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09-18 投稿


Laputa 发音

英:[ləˈpjuːtə]  美:[ləˈpjuːtə]

英:  美:

Laputa 中文意思翻译



Laputa 短语词组

1、the destruction of laputa ─── 拉普塔的毁灭

2、laputa studio ─── 拉普塔工作室

Laputa 相似词语短语

1、hapuka ─── 正常开放

2、Capua ─── n.加普亚(意大利南部古城)

3、flauta ─── 长笛

4、Papua ─── n.巴布亚岛(新几内亚岛NewGuinea的旧名)

5、Maputo ─── n.马普托(莫桑比克首都)

6、caput ─── n.[解剖]头;章

7、Laputa ─── n.拉普他岛(一小说中的飞行浮岛)

8、kapuka ─── 连帽衫

9、Laputan ─── n.浮岛;adj.不切实际的;梦想的;异想天开的

Laputa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、as each visitor is required to have an valid address in Republic of Laputa. ─── 每位访客必须在莱普特共和国有合法居住地址。

2、I wanna find my Laputa, my castle in the sky, my real paradise, my final happiness.I wish I could, I wish I will. ─── 而我的天空之城,要用 告诉我几个激情的网址 天堂的光明把地狱的黑暗一点一点覆盖.

3、from which they say, by corruption, was derived Laputa, from Lapuntuh. ─── 我的晚饭送了上来,四位我记得曾在国王身边见到过的贵人赏光陪我吃饭。

4、So he intends to catch Sheeta with the army and forced her to to point out the way to Laputa. ─── 所以他想要利用军队抓住希达然后逼迫她指出去拉普达的路。

5、The Destination Address on your landing card does NOT exist in Republic of Laputa. ─── 您在海关入境卡上填写的莱普特共和国境内居住地址不存在。

6、But I couldn't do it, since I was about to make Laputa at that time. ─── 但是我不能作,因为那个时候我正要作天空之城。

7、The scientific research undertaken in Laputa and in Balnibarbi seems totally inane and impractical, and its residents too appear wholly out of touch with reality. ─── 在此从事的科学调查似乎是全然的愚蠢、不切实际,岛上的居民完全与现实脱节。

8、I ventured to offer to the learned among them a conjecture of my own, that Laputa was quasi lap outed; ─── 第一道菜是切成等边三角形的一块羊肩肉和一块切成长菱形的牛肉,和一块圆形的布丁。

9、"Theme from Laputa" and "Mission Impossible" were performed. ─── 演出"天空之城主题音乐"及"职业特攻队".

10、The word, which I interpret the flying or floating island, is in the original Laputa, whereof I could never learn the true etymology. ─── 事后我才发现,国王和全朝人士因此都十分鄙视我的智力。

11、Laputa - Castle in the Sky Fanlisting ─── 不死的天空之城

12、I had discovered the flying island of Laputa. ─── 我发现了勒皮他飞岛。

13、It is a "Laputa" , set up in the clouds above. ─── 它,是一座「天空之城」,建立在云朵之上。

14、An Englishman who travels to the imaginary lands of Lilliput,Brobdingnag,and Laputa,and the country of the Houyhnhnms in Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels(1726). ─── 格列佛在乔纳森·斯威夫特的讽刺作品格列佛游记(1726年)中,一个曾漫游过想象中的小人国、大人国、浮岛和马国的英国人。

15、His characters are often happiest when they are soaring through the air.Miyazaki's fascination3 with flight and flying machines is gloriously expressed in Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986). ─── 对宫崎骏而言,飞行象征着自由的终极表现,而电影主角感到最愉快的时刻,就是翱翔天际之时。

16、Laputa: The Castle in the Sky ─── 专辑:天空之城

17、Spanish speakers were never keen on Mazda's Laputa (“the whore” on weels). ─── 而讲西班牙语的客户绝对不会对马自达的Laputa感兴趣(西语意为“轮子上的妓女”)。

18、Laputa only lives in peopls's hearts. ─── Laputa只在人们的心中。

19、Spanish speakers were never keen on Mazda's Laputa (“the whore” on wheels)[]. ─── 西班牙语买主更是从来不感冒Mazda’sLaputa(意为坐车的“妓女”)。

20、Laputa is Ideality, Fantasy, Love and Life. ─── Laputa是理想,幻想,爱和生命。

21、An Englishman who travels to the imaginary lands of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, and Laputa, and the country of the Houyhnhnms in Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels(1726). ─── 格列佛在乔纳森 斯威夫特的讽刺作品格列佛游记(1726年)中,一个曾漫游过想象中的小人国、大人国、浮岛和马国的英国人

22、But I do not approve of this Derivation, which seems to be a little strained.I ventured to offer to the Learned among them a Conjecture of my own, that Laputa was quasi Lap outed; ─── 这时候,他过得并不快乐,愈来愈憎恶自己居然成为野心家的走狗,他想回归自我,回到那个曾经想念着少女希达的单纯少年。

23、The Laputa and the Real World--A Comparison between French Movies and Hollywood Movies ─── 拉普特飞岛与尘世凡间--法国观念电影与好莱坞娱乐片的比较

24、Laputa Castle in the Sky ? ─── 天空之城

25、The pirates, with some of the newfound wealth they found on Laputa, went off to start new lives. ─── 多拉海盗带着在拉普达新发现的财宝离开,并开始新的生活。

26、Laputa Castle in the Sky ─── 中文名:天空之城

27、Next, Gulliver sets sail again and, after an attack by pirates, ends up in Laputa, where a floating island inhabited by theoreticians and academics oppresses the land below, called Balnibarbi. ─── 之后,格列佛再次出航,经海盗袭击后,于飞岛国登岸,在那有座名叫巴尔尼巴比的漂浮岛屿,上面居住著理论家与学者。

28、Laputa only open it's gate in your heart. ─── 心里的Laputa才会真正开门。

29、TIME flies, I find that I'm only a DREAMCATCHER, and the DESTINY of the dreamcatchers is Failure, because the dream is in the LAPUTA. ─── 时光飞逝,我发现自己只是个追梦人,而失败是追梦人的宿命,因为梦想在那虚无的天空之城。

30、Spanish speakers were never keen on Mazda's Laputa ( "the whore" on weels). ─── 而讲西班牙语的客户绝对不会对马自达的Laputa感兴趣(西语意为“轮子上的妓女”)。

31、After all attempts to contact the Earth Laputa fail, the colonists are left with no other choice than to fight the enemies with their own means, or be annihilated. ─── 毕竟试图联络地球城失败,殖民者留下的没有别的选择,比打敌人用自己的手段,或全军覆没。

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