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09-18 投稿


loyally 发音

英:[ˈlɔɪəli]  美:[ˈlɔɪəli]

英:  美:

loyally 中文意思翻译



loyally 反义词


loyally 同义词

dutifully | steadfastly | constantly | devotedly | dependably | reliably |faithfully

loyally 短语词组

1、loyally is hard ─── 忠诚是很难的

2、loyally yours ─── 忠实于你的

3、most loyally friend ─── 最忠实的朋友

4、loyally uphold ─── 忠实拥护

loyally 相似词语短语

1、florally ─── 弗洛里

2、loyalty ─── n.忠诚;忠心;忠实;忠于…感情

3、clonally ─── adv.同源细胞地;无性繁殖系地

4、locally ─── adv.局部地;在本地

5、globally ─── adv.全球地;全局地;世界上

6、legally ─── adv.合法地;法律上

7、royally ─── adv.庄严地;像国王似地

8、leally ─── 忠诚的

9、focally ─── 焦点地,有焦点地

loyally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He remained loyal throughout. ─── 他始终忠贞不渝。

2、He is loyal to the Party and he will always remain so. ─── 他对党非常忠诚,而且他会永远忠诚。

3、You are one of the most loyal staff in our company! ─── 你是公司最忠诚的员工之一。

4、Loyally, devotedly, authentically He followed the instructions faithfully. ─── 他严格遵守指令。

5、We will remain loyal, come hell or high water. ─── 不论如何,我们仍会保持忠诚。

6、He is a loyal member of the Christianity. ─── 他是一个忠实的基督教徒。

7、He was loyal to his country. ─── 他对国家是忠心的。

8、Flexible, hardworking, loyal and responsible. ─── 头脑灵活、作努力、诚并有强烈的责任心。

9、One loyal to the federal government during the Civil War. ─── 内战时期忠于联邦政府的人

10、Reminds you loyally, today is the fool's day, carefully is deceived, have not been rinsed by the human, my good intention! ─── 提醒您忠诚,今天是傻瓜的天,小心地被欺骗,未由人,我的好意图漂洗!

11、He remained loyal to the Party all his life . ─── 他一生都忠于党。

12、Be true to: be loyal to David was true to. ─── 大卫忠于自己的妻子。

13、Pellaeon served loyally at Thrawn's side as his trusted confidant. ─── 佩莱昂忠心耿耿地服务于索龙身旁,如同他的至亲密友。

14、He paraded himself as a loyal supporter of the party. ─── 他把自己伪装成该党的忠实支持者。

15、They are also greats swimmers, good family dogs and fiercely loyal. ─── 又大师游泳、好家庭忠诚狗猛.

16、When one is too loyal to be amiable, he will reject others. ─── 一个人如果太忠诚,不懂得随和,就会排斥他人。

17、You are a very loyal girlfriend. ─── 你对你男朋友蛮忠的嘛!

18、He is loyal to the Party faithfully. ─── 他对党无限忠诚。

19、He propose a loyal toast to the Queen. ─── 他提议向女王敬酒。

20、He's a loyal supporter of the Green Peace organization. ─── 他是绿色和平组织的忠实拥护者。

21、Sena came with him, continuing to serve loyally. ─── 塞娜继续追随他,忠心不二。

22、But when they got to know Rachel, they loved her too, and supported us loyally throughout the last year and a half of Rachel's life. ─── 但当他们结识瑞秋,他们爱她,并在全国各地支持我们的忠实的过去一年半的瑞秋的生命。

23、They are loyal to their master. ─── 他们对主人很忠心。

24、Women are honest, loyal, and forgiving. ─── 女人诚实、忠诚、宽

25、He didn't stay loyal to his army and told everything to the enemy. ─── 他背叛了自己的军队,把一切都告诉了敌人。

26、A loyal subject to a monarch. ─── 君主忠实的臣民

27、He was disloyal, but she was loyal. ─── 他对她不忠诚,但是她对他忠诚。

28、They are the loyal servants of the bourgeoisie. ─── 他们是资产阶级的忠臣。

29、As a loyal citizen, he supported his government. ─── 作为一个忠实的公民,他支持政府.

30、I mourn sincerely the death of my dear uncle, the King, but I know I may count on you to serve me as loyally as you served him. ─── 我为我叔父--国王的死感到深切的哀痛,但我坚信你们会服务于我,如对他那般的忠诚。

31、You will be amply recomposed for your loyal support . ─── 你的忠心的赞助会得到充分的酬谢。

32、The army remained loyal to the Czar. ─── 军队保持着对沙皇的忠诚。

33、He has always loyally defended the president. ─── 他总是忠诚地保卫者总统。

34、DALIAN LOYAL INT'L LOGISTICS CO., LTD. ─── 大连瑞诚国际物流有限公司。

35、It depends on whether it believes in "Canadian Values" or loyally complies with its practical sense and value. ─── 这就看他(她)对“加拿大价值观”的信仰行动,是否忠诚地遵守它的实际意义和价值去做事。

36、The soldiers are loyal to their country. ─── 士兵们忠于他们的国家。

37、He has remained loyal to the team even though they lose every game. ─── 即使这个队每赛必输,他仍然忠于它。

38、She has loyally and unselfishly spent every day at her husband's side. ─── 她忠实而无私地在她丈夫身边度过了每一天。

39、Nothing is better than a loyal friend. ─── 什么也比不上一个忠实的朋友.

40、She determined to be loyal to her leader. ─── 她决定忠于她的领袖。

41、Your supposedly loyal staff is riddled with corruption. ─── 你所谓的忠心耿耿的职工都在贪污盗窃呢。

42、She is loyal and totally dependable. ─── 她很忠诚,完全值得信赖。

43、I wonder what more ou. A loyal viewer of your program. ─── 不知道观众朋友们在这一周里。

44、He failed to be loyal to his love. ─── 他是个负心人。

45、They have loyally supported their party and their leader. ─── 他们忠心耿耿地支持自己的政党和领导人。

46、He was loyal to his country friend, principles. ─── 他忠于国家 [朋友,主义]

47、His work isn't brilliant but give him his due. He is conscientious and loyal. ─── 他的工作并不出色,但说句公道话,他很认真,也很尽职。

48、He is a very loyal and capable employee. ─── 他是一个非常忠诚和能干的员工。

49、One couldn't desert the people after they held out so loyally and long. ─── 在人民赤胆忠心地坚持了这么久之后,谁也不会抛弃他们。

50、A loyal man stands by his friends in weal or woe. ─── 一个忠诚的人无论祸福都会支持他的朋友。

51、You are so loyal to your love. ─── 你对爱情真忠贞

52、She was straightforward, loyal and brave. ─── 她单纯、诚实,而又勇敢。

53、I promise," John said loyally. ─── 我保证。”约翰忠诚地说。

54、He was also loyal, and he didn't want to get anyone in trouble. ─── 他也很忠实,因此他不想使任何人卷入麻烦。

55、You know, some good time for them I've been loyal. ─── 你知道,我曾真诚的为他们作了一些好的事情。

56、How loyal are you to your fellow cabal members? ─── 你对你的结社成员忠诚吗?

57、Brave, is loyal to the master, tumbles is crawling. ─── 勇敢、忠于主人,跌倒在爬起来。

58、The army remained loyal throughout. ─── 军队始终保持忠诚。

59、He's determined to remain loyal to the team whatever comes his way. ─── 他决心不管发生什么事都忠于球队。

60、His election is a payoff for years of loyal party work. ─── 他的当选是多年来忠实致力于党务工作的结果。

61、She is lovable and loyal to friends. ─── 她可爱,对朋友忠诚。

62、He is loyal and devoted to both his people and country. ─── 他对自己的人民和祖国忠心耿耿。

63、Do you consider yourself a loyal employee? ─── 你认为自己是个忠心的员工吗?

64、She alone seems poignantly but absurdly loyal. ─── 唯有她似乎是强烈而愚蠢地忠诚。

65、He advised me to ensure that the bureaucracy was loyal. ─── 他向我提出忠告,必须设法做到使僚属忠贞不二。

66、As a loyal citizen, he supported his government. ─── 作为一个忠实的公民,他支持政府。

67、To be loyal to the United States. ─── 向美国效忠。

68、There is no doublt that he is loyal. ─── 他的忠诚无可置疑。

69、He is a loyal member of the Jesus Christ. ─── 他是耶稣的信徒。

70、The people stayed loyal to their country. ─── 人民忠于他们的国家。

71、To be your loyal partner, not just a supplier. ─── 不仅仅是您的供应商,更努力成为您忠诚的合作伙伴。

72、They are intelligent, competent, loyal, and hardworking. ─── 他们聪明、有能力、忠诚、并且埋头苦干。

73、A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate. ─── 亲信忠心而受信任的随从或部属

74、A wife loyal to her husband is chaste. ─── 一个忠于丈夫的妻子是贞洁的。

75、She vowed that he would be loyal to the king . ─── 她发誓要效忠国王。

76、The puppy, whom she had named Bolt, was standing loyally right next to her, now fully grown. ─── 她给那条小狗起名叫波特,这时小狗已经长大,正忠诚地守在她身边。

77、He gives loyally his taxes and his blood to a society for which he feels fear as much as respect. ─── 他忠心耿耿地向他既敬且畏的社会交上自己的血汗和租税。

78、Have been really loyal to the country! ─── 在这里做出了贡献呢!对国家可是忠心耿耿啊!

79、He was always loyal to the Party. ─── 他始终忠于党。

80、"You are a good and loyal servant to my nephew, Mr. Fei ! ─── “晓生兄,你真是忠心。

81、She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades. ─── 四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。

82、Shanghai Loyal Ornamental Wrought Iron Works Co., Ltd. ─── 上海朗亚装饰铁件工程有限公司上海曼富派工贸有限公司。

83、Another is that fans are loyal die-hards. ─── 其二,球迷都是死忠。

84、They are loyal to friends and family. ─── 他们对朋友和家庭非常忠诚。

85、They were all loyal supporters of the King. ─── 他们都是国王忠实的支持者。

86、A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. ─── 一个忠诚战士很少会担心我们的规则.

87、Mr. Clark is a loyal husband. ─── 克拉克先生是忠一不二的丈夫。

88、Why Loyal Customers are More Profitable? ─── 为什么能从忠诚的客户那里挣到较多的利润?

89、He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. ─── 他历尽艰辛始终都忠实於我。

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