jutting 发音
英:[ˈdʒʌtɪŋ] 美:[ˈdʒʌtɪŋ]
英: 美:
jutting 中文意思翻译
jutting 词性/词形变化,jutting变形
动词过去分词: jutted |动词现在分词: jutting |动词第三人称单数: juts |动词过去式: jutted |
jutting 常用词组
jut out ─── 伸出
jutting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Great horns jut out above its solid white eyes. ─── 巨大的角和触须在他谨慎的白眼睛上方伸出。
2、Six operations later, he still has a 30cm (12in) steel rod jutting out from his shin and cannot walk without crutches. ─── 经历六次手术之后,还是有根30厘米(12英寸)的钢棍从他的小腿中伸了出来,离了拐杖他无法行走。
3、The importance of economic responsibility audit is becoming well known Jut economic responsibility auditing system is not perfect and audit-scale issues is difficult to grasp. ─── 摘要经济责任审计的重要性渐为人知,但也存在着经济责任审计的制度不够完善、审计尺度难以把握等问题。
4、THE Teton mountains jut suddenly and majestically out of the Wyoming plains near Jackson Hole. ─── 在靠近怀俄明平原的JacksonHole,提顿山突然雄伟的显现。
5、I slowly and very reluctantly moved to his side and he immediately upended me across his lap, my bottom jutting over his right thigh and my head and feet dangling on each side of his lap. ─── 我很慢地、而且很不情愿地走到他身边,他立即把我按到在他腿上,我的屁股翘在他的右腿上,我的头和脚垂在他的腿的两边。
6、She was spared the watching of the branches jut out beyond the point of balance. ─── 她幸免于看到将来枝干攲侧倾斜的景象。
7、I'm jutting my chin forward waiting for the part where he doesn't respect her work. It turns out that the story is already over. ─── 我正翘首以待他不尊重她的工作的那部分情节,结果故事却结束了.
8、I told Khenpo about the surprising feeling and he said of course, jut think of how many great masters had gone to read and pay homage to that scripture.Indeed. ─── 回来跟堪布说,堪布说,故事版本他听到的就有三个,不过只要想到那经书是多少伟大上师、学者们读过的,加持是必然的。
9、Jutting out diagonally from the Milky Way in the image center are dark dust bands known as the Dark River. ─── 在影像中央,由银河内斜伸出的是一条黑暗尘埃带,被称为暗河。
10、His mouth started to jut out, and his jaw got longer. ─── 他的嘴向前突出,下巴也变长了。
11、Jutting out from the isolated yet magnificent northern coast stood the thumb of the gauntlet, a small verdant peninsula. ─── 景色奇伟的北半部一侧有一个象拇指形状的突出部分,形成小小的绿色半岛。
12、He crusaded endlessly on matters big and small, exciting audiences with his high-pitched voice, jutting jaw, and pounding fist. ─── 事无巨细,他都要不断地进行改革。
13、Some say that jut as the constant running machine is easily damaged;all work without play makes Jack a dull boy. ─── 有人认为:机器连轴转会坏,人若一直学会傻,拨拨刘海,放松放松。
14、So, from the great cliff's base, jut spokes of rock crossing from bank to bank, intersecting ditches until the pit's hub cuts them off from meeting. ─── 就像这样从岩石的基础有危岩通出去而跨越堤岸和壕沟,降到那把它们截断和集合起来的井。
15、English: Placenta in bag with cut navel cord jutting out. ─── 中文:从胎盘袋子中拉出的剪断的脐带。
16、Jutting above the water line just ahead are remnants of a village that has already slipped beneath the sea. ─── 在海面水线上方是已经陷落海中的一个村庄的残余部分。
17、No sooner had the crowd thinned than a black boy with a cigarette jutting from his mouth came up to me. ─── 进来的人一稀,就有一黑孩子嘴里叼着烟卷向我走来。
18、His teeth tend to jut out a little. ─── 他的牙齿长得有点儿凸出。
19、Jutting out from the isolated yet magnificent northern coast stood the thumb of the gawntlet, a small verdant peninsula . ─── 景色奇伟的北半部一侧有一个象拇指形状的突出部分,形成小小的绿色半岛。
20、predatory tropical fishes with jutting jaws and strong teeth. ─── 有屏障样腭和坚固牙齿的热带食肉性鱼。
21、Jut xianb ax hneb hlat,njout lol sheit ax peax,dangl end ghab xongb nex yad yad lol doux ndeud xongb! ─── 新年头一天,上来发一贴,欢迎所有的苗族朋友们都来学习苗文!
22、"He had a sharp crooked nose jutting out of a lean dancer's face" (Graham Greene) ─── “他的尖尖的鹰钩鼻子从那舞蹈演员的瘦削的脸上突出来”(格雷厄姆·格林)
23、She jut down a few note, and later transcribe them into an exercise book ─── 她草草做了些笔记, 然後誊写在练习本上
24、When the engineer and his assistant jut their heads through open side windows to see the track ahead, coal cinders whip into their faces.Their bloodshot eyes tear. ─── 不需信号,司机和他的助手把他们的头伸出开着的侧窗了望前方的路轨,煤炭灰打在他们的脸上,他们的眼睛透着血丝,流着泪水。
25、He had a sharp crooked nose jutting out of a lean dancer's face(Graham Greene) ─── 他的尖尖的鹰钩鼻子从那舞蹈演员的瘦削的脸上突出来(格雷厄姆 格林)
26、A red convertible rips along with Andy at the wheel, cigar jutting from his grin, warm wind fluttering his tie. ─── 安迪开着一辆红色的敞蓬车疾驰在路上,嘴上叨着雪茄,暖风吹拂着他的领带。
27、Excellent Works 4--The College of Architeture and Urban Planning, B JUT ─── 4号优秀方案--北京工业大学建筑与城规学院设计
28、A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water; a headland. ─── 岬,海角伸出到水体中的陆地或岩石的高脊; 岬或海角
29、To cause to jut. ─── 使伸出,使突出
30、To jut out; hang suspended. ─── 悬挂,悬置
31、I just found that my life like a doll , jut do the things over and over again. ─── 你愿意把你的灵魂交给我。你说无论怎样都好,只要我愿意。
32、Farther upstream there are dry docks, jutting out ominously into desert, where boats were once moored. ─── 远在上游的地方曾经是些船舶停靠的港湾,现在都已经干涸。那些矗立在沙漠之中的桅杆带给人一种不祥的预感。
33、You know, as parents, you don't always instruct the children what to do and how to do, jut let them go and give them the advice at the right time. ─── 你知道吗,为人父母,并不需要规定孩子要做什么以及如何去做,而是在他们需要的时候给出正确的建议。
34、Scanning down from the jut of my chin to the tips of my toes, I’ve even managed to brand my feet. ─── 从下巴的尖端到脚趾尖扫视下来,我甚至还设法在脚上打上了烙印。
35、"Imagine," I said, "if I'd had a vision and worked at it, jut a little bit every day, what might have I accomplished? ─── 我说,“想象一下,如果我当时有这样的一个想法并且坚持为此而努力,每天做一点点,到现在又会完成了多少呢?”
36、But the makeshift boat, with a prow jutting out of the front and a taxi sign on the roof, was intercepted by the U.S.Coast Guard about 32 km off Key West on the southern tip of Florida. ─── 但这艘前方有一块突出于船首、船顶还有计程车标志的临时船只,却在佛罗里达州南端的基威斯特外海三十二公里处,遭美国海岸防卫队拦截。
37、not everytime need to 进入 de ?if jut wanna use finger den how ? ─── 回答:是的,用手指也可以。不需要进入。
38、Well, it is jut a good place to practice my oral english.hha .. ─── 优秀是一种习惯,生命是一种历程,放弃是一种智慧。
39、She is jut one track-minded ,not be harmful. ─── 她只是一根筋,但并无恶意。
40、Not a happy life, also not bad, jut normal. ─── 你觉得自己现在的生活状态总体而言开心吗?
41、But you jut tell me that you only have 115LBS. ─── 但你却告诉我,你只有115磅.
42、jut nend ad jut weib ghobnhangb? ─── 今年的这一年啊,又是为了什么?
43、at this great wedge of granite cliffs jutting out high above the freezing sea. ─── 在这个伟大的起源,在花岗岩峭壁尖端高处上冰冻的海洋。
44、I've seen photographs: the church's blackened posts jutting like the ribs of a felled mammoth. ─── 我看过那些照片:教堂烧黑了的柱子戳在那里,像一只坍倒的长毛象的肋骨。
45、A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water;a headland. ─── 岬,海角伸出到水体中的陆地或岩石的高脊;岬或海角
46、Jutting out of the eastern coast of Canada is Nova Scotia, where summers are hot, winters are cold and property is fairly affordable. ─── 新斯科舍探出加拿大东部海岸之外,这里夏天炎热,冬日寒冷,房价相当地低。
47、Happily,the architect had foresight to build it strong: the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall,and the corners defended with large jutting stones. ─── 幸亏建筑师有先见把房子盖得很结实: 窄小的窗子深深地嵌在墙里,墙角有大块的凸出的石头防护着。
48、Kowloon is the peninsula jutting south and offers chaotic narrow streets with a mix of malls, street markets and residential tenements. It is densely populated and noisy, but very exciting. ─── 九龙是向南突出的半岛,混乱窄小的街道组合着商场、市场和住宅公寓。这里人口密集和吵杂,但令人兴奋。
49、His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile. ─── 他脚滑了一下,试图抓住一块突出的砖瓦。
50、A red convertible rips along with you at the wheel, cigar jutting from you grin, warm wind fluttering his tie. ─── 你开着一辆红色的敞蓬车疾驰在路上,嘴上叨着雪茄,暖风吹拂着你的领带。
51、Well, conserv-ion isn't jut the business of a fewn the Marketing orld, the laws of nature. ─── 其实环保不仅是小众关心的事,而是关乎每个人的切身问题,是亿万年来的大自然法则。
52、Jut your neck out ever-so-slightly.If it feels really stupid or it hurts, it’s the right pose. ─── 尽可能的伸长颈部,直到感觉不舒服时,那才是正确的姿势。
53、OG is jut a game. ─── 人生也不过是场游戏。
54、jump forward, project, jut out, protrude, outleap ─── 向前跳。跳到前面。向外突出。凸出。
55、Towards the Iranian border and south to the gulf, rigid and yellowing reeds jut from a hard-baked landscape of cracked mud. ─── 在这片靠近伊朗边境,南接海湾的土地上,现在只有龟裂的泥地上耸立衰黄的连天芦苇。
56、The disease left her with a crippling jumble of nerves jutting out from the base of her spine. ─── 疾病造成从她的脊椎底神经致残漏外。
57、Global warming is forcing ice shelves to calve, producing icebergs like this monolith jutting into the waters of the Antarctic Peninsula. ─── 全球变暖使冰架崩塌,分离成尖突石块形状的冰山,漂浮在南极半岛的水域中。
58、More than a hundred teeth jut from narrow jaws that must have been adept at snagging fish ─── 在狭窄的下颚间,100多颗利牙突兀而出,这些利牙在戳鱼时一定游刃有余。
59、He dropped her rag-doll body on top of another corpse in a truck, leaving their bloodied, bare feet jutting out the back. ─── 小女孩的尸体裹着毡子,被士兵扔在一辆卡车上的另一具尸体上。尸体还是血淋淋的,裸露的双脚吊在车卡外面。
60、Way off we the steep bluffs, dark with trees and jutting with gray stone that marked the course of the Irati River. ─── 我们往远处看去,是树木苍翠,灰岩耸立的绝壁,表明下面是伊拉蒂的河道。
61、He saw a gun jutting out from a window of the opposite building ─── 他看见一枝枪从对面楼的一扇窗户里伸出来。
62、But his grimace and jutting jaw were new for Game 1. ─── 但他的狰狞表情和咬紧的牙关是第一战新出现的。
63、Green wherever I looked and hardly any part of the land below was not punctuated by jutting and jagging mountains and scrabbled and scribbled and sciggled all over with wriggles of rivers. ─── 我看见到处都是绿色,下面的土地随处点缀着高耸的山脉,遍布着弯弯曲曲的河流和小溪。
64、The natural eco-environment of Cai Damu Basin is really fragile, this situation is not jut determined naturally, but also relates to the human's sweeping producing activities in it. ─── 摘要柴达木盆地自然生态环境十分脆弱,这种状况不但由其禀赋所决定,更与近50多年来人类在盆地开展的大规模生产活动不无关系。
65、a pipe jutting from his mouth; ─── 从他嘴里发出的尖锐的哨声;
66、Without using the penholder grip from table tennis, however, it proved impossible to hold them without the sharp bit jutting into the soft flesh of the hand. ─── 我无法想象, 他们倒底是那根筋不对, 使用的餐具把吃饭变成连氪元素都已因健康和安全而拒绝的游戏。
67、Harbor View This is a laidback place at the end of a pier jutting well into Manila Bay near Quirino Grandstand. ─── 坐落在远离嘈杂街区的公寓大楼之上,有带空调的卧室、整洁、小巧的扇形房间、绿色的阳台和舒适的公用休闲室。
68、jut out ─── 伸出
69、2.A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water;a headland. ─── 岬,海角伸出到水体中的陆地或岩石的高脊;
70、With wing torn and jutting bone ─── 伴随着撕裂的翅膀和裸露的白骨
71、At a second angle in the road was a large flat rock, jutting out northward, overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended. ─── 在道路的另一拐弯处,一块扁平的巨石向北突兀伸出,俯视着道路穿越升起的峡谷。
72、I balanced the handle of the pail on the jutting tip of the metal faucet and waiting for it to fill ─── 我把水桶的把手挂在金属龙头那突起的尖头上,找好平衡,等着它接满水。
73、When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick. ─── 但晶体之间若无法适当啮合,有些原子可能凸出到它原本不该出现的位置,从而成为可与病毒结合的缺陷处。
74、Jut press the swith on your arm rest. By the way, would you like a copy of the latest"Guangzhou Daily"? ─── 只在扶手处压一下开关,顺便说一下,你想要一份最新的《广州日报》吗?
75、Jutting out diagonally from the Milky Way in the image center are dark dust bands known as the Dark River. ─── 在影像中央,由银河内斜伸出的是一条黑暗尘埃带,被称为暗河。
76、Liu Suqing; Qu Buhua; Xia Shuhui; Wu MaofuThe Pharmaceutical Researclt Institute of Jutting Hospilal (Nanjing 210002); ─── 南京总医院金陵药物研究所;
77、predatory tropical fishes with jutting jaws and strong teeth ─── 有屏障样腭和坚固牙齿的热带食肉性鱼
78、I am jutting my chin forward waiting for that part where he doesn't respect her works.It turns out that the story is already over. ─── 我伸长脖子等着听他是如何不尊重她的工作的,却发现这个故事已讲完了。
79、I got there in the late afternoon and crawled out on a rock jutting over the canyons edge to watch the sun go down. ─── 我是在接近黄昏的时候到达那里的,我爬上峡谷上一块突出的岩石,观赏日落。
80、the jutting limb of a tree; massive projected buttresses; his protruding ribs; a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck. ─── 伸出的树枝;结实的突出的扶壁;他的突出的肋骨;一堆木板在他的卡车的尾部伸出。
81、Happily, the architect had foresight to build it strong: the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall, and the corners defended with large jutting stones. ─── 幸亏建筑师有先见把房子盖得很结实:窄小的窗子深深地嵌在墙里,墙角有大块的凸出的石头防护着。
82、The rafters that jut out rot first. ─── 出头的椽子先腐烂。
83、Below the nostrils in the open end of the tube-like trunk is at least one tiny finger-like piece jutting up. ─── 在像管状象鼻的开口一端的鼻孔的下面,至少有一个突出的手指一样的小东西。
84、At the salient of that second angle was a large flat rock, jutting out from the ridge to the northward, overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended. ─── 在这第二个拐角的突出部有一个大而平坦的岩山,从山脊向北伸出,俯瞰深谷,路就是从那几盘旋而上的。
85、NEAR the top of a half-submerged mountain, jutting out of the Atlantic on the south-western tip of Ireland, stands a set of monastic remains that present historians with a puzzle. ─── 小组的成立使吉本斯信心大增,他说自己的看法值得其他人一听。比如,他最近新发现了一条穿越该岛的朝圣路线,该路线与已知的两条路线相连。
86、jut out or project in space. ─── 在空间上突出或者凸出。
87、Rockformations jut from the floor of the Grand Canyon of YellowstoneNational Park. Floods from melting glaciers helped carve this canyon,deepening it and removing most of its sand and gravel. ─── 意译:峡谷照片美术馆。岩层突出所提的黄石国家公园的大峡谷。洪水从冰川融化帮助雕刻这个峡谷,加深它,并消除其大部分沙和碎石。
88、the jutting limb of a tree; massive projected buttresses; his protruding ribs; a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck. ─── 伸出的树枝;结实的突出的扶壁;他的突出的肋骨;一堆木板在他的卡车的尾部伸出。
89、"Where glaciers meet mountains in Canada's Yukon Territory, some peaks jut from the ice like islands in a frozen sea. ─── 在加拿大育空地区的冰川和山脉交汇之处,一些山峰突出冰层,看起来就像冰封海洋中的岛屿。
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