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tomentose 发音

英:[toʊˈmentoʊs; ˈtoʊmənˌtoʊs]  美:[təʊˈmentəʊs]

英:  美:

tomentose 中文意思翻译



tomentose 词性/词形变化,tomentose变形

名词复数: tomcod |

tomentose 相似词语短语

1、tormentors ─── n.长肉叉;使苦恼的东西;使苦痛的人

2、-mentos ─── 曼妥思(指一种薄荷糖)

3、comatose ─── adj.昏迷的;昏睡状态的;麻木的;怠惰的

4、loments ─── n.[植]节荚

5、tomentous ─── adj.被绒毛的

6、foments ─── vt.煽动;挑起;热敷

7、sarmentose ─── n.长匐茎糖;adj.具长匐茎的

8、mementos ─── 纪念品(memento的名词复数)

9、mentos ─── 曼妥思(指一种薄荷糖)

tomentose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ovary conoid, tapering into style ca. 7 mm, densely tomentose, glandular, rarely glabrous;style glabrous. ─── 子房圆锥形,渐狭成为花柱长约7毫米,密被绒毛,具腺,很少无毛;

2、Leaf blade abaxially loosely yellow-brown or gray stellate tomentose to pubescent, marginal teeth short and broad. ─── 叶片背面松弛黄褐色或灰色被星状绒毛在短柔毛,和宽的边缘的齿短。

3、Young stems terete to frequently 4-angled or subalate, glabrous, puberulous, pubescent, or tomentose, often glabrescent. ─── 嫩茎圆柱状到经常地四棱形或略似翼的,无毛,被微柔毛,短柔毛,或被绒毛的,通常后脱落。

4、ovary conoid, tapering into style ca. 6 mm, densely tomentose and glandular-setulose; ─── 子房圆锥形,渐减成为花柱长约6毫米,密被绒毛和具腺具小刚毛;

5、Leaves abaxially rusty tomentose on midvein and lateral veins to throughout entire surface. ─── 叶背面锈色绒毛在中脉和侧脉上到在整个全缘的表面。

6、Bud scales usually persistent. Corolla yellow flushed pink, to pink; ovary at least partly glandular-tomentose. ─── 芽鳞通常宿存。花冠黄带粉红色,到粉红色;子房至少部分具腺被绒毛。

7、tomentose pummelo ─── 化橘红

8、Stems erect, simple, sparsely tomentose proximally, glabrous or glabrescent distally, rarely sparsely with stellate trichomes. ─── 茎直立,单,下部的稀疏绒毛,上部的无毛或脱落无毛,很少疏生具星状毛。

9、Leaves long petiolate, blade triangular-hastate, rarely cordate-ovate, abaxially gray-white, densely gray tomentose. ─── 叶具长叶柄,叶片三角形戟形,很少心形卵形,背面灰白色,浓密灰色被绒毛。

10、1 Branchlets pubescent when young, glabrescent; petioles glabrous; leaves abaxially gray or yellowish white tomentose; inflorescences sericeous-villous. ─── 幼时的小枝具短柔毛,后脱落;叶柄无毛;叶背面灰色的或淡黄白色被绒毛;花序被绢毛的具长柔毛。

11、epicalyx segments fasciated, slightly shorter than sepals, abaxially densely canescent tomentose and pilose, apex subobtuse. ─── 扁化的副萼片,稍短于萼片,背面浓密被灰白毛被绒毛和具柔毛,顶微钝。

12、Branchlets stout, with dense unguiculate hairs or subulate scales, not tomentose. ─── 小枝粗,具紧密的有爪的毛或者钻形鳞片,不被绒毛。

13、petiole stoutish, 2-15 mm, tomentose; ─── 叶柄略粗,2-15毫米,被绒毛;

14、Leaf indumentum abaxially brownish, thin not lustrous; stamens 12, filaments glabrous; ovary tomentose. ─── 叶毛被背面带褐色,薄不有光泽;雄蕊12,花丝无毛;子房被绒毛。

15、ovary conoid, ca. 7 mm, glandular-hairy and tomentose; ─── 子房圆锥形,约7毫米,腺毛和被绒毛;

16、Young branchlets and leaves densely yellowish brown tomentose, not blackened when dry. Stipules present. Leaf base and apex attenuate. Female flower: stigma entire or lobed. ─── 幼枝和叶浓密黄棕色被绒毛,干燥时不使变黑。有托叶。叶基部和先端渐狭。雌花柱头全缘或浅裂。

17、Petiole and catkin rachis tomentose. ─── 叶柄和柔荑花序轴被绒毛。

18、Fruit pyriform; leaf blade abaxially densely gray or yellowish gray tomentose. ─── 果梨形叶片背面浓密灰色的或淡黄灰色被绒毛。

19、4(3) Leaves acuminate, margin crenate-serrate, abaxially rufous tomentose on veins at least when young; inflorescence 20-30-flowered; widely distributed in China. ─── 叶渐尖,边缘具圆齿有锯齿,红棕色被绒毛在脉上幼时至少;花序20-30花;在中国的广泛分布。

20、Branchlets and both surfaces of leaf blade glabrous, or tawny tomentose only when young. ─── 小枝和叶片两面无毛,或者只是幼时茶色被绒毛。

21、Leaves cuspidate or shortly caudate at apex, yellow-green to dark green, mostly somewhat tomentose abaxially, margin often coarsely serrate. ─── 叶骤尖的或短尾状在先端,黄绿色对深绿色,有点多数背面,边缘通常有粗锯齿的。(7

22、Branchlets and terminal buds tomentose. ─── 小枝和顶芽被绒毛。

23、Description: Shrubs, up to 2 m tall; young twigs, petioles and peduncles rusty tomentose. ─── 形态特徵:灌木,高达2米;当年小枝、叶柄和总花梗被簇状绣色绒毛。

24、Twigs, petioles, and leaf blades abaxially and inflorescences densely tomentose. ─── 小枝,叶柄和叶片背面和花序密被绒毛。

25、Young branchlets and leaves silky villous or white tomentose, blackened when dry. Stipules present. Leaf base and apex attenuate. Female flower: stigma entire or lobed. ─── 幼枝和叶绢状的具长柔毛或白色被绒毛,干燥时使变黑。有托叶。叶基部和先端渐狭。雌花柱头全缘或浅裂。

26、Calyx ca. 9 mm, flaccid tomentose, tube villous inside; ─── 9毫米的约花萼,萎软状,在里面筒部具长柔毛;

27、epicalyx segments fasciated lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, shorter than or rarely nearly equaling sepals, abaxially pilose and white tomentose. ─── 副萼片扁化的披针形的或椭圆形披针形,短于或很少近等长萼片,背面具柔毛和白色被绒毛。

28、Branchlets and both surfaces of leaf blade appressed tawny villous or densely appressed silvery tomentose at least when young. ─── 贴伏茶色具长柔毛的小枝和叶片两面或者银色光泽被绒毛的浓密贴伏至少幼时。

29、Nutlets triquetrous, ellipsoid, brown, stellate tomentose, glandular; ─── 三棱的小坚果,椭圆体,棕色,被星状绒毛,腺;

30、Leaves abaxially tomentose on midvein and lateral veins, basally rounded to truncate. ─── 叶背面被绒毛的在中脉和侧脉上,基部圆形的到截形。

31、Branches terete, ca. 5 mm in diam., densely ferruginous tomentose.Leaves imparipinnate, 22-30 cm, axis densely shortly tomentose; ─── 圆柱状的分枝,直径约5毫米,密被锈色绒毛叶奇数羽状,22-30厘米,轴密被短被绒毛;

32、branchlets ferruginous tomentose, later grayish brown, glabrous, lenticellate. ─── 小枝被锈色绒毛,过后淡灰棕色,无毛,具皮孔。

33、Young shoots, pedicels, petiole and ovary stipitate-glandular and tomentose; upper layer of leaf indumentum spongy. ─── 幼枝,花梗,叶柄和子房具柄具腺和;上层叶毛被海绵状。

34、base obtuse to rounded;margin revolute;apex acute to rounded;abaxial surface epidermis glaucous-papillate, whitish to cinnamon continuously tomentose, hairs dendroid, glandular setae on midrib; ─── 基部钝到圆形边缘外卷先端锐尖到圆形背面表皮有白霜具乳突,带白色到肉桂色连续被绒毛,毛树枝状,具腺刚毛在中脉;

35、Young shoots, petioles, abaxial surface of leaves, inflorescence, calyces and pods densely tomentose. ─── 嫩枝、叶柄、叶背、花序、花萼和荚果密被毡毛。

36、Plants with dense, glandular hairs throughout; abaxial surface of leaflets sometimes deciduously tomentose. ─── 全部的植株具紧密的,腺毛;小叶背面有时被绒毛的脱落的。

37、Current year branchlets spreading hirsute; leaf blade elliptic to ovate-oblong, 2-5.5 cm; petals white; ovary tomentose. ─── 当年小枝平展的具粗毛;叶片椭圆形到卵状长圆形,2-5.5厘米;花瓣白色子房被绒毛。

38、Branchlets pilose, rarely subglabrous. Female flower: ovary and capsule densely gray tomentose. ─── 小枝具柔毛,很少近无毛。雌花浓密的子房和蒴果灰色被绒毛。

39、2(1) Leaves subentire or inconspicuously denticulate, abaxially incanous or yellow tomentose; style deeply 3-lobed to base. ─── 叶近全缘的或不明显具小齿,背面的被灰白毛的或黄色被绒毛;花柱3深裂至基部。

40、Grafting Triploid Populus tomentose Carr. With Different Rootstock ─── 三倍体毛白杨不同砧木嫁接试验

41、Leaf blade ovate, broadly ovate, or elliptic-ovate, abaxially tomentose, base rounded or cordate, lobes shortly acuminate at apex. ─── 叶片卵形,宽卵形,卵形的或椭圆形,背面,基部圆形或心形,裂片短渐尖在先端。

42、Herbs annual, 20-100 cm tall, not farinose (but young leaves and inflorescence rachis sometimes slightly tomentose). ─── 一年生草本,20-100厘米高,不被粉(但是有时幼叶和花序轴稍被绒毛)。

43、Leaves of sprouts with petioles terete, 2-5 cm, adaxially canaliculate, tomentose; ─── 圆柱状的菜芽具叶柄的叶,2-5厘米,正面具沟,被绒毛;

44、Leaf blade abaxially pubescent or tomentose, base cordate; follicles smooth, or longitudinally sinuate-striate or transversely plicate-corrugate. ─── 叶片背面短柔毛或者被绒毛,基部心形;折扇状横向的蓇葖果平滑,或者纵向具深波状具条纹的或皱。(3

45、Shrubs 1-1.5 m tall, young branchlets tomentose with white stellate and verticillate hairs, soon mealy and then glabrous. ─── 5米高的灌木,幼嫩小枝被绒毛具白色星状的和轮生毛,不久粉状和无毛。

46、Inflorescence white tomentose; leaf blade lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, base attenuate, apex acuminate-obtuse or rounded. ─── 花序白色被绒毛;披针形叶片披针形的或倒卵形,基部渐狭,先端渐尖钝的或圆形。

47、Branchlets, leaves, petioles, and pedicels densely hairy, with long hirsute and short gland-tipped hairs, or densely tomentose. ─── 小枝,叶,叶柄和花梗有密毛,带有具长硬毛和短的顶端有腺体的毛或者密被绒毛。

48、Herbs annual, biennial, or perennial, often hispid or tomentose, hairs often mostly simple. ─── 一年生,二年生草本,或多年生植物的,通常具糙硬毛或被绒毛,毛通常多数单的。

49、Branches densely gray minutely tomentose, with simple and stellate hairs when young, later subglabrous, with longitudinally exfoliating bark. ─── 分枝浓密被绒毛的灰色微小的,单的具幼时星状毛,过后近无毛,具纵向剥落树皮。

50、Plants with dense, glandular hairs throughout. Leaflets abaxially sometimes deciduously tomentose. ─── 全部的植株具紧密的,腺毛。小叶背面有时脱落的被绒毛。

51、Ovary eglandular, tomentose or glabrous; style usually glabrous, rarely tomentose at base. ─── 子房无腺体,被绒毛的或无毛;花柱通常无毛,很少被绒毛的在基部。(10

52、Branches few, reddish brown to brown, grayish yellow tomentose, glabrescent, shallowly furrowed. ─── 很少的分枝,红棕色在棕色,被绒毛的淡灰黄色,后脱落,浅棱槽。

53、Young shoots setulose or tomentose, with or without sparse setulae; corolla white, pink, crimson or purple. ─── 幼枝具小刚毛或被绒毛,有或没有稀;花冠白色,粉红色,深红色或紫色。(14

54、Herbs annual, biennial, or perennial, tomentose, usually canescent. ─── 一年生草本,两年一次的事,或者多年生植物,,通常被灰白毛。

55、Two-year-old branches glabrous. Leaves abaxially tomentose on midvein and lateral veins, basally rounded to truncate. ─── 两年老枝无毛。叶背面被绒毛的在中脉和侧脉上,基部圆形到截形。

56、Petiole 1.5-5 cm; leaf blade 6-10 cm, broadly elliptic, ovate-orbicular, or triangular-ovate, abaxially gray-white tomentose, adaxially glabrous, marginal teeth often prominently awned. ─── 叶柄1.5-5厘米;6-10厘米的叶片,宽椭圆形,卵圆形,或三角状心形的,灰白色被绒毛,正面无毛,边缘齿通常显著具芒的。

57、Branchlets gray-brown, canescent or ferruginous tomentose. ─── 小枝灰棕色,被灰白毛或者被锈色绒毛。

58、Leaves abaxially densely rusty yellow or rust colored, rarely rufous tomentose; terminal inflorescences short subracemes, rarely cymose panicles, with few flowers. ─── 叶背面密被锈色黄的或锈色,很少红棕色被绒毛;顶生的花序短近总状花序,很少密伞圆锥花序,具很少花。(56

59、Leaf blade usually ovate, oblong, or ovate-elliptic, abaxially tomentose, glabrescent. ─── 叶片通常卵形的,长圆形,或卵状椭圆形,背面被绒毛,脱落无毛。

60、Branchlets gray to yellowish brown scurfy pubescent or tomentose, lenticels orbicular. ─── 小枝具灰色的到黄棕色具鳞屑短柔毛或被绒毛,皮孔圆形。

61、abaxial surface densely spongy to compacted, white to fawn, tomentose, hairs dendroid sometimes with a floccose rufous upper layer. ─── 背面海绵状密被到紧密的,白色到淡黄褐色,被绒毛,毛树枝状有时具被丛卷毛红棕色上层。

62、petiole 7-11 mm, canescent or ferruginous tomentose; ─── 叶柄7-11毫米,被灰白毛的或被锈色绒毛;

63、Branches dark purplish, young branchlets and petioles sparsely spreading hirtellous and mixed snow white tomentose. ─── 分枝深色的略带紫色,幼枝和叶柄疏生平展的具微糙硬毛和混合雪白被绒毛。

64、Petals reddish, elliptic, 3-4 mm, yellow tomentose on parts exposed in bud. ─── 带红色的花瓣,椭圆形,3-4毫米,在芽中暴露的部分具黄绒毛。

65、Bracteoles and sepals outside velutinous, inside glabrous; ovary tomentose; capsule pericarp furfuraceous. ─── 天鹅绒似的小苞片和萼片外面,里面无毛;子房被绒毛;蒴果果皮软鳞片状。

66、ovary conoid, ca. 10 mm, tomentose; ─── 子房圆锥形,约毫米,被绒毛;

67、Description: Shrubs, up to 2 m tall; young twigs, petioles and peduncles rusty tomentose . ─── 形态特徵:灌木,高达2米;当年小枝、叶柄和总花梗被簇状绣色绒毛。

68、annual growth felty tomentose with gray-yellow hairs. ─── 一年生者具毡状灰黄色绒毛。

69、Branchlets, veins on both surfaces of leaves, petioles, and catkin rachis tomentose. ─── 小枝,叶子的静脉在两面,叶柄和荑花序轴被绒毛。

70、Branchlets flexuose rust-colored tomentose. ─── 小枝之字形锈色被绒毛。

71、Radical leaves with 2 pairs of leaflets, leaflets adjacent, abaxially densely white tomentose, densely sericeous on veins, margin not revolute. ─── 2小叶的胚根叶具,临近的小叶,背面浓密白色,密被绢毛在脉上,不外卷的边缘。

72、Young branchlets densely brownish tomentose. Petiole densely tomentose; leaf blade oblong-ovate to lanceolate-ovate, leathery, abaxially densely brownish stellate tomentose, adaxially very scabrous. ─── 幼枝密被的带褐色被绒毛。叶柄密被绒毛;叶片长圆状卵形到披针形卵形,革质的,密被带褐色被星状绒毛,正面粗糙。

73、ovary cylindric-conoid, ca. 5 mm, densely tomentose; ─── 子房圆筒状圆锥形,约5毫米,密被绒毛;

74、Citrus grandis Tomentos peel ─── 化橘红胎

75、Branchlets and leaves gray stellate tomentose; leaf blade ovate-orbicular, marginal teeth triangular. ─── 在外面的花冠肉质,深红色的或紫色,具鳞片;叶背面具远的鳞片。

76、Perennial, caespitose from a short woody rhizome clothed in tomentose sheath remnants. ─── 从在被绒毛的鞘剩余内给穿衣的一短木质根状茎多年生植物,丛生。

77、Petiole 3-5 cm; leaf blade to 14 cm, abaxially loosely yellow-brown or gray stellate tomentose to pubescent, marginal teeth short and broad. ─── 叶柄3-5厘米;叶片达14厘米,背面松弛黄褐色或灰色被星状绒毛到短柔毛,边缘齿短和宽的。

78、young twigs, petioles and peduncles rusty tomentose. ─── 当年小枝、叶柄和总花梗被簇状绣色绒毛。

79、Young branches yellowish green, turning grayish black, terete, rugose-striped, densely grayish white tomentose, glabrescent. ─── 幼枝淡黄的绿色,变为浅灰色黑色,圆柱状,具皱纹条纹,密被浅灰色白色被绒毛,后脱落。

80、Ovary (female flowers) obcordiform, 2-lobed, 2-loculed, lobes subglobose, glabrous or tomentose; ─── 子房(雌花)倒心形,2裂,2室,近球形的裂片,无毛或被绒毛的;

81、Branchlets, petioles, and rachis of inflorescence densely villous. Leaves densely pubescent and tomentose abaxially. ─── 小枝,叶柄和花序轴密被长柔毛。叶密被短柔毛和被绒毛背面。

82、branches of current year, petioles, and rachis of inflorescence tawny tomentose. ─── 当年生枝、叶柄、叶背及花序轴均被棕色或黄灰色短绒毛。

83、branchlets and abaxial surface of leaves yellowish brown tomentose. ─── 小枝和叶背面被短绒毛。

84、upper lip ca. 9 mm, margin irregularly denticulate, densely bearded inside, densely lanate and stellate tomentose outside, hairs with a long central arm; ─── 9毫米的约上唇,边缘不规则具小齿,在里面浓密具髯毛,浓密具绵状毛和被星状绒毛在外面,毛具中心具刺的长;

85、;persistent calyx explanate, pentangular, ca. 4 mm in diam., tomentose, shallowly 5-lobed, lobes obtusely triangular, ciliate; ─── 宿存花萼平展,五角,直径约4毫米,被绒毛,浅5裂,裂片钝三角形,纤毛;

86、tomentose anemone root ─── 大火草根

87、5(4) Leaf blade ovate, lanceolate or elliptic, abaxial surface setulose and tomentose. ─── 叶片卵形,披针形的或椭圆形,背面具小刚毛和被绒毛。

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