(1937-1971). He was noted for his ardent support of civil rights. ─── 布莱克,约瑟夫1728-1799英国化学家,重新发现二氧化碳(1756年),并建立潜热和比热概念

13、Juristic Theory of Real Right Act and Real Right Alternation ─── 对物权行为及物权变动的理论思考

14、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (923-939). ─── 巴特勒,皮尔斯:(8''-939)美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(923-939年)

15、The jurist and philosopher were trying their best to provide a universally accepted definition at all times and in all lands, but did not succeed. ─── 古今中外的法学家和哲学家们都致力于提供一个普遍接受的法的定义,却收效甚微。

16、In case any pledge is destroyed or damaged in the custody of a mortgagee, the mortgagee shall then undertake civil juristic liabilities if he has faults. ─── 抵押物在抵押权人保管期间灭失、毁损的,抵押权人如有过错,应当承担民事责任。

17、Reflection on Juristic Problem Related to Public Lending Right ─── 关于公共借阅权相关法律问题的思考

18、Analyzing the Action of Military Struggle from Juristic Perspective ─── 军事斗争行为的法律分析

19、Globe economic integration and trade liberalization is no doubt the general trend today.WTO, as the juristic and organizational foundation of multilateral trade system, is founded under this trend. ─── 今天,全球经济一体化及贸易自由化已是大势所趋,作为多边贸易体系的法律基础和组织基础,世贸组织正是在这种趋势下产生的。

20、Juristic act, which was created by jurist of Germany historical school of law, is praised highly in civil law system. ─── 德国历史法学派法学家创造的法律行为理论在大陆法系民法学中倍受推崇。

21、The juristic act of real right has been controversial from its naissance, and the theoy itself has lots of problems to be clarified. ─── 摘要物权行为理论自其诞生起就褒贬不一,在我国,对该理论本身有许多问题需要澄清。

22、National Union of Jurist of Cuba, The ─── 古巴全国法学家联合会

23、Shall Civil Law of Our Country Adopt Juristic Acts of Real Rights or not? ─── 我国民法是否应采纳物权行为?

24、Robust the system of responsibility of project juristic person ─── 健全项目法人责任制

25、And, economist Wu Jinglian and jurist Jiang Ping collaborates the Shanghai Economics institute which founds, is a pioneer who and example explores this both union. ─── 其中,经济学家吴敬链和法学家江平联手创建的上海经济研究所,是探索这两者结合的一个先驱和榜样。

26、"Farmer" means an individual who practices farming, whether subsistence or commercial, excluding a juristic person. ─── “农民”指从事农业活动的个人,无论为生活目的或商业目的,但不包括为法律目的进行的农业活动。

27、He dismissed both Ulpian the jurist because he was a righteous man and Silvinus the rhetorician, whom he had appointed tutor to Alexander. ─── 他驱逐了西维纽斯和法学家乌尔比安,因为乌尔比安是一个正直的人,而修辞家西维纽斯曾是亚历山大的指导教师。

28、The auther hopes to draw in more attention to and deeper research into the mistake of intention, with a view to perfecting the fundamental rules of the legislation on juristic act system. ─── 作者希望通过本文能够引起更多对意思表示错误的法律行为的观注和研究,以完善我国的相关立法。

29、On the Juristic Fact in Civil Law ─── 再论民事法律事实

30、Under Germen legal system, conditions precedent is a special requirement for a juristic act to take effect, while according to French Code Civil, it is only a requirement for the performance of a contract. ─── 在德国法下,停止条件是法律行为生效的特别要件;而根据法国法,它是债权合同履行的条件。

31、Civil juristic acts that should be performed by the principal himself, pursuant to legal provisions or the agreement between the two parties, shall not be entrusted to an agent. ─── 依照法律规定或者按照双方当事人约定,应当由本人实施的民事法律行为,不得代理。

32、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (798-829). ─── 华盛顿,布什洛德:(7'2-829)美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(798-829年)

33、Derek Bok is a famous higher educationist, jurist and socialist of America. ─── 德里克·博克是美国著名的高等教育学家、法学家、社会学家。

34、World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Centre ─── 以法律求世界和平中心世界法律工作者协会

35、But, my viewpoint is only about a general clement in juristic act, i.e. will- expression. ─── 之后,笔者提出了自己的观点,认为法律行为的一般构成要素只有一项即意思表示。 因为,法律行为是主体的手段,其以主体为出发点和归宿点;

36、Juristic act validity civil law system ─── 内容违法的民事行为

37、He was a jurist, a statesman and a political leader of the Revolutionary period;George Washington sent him a pamphlet on the cultivation of potatoes;and he had a lot to do with steam.Who is he? ─── 在革命时期,他是个法律专家、政治家和政治领导者,乔治华盛顿还曾经送给他一本栽种马铃薯的小册子,他对蒸汽的发明有诸多贡献。

38、Reflection on the Theory of Juristic Acts of Real Rights ─── 再议物权行为理论的几个问题

39、A jurist of great breadth and wisdom. ─── 一个非常开明且睿智的法官

40、This theory of German and its legislative practice will be of great value to whether separate juristic act of creditor's right from th... ─── 德国的物权行为理论与立法的实践,对于我国未来物权法是否区分债权行为与物权行为,有重要的认识价值。

41、The defect in the abstract theory of the juristic act of real right can ... ─── 不过,缺憾的存在并不可怕,我们可以通过造就恶意失权制度,以矫正物权行为无因性规则的缺陷。

42、The Juristic Philosophy of Roscoe Pound ─── 庞德的法哲学

43、The constitution theory of Civil Juristic Acts (CJA) which is an important system in civil law science causes widespread debate. ─── 摘要民事法律行为制度作为民法学领域的一项重要制度,其构成要件理论引起了人们的广泛争鸣。

44、The Juristic Study of Labor Dispatching ─── 劳务派遣的法学思考

45、It develops around the core problem whether the juristic decisions of appellate courts all over the country are reckonable. ─── 它围绕着美国州上诉法院的审理结果是否具有可估量性这个核心问题展开。

46、"The policy to change the TTM into a juristic person is not a privatisation, but a restructuring of the organisation aimed at improving flexibility and reducing obstacles to operations," she said. ─── “政策是把泰国烟草专卖公司转变成一个法人机构,但不是私有化,而是对组织进行重组,以提高灵活性,减少业务营运的障碍,”她说。

47、It develops around the core problem whether the juristic decisions of appellate courts all over the country are reckonable. ─── 它围绕着美国州上诉法院的审理结果是否具有可估量性这个核心问题展开。

48、supervision over juristic person ─── [法] 法人的监督

49、Meanwhile, as a lawyer and jurist, Webber would not give up the analysis of the rational factors which contained in the law. ─── 同时,作为律师和法学家的韦伯,自然也不会放弃对法律中蕴涵的理性因素的分析。

50、Respecting the privacy of the silk and concealing the secret of the af fair that is the ethical and juristic liability.Integrity and credit rule is th e theoretical basis of the concealing liability. ─── 尊重患者隐私,保守执业秘密,是医师的道德义务,也是法律义务,保密义务的理论基础在于诚实信用原则。

51、Article 44 An enterprise-juristic person shall get its split, merger, or any other important change(s) registered and announced. ─── 第四十四条企业法人分立、合并或者有其他重要事项变更,应当向登记机关办理登记并公告。

52、Beccaria was the most wall known Italian criminal jurist and enlightened thinker in modem times. ─── 摘要贝卡利亚是近代意大利最富盛名的刑法学家及启蒙思想家。

53、Banks, bills finance enterprises, trust enterprises, insurance enterprises, securities enterprises, or other juristic persons or institutions approved by the Competent Authority. ─── 一、银行业、票券业、信讬业、保险业、证券业或其他经主管机关核准之法人或机构。

54、Mr.HAN Depei is a famous Jurist, educationalist and social practitioner of China. ─── 摘要韩德培教授是我国著名的法学家、教育家和社会活动家。

55、The value of establishing civil compensation system with juristic economics theories are studied. ─── 损害赔偿额以原告的实际损失来确定。

56、American jurist who was a member of the Constitutional Convention (787) and served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (789-79'). ─── 布莱尔,约翰:(732-800)美国法官,立宪大会(787年)的成员之一,曾任美国联邦最高法院陪审法官(789-79'年)

57、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (789-80). ─── 库欣,威廉:(732-80)美国法学家,曾担任美国最高法院的副职法官(789-80年)

58、Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic ACTS through agents. ─── 公民、法人可以通过代理人实施民事法律行为。

59、He is a learn jurist, who has written several books on civil law. ─── 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。

60、juristic act to jus in personam ─── 债权行为

61、As a famous representative person of Legalists in the period of War State, Shang Yang was a distinguished statesmen and jurist from the new emerging landlord class. ─── 商鞅是战国时期的著名法家代表人物,是新兴地主阶级的一位杰出的政治家与法学家。

62、And yet the most elementary comparative jurisprudence should show the jurist what this free consent really amounts to. ─── 但是,把各国的法制做一个最简单的比较,也会向法学家们表明,这种自愿究竟是怎么一回事。

63、The juristic and social value are of the major themes that the urban planning should concentrate on. ─── 摘要城市规划具备着法的一般特征,其法律价值和社会价值也是学科所关注的根本问题。

64、Natural persons, juristic persons, or funds meeting conditions set by the Competent Authority. ─── 二、符合主管机关所定条件之自然人、法人或基金。

65、Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish mathematician, astronomer, physician, classical scholar, translator, Catholic cleric, jurist, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. ─── 哥白尼是波兰的数学家,天文学家,物理学家,古典主义者,翻译家,天主教传教士,法律学者,地方长官,军人领袖,外交官以及经济学家。

66、Domestic scholars have the dispute about whether has to establish the juristic act system in the future Civil Law of China. ─── 国内学者对是否要在我国民法典中建立法律行为制度也存在争议,但多数学者赞同建立这一制度。

67、He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law ─── 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书

68、Brandeis was not the first American jurist to challenge the exploitation of legal pedantry in the service of reactionary politics. ─── 在反动政治掌权的过程中,布兰迪斯并非挑战滥用法律虚妄言辞的美国法官第一人。

69、An agent shall perform Juristic Acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency. ─── 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。

70、a learned jurist; an erudite professor. ─── 博学的法理学家;博学的教授。

71、The juristic fact in civil law is a very important factor in the civil legal relation, and it is important for us to classify the incident and behavior in the juristic fact in civil law. ─── 摘要民事法律事实是民事法律关系中一个很重要的因素,而区分事件与行为对于我们认清民事法律事实在民法中的作用有着重要意义。

72、More on the Theory of Juristic Act of Real Right ─── 再谈物权行为理论

73、Entrepreneur restriction mechanism should depends mainly on property rights restriction, responsibility restriction, budget restriction, juristic restriction, moral restriction, etc. ─── 企业家约束机制应主要体现在所有权约束、责任约束、预算约束、法律约束、道德约束等方面。

74、Study on Several Juristic Issues of Domain Name ─── 国际互联网域名若干法律问题研究

75、Cardozo:american jurist and writer who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1932-1938). ─── 卡多佐:美国法官和作家,曾任美国最高法院的助理法官(1932-1938年) 。

76、Article 43 An enterprise-juristic person is civilly liable for the business activities of its legal representative or other employees. ─── 第四十三条企业法人对它的法定代表人和其他工作人员的经营活动,承担民事责任。

77、In case an agent and principal are jointly and severally liable for the civil juristic acts they perform, they shall be listed as the common litigants in civil procedures. ─── 代理人和被代理人对已实施的民事行为负连带责任的,在民事诉讼中,可以列为共同诉讼人。

78、He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law. ─── 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。

79、Generally speaking,the juristic and organiza-tional systems of the SCO are in place,whereas the substantive items still need to be added to the framework. ─── 总体来看,SCO的法律和机构体系已大体上准备就绪,现在的重要问题是在这个框架中加入实质性的项目。

80、As important subject of market economic, corporation is a typical enterprise juristic person. ─── 公司是最典型的企业法人,是社会经济活动中最主要的主体。

81、Service upon a government authority, juristic person or unincorporated body shall be executed on its representative or manager, as the case may require. ─── 对于机关、法人或非法人之团体为送达者,应向其代表人或管理人为之。

82、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (858-88). ─── 克利福德,内森:(803-88)美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(858-88年)

83、A civil juristic act shall be the lawful act of a citizen or legal person to establish , change or terminate civil rights and obligations . ─── 第五十四条民事法律行为是公民或者法人设立、变更、终止民事权利和民事义务的合法行为。

84、An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency. ─── 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。

85、Juristic Acts that should be performed by the principal himself, by law or by agreement, shall not be entrusted to an agent. ─── 依照法律规定或者按照双方当事人约定,应当由本人实施的民事法律行为,不得代理。

86、A Perspective of the Juristic Issues in Part-time Job of Doctors ─── 从一则真实事例透视医生兼职的法律问题

87、Any person suffered for disobey the club's rules and regulations, the club is not charge with any juristic responsibilities. ─── 对违反以上规定造成物品及人员伤亡,本健身中心不承担任何法律责任。

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