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09-19 投稿


landslide 发音

英:['læn(d)slaɪd]  美:['lændslaɪd]

英:  美:

landslide 中文意思翻译



n.[地]山崩; 大胜利

landslide 网络释义

n. [地质] 山崩;大胜利vi. 发生山崩;以压倒优胜获胜

landslide 词性/词形变化,landslide变形

名词复数: landsleit |

landslide 短语词组

1、chords landslide ─── 弦式滑坡

2、landslide control ─── 滑坡控制

3、safety tips on landslide ─── 滑坡安全提示

4、in the landslide ─── 在滑坡中

5、landslide spring ─── 滑坡泉

6、landslide flow ─── 陆地流

7、underwater landslide ─── 海底山体滑坡

8、retrogressive landslide ─── 逆行土地

9、Landslide dam ─── 崩坍形成的坝

landslide 相似词语短语

1、landslides ─── n.[地质]滑坡;[地质]山崩(landslide的复数);v.在竞选中以压倒优胜获胜;发生山崩(landslide的三单形式)

2、land line ─── n.[电]陆上线路;陆线

3、land lines ─── n.[电]陆上线路;陆线

4、catslide ─── 猫滑梯

5、landslips ─── n.塌方;压倒性胜利

6、landslip ─── n.塌方;压倒性胜利

7、backslide ─── v.倒退,堕落;n.倒退,堕落

8、landline ─── n.(电话的)陆地线路,陆线,固网;地上通讯线

9、landside ─── n.犁侧板;(对旅客开放的)机场公共场所

landslide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Even though earthquakes happen every day, an occurrence like the Madison River landslide does not happen very often. ─── 尽管地震天天都在发生,像麦迪生河大滑坡似的事件却不是经常发生。

2、Huaying city is a mountain area with many serious geohazards,especially,such as landslide,mud-rock,and rockfall. ─── 华蓥市山地灾害种类繁多,分布广泛。

3、The noise is like a thousand horse troops galloping furiously by/The force ten thousand mountains crashing down in a landslide. ─── “声驱千骑疾/气卷万山来。”

4、The village was destroyed by a landslide. ─── 滑坡摧毀了村庄.

5、In fact, the case for Ichiro Ozawa, the organisational force behind the DPJ's landslide, is nearly bombproof. ─── 事实上,小泽一郎才是当之无愧,他一直是使日本民主党溃败的背后组织力量。

6、Mondale ended up losing the election in a landslide to Ronald Reagan. ─── 她是美国政党史上第一个被提名为副总统候选人的女性,佩林是第二个。

7、And the directions, magnitude as well as the boundary of the non-catastrophic Hongtsaiping landslide are revealed. ─── 因而非遽变性的红菜坪山崩之位移方向、位移量及范围则能够被揭示。

8、Mr Putin is expected to win re-election by a landslide. ─── 人们都期待着普京先生将压倒性的再次赢得选举。

9、The monitoring to earth transmutation, ground water line, deep slide mass displacement and macroscopic state have actualized for Huoshitan landslide. ─── 对该滑坡进行大地形变监测、地下水位监测、滑体深部位移监测和宏观监测;

10、A seven-year-old boy was found dead after a landslide engulfed an apartment block. ─── 山崩掩埋了一座公寓楼之后,一名7岁的男孩被发现遇难。

11、Landslide analysis of mountain channels, combined with the actual proposed landslide treatment, prevention measures. ─── 针对山区渠道滑坡成因分析, 结合实际,提出了滑坡处理 、 防止措施.

12、The landslide interrupted traffic . ─── 坍方使交通中断了。

13、But the relationship between rainfall and landslide is very complex . ─── 但是,降雨与滑坡发生的关系不仅密切,而且非常复杂。

14、Therefore, the landslide forcast and prediction has become a hot topic studied by people. ─── 因此,滑坡预测预报已成为人们研究的一个热点问题。

15、Based on landslide condition and prospecting result,the slope stability and Mechanism of landslide of the dam are analyzed by using Janbu method. ─── 同时对处理后堤坝稳定性也做了细致的分析和研究,得出处理后堤坝满足稳定性要求的结论。

16、After the landslide has gone by, in its tracks little dainty flowers are still standing.Blades of grass are unbent.How is this possible? ─── 在山体滑坡之后,美丽的花朵依旧挺立在石块冲刷过的山坡上,小草也没有被低下头来,是什么让这些植物还能生存下来呢?

17、The first reason is the loose rock? soil constitution and deformation of fossil landslide. ─── 分析表明,古滑体复活的首要原因是古滑体的变形破坏及其疏松物质组成为滑体复活创造了基础。

18、The Socialist Party won a landslide victory on a nationalist platform. ─── 社会党凭借民族主义政纲赢得了压倒性胜利。

19、Their house was buried by a landslide. ─── 他们的房子被一次山体滑坡掩埋了。

20、An electoral landslide put the Labour Party into power in 1945. ─── 1945年工党以压倒多数的胜利当选执政。

21、But do you see that white place up yonder where there's been a landslide? ─── 你再瞧那边崩塌处有块白色空地,那就是我们的记号之一。

22、Other researchers believe a massive wave, caused by either an offshore earthquake or a distant underwater landslide, could explain the catastrophe. ─── " 其它的研究人员用一次由近海地震或是远距离 水下山体滑坡所产生的巨浪来解释导致这场灾难的原因。

23、We will never flinch in the face of earthquake or landslide. ─── 即使山崩地裂,我们决不后退。

24、With an example of landslide, the forming process and method of bulding the dissipative structure model are explained. ─── 以滑坡为例说明了耗散结构的形成过程,并给出了其耗散结构模型的建立方法。

25、An electoral landslide put the Labour Party into power in 1945. ─── 1945年工党以压倒多数的胜利当选执政.

26、It is a new subject of geo-hazard study to provide safe lands for constructi on for the settlement of immigrants on the basis of landslide trea tment. ─── 在防治滑坡的基础上,为移民迁建提供安全可靠的建设用地是三峡地质灾害研究的新课题。

27、Voters in landslide districts tend to elect more extreme members of Congress.Moderates who might otherwise run for office decide not to. ─── 在滑坡地区的投票者倾向于选出更极端的国会议员,而导致那些想要竞选公职的温和倾向的人决定退出。

28、And I was not surprised at all that the ruling People's Action Party scored a landslide victory by winning more than 75 per cent of valid votes. ─── 对于行动党最后以75%多的高得票率结果获胜,我一点也不感到惊奇。

29、At the same time, the design scheme of landslide treatment is also analyzed. ─── 介绍了合理拟定滑动面以及确定滑带土残余抗剪强度的方法,闸述了利用抗滑桩治理滑坡的设计方案。

30、Therefore, this paper provides a guide for the exploration of landslide dams and dammed lakes. ─── 对上述工程地质问题进行探讨,并对堵江滑坡坝进行实例分析,对开发利用滑坡堵江形成堰塞湖蕴藏的丰富水能资源具有指导作用。

31、But rural voters were quite rational in handing him landslide victories in 2001 and 2005. ─── 但是农村选民们在2001年和2005年将压倒性的胜利交到他手中的时候可是相当有理性的。

32、They immediately undertook the heart - stirring battle to prevent the landslide. ─── 他们立即展开了一场惊心动魄的防止塌方的战斗。

33、The Conservatives gained a landslide victory and were returned for a second term of government. ─── 保守党以压倒之势赢得了胜利,继续执政。

34、The landslide and debris flow based on plagioclase coincidently locate in ringed mountains. ─── 以斜岩作为地质基础的滑坡和泥石流等地质灾害恰恰分布在环形山脉中。

35、Most residents living near a landslide in San Diego can return home. ─── 大部分住在在圣地亚哥一四道公路塌方现场附近的居民今天可以回家了。

36、The landslide cut a 50-yard-long chasm across a four-lane street, leaving a 20-foot ravine behind. ─── 山体滑坡在四车道的大街上砸出了五十英尺长的深洞,留下一个二十英尺的沟壑。

37、The National League for Democracy pulled off a landslide victory. ─── 全国民主联盟获得了压倒性的胜利。

38、The railroad was blocked by a landslide. ─── 塌方把铁路堵塞了.

39、A: They leveled off the road so efficiently after the landslide. ─── 山崩后他们很有效率地把路面整平了。

40、Interesting hummocks swirls and are found on the surface of the landslide. ─── 在山体滑坡的表面,我们能够看到有趣的山包,盘绕的丘陵和悬崖.

41、He won last month's presidential election by a landslide. ─── 他以压倒性多数赢得上月的总统选举。

42、The peasants expect to keep farming the landslide zone. ─── 农民们希望能继续在滑坡区耕种.

43、Daily, his army of pollsters conducted surveys. And, daily, they told him the numbers looked really good. No doubt about it. It's gonna be a landslide. ─── 他相信民调,每天做民调,每天他的民调团都说他非大赢不可。

44、The landslide process of a composite soil nailed wall in soft clay excavation is described. ─── 简述了某软土基坑复合土钉支护结构失稳过程,分析失稳原因,介绍工程治理措施.

45、The road was blocked by a landslide. ─── 塌方把道路堵塞了.

46、The road was blocked by a landslide. ─── 塌方把道路堵塞了。

47、A : They leveled off the road so efficiently after the landslide. ─── 山崩后他们很有效率地把路面整平了.

48、Figure (2) Distribution Diagram of Plagioclase Landslide and Debris Flow Disasters in China. ─── 图(2)中国斜岩滑坡和泥石流地质灾害分布图。

49、The business people finally jumped on the bandwagon, too, and the candidate won by a landslide. ─── 商界人士最终也加入了可能获胜的一方,结果那位候选人以一边倒的优势当选。

50、After 921 earthquake, a lot of data of landslide in mountainside area was obtained. ─── 台湾经过921集集大地震后,获得大量的山区山崩资料。

51、Her conjecture that the election would be a landslide proved to be true. ─── 她关於选举会大获全胜的推测证明是正确的。

52、Sometimes a break in the earth' s crust comes about, which starts such a landslide as that which occurred in Madison Canyon. ─── 也有些时候地壳的一个断裂发生了,引起如同在麦迪生峡谷发生的大滑坡。

53、The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide,mudflow and rockfall. ─── 大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡、泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生。

54、A landslide brings down tons of debris. ─── 山崩挟带下大量的碎岩石。

55、Even though earthquakes happen every day, an occurrence like the Madision River landslide does not happen very often. ─── 像麦迪生河大滑坡似的事件却不是经常发生。

56、A dozen or more campers along the fiver were buried deep beneath the great landslide. ─── 十几个,或许更多沿河的露营者被深埋在大滑坡下。

57、The body movement mode of the landslide is a high speed monoblock sliding which lead the fluidization of the clay in the shear zone. ─── 其顺层主体连接缓倾角阻滑区的结构是孕育高速滑坡的典型结构。

58、Sun Deyong. Badu Landslide Remedy in Nankun Railway[M]. ─── 54孙德永.南昆铁路八渡滑坡整治工程[M].北京:中国铁道出版社,

59、At work, we decided to vote for where we want to eat, and pizza won by a landslide. ─── 办公室里大伙投票决定一起上那儿去吃饭,结果皮萨饼大获全胜。

60、The front area of the landslide was cut by the branch of Qingjiang River, which offered a free face. ─── 坡体前缘受清江支流的弧形切割,为滑坡提供了临空条件,而薄层灰岩及第四系坡积物又为易发生滑坡的地层岩性条件。

61、Troops defeated are like a landslide. ─── 兵败如山倒。

62、The expected landslide did not occur on the third ballot, and Farley turned in desperation to the Texas and California delegates. ─── 在第三轮投票时,这种预期的压倒优胜并未出现,法利拼命转向得克萨斯和加利福尼亚的代表。

63、The railroad was blocked by a landslide. ─── 塌方把铁路堵塞了。

64、Zhongyuan Base Engineering Company. Stability Research of Baiyi'an Landslide. ─── 中元基础工程公司。白衣庵滑坡稳定性研究。

65、Roosevelt defeated Hoover in a landslide. ─── 他以压倒性胜利当

66、A landslide or mudflow ttriggered by volcanic fragments from flanks of a volcano. ─── 火山侧翼的火山物质造成的滑坡或泥石流.

67、Geological conditions of the landslide are complex and the progressive mechanism is toppling or slip. ─── 滑坡区地质环境条件复杂,滑坡成因机制为弯曲折断-滑移的地质力学模式.

68、Thatcher romped home with a majority of 16,260 in the Conservative landslide, and her political career was launched. ─── 在保守党走下坡路的情况下,她获得了16260的压倒性选票,开始了政治生涯。

69、Our candidate is predicated to win by a landslide. ─── 我们的候选人被预言讲义绝对优势取胜.

70、This paper brief states the basic principle of probability analysis of landslide failure. ─── 本文概述了滑坡破坏概率分析的基本原理.

71、In the state election of 1967, the DMK won a landslide victory. ─── 在1967年的选举中,平等党赢得压倒性多数的胜利。

72、That type of landslide can be concluded as bedding traction-bed flat-slowdown landslide in karst process. ─── 可以将这种滑坡形式总结为岩溶过程中的顺层推移-躺平-减速滑坡。

73、So -- could you just lie down and let the landslide whoosh over you?No, unless you are about the size of a blade of grass. ─── 因为空气组成的垫子在下面,岩石和泥土并没有受摩擦力的影响而减速,他们滑落的时候,继续加速。

74、The landslide mainly distributed in Cretacic sandrock area in Helong city . ─── 和龙市地质灾害主要为泥石流,其次是崩滑灾害。

75、It has some properties of landslide and mudflow concurrently. ─── 它兼有滑坡和泥石流的 一些特征。

76、Ti/Zrpillared rectorie have 202.434 m~2/g BET surface area,0.930 8 g/mL~3 loosen landslide density and its surface acidity

77、The Candidate: A landslide for Kerry. But can he now unseat Bush? ─── 克里角逐民主党总统候选人大胜,他能击败布什吗?

78、They were unaware of the impending landslide. ─── 他们并未觉察到迫在眉睫的土石流。

79、Landslide spatial database mainly includes landslide factor database and landslide spatial distribution database. ─── 滑坡因素空间数据库包括滑坡因子数据库和滑坡分布数据库.

80、The heavy rain was responsible for the landslide. ─── 山崩应归于下大雨。

81、But lusty elections and ? 1972, but lost the election in a landslide to former president President Richard Nixon. ─── " "他们都是很有实力的人,都热衷于追求知识,都有超出一般人的雄心壮志.

82、National League for Democracy pulled off a landslide victory. ─── 国家民主联盟取得了压倒性优势的胜利。

83、The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide, mudflow and rockfall. ─── 大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡 、 泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生.

84、Soldiers will try to blast its landslide away in a desperate attempt to drain the water. ─── 士兵们无计可施,只能试图炸开山崩中的泥土,以便把水引导出去.

85、In 1964, while losing in a landslide, Goldwater carried five southern states. ─── 1964年,尽管以一边倒的票数输掉了竞选,戈德华特却赢得了五个南方州的选票。

86、Seepage might cause leakage, piping effect, landslide and even endanger the whole dam. ─── 堤坝的渗流会导致渗漏、管涌、滑坡甚至危及整个大坝的安全。

87、As expected, Mr Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) won in a landslide, taking 42 of the 53 contested seats in a proclaimed turnout of 98.5%. ─── 与预计的一样,卡加梅总统的卢旺达爱国前线(RPF)以绝对优势获胜,赢得了53个席位中的42个,而据披露,98.5%的选民参与了投票。

88、With aides saying his private polls showed he may be on the brink of an electoral-vote landslide, the confident Bush did not let up on his rival. ─── 助选人员说,根据他私人的民意测验,他可能在选举团投票时得到几乎压倒台性的胜利,充满信心的布什对他的敌对手仍不放松。

89、Basu County, the Ukrainian contingent is wrong in 1959 rainstorm caused a landslide blocked the river valley. ─── 八宿县的然乌错是1959年暴雨引起山崩堵塞河谷形成的。

90、The distribution of mineral particles on soil landslide is protogenous and random before the creation of sliding zoon. ─── 土质滑坡在滑动带形成之前,其矿物颗粒的分布是原生状的,带有很大的随机性。

91、Zhu Rong Ming , 57, was buried under a landslide in Beichuan and suffered terrible injuries. ─── 57岁的朱荣明(音)曾被北川的山体滑坡掩埋,遭受了重伤.

92、Zhu Rong Ming, 57, was buried under a landslide in Beichuan and suffered terrible injuries. ─── 57岁的朱荣明(音)曾被北川的山体滑坡掩埋,遭受了重伤。

93、The spatial characteristics of landslide and dewatered body of drainage tunnel are analyzed with GIS. ─── 基于GIS技术对滑坡及其渗水盲洞疏干土体的空间特征进行了分析。

94、Earlier reports from state media said the landslide killed one worker and injured another. ─── 官方媒体早些时候的报导说,塌方造成一名工人死亡,一人受伤。

95、Strange as it may seem, much of the landslide never touches the ground at all. ─── 就像我们看到的奇怪现象一样,很多滑坡根本就没有接触到地面。

96、Xikou landslide in Huaying mountain is a largest event of geological hazard in our country in the late of 1980 s. ─── 华蓥山溪口滑坡是八十年代末期我国发生最大的地质灾害事件。

97、The picture shows a landslide before earthquake contributed by a web user. ─── 下面的图是地震前网友拍到的一次山体滑坡。

98、Stay away from the site. Flooding or additional slides may occur after a landslide or mudflow. ─── 远离事发地点. 滑坡或泥石流结束后可能会有洪水或其他的碎屑.

99、A run for parliament two years later for the Rajasthan constituency gave her the world's largest landslide, 192,909 votes. ─── 两年后拉贾斯坦邦这一选区的选举使她获得了压倒性的胜利。

100、The geological hazard,such as landslide and mudflow,etc. may cause fatal hidden trouble for the safety of gas-oil pipeline in service. ─── 山体滑坡和泥石流等地质灾害对油气管道安全运行构成了潜在的重大危害。

101、Therefore, the landslide forcast and prediction has become a hot topic studied by people. ─── 因此, 滑坡预测预报已成为人们研究的一个热点问题.

102、The NLD won a landslide victory in the elections five months ago. ─── 全国民主联盟在5个月前的选举中获得压倒性胜利。

103、She was expected to win by a landslide . ─── 预计她会以压倒多数的选票获胜。

104、Officials say heavy rains in the past two weeks probably caused the landslide. ─── 官员说,过去两个星期的大雨可能是这次滑坡的起因。

105、If a landslide appears in nation's society and economy, sports will receive the impact first. ─── 如果一旦社会的经济出现滑坡,首先受到冲击的就会是体育。

106、Even though earthquakes happen every day, an occurrence like the Madison River landslide does not happen very often. ─── 尽管地震每天都在发生,像麦迪生河大滑坡似的事件却不是经常发生。

107、Her conjecture that the election will be a landslide prove to be true. ─── 她关于选举会大获全胜的推测证明是正确的。

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