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09-18 投稿


kremlin 发音

英:[ˈkremlɪn]  美:[ˈkremlɪn]

英:  美:

kremlin 中文意思翻译





kremlin 网络释义

n. 克里姆林宫(前苏联政府)adj. 克里姆林宫的;前苏联政府的

kremlin 词性/词形变化,kremlin变形

形容词: Kremlinological |名词: Krem-linologist |

kremlin 短语词组

1、the kremlin ─── 克里姆林宫

2、Moscow Kremlin ─── 克里姆林宫

3、kremlin award ─── 克里姆林宫奖

kremlin 相似词语短语

1、Kremlin ─── n.俄罗斯城堡;n.(Kremlin)克里姆林宫(前苏联政府);n.(Kremlin)(美)克里姆(人名)

2、gremlins ─── n.小魔怪;小精灵;捣蛋鬼(gremlin的复数)

3、Cromalin ─── n.克罗马林(杜邦打样系统);铝电镀法

4、trembling ─── n.发抖,战栗;担心;adj.发抖的,战栗的;v.(通常因寒冷、害怕或情绪激动)颤抖,发抖;颤动;极担心(tremble的现在分词)

5、gremlin ─── n.小精灵,小鬼;麻烦

6、kremlins ─── n.俄罗斯城堡;n.(Kremlin)克里姆林宫(前苏联政府);n.(Kremlin)(美)克里姆(人名)

7、drumlins ─── n.冰堆丘;冰丘;[地质]鼓丘

8、bromelin ─── n.[生化]菠萝蛋白酶

9、drumlin ─── n.冰堆丘;冰丘;[地质]鼓丘

kremlin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the international response to what amounts to a redrawing of Georgia's borders suggests diplomatic troubles ahead for the Kremlin. ─── 但国际社会对这个相当于重新划分格鲁吉亚边境的举动所作的反应表明,克里姆林宫未来将面临外交压力。

2、The Kremlin could, conceivably, cover the gap from its own reserves. ─── 也许,克里姆林宫可以动用其储备来弥补资金缺口。

3、Kasparov wanted to draw attention to Russia's economic troubles and to protest Kremlin plans to extend the presidential term from four years to six. ─── 他希望拉动(各界)注意到,俄国经济困难及克里姆林宫计划延长总统任期由四年到六年。

4、But if people care little about infighting in the Kremlin, they care a lot about rising prices and corruption. ─── 但是如果说老百姓对克里姆林宫的内斗莫不关心的话,那么他们所关心的就是不断上涨的价格和腐败。

5、During a meeting at the Kremlin on Monday, President Dmitri Medvedev seemed to realize that this was not just a series of freak accidents. ─── 总统梅德韦杰夫在克里姆林宫在星期一的会议期间,似乎意识到,这不仅仅是一个奇怪的意外。

6、"The great red-walled Kremlin is the core of Moscow, and of all Russia. ─── “被红色围墙环绕的克里姆林宫是莫斯科乃至整个俄罗斯的中心。

7、The Kremlin has played adeptly on Europe's dependence on Russian gas to enhance its influence. ─── 克里姆林宫巧妙地利用欧洲对俄罗斯天然气的依赖以增强影响力。

8、He(George Bush)is restless and unpredictable,and that could give him an edge in dealings with the equally unpredictable forces in the Kremlin. ─── 他(布什)总是焦躁不安而不可捉摸。在与克里姆林宫里同样不可捉摸的力量打交道时,这一点可能令他占有优势。

9、Once these had served their purpose, the Kremlin decided to go it alone and the Americans and other“ capitalists” were sent home. ─── 一旦他们的目的满足后,克里姆林宫决定自己来搞,而把美国人和其他“资本家”送回老家去。

10、The coincidence of the two shows exemplifies the glitzy entertainment and sabre-rattling that are so close in Kremlin ideology. ─── 两场表演的巧合说明了在克里姆林宫的意识形态中,眩目娱乐与武力展示十分相近。

11、The Kremlin has spent a decade entrenching one set of allies at the commanding heights of the economy. ─── 俄罗斯政府花了十年时间牢固确立了一系列占据经济制高点的盟友。

12、He (George Bush) is restless and unpredictable, and that could give him an edge in dealings with the equally unpredictable forces in the Kremlin. ─── 他(布什)总是焦躁不安而不可捉摸。在与克里姆林宫里同样不可捉摸的力量打交道时,这一点可能令他占有优势。

13、A protest by drivers in the Russian far east brought a nervy response from official Kremlin media. ─── 俄罗斯远东地区的出粗车司机们发起的抗议对克里姆林宫的官方媒体做出了激昂的回应。

14、The Kremlin needed an excuse to accelerate the pressures it was exerting on India. ─── 克里姆林宫需要一个借口来增加它正在对印度施加的压力。

15、Standing with President Medvedev in an ornate gilded hall in the Kremlin, he spoke of the need for a fresh start. ─── 与总统梅德韦杰夫一起站在装饰豪华的克里姆林宫的镀金大厅里,他谈到了新开始的必要性。

16、The Kremlin's claim that Russia is a western-style democracy is mere "blah blah blah", he adds dismissively. ─── 他还轻蔑地补充道,克里姆林宫宣称俄罗斯是西式民主,这简直就是胡扯。

17、The Kremlin said Wednesday the Time recognition was seen there as an acknowledgment of Putin's role in helping Russia pull out of its social and economic troubles in the 1990s. ─── 克里姆林宫于本周三表示,普京当选《时代》年度人物是《时代》杂志对其政绩的承认,普京总统带领俄罗斯走出了上世纪90年代的社会和经济困境。

18、Even if we avoid a nuclear holocaust, the threat from the Kremlin requires us to devote a sizable fraction of our resources to our military defense. ─── 即使我们避免一场核破坏,来自克里姆林宫的威胁还是要求我们花费了我们相当大的资源用于我们的军事防卫。

19、In March, President Medvedev met in the Kremlin with former U.S.Senators Chuck Hagel and Gary Hart -- members of the bipartisan Commission on U.S. ─── 今年3月,俄罗斯总统在克里姆林宫会见前美国参议员哈格尔和哈特,他们俩都是美国对俄罗斯政策的两党委员会成员。

20、Other detachments marched across the Kremlin and encamped in Moroseyka, Lubyanka, and Pokrovka. ─── 另一些队伍穿过克里姆林宫,在马罗谢卡,卢比扬卡,波克罗夫卡等街道扎营。

21、They should continue to help NGOs and others who are trying to establish a civil society that may, one day, provide an alternative to the dead weight of the Kremlin. ─── 他们应该继续帮助那些尽力想建立一个文明的社会非政府组织,也许有一天他们会取代克里姆林宫的绝对政权。

22、A score of 70-75% of the vote, on a turnout of 60%, as planned by the Kremlin, would strengthen his claims to continue to lead the country. ─── 60%的出席者中的70-75%的选票都是俄罗斯政府准备的,这些选票让普京更信心十足地宣布要继续领导俄罗斯。

23、Would the Kremlin really renege on Russia's biggest foreign investments? ─── 克里姆林宫真的会对俄最大的国外投资出尔反尔么?

24、Kremlin official declined to comment because he said he hadn't had time to read the report. ─── 克里姆林宫一位官员拒绝置评,原因是他说自己没时间阅读这份报告。

25、Their country may not be a proper democracy, but the Kremlin is still nervously responsive to shifts in the national mood. ─── 他们的国家可能并非严格意义上的民主,但克里姆林宫仍然不安地对民族情绪的改变过敏。

26、The Kremlin said Sunday Mr. Putin has been informed of the alleged plot, first reported by Russia's Interfax news agency. ─── 克林姆林宫星期天说,普京已经被告知了这起据称的行刺阴谋,行刺阴谋最先由俄罗斯文传通讯社报导。

27、The Kremlin uses history as a weapon to imply that east European countries which see the past differently are closet Nazis. ─── 克里姆林宫以历史作为武器,影射对过往抱有不同看法的东欧国家是潜在的纳粹策源地。

28、A Kremlin spokesman called his leader's comments a“ hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question”. ─── 克里姆林宫发言人将其领导人的言论称为“是对一个假想问题的假想回答”。

29、The Kremlin and others in Russia angrily attribute this assumption to anachronistic cold-war stereotypes. ─── 克里姆林宫以及俄罗斯其他的一些人非常恼火,认为这一假定来自不合时宜的冷战思维。

30、Kremlin realized that the West, such as honey-like sugar may be on Russia's promise of equal partners is in fact extremely hypocritical lies. ─── 克里姆林宫认识到,西方如蜜似糖般的关于是俄的平等伙伴的允诺实际上是极其虚伪的谎言。

31、"We believe it (the rouble) will slowly emerge as a reserve currency but I will not give you any indication over time," said Kremlin's top economic aide Arkady Dvorkovich. ─── "我们相信卢布会逐渐展露手脚变成储备货币但随着时间的过去我不会给你任何征兆",克里姆林宫高级经济助手阿卡迪.德沃科维奇说道.

32、The Kremlin's Security Council ended months of acrimonious debate on Thursday and backed cuts of some 600,000 people over five years. ─── 克里姆林宫的安全委员会在本周四结束了常达数月的激烈争论,通过了这项在五年内裁军60万的提议。

33、Yeltsin shakes hands with children after his visit to a museum in Moscow's Kremlin on Sept. 15, 1997. ─── 1997年9月15日,叶利钦亲切接待了来莫斯科克里姆林宫一座博物馆参观的孩子们。

34、Kremlin Ballet Theatre was founded by well-known choreographer, People's Artist of Russia Andrei Petrov in 1990. ─── 克里姆林宫是俄罗斯的象征,设在克里姆林宫内的芭蕾舞剧院被称为是克里姆林宫内的无数奇珍异宝之一。

35、Either way, as Sakhalin proves, the Kremlin evidently feels it can afford to dispense with the niceties. ─── 不管是哪种,如同库页岛项目所证实的,克里姆林宫明显认为就算无视外交谨慎,自己也玩得起。

36、Take a group you can trust with you into the Kremlin and arrest Peter and the Tsarina. ─── 你带人冲进克里姆林宫,把沙里扎和彼得捉了起来。

37、He was convinced that it was in Washington's interest to try to deal with the Kremlin. ─── 他坚信华盛顿同克里姆林往来对美国会有利。

38、The Kremlin says it will begin its withdrawal tomorrow. ─── 克里姆林宫称明天将开始撤军。

39、The post will give him a powerful political base from which to challenge the Kremlin. ─── 这个职位将为他挑战克里姆林宫提供一个有力的政治基础。

40、The Kremlin's sixty acres of palaces, museums and churches make it Europe's most concentrated expression of the art, architecture and history of a single nation. ─── 克里姆林宫占地60英亩,其中有宫殿、博物馆和教堂,是俄国的艺术、建筑和历史在欧洲最集中的体现。

41、Russia and the Vatican have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, the Kremlin has announced. ─── 克里姆林宫宣布,俄罗斯与梵蒂冈建立全面外交关系。

42、They could see the Kremlin quite clearly from where they lied . ─── 他们住的地方可以很清楚地看到克里姆林宫。

43、A huge crowd gathered in a square outside the Kremlin walls. ─── 一大群人聚集在了克里姆林宫墙外的广场上。

44、Yeltsin drinks champagne during a meeting with mass media in the Moscow Kremlin on April 19, 1999. ─── 1999年4月19日,叶利钦在克里姆林宫的记者招待会上饮下一杯香槟。

45、Whatever money was earmarked for Chechnya by the Kremlin was stolen by Chechen and Russian officials before it got anywhere near the ordinary people. ─── 克里姆林宫给车臣的所有专款在进入老百姓的视野之前就都被车臣和俄罗斯官员贪污了。

46、The Kremlin is deeply split in its approach to foreign policy. ─── 克里姆林宫在对外政策的看法上严重分歧。

47、The Kremlin is turning west ward for capital and technology. ─── 克里姆林宫正在转向西方寻求资金和技术。

48、The Kremlin's most conspicuous landmark is the bell tower of Ivan the Great. ─── 克里姆林宫最引人注目的建筑要算是伊凡大帝时期的钟楼了。

49、There seems to be a lack of consensus in the Kremlin about how to counter simmering instability in its outlying regions. ─── 对于如何对付边远地区日益升温的不稳定状态,克里姆林宫似乎缺乏共识。

50、The Kremlin responded with hardline pronouncements with the president Dmitry Medvedev visiting the breakaway Georgian republic of South Ossetia on Monday. ─── 克里姆林宫以强硬言论作出回应,梅德韦杰夫总统周一访问了从格鲁吉亚分裂进来的南奥塞梯共和国。

51、The Kremlin has tried in state media to downplay the impact of the global financial crisis. Yet popular discontent is growing. ─── 克里姆林宫曾试图在官方媒体上淡化全球金融危机的影响。不过,普遍的不满情绪正在升温。

52、A bell was ringing in the Kremlin for evening service, and that sound troubled the French. ─── 克里姆林宫内,晚祷钟声正鸣响着,钟声使法国人困惑。

53、To its east, Poland is being a lot nicer to the Kremlin. ─── 再向东看,波兰对俄罗斯政府的态度要好得多。

54、However, the growing economic crisis, the Kremlin made aware that they are not free in the international system other than the individual. ─── 但愈演愈烈的经济危机使得克里姆林宫意识到自己不是游离在国际体系之外的个体。

55、The Kremlin was badly damaged and two thirds of the city was erased. ─── 克里姆林宫的烧损非常严重,三分之二的城市销毁殆尽。

56、The Kremlin has also spent over $200 billion of its reserves to cushion the devaluation of the rouble and avoid public panic. ─── 克里姆林宫还拿出了二千多亿美元的外汇储备来缓解卢布的贬值,以免引起公众的恐慌。

57、The Kremlin leader asks why should Medvedev participate in debates and discuss problems that will be clearly formulated in a populist key. ─── 今年42岁的梅德韦杰夫也不用答应与任何一个对手进行辩论。

58、Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has dismissed the head of the country's powerful GRU military intelligence service, the Kremlin has said. ─── 克里姆林宫发言人称,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫解除了情报总局首领的职位。

59、He would be no cold-war figurehead against the Kremlin and all its works; he was, to the core, a Russian nationalist. ─── 他不是反对克里姆林宫的冷战傀儡,而是十足的俄罗斯爱国主义者。

60、But they are also aware that lecturing the Kremlin about its behaviour at home or abroad is useless. ─── 但他们同样知道,告诉克里姆林宫它应该如何在国内和国外行为是徒劳的。

61、The former chess champion Kasparov, now a fierce Kremlin critic, had called for a protest despite being denied permission. ─── 前西洋棋士卡斯帕罗夫,现在是狂热的克里姆林宫批评者,不顾被拒绝允许还是呼吁抗议。

62、THERE is a prickly KGB officer in the Kremlin. ─── 克里姆林宫有一个脾气暴躁的克格勃官员。

63、The Kremlin's Spassky Tower and passers-by are reflected in the wet cobblestones of Moscow's Red Square on Feb. ─── 克里姆林宫的斯巴斯克塔和旅客的身影倒映在潮湿的鹅卵石墙上。

64、It opens with the Kremlin munificently answering an old woman's plea -- addressed in a letter to “V. ─── 书中大部分是普京的朋友和熟人对普京的美好评价和回忆。

65、The Kremlin's power is immense, so even if Mr Medvedev starts in Mr Putin's shadow, he may in time emerge from it. ─── 克里姆林宫权力无边,所以即使梅德韦杰夫在普京的阴影中上台,但他或许可以及时的摆脱阴影。

66、The Kremlin sees its relationship with the West as a zero-sum game: if it resurges, America will decline. ─── 克里姆林宫把它和西方的关系视为一个零和游戏:如果它复兴了,美国就会衰落。

67、A Kremlin honour guard stood by. ─── 一名克里姆林宫卫兵站立一旁。

68、Without a 1969 exchange like the one now being discussed between the White House and the Kremlin, my parents would never have married. ─── 如果没有1969年的那次互换,像现在白宫和克里姆林宫正在讨论的那种,我的父母永远不可能结合。

69、Russia's first President Boris Yeltsin has died at April23, at the age of76, a Kremlin spokesmen said Monday. ─── 克里姆林宫一位发言人昨日称,俄罗斯首任总统鲍里斯-叶利钦4月23日去世,享年76岁。

70、A spokesman for the businessman, who is seen as loyal to the Kremlin, cast doubt on the new figures yesterday. ─── 作为忠于克林姆林宫的企业家的代言人,他对昨天公布的新数据表示怀疑。

71、The Kremlin's 85,000 occupation troops have been forced to take refuge in garrisons and cities. ─── 克里姆林宫派出的为数达85,000人的占领部队被迫龟缩在军营和城市里。

72、Over the weekend, hundreds of protesters rallied a few blocks from the Kremlin to call for justice in the Kashin case. ─── 在上周末,数百名抗议者在距克林姆林宫几个街区远的地方举行了一场号召为卡申案伸张正义的游行。

73、Kremlin again alleged spying by Western newsmen. ─── 克里姆林宫再次宣称西方记者搞间谍活动。

74、The Kremlin has massively rewritten history, approving textbooks that rehabilitate Stalin as an “effective manager. ─── 克里姆林宫已在大规模重修历史,认可那些将斯大林还原为一位“有力的管理者”的教科书。

75、The Kremlin might have expected a brutal dispersal of the crowd, but Mr Kuchma would not sanction the use of force. ─── 克里姆林宫也许意料到了对人群的野蛮驱散,但库科马却不会认可使用武力。

76、Two Western firms get on better terms with the Kremlin. ─── 两家欧美公。

77、Members of “old Europe” may hope to avoid a clash with the Kremlin, but many countries of “new” Europe say the struggle has already begun. ─── “老欧洲”成员们或许希望避免与克里姆林宫发生冲突,但许多“新”欧洲国家们声称战斗已经打响。

78、Medvedev showed his willingness to continue to perform this role should Mr. Putin choose to leave him in the Kremlin. ─── 由此看出,如果普京先生愿意将他留在克里姆林宫里,梅德韦杰夫总统愿意继续做这个“代言人”。

79、The Kremlin's behaviour towards Yukos was wrong, extra-judicial and bad for Russia. ─── 克里姆林宫对尤克斯的所作所为是不正当的,它凌架于法律之上,对俄罗斯也是有害的。

80、The Moscow Kremlin (established 1156) served as the centre of Russian government until 1712 and again after 1918. ─── 1712年前和1918年后莫斯科的克里姆林(建于1156年)一直是俄国政府的中心。

81、Kremlin spokeswoman confirmed that the President had been informed of a plot but declined to comment further. ─── 俄政府发言人仅强调普京得知此次阴谋活动,但拒绝发表深层次评论.

82、But Mr Obama is also aware that lecturing the Kremlin about its behaviour at home or abroad is useless. ─── 不过,奥巴马也清楚:在克里姆林宫谈及俄罗斯在国内外的种种举动是无济于事的。

83、Regional governor Sergei Morozov told employers to contribute to a Kremlin campaign to boost the birth rate by giving young couples Wednesday off to have sex. ─── 乌里扬诺夫斯克州州长瑟盖?莫洛佐夫呼吁公司老板们响应政府提高出生率的计划,要求他们周三给年轻夫妇们放假一天,在家“造人”。

84、The Kremlin was bad1y damaged and two thirds of the city was erased. ─── 克里姆林宫的烧损非常严重,三分之二的城市销毁殆

85、For now, Kremlin critics say, the government appears to be trying to disrupt opposition Internet postings, rather than block them. ─── 批评克林姆林宫的人士说,目前来看,俄罗斯政府似乎只是试图对反对派在网上发布消息进行干扰,而不是把他们屏蔽掉。

86、Now, the Kremlin may balk at unleashing higher energy prices on the citizenry. ─── 但如今,克里姆林宫或许不会那么痛快地给上调居民电价放行了。

87、This exodus is a source of increasing worry for the Kremlin. ─── 人口的大批离去,越来越让克林姆林宫担忧。

88、For more than a decade, the Kremlin has waged a brutal war to prevent the secession of the republic of Chechnya. ─── 俄罗斯为阻止车臣共和国独立,打了十多年残酷的战争。

89、The Russian president met in the Kremlin with the leaders of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, a clear sign of Moscow's support for the regions. ─── 俄罗斯总理在克里姆林宫会见了南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹的领导人,已经明确表现了莫斯科对于这两地的支持。



I. 莫斯科














II. 圣彼得堡






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