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09-17 投稿


kern 发音

英:[kɜːrn]  美:[kɜːn]

英:  美:

kern 中文意思翻译





kern 网络释义

vi. 使铅字上下突出;将…做平n. 仁,核;颗粒;(铅字面之)上下的突出部分n. (Kern)人名;(德、英、匈、波、罗、捷)克恩;(瑞典)谢恩

kern 短语词组

1、kern plasma relation theory ─── [医] 质核关系学说

2、peyer kern ─── 派尔核

3、carl kern ─── 卡尔·克恩

4、Jerome Kern ─── [网络] 杰罗姆•科恩;杰洛姆寇恩;肯恩

5、kern oscillation ─── 克恩振荡

6、Jerome David Kern ─── [网络] 杰罗姆·大卫·克恩(Jerome David Kern

7、jerome kern is often jerome core ─── 经常

8、mark kern ─── 标记核心

kern 词性/词形变化,kern变形

动词过去分词: kerned |动词过去式: kerned |动词现在分词: kerning |动词第三人称单数: kerns |

kern 相似词语短语

1、kerne ─── n.核心;乡下人;轻装步兵

2、ern ─── n.白尾海雕(等于erne);n.(Ern)人名;(罗、德)埃尔恩

3、Fern ─── n.弗恩(女子名)

4、Bern ─── n.伯尔尼(瑞士首都,等于Berne)

5、-ern ─── n.白尾海雕(等于erne);n.(Ern)人名;(罗、德)埃尔恩

6、Kern ─── v.调整(铅字或字符的)间距;(使)铅字重叠;设计具有出格部分的(金属铅字);n.铅字的出格部分;爱尔兰轻装步兵;农民,乡下人;(墙、柱子等的)断面核;n.(Kern)(爱、丹)克恩(人名)

7、Vern ─── n.弗恩(男子名,等于Vernon)

8、dern ─── n.织补处(等于darn);秘密;秘密的地方;秘密状态;门柱;黑暗;adj.秘密的;狡猾的;沉闷的;诚挚的;v.隐藏,掩盖;(使)隐藏;n.(Dern)(美)德恩(人名)

9、kerns ─── n.(Kerns)人名;(德、英)克恩斯

kern 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Warschauer, M. &Kern, R.Network-based Language Teaching.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. ─── 何高大.现代教育技术与现代外语教学[M].南宁:广西教育出版社(2002).

2、W. A. Kern and C. A. Deckert, in Thin Film Processing, J. L. Vossen, ed., New York: Academic(1978). ─── 丁志明,方维伦等九十八人,微机电系统技术与应用,行政院国家科学委员会精密仪器发展中心出版第53页,民国92年.

3、Pastel Reflections by Kevin Kern ─── 倒映的彩色蜡笔画

4、#Logging much else clutters up the screen #kern. ─── * /dev/console 用户可以在一行中指明所有的设备。

5、Kern canyon rhabdovirus ─── 克恩峡谷弹状病毒

6、Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. ─── 克恩先生将那孤儿收为养子。

7、Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, J. Kern ─── 眼中的烟翳

8、The bad conditions caused long tailbacks. These truckers are waiting for the freeway to reopen between Castaic Lake, north of Los Angeles, and Kern County. ─── 恶劣的天气使交通瘫痪,卡车司机们等待加州卡斯泰克湖和克恩县之间的公路重新开放。

9、Kevin Kern - The Winding Path ─── 风的迷藏

10、Kyle amazes one of Kern's colleagues with his mental prowess, but he gets no closer to finding out about himself. ─── 凯尔使科恩的一个同事非常惊讶于他的智力水平,但是他并没有更多地了解到关于自己的事情。

11、Dad, can you lend Kern and me 36 dollars? ─── 爸爸,你能借给我和克恩36美元吗?

12、Kern KA,Sentinel lymph node mapping in breast cancer using subareolar injection of blue dye. ─── 傅建民,刘新杰,麦沛成.亚甲蓝染色法检测乳腺癌哨兵淋巴结的临床应用.广东医学.

13、The Pine Tree Wind Project will feature 80 of GE Energy's 1.5-megawatt wind turbines and will be located approximately 110 miles north of Los Angeles, near Mojave, in Kern County. ─── 该项目名叫松树风能计划(PineTreeWindProject)将安装80个通用能源的1.5兆瓦特的风力涡轮机,位于离洛杉矶以北大约110英里的地方,靠近克恩郡的莫哈韦沙漠。

14、Kern River oil field ─── 克恩河油田

15、Kern counter ─── 尘粒计数器

16、Kern's bone holding forceps ─── 克恩(氏)持骨钳

17、kern oscillator ─── 核振荡器

18、Daemons kern produced by kernel messages internally used for time stamps ─── 定时发送消息的时标程序

19、" Chandler said his friend Phil Kern was using a nail gun to mount lattice on Chandler's deck when a hose on the powerful tool became caught. ─── 钱德勒表示,他的朋友菲尔.科恩正用钉枪要把一个格子架固定在钱德勒的桌子上,结果这把威力强大的工具的软管突然卡住。

20、Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. ─── 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。

21、Well-known composers and lyricists of musicals have included Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, George and Ira Gershwin, Cole Porter, and Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe. ─── 著名的音乐歌舞剧作曲家及抒情诗人有伯林、克思、罗杰斯、哈默斯坦、格什温兄弟、波特、勒纳和洛伊等。

22、As Kyle yearns to know more about his past he, Lori and Declan take a trip to find out more about Professor Kern. ─── 而在去华盛顿大学的路上,罗莉和戴克伦也对各自的生活有了新的审视。

23、J. L. Vossen and W. Kern, Thin Film Processes II, Academic Press, Inc., Bonton (1991) 21. ─── 何主亮,教育部材料科技改进计画,薄膜技术光碟教材,台中(1996)电浆技术。

24、Hlec,H. Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning. Warschauer M and Kern R. Network-based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice. ─── 教育部.高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求.高等教育出版社.2000.11.

25、Kern factor ─── 克恩因子

26、Research of kern of embedded oprating system ─── 嵌入式操作系统的内核研究

27、Humans have never, ever opted for slower," points out the historian Stephen Kern. ─── 人类从未,也永远不会选择放慢速度,”历史学家斯蒂芬·克恩说。

28、The accident occurred at 10 a.m. local time in Kern County, about 50 kilometers northeast of the base, according to Kristina Constant of Edwards Air Force Base. ─── 据美国一位发言人说,一架隶属于南加州艾德沃兹空军基地的F-22战斗机在飞行测试中坠毁。

29、The accident notice the local entomologist, Daniel Lang and the writer, Sandra Kern attention. ─── 这件离奇车祸引起了当地的昆虫学家丹尼岭及作家桑德拉的注意。

30、Just five years earlier, Dr. Kern Alexander had said children would be better off in the schools of almost any state other than Arkansas. ─── 五年前,克思.亚历山大博士曾说,阿肯色州的教育水平是最差的。

31、Professor Kern gave a talk on American drama. ─── 克恩教授作了一次有关美国戏剧的讲演。

32、What was important most was that he gave a piece of Hang Zhou silk to an American athlete Kern, triggering the greatest diplomatic event in the 20th century. That is the "Table Tennis Diplomacy" afterwards. ─── 庄则栋不仅当过最年轻的部长,更主要的是因为他在日本送给美国运动员科恩的一块杭州丝绸,引发了20世纪最伟大的一场外交大事。

33、Embedded oprating system is the croe of the embedded application,and the kern is the most important part of the opratingsystem. ─── 嵌入式操作系统是嵌入式系统应用的核心。

34、kern distance ─── 核心距


36、Remifentanil by bolus injection: a safety, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and age effect investigation in human volunteers T. D. Egan, S. E. Kern, K. T. Muir, and J. White ─── 雷米芬太尼加药:安全性,药代,药效动力学以及年龄的人体志愿者效应研究

37、Kern said it's possible that as well as affecting health behaviours, conscientiousness also influences the kind of people we end up mixing with and the situations we find ourselves in. ─── 克恩同时还认为,勤勉认真的态度有可能促进人们健康合理的行为,因此它也影响到我们最终会成为什么样的人以及我们所在的环境。

38、David Kern, who advises the BCC, says: "There is now a distinct risk that the minimum wage will have an adverse effect on jobs. ─── 英国商会顾问大卫?科恩说:“目前显而易见的危险就是最低工资将对就业产生负面影响。”

39、The Bull fire was one of two large fires burning in Kern County on July 27. ─── 这场大火是科恩县7月27日遭遇的两场大火之一。

40、To provide(type) with a kern. ─── 使(铅字)具有突出部分

41、kern oscillation ─── 核振荡

42、They stopped raising money for their trip to Camp Kern and began raising money for the flood victims. ─── 他们停止了为坎普克恩之旅筹资,而开始为洪水的受难者募集。

43、Sundial Dreams - Kevin Kern ─── 日晷仪梦-凯文·柯恩

44、Measuring Principles of the Kern E2/DM503 and Its Field Evaluation ─── 瑞士Kern E2/DM503电子速测仪的测量原理及其野外评价

45、Ms Kern , I think you have already known that I want to discuss with you the problem of agency for your table cloths. ─── 科恩女士,我想你已经知道了,我想同你谈谈你们的桌布代理事宜。

46、Kyle joins Lori and Declan on a trip to the University of Washington to learn more about Professor Kern. ─── 凯尔与罗芮和戴克伦一起踏上了前往华盛顿大学的旅途,去更多地了解一些关于科恩教授地事。

47、Ms Kern, you must be quite aware that we have a wide connection in Australia as well as a large experience in business. ─── 科恩女士,你必须明白,我们除经营有方之外,还同澳大利亚有广泛的业务关系,

48、Compared by the apprenticeship in ancient times, nowadays the content of the apprenticeship has been enriched and the kern of apprenticeship has been flexible. ─── 与古老的学徒制度相比,现在的学徒制度形式更加灵活、内涵也有了很大程度的深化和延伸。

49、Steam injection, among the oldest heat-based methods, was decisive in the revival of the Kern River Oil Field back in the early 1960s. ─── 加热是历史最悠久的方法,其中蒸汽注入法是1960年代初期让美国克恩河油田重现生机的决定性因素。

50、My friend Kern and I came upon a post office. A worker said that Tower 2 had fallen. ─── 我和我的同事科恩跑到附近的一家邮局,有个工人说,二号楼已经倒了。

51、Kern, W., 1993, Handbook of Semiconductor Wafer Cleaning Technology, Noyes, U.S.A. ─── 张俊彦、郑晃忠,1997,积体电路制程及设备技术手册,经济部技术处,台湾。

52、Kern The part of a piece of type projecting beyond the body. ─── 铅字粒上,突出字身外的部份。

53、Mr. Kern is a clean liver. ─── 克恩先生是个生活上洁身自好的人。

54、Kevin Kern - To sleep On Angel's Wings ─── 静眠天使翼

55、To this day, Kern River's steam-injection project is among the largest of its kind in the world. ─── 至今,在同类方法中,克恩河油田的蒸汽注入法仍是全世界最常见的一种。

56、Another composer, Jerome Kern, once said of Irving Berlin: ─── 另一位作曲家杰罗姆?克恩,曾经这样评价欧文?伯林:

57、The experimental data has been obtained by the test of heat transfer performance of two types of heat exchanger with helical baffles. According to the Kern Law,the approximate calculation formula of heat transfer coefficient is derived. ─── 对两种不同螺旋角的螺旋折流板换热器进行传热测试,利用测得试验数据,根据Kern法推导出这两种螺旋折流板换热器壳程传热系数的近似计算公式.

58、Screenless Tip-Screenout Fracturing Triples Production in Kern River Field ─── 油田产量增至三倍

59、Kern is a world leader in making machine tools for producing tiny parts used in industries such as medical systems, defence, electronics and watch production. ─── 该公司是医疗系统、国防、电子和手表等行业微型零件机床的全球领军企业。

60、Aber in gewissem Sinne ist Kulturaustausch viel wichtiger, denn der Kulturaustausch dient vor allem einem besseren Kennenlernen und einem guten sinnvollen Austausch zwischen verschiedenen V鲽kern. ─── 但是文化在某种意义上比这个还重要的多,因为首先文化的交流有助于不同民族间更深的了解和适当的交流。”

61、One example of that is Kern Microtechnic, based near Munich. ─── 总部位于慕尼黑附近的KernMicrotechnic公司就是这样一个例子。

62、kern track ─── 调整字轨

63、Das Projekt “Ubiquitous RWTH for Mobile E-Learning” besteht im Kern aus MOPS (Mobile Professoren und Studenten), dem bereits teilweise installierten Wireless Local Area Network der RWTH. ─── 计划“亚琛工大无所不在的电子远程教育”以MOPS为核心(教授和学生之间的笔记本电脑),亚琛工大已经部分地安装了无线局域网。

64、kern plasma relation theory ─── [医] 质核关系学说

65、Do you not think the grand theft within Kern County, which the local sheriff did NOT respond to, is cause for a grand jury investigation? ─── 难道你不觉得对,大内盗窃克恩县,当地警长没有回应的是调查导致一个大陪审团?

66、2.Messrs.Schneider & Kern have given us your name as a reference respecting their financial standing. ─── Schneider & Kern公司推荐我方向贵方了解他们的金融财务状况。

67、Kern argues that Rowling's writing exhibits a philosophy suggestive of an updated form of stoicism. ─── 克恩提出罗琳的写作展示出一种现代化的斯多葛学派哲学。

68、Applying kerning when rendering text is a rather easy process.It merely consists in adding the scaled kern distance to the pen position before writing each next glyph. ─── 在渲染文本时应用字据调整是一个比较简单的过程,只需要在写下一个字形时,将缩放的字距加到笔位置即可。

69、Nowadays the operation system based in windows98 has beceme the main stream. But in the aspect of teaching, the kern of the teachers' instruction is still based on DOS, and the courses for every specialized subject are the same. ─── 目前基于Windows 98的操作平台已成为主流 ,而在教学方面 ,计算机基础内容讲授的仍以Dos操作系统为核心。

70、kern stone ─── 粗粒砂岩

71、Ariana Vorko-J., Josipa Kern, Zrinka Biloglav, 2006, Risk Factors in Urban Road Traffic Accidents, Journal of Safety Research 37, pp.93-98. ─── 交通部运输研究所,2000,易肇事路段改善措施之绩效评估-肇事地点筛选方法与指标之研究。

72、He seems now also to be seeing this other person-daphne Kern? ─── 他现在似乎也在跟另一个人——达芙妮-克恩约会吧?

73、North York Church purchased a building at 32 Kern Rd., North York. ─── 北约堂在北约区购置建筑物作堂址。

74、Father teaches you to play hide Kern, but this time, his father decided to stay long. ─── 爸爸教你玩了躲迷藏,不过这一次,爸爸决定躲好久好久。

75、Kern's music has a kind of sensitive grace and his arrangements allow plenty of room for violin (Jeremy Cohen), cello (Thalia Moore), Luis Baez (clarinet), and Bob Ward (French horn). ─── 舒服的心绪舒展了我的四肢,暖洋洋的我,已经无话可说了,只有默默的看着那双手,撩动了我的情感的飞翔。

76、Kern canyon vesiculovirus ─── 克恩峡谷水泡性病毒

77、Besides you can customize the kern values by typing a numeric value (positive or negative) in the Kerning field or select one of the presets. ─── 另外还有超过三种的对齐校准选择,改变文本图层最后一行的校准或改变选定文本的校准(左边、中心、右边)。

78、Kern isotypic determinant ─── 克恩同型决定簇

79、SandersAB,Kern KB,et al. New concepts in cardiopuimonary.Resuscitation[J]. Cardiac Impulce TM 1986,7:1. ─── 朱小康等摘,樊万福校.心肺复苏时使用碳酸氢钠的利弊[J].新医学,1988,19(11):574.

80、Kern canyon virus ─── 克恩峡谷病毒

81、Besides you can combine both Kern and Track to obtain a nice result. ─── 在那里,你可以设定单词和字母的间距、字符缩放和自动行距比例。

82、Vossen, John.L. , Kern, Werner.(1978). Thin Film Process. New York: Academic Press. ─── 庄允中(民89)。电浆技术应用市场专题研究。高雄:金属工业中心。

83、Buy: Sunflower Kernels, Pumpkin seeds, Hulled Millet, Buckwheat, Pine nuts kern ... ─── 荷兰公司采购葵花子仁,苹果干,水果罐头2007-04-06

84、He is co-founder of the book packager Paper Airplane Projects with his wife and partner,Heather Kern. ─── 对于促进我国儿童散文诗的发展,对于丰富孩子们的阅读、提高他们的审美能力与文化素质,都会有好处。

85、Eeckhout E,Kern MJ.The coronary no reflow phenomenon:a review of mechanism and therapies[J].European Heart J,2001 ;22:729-39. ─── 蔚永运,傅向华,刘君,等.冠状动脉内注射山莨菪碱对急性心肌梗死介入治疗后缓再血流现象的作用[J].临床心血管病杂志,2006;22(1):21-4.

86、Kern The part of a piece of type projecting beyond the body. ─── 铅字粒上,突出字身外的部份。

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