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09-17 投稿


indemnities 发音

英:[ɪnˈdɛmnɪtiz]  美:[ɪnˈdɛmnɪtiz]

英:  美:

indemnities 中文意思翻译



indemnities 短语词组

1、double indemnities ─── 双倍赔偿

2、counter-indemnities (counter-indemnity ─── 的复数) 背对背担保

indemnities 常用词组

claim indemnity ─── 索赔

letter of indemnity ─── 损害补偿保证书

insurance indemnity ─── 保险赔偿

indemnities 词性/词形变化,indemnities变形

名词复数: indemnities |

indemnities 相似词语短语

1、indemnifies ─── vt.赔偿;保护;使免于受罚

2、indemnitor ─── n.保障者;赔偿人

3、inhumanities ─── n.不人道,无人性;残暴

4、indemnifier ─── 赔偿人

5、indemnitees ─── n.接受赔偿者;接受保障者

6、indignities ─── n.侮辱;轻蔑;有伤尊严;无礼举动

7、inanities ─── n.空虚;愚蠢;浅薄

8、indemnified ─── v.保证赔偿;补偿(某人);(使)某人免负法律责任(indemnify的过去式及过去分词)

9、indemnitee ─── n.接受赔偿者;接受保障者

indemnities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、surgical indemnities ─── 手术补偿

2、In case an error of judgment, we just cut them down, indemnities, and then move on. ─── 如果判断错误,我们只是把它们砍下来,赔款,然后继续前进。

3、Along with the development of our Country's insurance business, defrauding insurance indemnities take place continuously and increasingly. ─── 摘要随着我国保险事业的发展,以欺诈手段骗取保险赔款的各类案件不断发生并呈上升趋势。

4、Nevertheless,France has in the interim lost her sovereignty over a large portion of the European continent; she has suffered two devastating invasions,and had to pay milliards of money in war contributions and indemnities. ─── 尽管如此,法国在这一过程中却丧失了欧洲大陆很大一个地区的主权,遭到了两次破坏严重的侵略,付出的战费和赔款达数十亿法郎。

5、Taking out Professional Indemnities Insurance Cover by Private Practitioners ─── 私人执业医生购买专业责任保险

6、All disclaimers , indemnities and exclusions shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason . ─── 所有弃权、赔偿和免责将无条件终止本协议。

7、Because the western nations sold opium in China, it ended up that China had to cede territory and pay indemnities to them. ─── 而另一方面,中国却像是西方文明的受害者,可怜兮兮的。哪一个才是她本来的面目呢?

8、The Tattaglia Family agrees, upon my persuasions and my indemnities, to forgo justice for their son Bruno. ─── 由于我好说歹说,同时还提出补偿,塔塔格里亚家族才同意不为布鲁诺报仇。

9、All disclaimers, indemnities and exclusions shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason. ─── 所有弃权、赔偿和免责将无条件终止本协议。

10、Indemnities for personal injury to passenge rs or crew; ─── 旅客和船员人身伤害赔偿;

11、After one month return, he has received 800 Yuan indemnities which unexpectedly the sub-element helps him to recover. ─── 一个月归来后,他居然收到了小分队帮助他追回的800元赔偿金。

12、Insurance indemnities; ─── 保险赔款;

13、to conduct supervision and hearings on law enforcement of industrial and commercial administration, undertake and participate in administrative review, response to litigations and indemnities; ─── 组织开展工商行政执法监督和听证工作,承担或参与行政复议、应诉和赔偿;

14、Liability insurance refers to insurance that makes the liability to indemnities of the insured to the third party as the object. ─── 责任保险是指以被保险人对第三者依法应负的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。

15、If the producers are at fault, the sellers may seek compensation from them after making their own indemnities. ─── 属于生产者责任的,销售者赔偿后,有权向生产者追偿。

16、is usual for trustees to seek counter indemnities from other shareholders. ─── 受托人通常向其他股东寻求反赔偿。

17、If, after the insurer has paid indemnities to the insured, the insured forfeits the right to indemnities from the third party, without the insurer's concent, the act is invalid. ─── 保险人向被保险人赔偿保险金后,被保险人未经保险人同意放弃对第三者请求赔偿的权利的,该行为无效。

18、It may in some cases agree to give warranties and indemnities in relation to specified risks, for example, to land contamination and employees; ─── 基于应对具体风险的需要,政府会同意给予担保和补偿,比如土地污染和(原土地占用方)的雇员经济补偿等。

19、claim for indemnities ─── 赔款的要求

20、The use of bonuses, indemnities, options and other premiums is also on the rise. ─── 采用奖金、补偿金、股票购置权以及其他奖赏等薪资形式的也在增加。

21、to cede territory and pay indemnities ─── 割地赔款

22、Prior to this enormous pressure on lifting the ban against its stock price down deep in a row, followed by Chongqing indemnities out of the hot money is very high. ─── 此前巨大的解禁压力打击其股价连续深跌,接下来重庆游资认赔出局的可能性很大。

23、If either party becomes aware of any incidents likely to give rise to a claim under the above indemnities, he shall notify the other party immediately. ─── 任何一方意识到可能会有根据上述弥偿保证规定引起索赔的事件,应当尽早通知另一方。

24、The victorious nations are demanding huge indemnities from their former enemies. ─── 战胜国要求战败国交付巨额赔款。

25、Investment over time, if the revenue or the cost of inadequate, I suggest you consider out indemnities. ─── 投资一段时间之后,如果收益还是不敷成本,建议你考虑认赔杀出。

26、Article 7 An insurance company shall not, when evaluating an outstanding loss reserve which has occurred and has been reported, deduct the prepaid indemnities for the corresponding claim case. ─── 第七条保险公司在评估已发生已报案未决赔款准备金评估时,不得扣减为相应赔案所预付的赔款。

27、After one month return, he has received 800 Yuan indemnities which unexpectedly the sub-element helps him to recover. ─── 一个月归来后,他居然收到了小分队帮助他追回的800元赔偿金。

28、The legal ceded company shall pay the insurance indemnities as required in a timely manner and in full amount. ─── 法定再保险分入公司应当按照规定及时、足额支付赔款。

29、Statistics show that, by way of these unequal treaties, the foreign aggressors made away with more than 100 billion taels of silver as war indemnities and other payments in the past century. ─── 据统计,近百年来,外国侵略者通过这些不平等条约掠去战争赔款和其他款项达白银1000亿两。

30、elective indemnities ─── 选择性补偿

31、2. Each Member should ensure that seafarers have the same legal remedies for recovering such indemnities as they have for recovering arrears of wages earned during the service. ─── 成员国应确保海员享有索取此种赔偿的法律救济,与其索取其服务期间的拖欠工资所享受的法律救济相同。

32、Tax sharing agreements of indemnities. ─── 性税务分担合约。

33、Investment over time, if the revenue or the cost of inadequate, I suggest you consider out indemnities . ─── 投资一段时间之后,如果收益还是不敷成本,建议你考虑认赔杀出。

34、According to the American related law, government, if wins this lawsuit, most can obtain is equal to the excess payment part 3 time of indemnities. ─── 根据美国相关法律,政府如果打赢这场官司,最多能得到相当于超额支付部分的3倍赔款。

35、Our proprietary rights, disclaimer of warranties, indemnities, limitations of liability and miscellaneous provisions shall survive any such termination. ─── 我们的所有权、免责声明、赔偿免责声明、责任限制和其他条款仍继续有效。

36、To deliberately fabricate insurance risks that have never occurred to make false indemnities and cheat for insurance money. ─── 故意编造未曾发生的保险事故进行虚假理赔,骗取保险金。

37、2. To pay indemnities or insurance money; ─── (二)赔偿或者给付保险金;

38、Buyer and Supplier shall consult with each other whenever required to fix the extent of compensatory damages and amount of indemnities. ─── 买方与供应商将彼此协商补偿的程度及补偿的数量。

39、Article 169 The insurance or guarantee set up by provision of Article 166 should indicate clearly priorities for payments of indemnities specified in this chapter. ─── 第一百六十九条依照本法第一百六十六条规定提供的保险或者担保,应当被专门指定优先支付本章规定的赔偿。

40、Each Member should ensure that seafarers have the same legal remedies for recovering such indemnities as they have for recovering arrears of wages earned during the service. ─── 成员国应确保海员享有索取此种赔偿的法律救济,与其索取其服务期间的拖欠工资所享受的法律救济相同。

41、To pay indemnities or insurance money; ─── 赔偿或者给付保险金;

42、insurance indemnities and payments expenditure 267.5 billion yuan, up 32.7 percent. ─── 保险赔款和给付支出两千六百七十五亿元,同比增长百分之三十二点七。

43、special indemnities ─── 特别补偿

44、We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. ─── 我们不谋求私利,不征服他人,不称王称霸,不索取赔款,只做牺牲,不求物质赔偿。

45、In the E-Bank trade,we should concentrate to protect consumer s rights in the aspects of safety,privacy,knowing what happened,fair deal and acquiring reasonable indemnities etc. ─── 在网络银行交易中,对客户权益的保护应集中在安全保障权、隐私权、知情权、公平交易权和获得合理赔偿权等方面。

46、The Customer shall pay in full any sums due to the Bank under any of these indemnities on demand . ─── 客户须按要求全数支付在此等弥偿项下欠本行的任何款项。

47、If, due to the fault of the insured, the insurer cannot subrogate the insured to exercise the right to claim for indemnities, the insurer shall reduce the payment of insurance money correspondingly. ─── 由于被保险人的过错致使保险人不能行使代位请求赔偿的权利的,保险人可以相应扣减保险赔偿金。

48、no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. ─── 我们不谋求私利,不征服他人,不称王称霸,不索取赔款,只做牺牲,不求物质赔偿。

49、Under the terms of these treaties China relinquished sovereignty, ceded territory and paid indemnities. ─── 在这些条约的规定下,中国割让土地、大量赔款。

50、To deliberately fabricate insurance risks that have never occurred to make false indemnities and cheat for insurance money. ─── 故意编造未曾发生的保险事故进行虚假理赔,骗取保险金。

51、The Customer shall pay in full any sums due to the Bank under any of these indemnities on demand. ─── 客户须按要求全数支付在此等弥偿项下欠本行的任何款项。

52、The incompetence of the government of the late Qing dynasty made us cede territories and pay indemnities again and again. ─── 晚清政府的无能使得我们一再的割地、赔款。

53、Article 171 The effective period for legal actions taken by the third party for indemnities for injuries or damage is two years, counting from the day the injury or damage occurs. ─── 第一百七十一条地面第三人损害赔偿的诉讼时效期间为二年,自损害发生之日起计算;

54、b) Shall not affect any warranties, undertakings and indemnities given by you under or arising as a consequence of the terms of this letter applying, which shall survive such termination. ─── 终止不会影响您按照本协议条款或因本协议条款做出的任何保证、承诺和赔偿的适用,并且上述保证、承诺和赔偿在终止后继续有效。

55、The relevant insurance companies shall work out plans on guaranteeing the funds for making compensations for big disasters so as to make sure that insurance indemnities be in position in time. ─── 各单位可根据具体情况,适当加强宣传保险业在抗灾救灾中所做的各项工作,重点宣传在危机中涌现出的先进人物和忘我奉献的先进事迹。

56、If the term for performing the obligee's rights as secured has not expired, such insurance money, damages or indemnities, etc. may be submitted to a competent authority for keeping. ─── 被担保债权的履行期未届满的,也可以提存该保险金、赔偿金或者补偿金等。

57、Experience shows that large indemnities do not work. ─── 经验证明大量的赔款是行不通的。

58、insurance indemnities ─── 保险赔偿金

59、However, once set to follow the trend of their short-term and then face down short, so short-term investors to follow the trend of fitted, as well as out indemnities. ─── 但是,一旦短线盘跟风踊跃,之后便变脸向下做空,使短线跟风投资者被套,以至认赔出局。

60、minimum indemnities ─── 最低补偿

61、In addition to annexing territory, they exacted huge indemnities. ─── 割地之外,又索去了巨大的赔款。

62、Who in turn are entitled to seek compensation from the sellers or service providers after making their own indemnities. ─── 展销会的举办者、柜台的出租者赔偿后,有权向销售者或者服务者追偿。

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