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09-18 投稿


legislate 发音

英:[ˈledʒɪsleɪt]  美:[ˈledʒɪsleɪt]

英:  美:

legislate 中文意思翻译




legislate 网络释义

vt. 用立法规定;通过立法vi. 立法;制定法律

legislate 词性/词形变化,legislate变形


legislate 短语词组

1、inexpedient to legislate ─── 不宜立法

legislate 相似词语短语

1、legislatives ─── adj.立法的;有立法权的;n.立法权;立法机构

2、legislative ─── adj.立法的;有立法权的;n.立法权;立法机构

3、to legislate ─── 立法

4、legislator ─── n.立法者

5、legislated ─── vt.用立法规定;通过立法;vi.立法;制定法律

6、legislatures ─── n.立法机关(legislature的复数)

7、legislatress ─── n.女性立法者;女国会议员(等于legislatrix)

8、legislature ─── n.立法机关;立法机构

9、legislates ─── vt.用立法规定;通过立法;vi.立法;制定法律

legislate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Regarding the risk control of loan on charging rights pledge, the best legislative pattern is to separately legislate the institution of charging rights pledge. ─── 关于收费权质押贷款的风险控制,最佳的立法模式是对收费权质押制度进行单独立法。

2、Government can't regulate or legislate these away, and shouldn't try to. ─── 政府不可能通过管制或立法使这些消失,而且也不应该去尝试。”

3、Alluding to threats from U.S. lawmakers to legislate a tougher stance against China's currency and trade policies, Mr.Paulson said the dialogue is the best way to get results. ─── 当间接谈到美国立委威胁通过立法在对华货币和贸易政策方面采取更为强硬的姿态时,鲍尔森表示对话才是获得成果的最佳途径。

4、The government has been urged to legislate against discrimination in the workplace. ─── 人们敦促政府制定法律在工作场所禁止歧视。

5、Influenced by the concept of western taking the blame and resigning,whether legislate in the problem of taking the blame and resigning are controversial. ─── 受西方引咎辞职概念的影响,我国在引咎辞职上是否应法制化的问题上还有争议。

6、legislate origin ─── 上游犯罪

7、Parliament this week gave him the power to legislate by decree for 18 months. ─── 就在这一周,国会给予了他18个月的立法权。

8、In most of our large cities there are associations of mechanics who legislate out of their society colored men. ─── 多数大城市都有技工协会,它们设立规章将黑人排除出本行业。

9、We will also legislate to require owners to take out public liability insurance for common parts. ─── 我们也会立法要求业主为其楼宇公用部份购买第三者保险。

10、The law cannot legislate filial responsibility any more than it can legislate love. ─── 法律不能给爱情制定法律,更不能为子女的义务而立法。

11、The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace. ─── 政府将制定法律,在工作场所禁止歧视。

12、People legislate continually by means of talk ─── 人们用讲话不断地制订着法律。

13、Legislate culture policy regulation and promote SZ culture industry development ─── 制定文化政策法规,推动深圳文化产业发展

14、Thanks to much effort on the part of many well-intentioned people, America is prepared to legislate to control carbon. ─── 多亏众多动机善良的人士尽力而为,美国愿意立法以控制碳排放。

15、Having the power to create laws; intended to legislate. ─── 有权立法的,用以立法的具有制定法律的权力的;用于制定法律的。

16、to legislate for the citizens ─── 为公民立法

17、We must grasp the qualitative aspects of things in accordance with theprinciple of types , avoid legislate the law too small or too simple and create a scientific system of tort liability. ─── 必需依类型化原理控制事物的质的方面,避免立法精细或许过简,创制科学的侵权义务体系。

18、No letters were not legislate, without believing in chaos. ─── 人无信不立,市无信则乱。

19、5.The other sugar duties remained, and the Declaratory Act of 1766 affirmed the right of Parliament to legislate in all mattes concerning Americans. ─── 其他的蔗糖关税保持不变,同时1766年的宣言法案肯定了国会对所有有关美国事务进行立法的权力。

20、Governments can't legislate to make us happy, but many things they do affect our wellbeing. ─── 政府无法通过立法来使我们快乐,但是他们做的许多事会影响到我们的心灵健康。

21、legislate for the preservation of nature ─── 制定保护自然的法律

22、You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. ─── 向富人剥削自由不等于就是向穷人给予自由,当一个人无须努力而可以获得,意味著另一个必须努力但是没有收获。

23、There have always been two viewpoints, conservatives versus liberals , about whether to legislate that English be the sentence was halved. ─── 对英语是否有必要立为美国的官方语言一直分为两派,即保守派对自由派。

24、Government should assess the outcome in the light of experience to consider whether it is necessary to legislate for periodic inspection and maintenance. ─── 政府须因应取得的经验,进行检讨,以考虑是否须要立法强制定期检验和维修楼宇。

25、Of the legal advice provided by DoJ on whether failure to legislate for paid paternity leave will constitute family status discrimination; ─── 律政司就不立法设立有薪侍产假会否构成家庭岗位歧视所提供的法律意见;

26、We also have government bureaucracies trying to legislate for or against Net Neutrality and spam. ─── 我们也有政府官僚机构试图立法支持或反对网络中立性和垃圾邮件。

27、The Importance and Urgency of National Loans for Supporting Students legislate ─── 国家助学贷款立法的研究

28、Abstract: It has become very important to legislate on the openness on the governmental information since China became a member of WTO. ─── 摘 要 :政府信息公开的立法在我国加入WTO后已经变得越来越迫切。

29、We consistently implement the code of conduct is: "people-oriented, no letter does not legislate. ─── 我们始终如一贯彻的行为准则是:“以人为本,无信不立”。

30、The government is planning to legislate against unsolicited electronic messages, or spam. ─── 政府计划立法打击滥发电子信息(垃圾邮件)。

31、A Preliminary study on legislate of purchasing by the Government ─── 政府采购立法初探

32、If you are thanking of travelling on a public holiday, you'll have to legislate for delays in the traffic. ─── 你要是想在公定假日去旅游,就得预计到旅途交通可能被耽搁。

33、To overcome law limitation, legislate and judicial main bodies need to improve their own qualifies.Besides, complex judicial behavior patterns can be built. ─── 对法律局限性的克服则需要立法主体和司法主体不断提高自身的素质,另外可以通过建构混合性的司法行为模式来克服法律的局限性的思路。

34、It is important to legislate regularly, but the more important thing is the implementation of the law. ─── 制定法律固然重要,但更重要的是法律的实施。

35、Not legislate for the Education of Biography, Zhizhirenxin, see of the Buddha, that is, heart Jifo! ─── 不立文字,教外别传,直指人心,见性成佛,即心即佛。

36、The World Health Organisation has urged goernments to legislate to ensure access to fluoride in all countries. ─── 世界卫生组织强烈要求各国政府立法来确保人民能够使用到氟化物。

37、Make the tax revenue crime of our country legislate to face the severe challenge too. ─── 也使我国的税收犯罪立法面临著严峻的挑战。

38、to legislate sb. out of an office ─── 依法罢免某人的职务

39、It is necessary to legislate for large-value electronic funds transfer. ─── 大额电子资金划拨立法势在必行。

40、He doesn't believe that it's the government's place to legislate this issue. ─── 他不认为这是政府的立场去将此事法制化。

41、5. Intensive trend day by day to legislate and enforce the law of the international organization. ─── .国际组织的立法和执法功能日益强化的趋势

42、Legisl have it that the fairy princess fall in love with a pauper ─── 据传说,那位仙女般的公主爱上了一个贫儿

43、legislate against over-time work ─── 以法律禁止加班 [超时] 工作

44、and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. ─── 宣称他们自己有权就一切事宜为我们制定法律。

45、They promised to legislate to protect people's right to privacy. ─── 他们承诺立法保护公民的隐私权。

46、Prior to this, the working class had “imprudently, indolently, and ignorantly permitted the consuming classes, who live on the produce of their labor, to legislate for the interest of their own class. ─── 在此之前,工人阶级“竟然轻率地放权给那些享用他们劳动成果的劳动阶层,让他们为工人阶级的利益立法,对此工人阶级却没做什么考虑”。

47、We will legislate to control volatile organic compounds by the end of the year. ─── 我们还会于年底立法管制挥发性有机化合物。

48、Second, any foreign company falling under the rule cannot easily be obliged to fall into line unless foreign countries legislate accordingly, which seems an extremely remote possibility. ─── 其次,受到该规则影响的外国公司很难同意这么做,除非其他国家也相应也采取相应立法,不过现在看起来可能性很小。

49、Humans are the rational existence who can legislate for themselves, and they are the existence of liberty and self - discipline, incarnating the dignity and grandness of human beings ; ─── 人是能够自我立法的理性存在,人是自由、自律的,同时体现了人的尊严与伟大;“上帝”是为道德的实现而预设的,并没有淹没人的主体性地位。

50、in legislate aspect, commit for post fault stipulate also far lose in post intentional criminal, lack unify, tight legal stipulation; ─── 在立法方面,对于职务过失犯的规定也远远少于职务故意犯,缺少统一、严密的法律规定;

51、The arts students who get high total score more tend to be legislate . judicial and global style than the arts students who get low total score, but not to be monarchic style ; ─── 文科总成绩高的学生比总成绩低的学生更趋向于立法型、审判型、和全局型思维风格,更不趋向于专制型思维风格;

52、legislate sb. out of an office ─── [美]按法定手续免某人的职

53、Higher medical costs legislate against an improvement in health. ─── 医疗费用的上涨妨碍了健康的改善。

54、and so the world forgets that the main business of Criticism, after all, is not to legislate, nor to classify, but to raise the dead. ─── 于是世人遂忘记,批评的首要职务并不是去制定条律,也不是去做分类,而是去起死回生。

55、You can't legislate against bad luck! ─── 你无法用立法手段来阻止恶运!

56、I can't legislate good manners.But I can encourage good manners whenever I'm addressing a group of young people. ─── 我不能为礼貌立法,但是只要我有机会向一群年轻人演讲,我就可以鼓励讲礼貌这种行为。

57、They promised to legislate to protect people's right to privacy. ─── 他们承诺立法保护公民的隐私权。

58、We also have government bureaucracies trying to legislate for or against Net Neutrality and spam. ─── 我们也有政府官僚机构试图立法支持或反对网络中立性和垃圾邮件。

59、But the talks have been predictably difficult, not least because Mr Sarkozy has let it be known that, if no deal is reached by the new deadline, the government will legislate anyway. ─── 但是谈判如所预料的那样有困难,不仅仅因为萨科齐先生告诉大家:如果在新的期限到来后未能达成协议,政府将无论如何都制定新的法律。

60、It should be forbidden to legislate exuberantly without meaning in reality. ─── 杜绝搞形象工程式的无任何实际意义的“观赏性立法”。

61、The Guangzhou paper quoted a legal professor as saying that Xiamen had no right to legislate such changes. ─── 广州造纸引述一位法律教授说,厦门已无权立这种变化。

62、Even in Chile, where divorce has been legal only since2004, a gay-rights group has begun lobbying politicians to legislate against discrimination. ─── 即使在2004年离婚才合法的智利,一个同性恋权利团体也开始了对政治家的院外游说,试图立法来对抗歧视。

63、At the time this legislation was enacted in June 1967, South Africa's right to legislate for Namibia had already been forfeited and its occupation of the Territory had become illegal. ─── 1967年6月颁布该法时,南非在纳米比亚的立法权已被取消,它对该地区的占领也已成为非法。

64、But this distinction is hard to make in practice and even harder to legislate for. ─── 但是这种区别在实务上很难判定,甚至更难立法加以规范。

65、Is it necessary to legislate to regulate pet-keeping? ─── 你认为有必要通过立法来规范宠物饲养吗?

66、It has been proved necessary to legislate against unequal treatment of women is employment ─── 已经证明必须立法禁止在就业中对妇女的不平等待遇。

67、Therefore, it is very urgent to legislate for the right of privacy. ─── 因此,为隐私权立法刻不容缓。

68、The arts students who get high total score more tend to be legislate、 judicial and global style than the arts students who get low total score, but not to be monarchic style ; ─── 文科总成绩高的学生比总成绩低的学生更趋向于立法型、审判型、和全局型思维风格,更不趋向于专制型思维风格;

69、For administer the governmental autonomy of minority autonomous regions is to legislate and go by the perfect law to ensure all the current law into effect. ─── 摘要民族自治地方政府自治权的依法行使就是要做到有法良法可依和保证现有法律的全面落实。

70、The president says his nominee would not "legislate" from the court, but would "strictly apply the Constitution and laws." ─── 总统说他的被提名人不会去“创立法律条文”,而会“严格执行宪法和法律”。

71、It's impossible to legislate for every contingency. ─── 为每一偶发事件都立法是不可能的。

72、In order to improve the air quality at roadside,it is needed to legislate to make drivers shut down their engine after parking. ─── 为了改善路边的空气质量,须立法规定司机停车后必须关掉引擎。

73、AIB said it had been legally obliged to pay the bonuses, but that Lenihan has said he will now legislate on the issue. ─── 爱尔兰联合银行表示,支付这笔红利是法律义务,但是勒尼汉表示将对这次事件进行调查。

74、He said Ms.Miers, who has never been a judge, would strictly interpret the laws of the Constitution and not legislate from the bench. ─── 他说,迈尔斯女士从来没有担任过法官,她将严格解释宪法法律,不会制定法律。

75、For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever ─── 关闭我们自己的立法机关,有权就一切事宜为我们制定法律。

76、The author assumes that it is useless to legislate euthanasia or legalize it before we theoretically make clear what euthanasia is. ─── 本文认为,如果我们尚未从理论上搞清楚安乐死,那么为安乐死立法或者使之合法化自然也就无从谈起。

77、Since ancient times the Chinese nation have the laudatory title, Confucius has said: "No Tony, not to legislate. ─── 中华民族自古都有“礼仪之邦”的美称,孔夫子也曾经说过:“不学礼,无以立。”

78、It Is Imperative to Legislate for Forensic Expertise ─── 司法鉴定管理立法势在必行

79、If an issue crops up the manager could ask me to do something or wants us to do something and you can never legislate for something that may crop up. ─── 假如一个问题忽然出现,教练将会要求我做点儿什么,或者期待我做点儿什么,但你永远无法知道什么问题会忽然出现。

80、Can Public Libraries of China Legislate Separately ─── 我国公共图书馆能否单独立法

81、In the legislative practice, phenomenon of going beyond one's commission to legislate is seen more frequently; ─── 在立法实践中,越权立法的现象不时可见;

82、If you're thinking of traveling on a public holiday, you'll have to legislate for delays in the traffic. ─── 如果想在公定假日去旅游,就得预计到旅途交通可能出现被耽搁的情况。

83、education legislate ─── 教育立法

84、Former president Bill Clinton said it was as if somehow school boards "could legislate differences in algebra or math or reading. " ─── 前总统比尔。克林顿说,好像不知何故学校董事会“在代数或者数学或者阅读方面会有立法分歧”。

85、The other sugar duties remained, and the Declaratory Act of 1766 affirmed the right of Parliament to legislate in all matters concerning Americans. ─── 1763年2月10日,法国将北美和印度交给英国,从此法国在北美的势力不复存在。

86、Having the power to create laws;intended to legislate. ─── 有权立法的,用以立法的具有制定法律的权力的;用于制定法律的

87、Before the fire government had mostly stayed away from business feeling it had no power to legislate it. ─── 在这场火灾之前,政府自认为没有立法权而远离企业监管。

88、He might as well have tried to legislate the word "dream" out of American public discourse. Dreams? Reality? ─── 他莫不如试着通过立法将“梦想”一词逐出美国的公众话语。梦想?现实?

89、Humans are the rational existence who can legislate for themselves,and they are the existence of liberty and self-discipline,incarnating the dignity and grandness of human beings;" ─── 人是能够自我立法的理性存在,人是自由、自律的,同时体现了人的尊严与伟大;

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