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09-17 投稿


jollification 发音


英:  美:

jollification 中文意思翻译



jollification 网络释义

n. 欢乐,热闹

jollification 同义词

merry | gala | carefree | buxom | jovial | ebullient | joyful | passably | terribly | reasonably | brisk | kid | very |cheerful | terrifically | fun | gleeful | pretty | festive | mirthful | good-humored | somewhat | extremely | breezy | moderately | bright | banter | hugely | fairly | really | josh | jocund | friendly | cheery | middling | chaff | happy | tremendously | gay | boon | pleasant | comic | jolly boat

jollification 短语词组

1、jollification da jollification da

jollification 反义词

melancholy |gloomy

jollification 词性/词形变化,jollification变形

副词: jollily |动词过去式: jollied |名词: jolliness |形容词最高级: jolliest |动词第三人称单数: jollies |名词复数: jollies |动词过去分词: jollied |动词现在分词: jollying |形容词比较级: jollier |

jollification 相似词语短语

1、mollification ─── n.缓和,减轻;抚慰

2、amplification ─── n.[电子]放大(率);扩大;详述

3、solidification ─── n.凝固;团结;浓缩

4、nullification ─── n.无效;废弃;取消;(美)州对联邦法令的拒绝执行或承认

5、jollifications ─── n.欢乐,热闹

6、Anglification ─── 英语化

7、jellification ─── n.胶凝;冻结

8、coalification ─── n.煤化作用

9、mellification ─── 熔化

jollification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2.In the south of Nanjing, the room 111 of No. 1 teaching building of the new campus of Southeast University was filled with jollification. ─── 在南京之南,破地而出的东南大学九龙湖新校区里,教学楼1座111室热闹非凡。

2、Entered agencies by chance, just discover very noisy there-how can the place of the jollification be without me? ─── 偶然进了社群,才发现那里很热闹---热闹的地方怎么可以少了我呢?。

3、For example grew at the brides side of family jollification since the childhood, and habitually the family was desolate of male square. ─── 例如从小生长在家庭热闹的女方,和习惯家庭冷清的男方。

4、I liked jollification, but I also liked quietness; ─── 我爱热闹,也爱冷静;

5、market,the jollification gets up, the one is prosperous to prosper. ─── 市场,热闹起来,一片兴旺发达.

6、An object, a world ,as I look down to the flying seasons under my brush ,I recall with emotion of these tiny lives.In the sonic changing world , they use to be full of jollification and enthusiasm. ─── 一物一世界,我注视着笔下流逝的季节,感怀这些小小的生命,在急速变化的世界里,它们也曾很热闹过,也充满了激情。

7、Walk, we collect together a jollification. ─── 走,我们去凑个热闹。

8、The citizens of Far Far Away were in jollification. ─── 在他们度完蜜月之后,来自“遥远国”的钦差来到他们居住的沼泽地。

9、Jollification in christmas day, a shopping festival, go to HongKong! ! ! ─── 圣诞节热闹,买东西的节日,去香港!!!

10、Burden on the woman's maiden special weight, not only have to send 51 large flower steamed, but also to send curtain, blankets, sheets and other objects, jollification 1 days. ─── 女方娘家负担特重,不仅要送51个大花馍,还须送门帘、被褥、床单等物,欢宴1天。

11、I liked jollification, but I also liked quietness; ─── 我爱热闹,也爱冷静;

12、The jollification and harmony act as a symbol of the prosperity of the extended family. ─── 婚礼的热闹团圆象征着这个大家庭的人丁兴旺。

13、I am Pollux.So I like not only jollification,but also quiet.Honesty is the basic to get along with my friends.If I am a luckdog,Let me know U,Let's be friend. ─── 双子座的我爱热闹也爱安静,以诚为做人之本,希望能在这里认识一位有缘的朋友。

14、Only in the embanked courtyard of county senior high school which was located in halfway up the mountain, there was a scene of jollification at the moment. ─── 只有在半山腰县立高中的大院坝里,此刻却自有一番热闹景象。

15、But at the very time , I recalled a sentence writern by Zhuziqing :" the jollification belongs to others , nothing belongs to me . ─── 可是,我却想起了朱自清的一句话:热闹是他们的,我什么也没有。

16、"Treating ambition several elder brothers go to your compartment noisy jollification! " Die fatty direction. ─── “待会哥们几个去你们包房热闹热闹!”死肥道。

17、1.True love no need jollification, no need luxary, no need glory, and also no need airy fairy. ─── 真正的爱情是不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究繁华更不讲究噱头的。

18、I also like her children to learn, embroider, shop store jollification, laughter is much also. ─── 我也喜欢孩子们到她店里学、绣,店里热闹了,笑声也就多了。

19、I can remember the jollification in my childhood on that day every year. ─── 我还记得童年时这个节日的热闹气氛。

20、I can remember the jollification in my childhood on that day every year. ─── 我还记得童年时这个节日的热闹气氛。

21、Bath is samller than portsmouth, but the population is larger than that of portsmouth.It is also much more jollification than portsmouth.You can see so many people on the road. ─── 估计,中小学教师之中的非英语教师,我不是最差劲的,还是无法领略“具体风情”,其他人可以想见。

22、Laypeople likes jollification,connoisseur knows knowledge. ─── 外行看热闹,内行看门道。

23、The Cumulate of tonight is so jollification! ─── 今晚的凯普来特是那么的热闹!

24、it is a jollification in west mountain scenery famous spot area , guanyin mountain , gold palace , zoo . etc. ─── 届时在西山风景名胜区观音山金殿动物园等地尤为热闹。

25、Xilituzhao temple is the most delicate temple that exists today,there will held evangelical activities here every year such as Buddha meeting and jump Qia wood,which are of jollification. ─── 席力图召是呼和浩特现存最精美的一座寺庙,每年还会在这里举行佛会、跳“恰木”等宗教活动,热闹非凡。

26、For this, some know of the privates appeal to observe a festival and pay attention to a cultural content, don't rush through jollification blindly. ─── 为此,一些有识之士呼吁过节要注重文化内涵,不要盲目地赶热闹。

27、There are many people here , about 30,000,000 , and possibly no less than this figure now , if you like to enjoy jollification , you should live here . ─── 我们这里的人口很多,有3000万人,现在可能还不止,如果你喜欢热闹,我们这里很适合你。

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