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09-19 投稿


kith 发音

英:[kɪθ]  美:[kɪθ]

英:  美:

kith 中文意思翻译



kith 短语词组

1、kith and kin ─── 骨肉,亲属,同胞;亲朋

kith 词性/词形变化,kith变形

动词第三人称单数: kites |动词过去式: kited |动词现在分词: kiting |动词过去分词: kited |

kith 常用词组

kith and kin ─── 朋友和亲属

kith 相似词语短语

1、pith ─── n.精髓;核心;木髓;要旨;vt.杀死;使瘫痪;除去…中的髓

2、kite ─── n.风筝;vi.使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞;轻快地移动;vt.骗钱;涂改(支票);n.(Kite)(塞)基特;(英)凯特(人名)

3、with ─── prep.和……在一起;具有;用;反对;关于;包括;由于;随着;顺着;受雇于;虽然;支持;穿着;受……影响;表示与某物分离;由……负责;n.(With)(美、印、俄)维特(人名)

4、Lith ─── n.利斯片(超薄感光图层摄影胶片);abbr.平板印刷术(lithography);n.(Lith)利特(人名)

5、kit ─── n.工具箱;成套工具;vt.装备;vi.装备;n.(Kit)人名;(俄)基特;(东南亚国家华语)吉;(英)基特,姬特(女名)(教名Christopher、Katherine的昵称)

6、kits ─── n.装备;小桶;锦囊(kit的复数);n.(Kits)人名;(俄)基茨

7、kish ─── n.结集石墨;石墨分离;[冶]漂浮石墨;[冶]凝壳;n.(Kish)人名;(英、罗、塞)基什

8、sith ─── adv.从……以来;此后(等于since);conj.从……以来;因为(等于since);prep.从……以来(等于since);n.(Sith)(美、俄、英、马、澳、印)茜特(人名)

9、kithe ─── vi.以行动表示

kith 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is addicted to drinking, but often lacks wine because he is poor. Knowing about this, his kith and kin often treat him to some wine. ─── 他生性最爱喝酒,因为家里贫穷,常常不能得到。亲戚和老朋友知道以后,有时设酒款待他。

2、Chinese people living all over the world are our kith and kin. ─── 居住在世界各地的华人都是我们的骨肉同胞。

3、How could he do such an awful thing to his own kith and kin? ─── 他怎么会对自己的亲人做出这样糟糕的事呢?

4、Neither kith nor kin ─── 无亲无友

5、But he complied with the local custom of taking care of kith and kin by making one brother head of the state security service and another ambassador to Germany. ─── 但是他遵照了当地的习俗,照顾亲戚和朋友,任他的一个弟弟为国家安全局首领,另一个弟弟为德国大使。

6、Such quarrels take place even among one's own kith and kin. ─── 这样的争吵甚至会在自己的亲戚和朋友之间发生。

7、And thus in the folklore circulating among our relatives, we were pictured as the quintessence of meanness to kith and kin and a warning to the world at large. ─── 在亲戚们口口相传的民间文学里,我们的忘本与小气差不点就成了警世通言。

8、431 Better be blamed by our kith and kin,than be kissed by the enemy. ─── 宁可让亲人责备,切勿让敌人亲吻。

9、I'm not going away for Christmas; I prefer to stay at home with my own kith and kin. ─── 圣诞节我不外出,我情愿耽在家里和亲人们在一起。

10、Be finished going to visit kith and kin afterwards , just, only when the child and the aged people get a gift. ─── 完毕之后,便去访问亲友,只有小孩和年老的人得到礼物。

11、He has returned to live in Italy, where he'll be surrounded by his kith and kin. ─── 他回意大利定居了,在那里身边会有很多亲朋好友。

12、Most of those who serve in old folks'homes and social welfare institutions are women. They treat elders and youngsters like their own kith and kin. ─── 在众多的敬老院和社会福利院服务的大都是妇女,她们像照顾自己的亲人一样照顾年迈的老人和年幼的孩子。

13、Taiwan compatriots will share the pride and glory of a great nation with their kith and kin from the other parts of the motherland. ─── 台湾同胞将与祖国其他地区人民一道共享一个伟大国家的尊严和荣誉。

14、Example: They are my kith and kin. ─── 他们是我的至亲好友。

15、Kith Holdings Limited ─── 侨威集团有限公司,简称侨威集团

16、And also, please bring along all your kith and kin to learn English together, to be hospitable hosts together, and to welcome friends from all over the world in a high spirit. ─── 带动家人和亲朋好友共同学习英语,当好08年奥运的主人翁,以良好的精神风貌,迎接来自世界各国的朋友。

17、kith and kin ─── n. 亲戚朋友

18、Lao Yezi, in our minds is kith with us. ─── 老爷子,在我们的心中,已经是自己的亲人了。

19、However, despite having Australian citizenship and maintaining a home there, Mr Kith Meng has "mixed memories" from his youth in Canberra. ─── 不过,尽管陈丰明拥有澳大利亚公民身份,而且在那里拥有住所,他对堪培拉少年时期却有着“复杂的会议”。

20、No, he's neither kith nor kin to me ─── 不是,他和我非亲非眷。

21、1. All John's kith and kin came to his wedding. ─── 约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。

22、Don't quarrel with him; he's your own kith and kin. ─── 不要同他吵架,他可是你自己的亲戚。

23、relatives and friends; kith and ki ─── 亲友

24、All John's kith and kin came to his wedding. ─── 约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。

25、We estimated the default in the river water normal detection data by KNN (kith nearest neighbor) in pattern recognition.Then we made a comparison with other methods. ─── 采用模式识别中的KNN最近邻法,以监测数据样本行为预测参照,对河水水质常规监测数据中存在的缺损值进行预测,并与其余的方法比较,证明方法的可靠性。

26、(Loud laughter.) Such quarrels take place even among one's own kith and kin. ─── (笑声更大了)这样的争吵甚至会在自己的亲戚和朋友之间发生。

27、We may not agree with their politics, but we should remember that they are our kith and kin. ─── 我们可以不同意他们的政见,但是我们应该记住他们是我们的至亲好友。

28、Most of those who serve in old folks' homes and social welfare institutions are women. They treat elders and youngsters like their own kith and kin. ─── 在众多的敬老院和社会福利院服务的大都是妇女,她们像照顾自己的亲人一样照顾老人和孩子。

29、Kith and kin or sympathizers that share common affiliations with sufferers" tribe, sect or religious group become bloodthirsty enemies of the perpetrators, supporters and sponsors of martial actions. ─── 亲朋好友与志同道合的人共享同一个受难者联盟,部落,宗派,教派在这个联盟中成为作恶之人的嗜学血的敌人,成为支持者和赞助者军事行动的工具。

30、treat us like their kith and kin ─── 待我们如同亲人

31、Better be blamed by our kith and kin, than be kissed by the enemy. ─── 宁可让亲人责备,切勿让敌人亲吻。

32、When most people start up in business they rely on kith and kin for support and struggle along together to conquer the world. ─── 大部分人在初创业时都会以家族、乡亲为班底,胼手胝足共创天下。

33、2. How could he do such an awful thing to his own kith and kin? ─── 他怎么会对自己的亲人做出这样糟糕的事呢?

34、Chinese people living all over the world are our kith and kin. ─── 居住在世界各地的华人都是我们的骨肉同胞。

35、Do you have kith and kin working in my cmpany. ─── 你有没有亲戚朋友在我公司就职?

36、to be of the same kith and kin ─── 属于同族

37、Taiwan compatriots will share the pride and glory of a great nation with their kith and kin from the other parts of the motherland. ─── 台湾同胞将与祖国其他地区人民一道共享一个伟大国家的尊严和荣誉。

38、blamed by our kith and kin than be kissed by the enemy. ─── 亲人责备,切勿让敌人亲吻。

39、7.We may not agree with their politics, but we must remember that they are our kith and kin. ─── 我们也许在政见上同他们有分歧,但我们必须记住他们是我们的亲友。

40、She was now living up to her title as lore master of her bardic group and going to seek out the ruins of Kith'tarka. ─── 现在,她已到了被吟游诗人圈子里称为大师的阶段,正打算去找到姬斯·塔卡的废墟。

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