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09-17 投稿


jarrah 发音

英:[ˈdʒærə]  美:[ˈdʒærə]

英:  美:

jarrah 中文意思翻译




jarrah 相似词语短语

1、Farah ─── pers.法拉,法拉赫;n.法拉赫,阿富汗西部河流

2、gurrah ─── n.印度粗布

3、barrat ─── n.(Barrat)人名;(法)巴拉

4、jarrahs ─── n.红柳桉树(产于澳大利亚,红心,木质坚硬);n.(Jarrah)人名;(阿拉伯)贾拉

5、Basrah ─── 巴士拉

6、Varah ─── n.瓦拉(人名)

7、arrah ─── int.哎呀

8、Barras ─── [林]毛松香;[树脂]软树脂;n.(Barras)人名;(英、法、西、葡)巴拉斯

9、Sarah ─── n.萨拉(《圣经》中的人物);莎拉(女子名)

jarrah 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、is clad in lapped and oiled recycled jarrah and is left to weather naturally over time. ─── 包覆着搭接的涂油可回收红柳桉树,随着时间的流逝会被自然风化。

2、The other man Ziad Jarrah piloted United flight 93 which crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, and Atta flew one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center. ─── 美联社从伦敦星期日泰晤士报获得了对这盘录像带的独家播放权。

3、A wine producer in the South West that has combined this is the Wine and Truffle Co which is located in Manjimup in the pristine environment of karri and jarrah forest and fertile soils. ─── 在西南部的一家葡萄酒生产商把这种快感结合到一块儿的是葡萄酒与黑松露公司,位于尤加里和红柳桉树丛林和土壤肥沃的曼金马普区的原始环境中。

4、During the first weeks with this unorthodox case, the steps you took across the geometric rugs, on jarrah floors of a sullen red were hardly more than automatic . ─── 与这位异教徒病人相处的最初的几个礼拜里,你走过整齐匀称的地毯和暗红色的澳大利亚加利木地板的步履,几乎是茫无意识的。

5、JARRAH: "I know that's a Western festival forlovers who date or they love each other. We are not allowed to date in highschool." ─── 贾拉:“我知道这是西方人约会或定情的节日,我们国家不允许高中生谈恋爱。”

6、jarrah is believed to be one of the suspects who hijacked the flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania ─── 贾拉据信乃劫持九十三号班机,坠毁宾夕法尼亚州的劫机嫌犯之一。

7、Jarrah tie ─── 加拉木轨枕

8、Israeli police moved into the Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in disputed East Jerusalem and forcibly removed more than 50 Palestinians from their homes. ─── 以色列警察进入有争议的东耶路撒冷的谢赫.贾拉阿拉伯社区,把50多名巴勒斯坦人强行赶出家门。

9、jarrah forest ─── 桉树林

10、The other man Ziad Jarrah piloted the United Flight ninety three which crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, and Atta threw one of the planes at crashing the World Trade Center. ─── 其他人ZiadJarrah93架联合飞行的飞行员,冲到Pennsylvania地里坠毁。Atta驾驶其中一驾飞机撞毁世界贸易中心大楼。

11、Jarrah is believed to be one of the suspects who hijacked the flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania. ─── 贾拉据信乃劫持九十三号班机,坠毁宾夕法尼亚州的劫机嫌犯之一。

12、JARRAH: "I know that's a Western festival forlovers who date or they love each other. We are not allowed to date in highschool. " ─── 贾拉:“我知道这是西方人约会或定情的节日,我们国家不允许高中生谈恋爱。”

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